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Year 2016, , 41 - 61, 01.08.2016


This study reveals what affects Turkish consumers’ organic tea purchase intention. Consumer attitude, health consciousness, nutrition value and food safety are defined as independent variables. The data of the survey were collected from consumers with face to face interview by using convenience sampling method and analyzed with SmartPLS SEM. According to the main results of the study, nutrition value and health consciousness affect consumers’ attitude. Although attitude does not affect purchase intention, nutrition value and food safety affect it. Organic tea can contribute to local economy by penetrating both internal and external markets with a successful market positioning


  • Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211.
  • Amodio, M.L., Colelli, G., Hasey, J.K. & Kader, A.A. (2007). A comparative study of composition and postharvest performance of organically and conventionally grown kiwifruits. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87 (7), 1228-1236.
  • Andersen, L.M. (2007). Organic milk – who and why. iHEA 2007 6th World Congress: Explorations in Health Economics.
  • Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74-94.
  • Bourn, D. & Prescott, J. (2002). A comparison of the nutritional value, sensory qualities and food safety of organically and conventionally produced foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 42 (1), 1-34.
  • Brugarolas, M. & Rivera, L.M. (2005). Comportamiento del consumidor valenciano ante los productos ecologicos e integrados. Rev Esp Estud Agrosoc Pesq, 192, 105-121.
  • Busch, T. (1998). Attitudes towards management by objectives: An empirical investigation of self-efficacy and goal commitment. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 14 (83), 289-299.
  • Çaykur (2014). Çay Sektörü Raporu 2014, Erisim Tarihi: 17.8.2015,
  • Çelik, S. (2013). Kimler, neden organik gida satin aliyor? Bir alan araştirmasi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 93-108.
  • Chen, M. F. (2009). Attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness, environmental attitudes, and the mediating effects of a healthy life style. British Food Journal, 111(2), 165-178.
  • Chin, W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. In: Marcoulides, G.A. (Ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher, Mahwah, New Jersey, 295-336.
  • Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental marketing - positive strategies for reaching the green consumer. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Dangour, A. D., Dodhia S. K., Hayter A., Allen E., Lock K. & Uauy R. (2009). Nutritional quality of organic foods: A systematic review. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92(1), 203-210.
  • Davies, A., Titterington, A.J. & Cochrane, C. (1995). Who buys organic food? A profile of the purchasers of organic food in Northern Ireland. British Food Journal, 97(10), 17-23.
  • De Barcellos, M.D., Krystallis, A., Melo Saab, M.S., Kugler, J.O. & Grunert, K.G. (2011). Investigating the gap between citizens’ sustainability attitudes and food purchasing behaviour: Empirical evidence from Brazilian pork consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35(4), 391-402.
  • Del Amor, F.M. (2007). Yield and fruit quality response of sweet pepper to organic and mineral fertilization. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22(3), 233-238.
  • Doyle, P. (2000). Value-based marketing: marketing strategies for corporate growth and shareholder value. Chichester: Wiley & Sons
  • FiBL (2015), Erişim Tarihi: 1.7.2015, 1663-organic-world-2015.pdf
  • Fillion, L. & Arazi, S. (2002). Does organic food taste better? A claim substantiation approach. Nutrition and Food Science, 32(4), 153-157.
  • Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. (1974). Attitudes towards objects as predictors of single and multiple behavioral criteria. Psychological Review, 81(1), 59-74.
  • Fornell, C. & Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural models with unobservables variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 28, 39-50.
  • Fotopoulos, C. & Krystallis, A. (2002). Purchasing motives and profile of the Greek organic consumer: a countryside survey. British Food Journal, 104(9), 730-765.
  • Fotopoulos, C., Krystallis, A. & Ness, M. (2003). Wine produced by organic grapes in Greece: using means-end chains analysis to reveal organic buyers’ purchasing motives in comparison to the nonbuyers. Food Quality and Preference, 14(7), 549-566.
