Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Publication Ethics Statement: All parties involved in the publishing process (authors, editorial board, and referees) must decide by ethical behavior standards. The International Journal of Peer-Reviewed Human and Artistic Studies has developed international standards for all parties to guarantee high ethical standards. The International Refereed Journal of Human and Artistic Studies expects all parties to abide by these standards. The best broadcasting ethics standards are supported, and all possible precautions are taken against publication malpractices. As the publisher of the International Refereed Journal of Human and Art Studies, it takes its duty of guardianship at all stages of publishing very seriously and accepts its ethical and other responsibilities.

International Standards for Authors

All authors applying to the International Journal of Human and Art Studies must voluntarily comply with international standards (ethical principles determined by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

Authors must confirm that their manuscripts are original works. Plagiarism, fabrication, forgery, duplicate publication, data production… it is against international publication ethics.
Authors should not cause physical or legal harm to research participants and should not engage in psychological abuse. In addition, authors should guarantee privacy and anonymity to those who participate in their research.
Authors should identify the persons or institutions (sponsors) that support the research.
Authors must confirm that the article has not been previously published and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
Authors should include all sources used in creating their manuscripts in the reference list.
When an author notices a material error or inaccuracy in his published work, he must immediately notify the editor or publisher of the International Journal of Human and Artistic Studies and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article.
Authors should report any conflict of interest to the International Journal of Human and Art Studies.
International Standards for the Editorial Board

The editor and editorial board members of the International Journal of Human and Art Studies are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (ethical principles set by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

The Editorial Board should keep the information regarding all submitted manuscripts confidential.
The editorial board is responsible for making publication decisions for submitted articles.
The Editorial Board should strive to meet the needs of readers and authors.
The Editorial Board should strive to improve the quality of the International Journal of Human and Art Studies quality.
The Editorial Board should attach utmost importance to scientific quality and originality.
The Editorial Board should always be ready to issue corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.
The editorial board prevents the same author from publishing twice a year. He tells the author that he can save the article for the next year or withdraw the article.

International Standards for Judges

Referees are required to comply with international standards after accepting the invitation to arbitrate. The International Journal of Human and Art Studies referees are expected to voluntarily comply with international standards (ethical principles determined by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

The referees should keep the information about the manuscript confidential.
Reviewers should bring to the attention of the Editorial Board all information that may be grounds for rejecting the article's publication.
The referees should evaluate the articles in terms of scientificity.
Reviewers should objectively evaluate manuscripts only based on their originality, importance, and relevance to the journal field.
Reviewers are independent of the authors. The author or those working in the same institution as the authors cannot act as referees.
Reviewers must notify the International Journal of Human and Artistic Studies of any conflict of interest.
The International Journal of Human and Art Studies checks all manuscripts for plagiarism using the iThenticate or Turnitin tool. Authors should strictly avoid plagiarism. The International Journal of Human and Art Studies does not publish articles with results exceeding 20% of the similarity report. International
Articles submitted to the Journal of Human and Art Studies must be original and not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Editors thoroughly check submitted articles to identify the publication of articles and prevent misconduct. If research is identified as malicious, the corresponding author is responsible for the retraction or correction of the manuscript according to the feedback of the editor and the referees.

Approval Policy
The author or authors must comply with ethical and legal standards, and the following conditions must be communicated to the research participants:

Participants in your research should be informed that research will be conducted on them.
Participants in your research should be informed that participation is voluntary, there is no penalty for refusing to participate, and participants can withdraw at any time without penalty.
Participants in your research should be informed about the purpose of your research and the procedure you will follow.
Participants in your research should be informed about the contact information they can reach you for answers to questions about the research.
Participants in your research should be notified of any risks or inconveniences that may affect them if they agree to cooperate.
Participants in your research should be informed of the possible direct benefits of participation (for example, obtaining a copy of the article or chapter).
Participants in your research should be informed about how their privacy will be protected.
Studies that require the approval of the Ethics Committee are as follows.

focus group work
All kinds of research are conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants using experiment and interview techniques.
Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical studies on humans,
Animal studies,
To the personal data protection law, retrospective studies require an ETHICS COMMITTEE REPORT or PERMISSION.

Stating that an "informed consent form" was taken in case reports,
Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
It is MANDATORY to state that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

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