Excluding Certain Reviewers from the Review Process
The author/authors can specify/identify the referees to whom they do not want their manuscript to be sent on the grounds of conflict of interest or ethical grounds.
In addition, the editor does not send reviews to the following referees:
The author/authors have previously published a joint study,
It helped in the preliminary reading of the author's/authors' works,
The author/authors are known to have had problems before,
It will benefit financially from the publication of the study,
Referees working in the same institution (same department in universities) with the author.
Author/authors can withdraw/withdraw their unpublished manuscripts while they are in the evaluation process.
Objections to Referee Reports and Editorial Board Decisions
The author/authors have the right to object to referee reports and editorial decisions at any time and under any circumstances. In these and similar cases, the author/authors are requested to notify their objections with their justifications. In case of editorial objections, the editorial may initiate a new evaluation process if deemed necessary.
Conservation for Published Work
The copyright of the published articles and reviews belongs to İLSAM Theological Sciences Research Centre Association. However, the author/authors can forward their requests regarding the use of their work to the Editor of the journal.
Due to material errors arising in the editorial process or in the printing process, the author may request an erratum for the problematic parts of his/her work in the first issue to be published or for information errors caused by him/her.