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Approaching Content and Language Integrated Learning Model (CLIL) from Different Perspectives

Yıl 2021, , 232 - 249, 30.12.2021


The aim of this study is to examine and evaluate the position of the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) model in terms of content-based teaching models, its use in second language acquisition and foreign language learning, its limitations, at which teaching levels it can be used more efficiently, the difficulties that may be encountered, and its positive and negative aspects from different perspectives. One of the factors that are beneficial in achieving success in foreign language education is the approach, methods and techniques followed. Additionally, it is seen that there has been a lot of talk recently about models for second language and foreign language acquisition and teaching. One of these models is the Content and Language Integrated Learning model (CLIL). This model, which envisages teaching/learning the target language in an interdisciplinary framework, started to be applied especially for second language acquisition in Europe in the 1990s. This model is a focus on both the content and the target language at the same time. This complicates the process a little. Instead, when choosing the themes in foreign language education, the topics that are frequently used in communication and actions in daily life should be decisive, not the content themes of different courses. In the background of the content and language integrated learning model, there is the philosophy of interdisciplinarity and multilingualism. These models can be considered as models that can be applied in the second language acquisition/learning process of mostly bilingual or multi-lingual countries and societies, minority or immigrant groups.


  • Ateş, M. (2019), Psycholinguistic development and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) across early childhood, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Barik, H.C. & Swain, M. (1975). Three-year evaluation of a large scale early grade French immersion program: The Ottawa study. Language Learning, 25, 1-30.
  • Brinton, D. (2003). Content-Based Instruction. In Nunan, D. (Ed.), Practical English Language Teaching. McGraw-Hill Contemporary.
  • Brinton, D. M. (2007). CBI, EAP, and ESP: Charting the boundaries. Paper presented at the Centre for Research in Education Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Briton, D., Snow, M.A. & Wesche, M.B (2003). Content Language Instruction. University of Michigan Press.
  • Brinton, D.M., Snow, M.A. & Wesche, M. J. (1989). Content-based second language instruction. New York: Newbury House.
  • Brown, H., & Bradford, A. (2017). EMI, CLIL, & CBI: Differing approaches and goals. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Ed.), Transformation in language education. Tokyo: JALT.
  • Butler, Y. G. (2005). Content-based instruction in EFL contexts: Considerations for effective implementation. JALT Journal, 27, 227-245.
  • Cenoz, J. (2015). Content-based instruction and contentand language integrated learning: the same or different? Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28/1, 8–24.
  • Coleman, J. A. (2006). English-medium teaching in European higher education. Language Teaching, 39, 1-14.
  • Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and language integrated learning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crandall, J. (1993). Content-centered learning in the United States. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 13, 111-126.
  • Crandall, J., & Tucker, G. R. (1990). Content-based language instruction in second and foreign languages. In S. Anivan (Ed.), Language teaching methodology for the nineties (s.83-96). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
  • Dalton-Puffer, C. (2007). Discourse in content and language integrated (CLIL) classrooms. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Dearden, J. (2015). English as a medium of instruction – A growing phenomenon. London, UK: British Council.
  • Dearden, J., & Macaro, E. (2016). Higher education teachers’ attitudes towards English medium instruction: A three-country comparison. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 6, 455-486.
  • Duenas, M. (2004). The Whats, Whys, Hows and Whos of Content-Based Instruction in Second/Foreign Language Education. International Journal of English Studies, 4/1, 73-96.
  • Eurydice. (2006). Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) at school in Europe. Retrieved from Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2021.
  • Genesee, F. (1987). Learning through two languages: Studies of immersion and bilingual education. Cambridge: Newbury House.
  • Grabe, W., & Stoller, F. L. (1997). Content-based instruction: Research foundations. In M.A. Snow ve D. M. Brinton (Edt.), The content-based classroom: Perspectives on integrating language and content (s.5-21). White Plains, NY: Longman.
  • Harley, B. (1993). Instructional strategies and SLA in early French immersion. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 15, 245-259.
  • Hart, C. (2018). Doing a Literature Review Releasing the Research Imagination. UK: Sage Publications.
