Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 11/30/21

Year: 2021

The International Journal of Human Mobility (IJHM) is an open-access peer-review journal that aims to contribute to the diversification and enrichment of migration studies in a way that meets today’s changing conditions and needs, supporting relational studies that go beyond classical approaches and examine differences and uncertainties with a process-based approach.

Dergimiz akademi içinden ve dışından kamu, sivil toplum, özel örgütler gibi birçok farklı kurum ve kuruluşta çalışanların göç olgusuna dair araştırmalarına yer vermektedir. Son derece karmaşık süreçleri içerisinde barındıran ve çok disiplinli olan göç alanında, bütüncül bir yaklaşımı hedefleyen dergimiz, ampirik özgün araştırma, derleme, olgu tanıtımı, kısa yazı ve kitap tanıtımlarına yer vermektedir. İHUD, farklı yaklaşım ve disiplinlerin yer alabileceği sayı editörlüğü ve özel sayılar gibi oldukça esnek ve çok amaçlı bir yapıya sahiptir. 
IJHM welcomes research addressing the migration phenomenon both from the academic community and from the members of public, private and civil organizations and aiming at a holistic approach to migration, which contains complex and multidisciplinary processes. IJHM includes original empirical research, compiled works, case studies, short articles, and book reviews. IJHM has a flexible and multi-purpose structure, such as issue editions and special issues, where different approaches and disciplines can contribute. It aims to include studies with critical points of view and create a scholarly platform that opened to all researchers can freely share their work.

APA 6 the version-style in-text citation method should be used.

For more detailed information

Examples of APA bibliography (source and Reference System according to APA 6.0)

In-text Citations: Referencing can be done in two ways:

1-When a reference is made using the author?s last name in a sentence, the author?s last name is not used again in a reference made after the last name or at the end of the sentence.

For example, Kirişçi (1996, p. 391), according to the figures shared, around 200 thousand immigrants came from Bulgaria in the 1920s and 30s, while about 120 thousand Turkish, Tatar and Circassian immigrants entered from Romania.

2- In the sentence, when the reference is made without using the author's surname, the reference made at the end of the sentence must also contain the author's surname. For example, systematic discrimination primarily directed at Jewish descendants and state policies along this line have caused many Jews to leave Germany since the early 1930s (Reisman, 2011, p. 4).

- If there is a general reference in the text and a reference to the entire text (last name of the author, year), it is enough to write, for example (Believe, 2016). If a specific page is quoted or related ideas are taken from a specific part, the source is written along with its page (Asan, 2016, p. 47).

- Single-authored works references include the author's last name and date information. Its representation in the bibliography is as follows: Author's last name, initials of author's first name. (Year). The name of the work is written in italics. Place of printing: publisher. If the work has entered more than one print, the number of prints is also written before the print location.

For example:

Appearance in Text:

(Abadan-Ünat, 2017, s. 47)

Appearance in the Reference List

Abadan-Ünat, N. (2017). Endless Immigration from Guest Labor to Transnational Citizenship (3. Printing). Istanbul: Bilgi University Press.

References to work with two authors also indicate the last names of the two authors each time.

Appearance in Text:

(Sorensen & Olwig, 2015)

Appearance in the Bibliography:

Sorensen N. S. and Olwig, K. F. (2015). Work and Migration. New York: Taylor and Francis Publishing.

The first reference in the text gives the last names of all authors when referring to works whose number of authors is between three and five. For other references, next to the first author's last name and others (et al.) statement must be added. In English articles, the " et al." expression should be used. For example, when the source first passes (Akıncı, Nergiz and Gedik, 2015), the next pass (Akıncı et al., 2015) as. In the bibliography, the general rule should be followed, and all the names should be given.

- When referring to works with six or more authors, in the first use in the text, only with the last name of the first author, etc., it is used in conjunction with its shortening (ICD, 2017). In the bibliography view, the general rule shall be followed.

- Works of an author printed in the same year are written as (Yaman, 2016a) and (Yaman, 2016b).

- References are included in the same parenthesis when referring to more than one author, and they should be separated alphabetically by the first author's last name and by a semicolon, respectively.

For example, (Abadan-Ünat, 2015; İçduygu and Aksel, 2012; Kirişci, 1996)

- Attribution to the Web page: normal attribution rules are followed in the text: (last name of the author, year).

In the bibliography, it is written as follows: the author's surname, the initials of the author's first name. (Year). Article or chapter title. Newspaper or journal name in italics. Access address: http://www.

For example:

Appearance in Text: (Atar, 2013)

Appearance in Bibliography: Atar, N. (2013). ?Sweden, Norway, Austria in Global Aged Care and Elderly Tourism?. Tourism News. Access address: http://www.turizmhaberleri.com/koseyazisi.asp?ıd=2378

- If transferring from a web document without a page number, the paragraph number can be specified. For example, Duran suggests that the end of two years of internal turbulence and polarization will also end the purposeful authoritarianism debate in Europe towards Turkey (Duran, 2015, parag. 8).

- Studies whose author is not known or anonymous: if the author of a study is not clear, the first few words and years contained in the title are used instead of the author's last name when referring to the text. If these few words are used instead of author information, the journal, book, brochure, or report title is written in italics. If it is the title of the article or the name of a web page, it is written in double quotes. In the bibliography of the relevant studies: the full title of the study (year). It is in the form of a printing place.