  • Gefen, D. & Straub, D.W. (2003). A practical guide to factorial validity using PLS-graph: tutorial and annotated example. Communications of the AIS, 16, 91-109.
  • Gold, L. S., Slone T. H., Ames B. N. & Manley N. M. (2001). Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology. Academic Press, 38.
  • Gould, S. J. (1988). Consumer attitudes toward health and health care: A differential perspective. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 22(1), 96-118.
  • Grankvist, G. & Biel, A. (2001). The importance of belief and purchase criteria in the choice of eco-labelled food products. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21(4), 405-410.
  • Grossman, M. (1972), On the concept of health capital and the demand for health. Journal of Political Economy, 80(2), 223-255.
  • Grunert, K. J. (2002). Current issues in the understanding of consumer food choice. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 13(8), 275-285.
  • Grunert, S. & Juhl, H.J. (1995). Values, environmental attitudes, and buying of organic foods. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 39-62.
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
  • Hair, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C.M. & Sarstedt, M. (2014). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). SAGE Publications.
  • Hair, J.F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M. & Mena, J.A. (2012). An assessment of the use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(3), 414-433.
  • Hansla, A., Gamble, A., Juliusson, E.A. & Garling, T. (2008). Psychological determinants of attitude towards and willingness to pay for green electricity. Energy Policy, 36, 768- 774.
  • Hill, H. & Lyncheham, F. (2002). Organic milk: Attitudes and consumption patterns. British Food Journal, 104(7), 526-542.
  • Hughner, R. S., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Schultz II, C. J. & Stanton, J. (2007). Who are organic food consumer? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6 (2-3), 94-110.
  • Hulland, J. (1999). Use of partial least squares (PLS) in strategic management research: A review of four recent studies. Strategic Management Journal, 20 (2), 195-204.
  • Justin P. & Rana, J. (2012). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(6), 412-422.
  • Karabaş, S. & Gürler, A.Z. (2012). Organik ürün tercihinde tüketici davranişlari üzerine etkili faktörlerin logit regresyon analizi ile tahminlenmesi. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10, 129-156.
  • Kılıç, S., Duman, O. & Bektaş, E. (2014). Organik ürünlerin pazarlama stratejileri ve üreticiler üzerinde bir alan araştirmasi. Business and Economics Research Journal, 5(1), 39-65.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong G., Saunders, J. & Wong, W. (1999). Principles of marketing. European Ed., Prentice Hall Europe.
  • Kowska, E.R. (2007). Quality of plant products from organic agriculture. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(15), 2757-2762.
  • Krystallis, A. & Chryssohoidis, G. (2005). Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic food. British Food Journal, 107(5), 320-343.
  • Krystallis, A., de Barcellos, M.D., Kugler, J.O., Verbeke, W. & Grunert, K.G. (2009). Attitudes of European citizens towards pig production systems. Livestock Science, 126, 46-56.
  • Lockie, S., Lyons K., Lawrence G. & Mummery K. (2002). Eating green: Motivations behind organic food consumption in Australia. Sociologia Ruralis, 42, 23-40.
  • Michaelidou, N. & Hassan, L. M. (2008). The role of health consciousness, food safety concern and ethical identity on attitudes and intentions towards organic food. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32(2), 163-170.
  • Mintu-Wimsatt, A. & Bradford, M. (1995), In search for market segments for green products. Advances in Environmental Marketing: New Developments in Practice, Theory and Research. Haworth Press, New York, NY, 293-303.
  • Organik Tarım Kanunu (2010). 03.12.2004 tarih ve 5262 sayılı RG. 03.12.2004/25659.
  • Paul, J. & Rana, J. (2012). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(6), 412-422.
  • Perry, L. & Schultz, D. (2005). Buying Organic. Random House, NY.
  • Putrevu, S. & Lord, K. R. (1994). Comparative and non comparative advertising: Attitudinal effects under cognitive and affective involvement conditions. Journal of Advertising, 23(2), 77-91.