  • Hashim, F. & Balakrishnan, V. (2006). Language Immersion for Low Proficiency ESL Language Learners: The Alemac Project. The Reading Matrix, 6/2, 170-185.
  • Krashen, S.D. (1982). Principles and practices in second language acquisition. New York: Pergamon Press.
  • Kuşçu, E. & Karan, D. (2017). Yabancı dil fransızca öğretiminde yöntemler konusuna genel bir bakış, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10/49.
  • Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2010). Immersion and CLIL in English: More differences than similarities. ELT Journal, 64, 367–375.
  • Lightbown, P. M. % Spada, N. (2006). How languages are learned (3. Basım). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lyster, R. (2007). Learning and teaching through content: A counterbalanced approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Massler, U. Stotz, D. & Queisser, C. (2014). Assessment instruments for primary CLIL: The conceptualisation and evaluation of test tasks. The Language Learning Journal, 42, 137–150.
  • Mehdiyev, E., Uğurlu, C.Y. & Usta, H.G. (2019). İngilizce Dil Öğreniminde İçerik Temelli Öğretim Yaklaşımı: Bir Eylem Araştırması. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 8/2, 408-422.
  • Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols, M. J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL. London: Macmillan Education.
  • Memiş, M.R. ve Erdem, M.D. (2013). Yabancı dil öğretiminde kullanılan yöntemler, kullanım özellikleri ve eleştiriler. Turkish Studies, 8/9, 297-318
  • Messerklinger, J. (2021). Language immersion and content-based language learning, what's the difference? A survey of different language programs View metadata, citation and similar papers at Erişim tarihi, 15.09.2021.
  • Mesureur, G. (2012). Content-based instruction for all levels of EFL students. Keisen University Bulletin, 24, 71-80.
  • Met, M. (1999). Content-based instruction: Defining terms, making decisions. Washington, DC: The National Foreign Language Center.
  • Mohan, B.A., Language and Content. Addison-Wesley, MA, 1986.
  • Olmedo, B.V. (2013). Content-Based Instruction: A Relevant Approach of Language Teaching. Innovaciones Educativas, XV/20, 73- 83.
  • Omoto, M.P. (2013). Wesonga Justus Nyongesa, Content- Based Instruction: A Study of Methods of Teaching and Learning English in Primary Schools in Butula District. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4/5, 236-244.
  • Pérez-Cañado, M. L. (2012). CLIL research in Europe: Past, present, and future. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15, 315–341.
  • Rasgen, S. (2020). İçerik ve dil entegrelii öğrenme modelinin farklılaştırılma öğretim yöntemi olarak kullanılması, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
  • Rogers, D. M. (2006). Developing content and form: Encouraging evidence from Italian content-based instruction. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 373-386.
  • Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. (2008). CLIL and foreign language learning: A longitudinal study in the Basque Country. International Journal of CLIL Research, 1, 60–73.
  • Saifurahman, A. L. Z. (2019). Content-Based Instruction. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 8/6, 1372-1375.
  • Smit, U., & Dafouz, E. (2012). Integrating content and language in higher education: An introduction to English-medium policies, conceptual issues and research practices across Europe. AILA Review, 25, 1-12.
  • Snow, M. (2001). Content Based and Immersion Models for Second and Foreign Language¬Teaching. In Celce-Murcia, M. (Ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Third Edition. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle Thomp¬son Learning.
  • Stoller, F. (2008). Content-based instruction. In N. Van Deusen-Scholl & N. H. Hornberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of language and education. Volume 4: Second and foreign language education. New York: Springer.
  • Stoller, F. (2002). Promoting the acquisition of knowledge in a content based course. In J.Crandall & D. Kaufman (Ed.), Content-based instruction in higher education settings (s.59-70). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
  • Swain, M. (1996). Manipulating and complementing content teaching to maximizing second language learning. R. Phillipson, E. Kellerman, L. Selinker, M. Sharwood Smith ve M. Swain (Haz.), Foreign/Second language pedagogy research (s.234-250).
  • Swain, M. & Lapkin, S. (1982). Evaluating bilingual education: A Canadian case study. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Wesche, M.B. & Skehan, P. (2002). Communicative, task-based, and content-based language instruction. R. B. Kaplan (Haz.). The Oxford handbook of applied linguistics (s. 227-228). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Wiseman, J. (2018). What is Content and Language Integrated Learning? ( blog/author/joanna-wiseman/) July 25, 2018), Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2021.
  • Wolff, D. (2003). Integrating language and content in the language classroom: Are transfer of knowledge and of lan-gauge ensured. Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021.
  • Yalçın, Ş. (2013). İçerik Temelli Yabancı Dil Öğretim Modeli. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30/2, 107-121.
  • Erişim tarihi: 15.10.2021.

