Research Article
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China’s Political Economy in Africa in the Context of Global Politics: Examples of Nigeria, Angola, Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 71 - 96, 01.05.2019


to the increasing population and economic prosperity worldwide, reliance on
energy resources has reached fairly high levels. In 2040, the energy demand is
projected to increase by 37%. However, the energy sources discovered in the
world face the risk of not being able to meet the increasing demand. China,
which has a giant population of 1.3 billion, and the world’s fastest growing
economy with 13.457 trillion $ of GNP, has been the most affected country in
this situation. Within this context, China has made various attempts to
maintain its economic growth and to ensure the continuity and security of the
energy trade. China invests in alternative energy sources and carries out close
economic relations with the African continent, which has many undiscovered
reserves in terms of natural resources. Over the past two decades, China has
provided large amounts of direct investment, technical assistance, grants,
zero-interest loans, and concessional loans to Africa.  Although the Chinese investments make a great
contribution to the economic growth of African countries, due to the privileges
that China  gain in return, the economies
of these countries are becoming dependent on China. This study aims to explain
the change in the economic relations between China and Africa and the level
reached today and contribute to a better understanding of the political economy
in Africa through China’s trade relations with Nigeria, Angola, Sudan and the
Democratic Republic of Congo.


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  • Zafar, Ali. “The Growing Relationship Between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment, and Aid Links.” The World Bank Research Observer 22:1 (2007): 103-130
  • Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe. “The Africa-China Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities.” Canadian Journal of African Studies 48.1 (2014): 145-169.
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Küresel İlişkiler Bağlamında Çin’in Afrika’daki Ekonomi Politiği: Nijerya, Angola, Sudan ve Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti Örnekleri

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 71 - 96, 01.05.2019


çapında giderek artan nüfus ve ekonomik refah sebebiyle enerji kaynaklarına bağımlılık
oldukça yüksek seviyelere ulaşmıştır. 2040 yılında enerjiye olan talebin %37
oranında artacağı öngörülmektedir. Ancak dünyada keşfedilen enerji kaynakları,
artan talebi karşılayamama riski ile karşı karşıyadır. 1,3 milyarlık dev nüfusu,
13.457 trilyon $’lık GSMH’sı ile dünyanın en hızlı büyüyen ekonomisi olan Çin,
bu durumdan en fazla etkilenen ülke konumundadır. Bu kapsamda Çin, ekonomik
büyümesini sürdürebilmek, enerji ticaretinin sürekliliğini ve güvenliğini sağlayabilmek
için çeşitli girişimlerde bulunmaktadır. Alternatif enerji kaynaklarına
yatırımlar yapmakta ve doğal kaynak yönünden keşfedilmemiş birçok rezerve sahip
olan Afrika kıtası ile yakın ekonomik ilişkiler yürütmektedir. Son yirmi yılda
Çin, Afrika’ya büyük miktarda doğrudan yatırım, teknik yardım, hibe, sıfır
faizli kredi ve imtiyazlı krediler sağlamıştır. Kuşkusuz, kıtadaki Çin
yatırımları Afrika ülkelerinin ekonomik büyümelerine büyük katkı sağlıyor olsa
da bu yatırımlar karşılığında sağlanan imtiyazlar nedeniyle Afrika ülkeleri
ekonomik açıdan gün geçtikçe Çin'e daha bağımlı hale gelmektedirler. Bu çalışma,
ve Afrika ekonomik ilişkilerinde yaşanan değişimi ve günümüzde ulaştığı seviyeyi
açıklamayı ve
Nijerya, Angola, Sudan ve Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti ticari ilişkileri
üzerinden Afrika'daki ekonomi politiğinin daha iyi anlaşılmasına katkı sağlamayı


