Plagiarism Policy

A similarity check is performed for each article submitted for publication in our Journal by the author(s) using the iThenticate software.

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Communication and Diplomacy adopts the following rules to determine the similarity rate:

• Articles with a general similarity rate of more than 10% are returned to the author without being subjected to the peer-review process. In this case, authors have three weeks to revise and resubmit their articles.
• The rate of similarity from a single source should be less than 3%.
• "Exclude Bibliography: ON, Exclude Quotes: OFF, Exclude Matches: OFF" settings must be used when creating the iThenticate report.
• Editors can perform a similarity check during or after the peer-review process.
Furthermore, regardless of the similarity rate, if any expression cited from a source without reference to the relevant source and/or blocks of similarity are determined, the work will be returned to the author without being reviewed.

All authors who submit an article agree to abide by the rules mentioned above.

When uploading the article to the system, the iThenticate report should also be attached as a file.

Last Update Time: 8/22/21, 12:38:33 AM