İçerik ve Dil Bütünleştirilmiş Öğrenme Modeline Farklı Açılardan Yaklaşım

Yıl 2021, , 232 - 249, 30.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, içerik ve dil bütünleştirilmiş öğrenme (CLIL) modelinin içerik temelli öğretim modelleri açısından konumunu, ikinci dil edinimi ve yabancı dil öğreniminde kullanım durumunu, sınırlılıklarını, hangi öğretim düzeylerinde daha verimli kullanılabileceğini, karşılaşılabilecek güçlükleri, olumlu ve olumsuz yanlarını farklı bakış açılarından irdelemek ve değerlendirmelerde bulunmaktır. Yabancı dil eğitiminde başarıya ulaşmada etkili olan unsurlardan birisi de izlenen yaklaşım, yöntem ve tekniklerdir. Bunun yanında son zamanlarda ikinci dil ve yabancı dil edinim ve öğretimine yönelik modellerden de oldukça çok söz edildiği görülmektedir. Bu modellerden birisi de içerik ve dil bütünleştirilmiş öğrenme modelidir. Hedef dilin disiplinler arası bir çerçevede öğretilmesi/öğrenilmesini öngören bu model, 1990’lı yıllarda Avrupa’da özellikle ikinci dil edinimine yönelik uygulanmaya başlamıştır. Bu modelde aynı anda hem içeriğe hem de hedef dile odaklanma söz konusudur. Bu durum süreci biraz zorlaştırmaktadır. Bunun yerine yabancı dil eğitiminde temalar seçilirken farklı derslerin içerik temaları değil, günlük yaşamda iletişim ve eylemlerde sıklıkla kullanılan konular belirleyici olmalıdır. İçerik ve dil bütünleştirilmiş öğrenme modelinin arka planında disiplinlerarasılık ve çok dillilik felsefesi bulunmaktadır. Bu modeller daha çok çift ya da daha fazla dilli ülke ve toplumlarla, azınlık veya göçmen gruplarının ikinci dil edinim/öğrenim sürecinde başvurulabilecek modeller olarak değerlendirilebilir.