  • Blair, David. “Oil-hungry China Takes Sudan Under its Wing.” The Telegraph. Son güncelleme 23 Nisan, 2005. Oil-hungry-China-takes-Sudan-under-its-wing.html (12.01.2019).
  • Brautigam, Deborah. The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa. Oxford University Press, 2009.
  • Brautigam, Deborah, Tang Xiaoyang, and Ying Xia. “What Kinds of Chinese ‘Geese’Are Flying to Africa? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms.” Journal of African Economies 27.suppl_1 (2018): i29-i51.
  • Campbell, Horace. “China in Africa: Challenging US Global Hegemony.” Third World Quarterly 29.1 (2008): 89-105.
  • Chazan, Yigal. “Angola’s Debt Reliance on China May Leave it Short-Changed.” The Financial Times fb9f8528-6f03-11e8-92d3-6c13e5c92914 (27.11.2018) DeGhetto, Kaitlyn, Jacob R. Gray, and Moses N. Kiggundu. “The African Union’s Agenda 2063: Aspirations, Challenges, and Opportunities for Management Research.” Africa Journal of Management 2.1 (2016): 93-116.
  • Dent, Christopher M. China and Africa Development Relations. New York: Routledge, 2010.
  • Eisenman, Joshua. China and the Developing World: Beijing’ Strategy for the Twenty-First Century. New York: ME Sharpe, 2007.
  • Foster, Vivien, William Butterfield, and Chuan Chen. Building Bridges: China’s Growing Role As Infrastructure Financier for Africa. The World Bank, 2009.
  • Hanauer, Larry, and Lyle J. Morris. Chinese Engagement in Africa: Drivers, Reactions, and Implications for US Policy. Rand Corporation, 2014.
  • Harneit-Sievers, Axel, Stephen Marks, and Sanusha Naidu, eds. Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa. Oxford: Fahamu/Pambazuka, 2010.
  • Holslag, Jonathan. “China’s New Mercantilism in Central Africa.” African and Asian Studies 5/2 (2006): 133-169.
  • Holslag, Jonathan. “How China’s New Silk Road Threatens European Trade.” The International Spectator 52.1 (2017): 46-60.
  • Guerrero, Dorothy Grace, Firoze Manji, and Firoze Madatally Manji, eds. China’s New Role in Africa and the South: A Search for a New Perspective. Oxford: Fahamu/Pambazuka, 2008.
  • Kabemba, Claude. “China-Democratic Republic of Congo Relations: From a Beneficial to a Developmental Cooperation.” African Studies Quarterly 16, 2016.
  • Lahtinen, Anja. China’s Diplomacy and Economic Activities in Africa: Relations on the Move. Springer, 2018.
  • Pannell, Clifton W. “China’s Economic and Political Penetration in Africa.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 49.6 (2008): 706-730.
  • Pigato, Miria and Julien Gourdon. “The Impact of Rising Chinese Trade and Development Assistance in West Africa.” Africa Trade Practice Working Paper Series 4, 2014.
  • Pigato, Miria and Wenxia Tang. “China and Africa: Expanding Economic Ties in an Evolving Global Context.” World Bank Working Paper 95161, 2015.Power, Marcus, Giles Mohan, and May Tan-Mullins. China’s Resource Diplomacy in Africa: Powering Development?. Boston: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
  • Rotberg, Robert I., ed. China into Africa: Trade, Aid, and Influence. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2009.
  • Sanderson, Henry, and Michael Forsythe. China’s Superbank: Debt, Oil and İnfluence-How China Development Bank is Rewriting the Rules of Finance. Solaris South Tower: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
  • Sautman, Barry, and Hairong Yan. “Localizing Chinese Enterprises in Africa: From Myths to Policies.” HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies 2015:05 (2015), (erişim 14.12.2018).
  • Sun, Irene Yuan, Kartik Jayaram, and Omid Kassiri. Dance of the Lions and Dragons: How are Africa and China Engaging, and How Will the Partnership Evolve?. McKinsey, 2017.
  • Taylor, Ian. China And Africa: Engagement and Compromise. New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Van Dijk, Meine Pieter, ed. The New Presence of China in Africa. Amsterdam University Press, 2009.
  • Zafar, Ali. “The Growing Relationship Between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment, and Aid Links.” The World Bank Research Observer 22:1 (2007): 103-130
  • Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe. “The Africa-China Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities.” Canadian Journal of African Studies 48.1 (2014): 145-169.
  • Zhang, Qiaowen, and Anna Kangombe. “Chinese Investment in Africa: How the New Normal Can Leverage Agenda 2063 for Sustainable Economic Co-Operation.” African East-Asian Affairs 3 (2016)
