Hartwig Meissner, Creativity and Mathematics Education.
Year 2006,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 65 - 72, 26.06.2006
Hülya Gür
Hartwig Meissner
Mehmet Ali Kandemir
This study starts with the examples and elaborates only a few aspects of “which
are the mental processes to further creative thinking in mathematics education?” We must further
individual and social abilities, we need challenging problems, and the nature of activities in the
classroom must integrate more spontaneous ideas and more (unconscious and intuitive) commonsense
- Andzans, A., Meissner, H. (Eds.): Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students: Proceedings of the International Conference. Riga, Latvia 2002.
- Bauersfeld, H.: Subjektive Erfahrungsbereiche als Grundlage einer Interaktionstheorie des Mathematiklernens und -lehrens. In: Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik, Bd. 6, pp. 1-56, Aulis Verlag, Koeln, Germany 1983.
- Bishop, A.: Visuelle Mathematik. In: Steiner, H.-G., Winkelmann, B. (Eds.): Fragen des Geometrieunterrichts (Untersuchungen zum Mathematikunterricht, IDM, 1), pp. 166-184, Aulis Verlag, Koeln, Germany 1981.
- Gray, E. M., Tall, D. O.: Duality, Ambiguity and Flexibility in Successful Mathematical Thinking. In: Proceedings of PME-XV, vol. II, pp. 72-79, Assisi, Italy 1991.
- Kienel, E.: Datenverarbeitung und die algorithmische Methode im Mathematikunterricht. Dissertation Muenster,Germany 1977.
- Kiesswetter, K.: Modellierung von Problemloeseprozessen. In: Mathematikunterricht 29, Vol. 3, pp. 71-101,Friedrich Verlag, Seelze, Germany 1983.
- Meissner, H.: Cognitive Conflicts in Mathematics Learning. In: "European Journal of Psychology of Education", Vol. 1, No. 2/1986, p. 7-15, I.S.P.A. Lisboa, Portugal.
- Meissner, H.: Einstellung, Vorstellung, and Darstellung. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. I, pp. 156-161, Norwich, UK 2002.
- Meissner, H.: Constructing mathematical concepts with calculators or computers. In: Proceedings of CERME 3:Third Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Bellaria Italy 2003.
- Meissner, H., Grassmann, M., Mueller- Philipp, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference "Creativity and Mathematics Education". Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany 1999.
- Pehkonen, E.: Fostering of Mathematical Creativity. In: Zentralblatt fuer Didaktik der Mathematik, Vol. 3, pp. 63-67, Karlsruhe, Germany 1997.
- Sheffield, L. J.: Extending the Challenge in Mathematics. Sage Publications Company. Thousand Oaks, California USA 2003.
- Strauss, S. (Ed.): U-shaped Behavioral Growth. Academic Press, New York 1982.
- Upitis, R., Phillips, E., Higginson, W.: Creative Mathematics. Routledge, New York, USA 1997.
- Velikova, E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students", Rousse Bulgaria 2003.
- Zimmermann, B. et al. (Eds.): Kreatives Denken und Innovationen in mathematischen Wissenschaften. Tagungsband zum interdisziplinaeren Symposium an der Friedrich-SchillerUniversitaet Jena, Germany 1999.
- Zizhao, Ren: Thoughts on Examination of Creativity in China’s College Entrance Examination. Beijing, China (1999, unpublished). see also http://wwwmath.unimuenster.de/didaktik/u/meissne/WWW/creativity.htm
Yaratıcılık ve Matematik Eğitimi
Year 2006,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 65 - 72, 26.06.2006
Hülya Gür
Hartwig Meissner
Mehmet Ali Kandemir
Çalışmada teorik analiz ve birkaç örneğe yer verilecektir. “Matematik eğitimindeki yaratıcı
düşünceyi geliştirmek için hangi zihinsel süreçlere gerek vardır?” sorusuna ayrıntılı bir şekilde
cevap aranmaktadır. Sınıfta etkinlikler yaparken bireysel ve sosyal yetenekler irdelenmeli,
meydan okuyan problemlere yer verilmeli, farklı fikirlere açık olunmalıdır.
- Andzans, A., Meissner, H. (Eds.): Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students: Proceedings of the International Conference. Riga, Latvia 2002.
- Bauersfeld, H.: Subjektive Erfahrungsbereiche als Grundlage einer Interaktionstheorie des Mathematiklernens und -lehrens. In: Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik, Bd. 6, pp. 1-56, Aulis Verlag, Koeln, Germany 1983.
- Bishop, A.: Visuelle Mathematik. In: Steiner, H.-G., Winkelmann, B. (Eds.): Fragen des Geometrieunterrichts (Untersuchungen zum Mathematikunterricht, IDM, 1), pp. 166-184, Aulis Verlag, Koeln, Germany 1981.
- Gray, E. M., Tall, D. O.: Duality, Ambiguity and Flexibility in Successful Mathematical Thinking. In: Proceedings of PME-XV, vol. II, pp. 72-79, Assisi, Italy 1991.
- Kienel, E.: Datenverarbeitung und die algorithmische Methode im Mathematikunterricht. Dissertation Muenster,Germany 1977.
- Kiesswetter, K.: Modellierung von Problemloeseprozessen. In: Mathematikunterricht 29, Vol. 3, pp. 71-101,Friedrich Verlag, Seelze, Germany 1983.
- Meissner, H.: Cognitive Conflicts in Mathematics Learning. In: "European Journal of Psychology of Education", Vol. 1, No. 2/1986, p. 7-15, I.S.P.A. Lisboa, Portugal.
- Meissner, H.: Einstellung, Vorstellung, and Darstellung. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. I, pp. 156-161, Norwich, UK 2002.
- Meissner, H.: Constructing mathematical concepts with calculators or computers. In: Proceedings of CERME 3:Third Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Bellaria Italy 2003.
- Meissner, H., Grassmann, M., Mueller- Philipp, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference "Creativity and Mathematics Education". Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Germany 1999.
- Pehkonen, E.: Fostering of Mathematical Creativity. In: Zentralblatt fuer Didaktik der Mathematik, Vol. 3, pp. 63-67, Karlsruhe, Germany 1997.
- Sheffield, L. J.: Extending the Challenge in Mathematics. Sage Publications Company. Thousand Oaks, California USA 2003.
- Strauss, S. (Ed.): U-shaped Behavioral Growth. Academic Press, New York 1982.
- Upitis, R., Phillips, E., Higginson, W.: Creative Mathematics. Routledge, New York, USA 1997.
- Velikova, E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students", Rousse Bulgaria 2003.
- Zimmermann, B. et al. (Eds.): Kreatives Denken und Innovationen in mathematischen Wissenschaften. Tagungsband zum interdisziplinaeren Symposium an der Friedrich-SchillerUniversitaet Jena, Germany 1999.
- Zizhao, Ren: Thoughts on Examination of Creativity in China’s College Entrance Examination. Beijing, China (1999, unpublished). see also http://wwwmath.unimuenster.de/didaktik/u/meissne/WWW/creativity.htm