Writing Rules

1. The article should be submitted by the responsible author responsible as Microsoft Word (doc, docx).
2. The responsible author is responsible for monitoring all the processes of the article.
3. The main section headings should be bold and the first letter in capital letters, the first letter of the first word in the 2nd degree headings should be large. If possible, articles with the third degree titles should not be used in our journal.
4. The main headings and sub-headings should not be numbered.
5. Turkish and English titles of the articles should be short, descriptive and not more than fourteen words (except prepositions).
6. In the Pre-Control and Evaluation processes, the authors must submit the proposed corrections within 30 days at the latest. Otherwise the article will be rejected.
7. Please click here to see the article written according to the rules of our journal.
8. Except for the Turkish and English titles of the work, all remaining parts should be written on the right side.
9. The text should be written on an A4-size page, in 12-font size Times New Roman, and double-spaced.
10. There should be 3 cm margin on the left, right and top of the page.
11. Text should be written in a single column, all pages should be given a page number.

About the Ethics Committee
Are ethics committee permissions required for each article?
Ethics committee permissions are not requested for every article. It is requested for all articles in Turkish or foreign addresses that "require the permission of the ethics committee".
Research that requires the permission of the ethics committee;
• All kinds of research conducted using qualitative or quantitative approaches that require collecting data from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
• The use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical trials conducted on elderly people,
• Previous research on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.
• Stating that the ”Illuminated Consent Form" was taken in the case reports (case analysis),
• Obtaining permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photos belonging to others and specifying,
• It should be stated that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
• You can take advantage of the diagrams on the link at the point of whether the studies require the permission of the ethics committee.
Research that requires the Permission of the Ethics Committee.pdf (link will be added)

What permissions should be obtained other than Ethics Committee permissions?

• In case reports, information about the signing of the informed consent / consent form should be included in the article.
• It should be stated that the permission document was obtained from the institution where the research was conducted (Ministry of National Education, Ministries, etc.).
• It should be stated that permission has been obtained from the owners for the use of scales,
• questionnaires, photos belonging to others.
• ABSTRACT It should be stated that the copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and works of art used.

Note: The information given in the section About Ethics Committee authorization was taken from the TRDizin web page. Attention is paid to this issue in our journal.]

About the Plagiarism Report
It is necessary to conduct a plagiarism scan for the article with the plagiarism program e in the Dergipark article upload section. There should be a maximum similarity rate of 15%, excluding the bibliography.
Note: Similarity reports are reviewed by editors. Not meeting every similarity requirement does not mean that the publication has committed plagiarism, and meeting every similarity requirement does not guarantee that plagiarism has not occurred. Plagiarism refers to unauthorized copying, while similarity may be mandatory in certain cases. For detailed information, you can obtain information from the links below.

- Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive

- Plagiarism” Based on Administrative Judgments

- Plagiarism Control

Files to be Uploaded during Article Submission
1- Article (Template) file (Scientific text of the article)
2- Author and Article information (Special information belonging to the Author and the Article)
3- Plagiarism Report (it will be made by "dergipark" in the article upload section)
4- Declaration of Ethical Responsibility and Copyright Agreement Form
5- Ethics committee permission (if ethics committee permission is required in your work)

Some Reminders
- It is not possible to submit articles to the journal without your membership in the journal. Click here to register.
- Make sure that you have sent all the requested information correctly before submitting your article.
- Don't forget to check your articles after the issue is published. After the article is published in the journal, an editing period of 5 days is given. When this period ends, the article is not edited. a correction article should be published in the next issue. In the case of our journal, this means that the correction will be published after six months. Therefore, please contact us as soon as possible for corrections that will not be subject to peer review after your articles are published.

The issues that are recommended to check after the article is published
-The title of the article in the first and second languages,
-Year, Volume, Number information, -Accuracy of charts and figures, -Possible layout errors,
-Spelling mistakes
-Erroneous statements, etc.

Note: The errors mentioned above should not be subject to the referee's opinion. In other words, requests for changes that involve altering the data in an article that has undergone referee review and has been accepted for publication in its current form should not be made and will not be taken into consideration.