  • Roddy, G., Cowan, C. A. & Hutchinson, G. (1996). Consumer attitudes and behaviour to organic foods in Ireland. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 9(2), 41-63.
  • Rokeach, M. (1973). The nature of human values. NY: Free Press.
  • Roosen, J. (2003). Marketing of safe food through labeling. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 34(3), 77-82.
  • Saba, A. & Messina, F. (2003). Attitudes towards organic foods and risk/benefit perception associated with pesticides. Food Quality and Preference, 14(8), 637-645.
  • Sahota, A. (2009). The global market for organic food & drink. Biofach Congress 2009 proceedings, IFOAM, Nuremberg, pdf
  • Sarig, Y. (2003). Traceability of food products. CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Developments, 5(12), 54-65.
  • Sarıkaya, N. (2007). Organik ürün tüketimini etkileyen faktörler ve tutumlar üzerine bir saha çalışması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 14(2), 110-125.
  • Schifferstein, H.N.J. & Oude Ophuis, P.A.M. (1998). Health-related determinants of organic food consumption in The Netherlands. Food Quality Preference, 9(3), 119-133.
  • Schultz, P.W., Gouveia, V.V., Linda, D., Cameron, L.D., Tankha, G., Schmuck, P. & Franek, M. (2005). Values and their relationship to environmental concern and conservation behavior. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 457-475.
  • Shaharudin, M. R., Pani, J. J., Mansor S. W. & Elias, S. J. (2010). Factors affecting purchase intention of organic food in Malaysia’s Kedah state. Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(2), 105-116.
  • Shepherd, R., Magnusson, M. & Sjoden, P.O. (2005). Determinants of consumer behavior related to organic foods. Ambio, 34(4/5), 352-359.
  • Solomon, M.R. (2010). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being. 9e, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  • Suprapto, B. & Wijaya, T. (2012). Model of consumer’s buying intention towards organic food: A study among mothers in Indonesian. International Conference on Economics, Business and Marketing Management, IPEDR 29, IACSIT Press, Singapore.
  • T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Üretim ve Geliştirme Müdürlüğü, (2006), Organik Tarım Strateji Belgesi (Taslak), Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Aktaran: Durmaz, D. H. (2010) Türkiye ve dünyada organik tarımın ekonomik boyutu: Organik tarımın Adana ili ekonomisindeki yeri, (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Tarkiainen, A. & Sundqvist, S. (2005). Subjective norms, attitudes and intentions of Finnish consumers in buying organic food. British Food Journal, 107(11), 808-822.
  • Tenenhaus, M., Vinzi, V.E., Chatelin, Y.M. & Lauro, C. (2005). PLS path modeling. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 48, 159-205.
  • Truong, T.T., Yap, M.H.T. & Ineson, E.M. (2012). Potential Vietnamese consumers’ perceptions of organic foods. British Food Journal, 114(4), 529-543.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. & Toklu, İ.T. (2015). Organik gıda satın alma niyetine tutum, sağlık bilinci ve gıda güvenliğinin etkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(1), 197-211.
  • Von Alvensleben, R. (1998). Ecological aspects of food demand: the case of organic food in Germany. AIR-CAT 4th Plenary Meeting: Health, Ecological and Safety Aspects in Food Choice, 4(1), 68-79.
  • Willer, H. & Kilcher, L. (2009). The world of organic agriculture: Statistics and emerging trends 2009. FiBL & IFOAM, Geneva: Frick.
  • Williams, P. R. D. & Hammit, J. K. (2001). Perceived risks of conventional and organic produce: pesticides, pathogens, and natural toxins. Risk Analysis, 21(2), 319-330.
  • Yee, W. M. S., Yeung, R. M. W. & Morris, J. (2005). Food safety: Building consumer trust in livestock farmers for potential purchase behavior. British Food Journal, 107(11), 841- 854.