  • Ateş, M. (2019), Psycholinguistic development and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) across early childhood, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Barik, H.C. & Swain, M. (1975). Three-year evaluation of a large scale early grade French immersion program: The Ottawa study. Language Learning, 25, 1-30.
  • Brinton, D. (2003). Content-Based Instruction. In Nunan, D. (Ed.), Practical English Language Teaching. McGraw-Hill Contemporary.
  • Brinton, D. M. (2007). CBI, EAP, and ESP: Charting the boundaries. Paper presented at the Centre for Research in Education Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Briton, D., Snow, M.A. & Wesche, M.B (2003). Content Language Instruction. University of Michigan Press.
  • Brinton, D.M., Snow, M.A. & Wesche, M. J. (1989). Content-based second language instruction. New York: Newbury House.
  • Brown, H., & Bradford, A. (2017). EMI, CLIL, & CBI: Differing approaches and goals. In P. Clements, A. Krause, & H. Brown (Ed.), Transformation in language education. Tokyo: JALT.
  • Butler, Y. G. (2005). Content-based instruction in EFL contexts: Considerations for effective implementation. JALT Journal, 27, 227-245.
  • Cenoz, J. (2015). Content-based instruction and contentand language integrated learning: the same or different? Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28/1, 8–24.
  • Coleman, J. A. (2006). English-medium teaching in European higher education. Language Teaching, 39, 1-14.
  • Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and language integrated learning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crandall, J. (1993). Content-centered learning in the United States. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 13, 111-126.
  • Crandall, J., & Tucker, G. R. (1990). Content-based language instruction in second and foreign languages. In S. Anivan (Ed.), Language teaching methodology for the nineties (s.83-96). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
  • Dalton-Puffer, C. (2007). Discourse in content and language integrated (CLIL) classrooms. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Dearden, J. (2015). English as a medium of instruction – A growing phenomenon. London, UK: British Council.
  • Dearden, J., & Macaro, E. (2016). Higher education teachers’ attitudes towards English medium instruction: A three-country comparison. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 6, 455-486.
  • Duenas, M. (2004). The Whats, Whys, Hows and Whos of Content-Based Instruction in Second/Foreign Language Education. International Journal of English Studies, 4/1, 73-96.
  • Eurydice. (2006). Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) at school in Europe. Retrieved from Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2021.
  • Genesee, F. (1987). Learning through two languages: Studies of immersion and bilingual education. Cambridge: Newbury House.
  • Grabe, W., & Stoller, F. L. (1997). Content-based instruction: Research foundations. In M.A. Snow ve D. M. Brinton (Edt.), The content-based classroom: Perspectives on integrating language and content (s.5-21). White Plains, NY: Longman.
  • Harley, B. (1993). Instructional strategies and SLA in early French immersion. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 15, 245-259.
  • Hart, C. (2018). Doing a Literature Review Releasing the Research Imagination. UK: Sage Publications.
  • Hashim, F. & Balakrishnan, V. (2006). Language Immersion for Low Proficiency ESL Language Learners: The Alemac Project. The Reading Matrix, 6/2, 170-185.
  • Krashen, S.D. (1982). Principles and practices in second language acquisition. New York: Pergamon Press.
  • Kuşçu, E. & Karan, D. (2017). Yabancı dil fransızca öğretiminde yöntemler konusuna genel bir bakış, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10/49.
  • Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2010). Immersion and CLIL in English: More differences than similarities. ELT Journal, 64, 367–375.
  • Lightbown, P. M. % Spada, N. (2006). How languages are learned (3. Basım). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lyster, R. (2007). Learning and teaching through content: A counterbalanced approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Massler, U. Stotz, D. & Queisser, C. (2014). Assessment instruments for primary CLIL: The conceptualisation and evaluation of test tasks. The Language Learning Journal, 42, 137–150.
  • Mehdiyev, E., Uğurlu, C.Y. & Usta, H.G. (2019). İngilizce Dil Öğreniminde İçerik Temelli Öğretim Yaklaşımı: Bir Eylem Araştırması. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 8/2, 408-422.
  • Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols, M. J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL. London: Macmillan Education.
  • Memiş, M.R. ve Erdem, M.D. (2013). Yabancı dil öğretiminde kullanılan yöntemler, kullanım özellikleri ve eleştiriler. Turkish Studies, 8/9, 297-318
  • Messerklinger, J. (2021). Language immersion and content-based language learning, what's the difference? A survey of different language programs View metadata, citation and similar papers at Erişim tarihi, 15.09.2021.
  • Mesureur, G. (2012). Content-based instruction for all levels of EFL students. Keisen University Bulletin, 24, 71-80.
  • Met, M. (1999). Content-based instruction: Defining terms, making decisions. Washington, DC: The National Foreign Language Center.
  • Mohan, B.A., Language and Content. Addison-Wesley, MA, 1986.
  • Olmedo, B.V. (2013). Content-Based Instruction: A Relevant Approach of Language Teaching. Innovaciones Educativas, XV/20, 73- 83.
  • Omoto, M.P. (2013). Wesonga Justus Nyongesa, Content- Based Instruction: A Study of Methods of Teaching and Learning English in Primary Schools in Butula District. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4/5, 236-244.
  • Pérez-Cañado, M. L. (2012). CLIL research in Europe: Past, present, and future. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15, 315–341.
  • Rasgen, S. (2020). İçerik ve dil entegrelii öğrenme modelinin farklılaştırılma öğretim yöntemi olarak kullanılması, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
  • Rogers, D. M. (2006). Developing content and form: Encouraging evidence from Italian content-based instruction. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 373-386.
  • Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. (2008). CLIL and foreign language learning: A longitudinal study in the Basque Country. International Journal of CLIL Research, 1, 60–73.
  • Saifurahman, A. L. Z. (2019). Content-Based Instruction. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 8/6, 1372-1375.
  • Smit, U., & Dafouz, E. (2012). Integrating content and language in higher education: An introduction to English-medium policies, conceptual issues and research practices across Europe. AILA Review, 25, 1-12.
  • Snow, M. (2001). Content Based and Immersion Models for Second and Foreign Language¬Teaching. In Celce-Murcia, M. (Ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. Third Edition. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle Thomp¬son Learning.
  • Stoller, F. (2008). Content-based instruction. In N. Van Deusen-Scholl & N. H. Hornberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of language and education. Volume 4: Second and foreign language education. New York: Springer.
  • Stoller, F. (2002). Promoting the acquisition of knowledge in a content based course. In J.Crandall & D. Kaufman (Ed.), Content-based instruction in higher education settings (s.59-70). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
  • Swain, M. (1996). Manipulating and complementing content teaching to maximizing second language learning. R. Phillipson, E. Kellerman, L. Selinker, M. Sharwood Smith ve M. Swain (Haz.), Foreign/Second language pedagogy research (s.234-250).
  • Swain, M. & Lapkin, S. (1982). Evaluating bilingual education: A Canadian case study. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Wesche, M.B. & Skehan, P. (2002). Communicative, task-based, and content-based language instruction. R. B. Kaplan (Haz.). The Oxford handbook of applied linguistics (s. 227-228). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Wiseman, J. (2018). What is Content and Language Integrated Learning? ( blog/author/joanna-wiseman/) July 25, 2018), Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2021.
  • Wolff, D. (2003). Integrating language and content in the language classroom: Are transfer of knowledge and of lan-gauge ensured. Erişim tarihi: 02.10.2021.
  • Yalçın, Ş. (2013). İçerik Temelli Yabancı Dil Öğretim Modeli. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30/2, 107-121.
  • Erişim tarihi: 15.10.2021.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dil Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Rıfat Günday 0000-0001-8356-5098

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Günday, R. (2021). İçerik ve Dil Bütünleştirilmiş Öğrenme Modeline Farklı Açılardan Yaklaşım. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 9(4), 232-249.