Article withdrawal process in “dergipark”
The author has the right to withdraw the article while it is in new submission status. If the article is in lower roles or has at least 1 reviewer review, the author can request a withdraw with the approval of the editor. If the editor does not respond to the request within 15 days, the article will be automatically withdrawn.
During the production process, the author will only be able to send requests and the 15-day period will not apply. With this feature, a withdraw card has also been added to the editor panel. Withdraw requests can be viewed from this card.
click here for detailed information 

Download the Spelling Rules file from this link: Writing rules

A double-blind peer reviewer system is applied in our journal. Therefore, the names and addresses of authors should not be given in the main text when loading the Manuscript to the system. Author names and contact information should be written on a separate cover page. The cover page is available in the article submission section of our journal.

The article can be written in Turkish and English. English and Turkish abstracts should be written at the beginning of the Turkish manuscripts.
The abstract should contain brief and clear information about the purpose, method and results of the article. 10 font size, single line spacing and maximum 250 words should be written. No reference should be made to the "Abstract".
Key words: Key words should be 10 font sizes, minimum 3 and maximum 5 words. Keywords must be separated with a comma (,) sign and should be in lowercase.

The sections of the main part of the study should be written in 14 font sizes; Bold and the first letter should be capitalized; Article should have Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion sections. The second level titles should be written in the left, in 12 font sizes, the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, bold and numbered. A line in the previous paragraph must be separated by a space.

In the Turkish article for Figures and Tables;” Şekil“, ”Tablo“; whereas in English article “Fig”, “Table” should be used (Table 1, Fig 1).
Figure and Table words should be written in bold, and at the end of the description of figures and tables should not have a dot (.)
Figures, graphics, photographs and the like should be written under Figures and written with 11 fonts. Figure and Table should be given in the main document in the relevant places, should not be uploaded as separate files or should not be added to the end of the text.
Table 1 Possible effects of genetically modified organisms
Table 2 Methods of tissue culture in tomato plants
Fig 1 Amount of GMO production in the world
Fig 2 Countries with the highest number of GM cultivation in the world

In the text, the author should be numbered. Name and year should not be specified.
Example: Potatoes produced on a global scale are used in many basic areas [1, 2, 3]. Fifty percent of primarily produced potatoes are used for fresh consumption, such as baking, frying, boiling [4, 5, 6, 7].

The references section should be written in 10 font sizes and without hanging indentations. In the references section, italics should not be written except in italic words such as “in vivo, in vitro, ex-situ” and species names. References should be written according to “Chicago style”. Besides, there is an endnote style preparing for "International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology". You can prepare your references using that style. For Endnote style, you can reach it by clicking on the endnote at the bottom right part of the main page of the journal.

Example of an article with one author;
Marakli, S., A Brief Review of Molecular Markers to Analyze Medicinally Important Plants. International Journal of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, 2018. 1 (1): p. 29-36. Doi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example of an article with two authors;
Kocacaliskan, I. and I. Tailor, Allelopathic effects of walnut leaf extracts and juglone on seed germination and seedling growth. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2001. 76 (4): p. 436-440. Doi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example of an article with three authors;
Aksoy, H.M., Y. Kaya, and T.H. Tengku Abdul Hamid, Expression of the dspA/E gene of Erwinia amylovora in non-host plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2017. 31(1): p. 85-90.Doi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Examples of articles with four or more authors;
Kaya, Y., et al., Evaluation of transgenic Nicotiana tabacum with dehE gene using transposon based IRAP markers. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013. 4(08): p. 41. Doi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Example for the book;
Kocalishkan, I., Allelopathy. 2006, Ankara, Turkey: Our Office Press-In Turkish. ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example for Book Chapter;
Kaya, Y., F.Z. Huyop, and M.F. Edbeib, Genetic Diversity in Plants, Advances in Biosciences, F.Z. Huyop and S. Mohammed, Editors. 2019, Penerbit UTM Press. Malaysia: Malaysia. p. 04-24. Doi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or ISBN:xxxxxxxxxxx

Kaya, Y., Regeneratıon of Dalapon Tolerant Nicotıana Tabacum By Expressıng Dehalogenase E Gene Through Agrobacterıum Tumefaciens – Medıated Transformatıon. 2013, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Malaysia.

Example for congress/conferences paper;
Arvas, Y.E., et al., Possible Effects of Genetically Modified Plants on Biodiversity, in I. International Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity Symposium. 2017: Berlin- Germany. p. 65.

Last Update Time: 12/20/24, 6:13:18 PM

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