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Year 2016, , 41 - 61, 01.08.2016


Bu çalışma tüketicilerin organik çay satın alma niyetini nelerin etkilediğini araştırmaktadır. Tüketici tutumu, sağlık bilinci, beslenme değeri ve gıda güvenliği bağımsız değişkenler olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle tüketicilerle yapılan yüz yüze anketle toplanarak SmartPLS Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın ana sonuçlarına göre, beslenme değeri ve sağlık bilinci organik çaya yönelik tutumu etkilemektedir. Satın alma niyetini organik çaya yönelik tutum etkilemezken, beslenme değeri ve gıda güvenliği etkilemektedir. Organik çay başarılı bir pazar konumlandırması ile iç ve dış pazarlara yoğunlaşarak yerel ekonomiye önemli katkı sağlayabilir.


  • Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179-211.
  • Amodio, M.L., Colelli, G., Hasey, J.K. & Kader, A.A. (2007). A comparative study of composition and postharvest performance of organically and conventionally grown kiwifruits. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87 (7), 1228-1236.
  • Andersen, L.M. (2007). Organic milk – who and why. iHEA 2007 6th World Congress: Explorations in Health Economics.
  • Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74-94.
  • Bourn, D. & Prescott, J. (2002). A comparison of the nutritional value, sensory qualities and food safety of organically and conventionally produced foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 42 (1), 1-34.
  • Brugarolas, M. & Rivera, L.M. (2005). Comportamiento del consumidor valenciano ante los productos ecologicos e integrados. Rev Esp Estud Agrosoc Pesq, 192, 105-121.
  • Busch, T. (1998). Attitudes towards management by objectives: An empirical investigation of self-efficacy and goal commitment. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 14 (83), 289-299.
  • Çaykur (2014). Çay Sektörü Raporu 2014, Erisim Tarihi: 17.8.2015,
  • Çelik, S. (2013). Kimler, neden organik gida satin aliyor? Bir alan araştirmasi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 93-108.
  • Chen, M. F. (2009). Attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness, environmental attitudes, and the mediating effects of a healthy life style. British Food Journal, 111(2), 165-178.
  • Chin, W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. In: Marcoulides, G.A. (Ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher, Mahwah, New Jersey, 295-336.
  • Coddington, W. (1993). Environmental marketing - positive strategies for reaching the green consumer. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Dangour, A. D., Dodhia S. K., Hayter A., Allen E., Lock K. & Uauy R. (2009). Nutritional quality of organic foods: A systematic review. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92(1), 203-210.
  • Davies, A., Titterington, A.J. & Cochrane, C. (1995). Who buys organic food? A profile of the purchasers of organic food in Northern Ireland. British Food Journal, 97(10), 17-23.
  • De Barcellos, M.D., Krystallis, A., Melo Saab, M.S., Kugler, J.O. & Grunert, K.G. (2011). Investigating the gap between citizens’ sustainability attitudes and food purchasing behaviour: Empirical evidence from Brazilian pork consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35(4), 391-402.
  • Del Amor, F.M. (2007). Yield and fruit quality response of sweet pepper to organic and mineral fertilization. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22(3), 233-238.
  • Doyle, P. (2000). Value-based marketing: marketing strategies for corporate growth and shareholder value. Chichester: Wiley & Sons
  • FiBL (2015), Erişim Tarihi: 1.7.2015, 1663-organic-world-2015.pdf
  • Fillion, L. & Arazi, S. (2002). Does organic food taste better? A claim substantiation approach. Nutrition and Food Science, 32(4), 153-157.
  • Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. (1974). Attitudes towards objects as predictors of single and multiple behavioral criteria. Psychological Review, 81(1), 59-74.
  • Fornell, C. & Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating structural models with unobservables variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 28, 39-50.
  • Fotopoulos, C. & Krystallis, A. (2002). Purchasing motives and profile of the Greek organic consumer: a countryside survey. British Food Journal, 104(9), 730-765.