For example:

View in Text: (Turkey Migration Report, 2015)

Bibliography: Turkey Migration Report. (2015). Ankara

For example:

Appearance in Text: (?Multi-Sector Needs?, 2018)

Bibliography: Multi-Sector Needs Assessment of Syrians in Turkey's South-Eastern Provinces. (2018). Access address: http://www.Turkey.iom.int/reports

- If a quoted text is given directly in work, the quoted part is shown in quotation marks.

For example:

Erçin and Adıgüzel (2017, p.186) argue that ?the element to be considered in integration processes is that representatives of new generations who master the language of the emigrated country, have strong communication skills, and are more prone to conform to social patterns?.

- If a source quoting secondary sources is referenced, a reference is made to the source that was originally used. The source list contains only the imprint information of the second source.

For example:

Appearance in text: Korkmaz quoted by Berger (...). (Korkmaz, 2011).

Bibliography: Korkmaz, A. (2017). Immigration and Religion. Konya: Dash Publishing House.

- Information based on personal conversations conducted by E-mail, phone, face-to-face or in other forms is shown in the text but not written in the bibliography. For example, Angela Merkel, in her self-criticism of her country's refugee policy, said: We Germans have also ignored the problem for a long time and shifted the urgency of a solution across Europe.? said. (Angela Merkel, Süddeutsche Zeitung interview, 31 August 2016).

- From authors with the same surname, the first letter of their name is indicated first in the bibliography that precedes it alphabetically, even if its publication is dated older. For example:

Sour, F. (2012). Psychology Books from A Critical Perspective. Istanbul: Kaknüs Publications.

Sour, N. (2011). Basic Issues Related to The Law of Foreigners. Istanbul: Beta.

- If there are many sources of the same author in the bibliography, the sources are written by sorting them correctly in the old new date. The same author's sources for the same year are sorted by letter. For example: 2000a, 2000b.

- In the bibliography, work with a single author from sources with the same author ranks first, even if the publication date is newer.

For example:

K. (2014)

K. and Erzan, R. (2008)

- If the bibliography contains two different authors whose last names and first letters of their first names are the same, the names of the authors should be given in square brackets on the dog tag, and the first and last names of the authors should be included together in the submission.

For example:

Appearance in Text: (Gökhan Kaya, 2011), (Güler Kaya, 2013)

Representation in the Bibliography:

Rock, G. [Gökhan]. (2011). ....

Rock, G. [Smile]. (2013). ....

- A chapter in an edited book is referred to as follows: the last name of the author(s), the initial name of the author(s). (Year). Title of the relevant section. Last name of the editor(s), the initial name of the Editor (s). (Ed.)/(Release. Jun.) / (Der.). In the title of the work (P. x-x). Place of Printing: Publisher.

For example:

Appearance in text: (Rafter and Roe, 2015 p. 308)

Representation in The Bibliography: Kirişçi, K. and Roe Deer, P. (2015). "Tolerance and Contradictions: the Mass Influx of Refugees to Turkey in 1989, 1991 and 2011". Erdogan, M. M. and Kaya A. (Der.) In the History of Migration of Turkey (p. 297-314). Istanbul: Bilgi University Press.

A multi-volume work is cited as:

Representation in Text: (Pflanze, 1963-1990)

Bibliography: Pflanze, O. (1963-1990). Bismarck and the Development of Germany (Volumes 1-3). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

The attribution to the single volume of a multi-volume work is:

Pflanze, O. (1990). The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898: Volume 3. Bismarck and the Development of Germany. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Reports and technical articles are cited as follows:

Abadan-Ünat, N. and Others (2014). Avanti I: Political Behavior of Citizens of Turkish Origin Living Abroad in The 2014 Presidential Elections. The Research Report. Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

TTB (2014). Syrian Asylum Seekers and Health Services Report. Publications of The Turkish Medical Association. Ankara.

- The official Gazette is referred to as follows: the general citation format for official documents such as law, regulation, Decree-Law published in the Official Gazette is as follows: title. (Year, Day, Month). Official Gazette (issue: xxx). Access address: http://xxxx

For example:

Representation in The Text: (Some Measures Under the State of Emergency, 2017)

Bibliography: Decree-Law on Taking Certain Measures under the State Of Emergency (2017, 6 January). Official Gazette (Issue: 29940 (Duplicate)). Access address: http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2017/01/20170106M1-1.htm

General Principles of Book Reviews

The International Journal of Human Mobility also publishes book reviews. In book reviews, priority is given to academic books published in the last five years in the field of migration. Book reviews can be within the range of 1000-1500 words and should be prepared in accordance with the general format requirements of the Journal.

In book reviews: the subject of the book

purpose and scope
book's weaknesses and strengths,
If the book has been translated from other languages, the imprint information in the original language of the book must be provided.

As the International Journal of Human Mobility, one of our significant goals is to ensure the quality standard and continuity of the peer-reviewed publications. In this context, the IJHM adopts the principles of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), a formation dedicated to training, informing and supporting editors, publishers and people related to publication ethics who have been working in the field of ethical practices in publishing culture for more than twenty years. For more information: https://publicationethics.org

IJHM is responsible for providing equal opportunities to the authors regardless of race, religion, gender, political views, academic title and institutional affiliations.

According to the accepted publication ethics, the privacy of all articles submitted to the Journal is guaranteed, except for the works submitted to more than one publication outlet at the same time or containing plagiarism. If not publish decision is taken at any stage during the evaluation, information about the article will not be shared with third parties in any way.

The International Journal of Human Mobility provides free and unlimited access to all studies. The Journal is open access, and no fees will be charged for publication.