  • “Nigeria Economic Outlook”. nigeria-economic-outlook/ (15.01.2019)
  • “African Economic Outlook”, /Publications/African_Economic_Outlook_2018_-_EN.pdf (24.12.2018)
  • “Congo (DKC),” Son güncelleme 27 Aralık, 2018. u res/focac/183553.htm (12.12.2018)
  • China Africa Research Initiative. “Chinese Workers in Africa”. Son güncelleme 27 Aralık, 2018. (25.10.2018).
  • China Africa Research Initiative. “Chinese Loans to Africa”. (25.10.2018)
  • “10,000 Chinese Firms in Africa as Ministry of Commerce Underestimates Number”. Son güncelleme 26 Temmuz, 2017, https://www.consultancy .uk/news/13690/10000-chinese-firms-in-africa-as-ministry-of-commerce-underestimates-number, (22.03.2019)
  • “January 15, 1964 The Chinese Government’s Eight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries”. http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter. org/document/121560 (22.01.2019)
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  • “China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation (2013)”. Son güncelleme 23 Ağustos, 2014. (11.01.2019).
  • Fmprc. Gov. cn. “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021)”. Son güncelle-me 5 Eylül, 2018. (11.01.2019).
  • Gov. cn. “China’s Foreign Aid (2011)”. Son güncelleme 27 Aralık, 2018. (25.10.2018).
  • Imf. “Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (2016)”. Son güncelleme 10 Ağu 2018. gements-and-Exchange-Restrictions/Issues/2018/08/10/Annual-Report-on-Exchange-Arrangements-and-Exchange-Restrictions-2017-44930 (15.11.2018).
  • “The Closest Look Yet at Chinese Economic Engagement in Africa”. https://www (22.01.2019)
  • “Statistics on China-Africa Bilateral Trade in 2017”. article/statistic/lanmubb/AsiaAfrica/201803/20180302719613.shtml (25.10.2018)
  • Oecd.library. “Boosting the Power Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: China’s Involvement, IEA Partner Country Series”. Son güncelleme 27 Aralık, 2018. (24.11.2018).
  • World Bank. “Sudan Enterprise Survey (ES) (2014)”. Son güncelleme 27 Aralık, 2018. (14.12.2018)
  • Worldbank. “The World Bank Sudan Enterprise Survey (ES) 2014”. http://microdata.worldbank. org/index.php/catalog/2354 (12.12.2018)
  • World Bank. “The World Bank Annual Report 2018 (English)”. Son güncelleme 08 Ekim, 2018, -2018, (14.12.2018)
  • World Bank. “Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows (BoP, current US$)”. indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=SD (19.11.2018)
  • World Bank. “World Integrated Trade Solution”. (14.01.2019).
  • Worldbank. “China Trade at a Glance: Most Recent Values”. /CountryProfile/en/ Country/ AGO/Year/2012/SummaryText (12.12.2018)
  • Worldbank. “GDP (current US$)”., (23.03.2019)
  • World Bank. “Nigeria”. 1C1SQJLtrTR841TR841&oq=world+bank+nijeria+po&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.11176j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8, (15.03.2019)
  • “China’s Foreign Aid (White Paper)”,, 17.
  • “China GDP Annual Growth Rate”, (22.03.2019)
  • “Chinese Investment in Africa: New Model for Economic Development or Business as Usual?”,, (22.03.2019)
  • “CNPC in Sudan”,, (22.12.2018) “EY’s Attractiveness Program Africa”,, (22.03.2019) “Fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC Opens Further China-Africa Cooperation”. Son güncelleme 23 Temmuz, 2012 http://www.focac. org/eng/dwjbzjjhys/t954274.html (14.01.2019).
  • “Information Office of the State Council, the People’s Republic of China, White Paper 2013”. (15.11.2018). “The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan (2016-2018)”. Son güncelleme 07 Aralık, 2015. (24.11.2018) “The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021)”, eng/zywx_1/zywj/t1594297.htm, (22.03.2019)
  • “The China Africa Project”, bers/, (22.03.2019)
  • “World Investment Report 2018”, ID=461, (22.03.2019)
  • (19.11. 2018)
  • (24.11.2018)
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Kılıç 0000-0002-1433-7515

Publication Date May 1, 2019
Submission Date March 24, 2019
Acceptance Date April 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


Chicago Kılıç, Fatih. “Küresel İlişkiler Bağlamında Çin’in Afrika’daki Ekonomi Politiği: Nijerya, Angola, Sudan Ve Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti Örnekleri”. International Journal of Politics and Security 1, no. 1 (May 2019): 71-96.



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