  • Fotopoulos, C., Krystallis, A. & Ness, M. (2003). Wine produced by organic grapes in Greece: using means-end chains analysis to reveal organic buyers’ purchasing motives in comparison to the nonbuyers. Food Quality and Preference, 14(7), 549-566.
  • Gefen, D. & Straub, D.W. (2003). A practical guide to factorial validity using PLS-graph: tutorial and annotated example. Communications of the AIS, 16, 91-109.
  • Gold, L. S., Slone T. H., Ames B. N. & Manley N. M. (2001). Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology. Academic Press, 38.
  • Gould, S. J. (1988). Consumer attitudes toward health and health care: A differential perspective. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 22(1), 96-118.
  • Grankvist, G. & Biel, A. (2001). The importance of belief and purchase criteria in the choice of eco-labelled food products. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21(4), 405-410.
  • Grossman, M. (1972), On the concept of health capital and the demand for health. Journal of Political Economy, 80(2), 223-255.
  • Grunert, K. J. (2002). Current issues in the understanding of consumer food choice. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 13(8), 275-285.
  • Grunert, S. & Juhl, H.J. (1995). Values, environmental attitudes, and buying of organic foods. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 39-62.
  • Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
  • Hair, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C.M. & Sarstedt, M. (2014). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). SAGE Publications.
  • Hair, J.F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M. & Mena, J.A. (2012). An assessment of the use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(3), 414-433.
  • Hansla, A., Gamble, A., Juliusson, E.A. & Garling, T. (2008). Psychological determinants of attitude towards and willingness to pay for green electricity. Energy Policy, 36, 768- 774.
  • Hill, H. & Lyncheham, F. (2002). Organic milk: Attitudes and consumption patterns. British Food Journal, 104(7), 526-542.
  • Hughner, R. S., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Schultz II, C. J. & Stanton, J. (2007). Who are organic food consumer? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6 (2-3), 94-110.
  • Hulland, J. (1999). Use of partial least squares (PLS) in strategic management research: A review of four recent studies. Strategic Management Journal, 20 (2), 195-204.
  • Justin P. & Rana, J. (2012). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(6), 412-422.
  • Karabaş, S. & Gürler, A.Z. (2012). Organik ürün tercihinde tüketici davranişlari üzerine etkili faktörlerin logit regresyon analizi ile tahminlenmesi. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10, 129-156.
  • Kılıç, S., Duman, O. & Bektaş, E. (2014). Organik ürünlerin pazarlama stratejileri ve üreticiler üzerinde bir alan araştirmasi. Business and Economics Research Journal, 5(1), 39-65.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong G., Saunders, J. & Wong, W. (1999). Principles of marketing. European Ed., Prentice Hall Europe.
  • Kowska, E.R. (2007). Quality of plant products from organic agriculture. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(15), 2757-2762.
  • Krystallis, A. & Chryssohoidis, G. (2005). Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic food. British Food Journal, 107(5), 320-343.
  • Krystallis, A., de Barcellos, M.D., Kugler, J.O., Verbeke, W. & Grunert, K.G. (2009). Attitudes of European citizens towards pig production systems. Livestock Science, 126, 46-56.
  • Lockie, S., Lyons K., Lawrence G. & Mummery K. (2002). Eating green: Motivations behind organic food consumption in Australia. Sociologia Ruralis, 42, 23-40.
  • Michaelidou, N. & Hassan, L. M. (2008). The role of health consciousness, food safety concern and ethical identity on attitudes and intentions towards organic food. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32(2), 163-170.
  • Mintu-Wimsatt, A. & Bradford, M. (1995), In search for market segments for green products. Advances in Environmental Marketing: New Developments in Practice, Theory and Research. Haworth Press, New York, NY, 293-303.
  • Organik Tarım Kanunu (2010). 03.12.2004 tarih ve 5262 sayılı RG. 03.12.2004/25659.
