The articles to be published in İLSAM Academy Journal should be maximum 10000 words (25 pages) (excluding pictures, figures, maps, bibliographies, etc.). In case the volume of any article exceeds this upper limit, the decision of the editorial board is valid.
Font Type
The text should be written in Microsoft Word programme with a margin of at least 2.5 cm, in Times News Roman font, 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing; footnotes should be written in 10 font size and single line spacing. Please refer to the relevant section on how to prepare tables and figures.
Page Structure
On A4 size paper, the top, bottom, right and left margins should be 2.5 cm (0.98 in), justified on both sides, without hyphenation at the end of the line.
Paragraph Structure
In the indents section of the paragraph tab; the first line indent should be 1.25 cm, the area before and after the paragraph should be 6 pt.
The title of the article should be in capital letters, bold and centred on the page. If the study has been previously presented, produced from a project or thesis, etc., an explanation should be made by placing (1) footnote at the end of the title.
Main and subheadings should be formed in decimal system order, using numbers followed by a period. A space should be left between the title number and the first letter of the title. (For detailed information, see
Author Names
Author names should be italicised. Full names, titles, institutions, e-mail addresses and ORCID numbers of the author(s) should be indicated.
Abstract - Summary
Turkish manuscripts submitted to our journal should be preceded by an abstract of 140-180 words in Turkish and English, which should include the scope, aim, results obtained and the method used, and 5-7 English and 5-7 Turkish keywords representing the content of the study should be included under the abstract.
Articles accepted for publication should include an abstract of at least 750 words after the abstract. Abstracts should be in English for Turkish articles and in Turkish for English articles.
Main Text
Quantitative and qualitative studies should include Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion sections.
Review style papers should present the problem, analyse the relevant literature in a competent way, emphasise the deficiencies, gaps and contradictions in the literature and mention the steps to be taken for a solution.
In other studies, changes can be made according to the type of subject, but care should be taken to ensure that this is not in the form of detailed sub-sections that make it difficult for the reader to benefit from the text.
Isnad Citation 2nd edition (footnoted) system should be applied.
1. The title of the book under review should include the name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) or editor(s) (show if it is a review), title of the book, year of publication, place of publication, publisher, number of pages, ISBN number.
2. The name of the reviewing author should be written under the title and the footnote should include the author's title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID ID.
3. At the beginning of the article, there should be a 140-180 word Turkish and English abstract that briefly introduces the book. ,
4. There should be 5-7 word keywords under the abstract.
5. Book reviews and introductions are also evaluated by double-blind refereeing system as in research articles.