  • Paul, J. & Rana, J. (2012). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(6), 412-422.
  • Perry, L. & Schultz, D. (2005). Buying Organic. Random House, NY.
  • Putrevu, S. & Lord, K. R. (1994). Comparative and non comparative advertising: Attitudinal effects under cognitive and affective involvement conditions. Journal of Advertising, 23(2), 77-91.
  • Roddy, G., Cowan, C. A. & Hutchinson, G. (1996). Consumer attitudes and behaviour to organic foods in Ireland. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 9(2), 41-63.
  • Rokeach, M. (1973). The nature of human values. NY: Free Press.
  • Roosen, J. (2003). Marketing of safe food through labeling. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 34(3), 77-82.
  • Saba, A. & Messina, F. (2003). Attitudes towards organic foods and risk/benefit perception associated with pesticides. Food Quality and Preference, 14(8), 637-645.
  • Sahota, A. (2009). The global market for organic food & drink. Biofach Congress 2009 proceedings, IFOAM, Nuremberg, pdf
  • Sarig, Y. (2003). Traceability of food products. CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Developments, 5(12), 54-65.
  • Sarıkaya, N. (2007). Organik ürün tüketimini etkileyen faktörler ve tutumlar üzerine bir saha çalışması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 14(2), 110-125.
  • Schifferstein, H.N.J. & Oude Ophuis, P.A.M. (1998). Health-related determinants of organic food consumption in The Netherlands. Food Quality Preference, 9(3), 119-133.
  • Schultz, P.W., Gouveia, V.V., Linda, D., Cameron, L.D., Tankha, G., Schmuck, P. & Franek, M. (2005). Values and their relationship to environmental concern and conservation behavior. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, 457-475.
  • Shaharudin, M. R., Pani, J. J., Mansor S. W. & Elias, S. J. (2010). Factors affecting purchase intention of organic food in Malaysia’s Kedah state. Cross-Cultural Communication, 6(2), 105-116.
  • Shepherd, R., Magnusson, M. & Sjoden, P.O. (2005). Determinants of consumer behavior related to organic foods. Ambio, 34(4/5), 352-359.
  • Solomon, M.R. (2010). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being. 9e, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  • Suprapto, B. & Wijaya, T. (2012). Model of consumer’s buying intention towards organic food: A study among mothers in Indonesian. International Conference on Economics, Business and Marketing Management, IPEDR 29, IACSIT Press, Singapore.
  • T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Üretim ve Geliştirme Müdürlüğü, (2006), Organik Tarım Strateji Belgesi (Taslak), Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ankara Aktaran: Durmaz, D. H. (2010) Türkiye ve dünyada organik tarımın ekonomik boyutu: Organik tarımın Adana ili ekonomisindeki yeri, (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Tarkiainen, A. & Sundqvist, S. (2005). Subjective norms, attitudes and intentions of Finnish consumers in buying organic food. British Food Journal, 107(11), 808-822.
  • Tenenhaus, M., Vinzi, V.E., Chatelin, Y.M. & Lauro, C. (2005). PLS path modeling. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 48, 159-205.
  • Truong, T.T., Yap, M.H.T. & Ineson, E.M. (2012). Potential Vietnamese consumers’ perceptions of organic foods. British Food Journal, 114(4), 529-543.
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. & Toklu, İ.T. (2015). Organik gıda satın alma niyetine tutum, sağlık bilinci ve gıda güvenliğinin etkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(1), 197-211.
  • Von Alvensleben, R. (1998). Ecological aspects of food demand: the case of organic food in Germany. AIR-CAT 4th Plenary Meeting: Health, Ecological and Safety Aspects in Food Choice, 4(1), 68-79.
  • Willer, H. & Kilcher, L. (2009). The world of organic agriculture: Statistics and emerging trends 2009. FiBL & IFOAM, Geneva: Frick.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Tamer Toklu This is me

Erol Ustaahmetoğlu This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016



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