Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 255 - 271, 10.12.2019


Sol popülizm tartışmaları yeni olmamakla birlikte, çağdaş dünyada
neoliberalizmin krizi ile birlikte yeniden canlanmıştır. Sağ popülist iktidarlar
ve liderlerin seçim başarıları karşısında, seçmenleri popülist bir strateji ile
sola döndürme umudunu ifade eden günümüz sol popülizmi, barındırdığı umutlar
kadar riskleri ile de dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışma teori ve pratikteki
örneklerine eğilerek, günümüz sol popülizm tartışmalarının eleştirel bir
muhasebesini yapmaktadır. Söylemsel olarak müesses nizam ile halk karşıtlığını
oligarşi ile halk karşıtlığına çevirmeye çalışmakla ve daha kapsayıcı ve
eşitlikçi bir popülizm kurgulamakla birlikte, solun popülizme içkin olduğu
düşünülen otoriterlik, kişiselleşmiş dikey karakterli liderlik,
anti-çoğulculuk, anti-kurumsalcılık ve anti-demokratik özellikleri ile başa
çıkıp çıkamayacağı pek de net değildir.


  • Agustin, O. G. ve Briziarelli, M. (2018). “Left-wing Populism and the Assault on the Establishment”, Oscar Garzia Agustin ve Marco Briziarelli (eds.). Podemos and the New Political Cycle içinde (pp. 281-194).
  • Balta, E. ve Özel, S. (2018). “Popülizm Siyaseti: Küresel Çağda İktidar ve Protesto”, Milena Dragicevic Sesic ve Jonathan Vickery (Der.). Kültür Politikası ve Popülizm içinde (ss. 100-109).
  • Barr, R. R. (2009). “Populists, Outsidersand Anti-Establishment Politics”, Party Politics, 15(1), pp. 29-48.Bora, T. (2019). “Sol Popülizm (I)”, Birikim Dergisi Haftalık yazılar, 03 Temmuz 2019, (27.09.2019).
  • Cohen, J. L. (2019). “What’s Wrong with the Normative Theory (and the Actual Practice) of Left Populism?”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Fassin, D. (2019). “On Left Populism”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Fassin, E. (2018). Popülizm: Büyük Hınç, Çev. Gülener Kırnalı ve İlker Kocael, Heretik: Ankara.
  • Finchelstein, F. (2019a). “Populism of the Left?”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Finchelstein, F (2019b). Faşizmden Popülizme, Çev. Ali Karatay, İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Hamburger, J. (2018). “Can There Be a Left populism?”, Jacobin Magazine (29.03.2018), (18.11.2019).
  • Hamid, S. (2018). “Left populism and the Rediscovery of Agonistic politics”, American Affairs, 2(4), (18.11.2019).
  • Harcourt, B. E. (2019). “Introduction to Left Populism”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Inglehart, R. F. ve Norris, P. (2016). “Trump, Brexit, and the rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash”, Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series, (28.02.2019).
  • Jäger, A. (2019). “From Populism to Socialism and Back”, Jacobin Magazine (29.08.2019), (18.11.2019).
  • Karavasilis, L. (2018). “Is Left-Wing Populism Still Relevant?”, The New Pretender (22.07.2018), (18.11.2019).
  • Laclau, E. (2007). Popülist Akıl Üzerine, Çev. Nur Betül Çelik, Epos: Ankara.
  • March, L. (2007). “From vanguard of the proletariat to vox populi: Left populism as a shadow of contemporary socialism”. SAIS Review, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 63-77.
  • March, L. (2017). “Left and Right populism compared: The British case”. BJPIR, Vol. 19(2), pp. 282-303.
  • Moffitt, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation, Stanford University Press: Stanford.
  • Mouffe, C. (2019). Sol Popülizm, Çev. Aybars Yanık, İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Mudde, C. ve Kaltwasser, C.B. (2019). Popülizm: Kısa Bir Giriş, Çev. S. Erdem Türközü, Nika Yayınevi: Ankara.
  • Mut, G. (2018). “Kapitalizmin İniltisi: Popülizm”, (18.11.2019).
  • Müller, J. W. (2017). Popülizm Nedir?, İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Selçuk, O. (2016). “Strong presidents and weak institutions: populism in Turkey, Venezuela and Ecuador”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 16(4), pp 571-589.
  • Sierra, H.P. (2018). “Is left populism a viable strategy?”, Socialist Review, Vol. 441, (18.11.2019).
  • Sözen, Y. (2017). “Demokrasi, Otoriterlik ve Popülizmin Yükselişi”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi-TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu Araştırma Raporu. ss. 1-38.
  • Taggart, P. (2000). Populism, Open University Press: Buckingham-Philadelphia.
  • Thomassen, L. (2016). “Hegemony, populism and democracy: Laclau and Mouffe Today (Review Article)”. Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica, No. 40, pp. 161-176.
  • Toprak, Z. (1992). “Popülizm ve Türkiye’deki Boyutları” [Elektronik Sürüm], Tarih ve Demokrasi – Tarık Zafer Tunaya’ya Armağan, İstanbul Cem Yayınları, ss. 41-65, (28.02.2019).
  • Uslu, H. F. (2019). “Popülist Zamanların Sürekli Kampanya Sürecinde Anket Siyaseti: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Örneği”, Social Sciences Studies Journal, Vol. 5 (47), pp. 5683-5693.
  • Weyland, K. (2001). “Clarifying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics”, Comparative Politics, 34(1):1-22.
  • Weyland, K. (2013). “The threat from the populist left”. Journal of Democracy, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 18-32.


Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 5, 255 - 271, 10.12.2019


it is not new, the debate on the left populism has accelerated with the crisis
of neoliberalism. Facing the electoral successes of right-wing governments and
leaders, the left populism which expresses a hope to win electorates to the Left,
is remarkable not only with its promises but also its perils. This study
critically review the left populism debate by focusing its theoretical and
practical cases. Although it discursively builds a more inclusionary and
egalitarian populism through diverting the dichotomy from establishment and
people towards oligarchy and people, it is not clear whether the left may cope
with the characteristics that are thought as inherent to populism such as being
authoritarian, anti-plural, anti-institutional, anti-democratic and
vertical/personalized leadership.


  • Agustin, O. G. ve Briziarelli, M. (2018). “Left-wing Populism and the Assault on the Establishment”, Oscar Garzia Agustin ve Marco Briziarelli (eds.). Podemos and the New Political Cycle içinde (pp. 281-194).
  • Balta, E. ve Özel, S. (2018). “Popülizm Siyaseti: Küresel Çağda İktidar ve Protesto”, Milena Dragicevic Sesic ve Jonathan Vickery (Der.). Kültür Politikası ve Popülizm içinde (ss. 100-109).
  • Barr, R. R. (2009). “Populists, Outsidersand Anti-Establishment Politics”, Party Politics, 15(1), pp. 29-48.Bora, T. (2019). “Sol Popülizm (I)”, Birikim Dergisi Haftalık yazılar, 03 Temmuz 2019, (27.09.2019).
  • Cohen, J. L. (2019). “What’s Wrong with the Normative Theory (and the Actual Practice) of Left Populism?”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Fassin, D. (2019). “On Left Populism”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Fassin, E. (2018). Popülizm: Büyük Hınç, Çev. Gülener Kırnalı ve İlker Kocael, Heretik: Ankara.
  • Finchelstein, F. (2019a). “Populism of the Left?”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Finchelstein, F (2019b). Faşizmden Popülizme, Çev. Ali Karatay, İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Hamburger, J. (2018). “Can There Be a Left populism?”, Jacobin Magazine (29.03.2018), (18.11.2019).
  • Hamid, S. (2018). “Left populism and the Rediscovery of Agonistic politics”, American Affairs, 2(4), (18.11.2019).
  • Harcourt, B. E. (2019). “Introduction to Left Populism”, Columbia Center For Contemporary Critical Thought, Critique and Praxis 9/13 Seminar: Left Populism, (3.7.2019).
  • Inglehart, R. F. ve Norris, P. (2016). “Trump, Brexit, and the rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash”, Harvard Kennedy School Faculty Research Working Paper Series, (28.02.2019).
  • Jäger, A. (2019). “From Populism to Socialism and Back”, Jacobin Magazine (29.08.2019), (18.11.2019).
  • Karavasilis, L. (2018). “Is Left-Wing Populism Still Relevant?”, The New Pretender (22.07.2018), (18.11.2019).
  • Laclau, E. (2007). Popülist Akıl Üzerine, Çev. Nur Betül Çelik, Epos: Ankara.
  • March, L. (2007). “From vanguard of the proletariat to vox populi: Left populism as a shadow of contemporary socialism”. SAIS Review, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 63-77.
  • March, L. (2017). “Left and Right populism compared: The British case”. BJPIR, Vol. 19(2), pp. 282-303.
  • Moffitt, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation, Stanford University Press: Stanford.
  • Mouffe, C. (2019). Sol Popülizm, Çev. Aybars Yanık, İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Mudde, C. ve Kaltwasser, C.B. (2019). Popülizm: Kısa Bir Giriş, Çev. S. Erdem Türközü, Nika Yayınevi: Ankara.
  • Mut, G. (2018). “Kapitalizmin İniltisi: Popülizm”, (18.11.2019).
  • Müller, J. W. (2017). Popülizm Nedir?, İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Selçuk, O. (2016). “Strong presidents and weak institutions: populism in Turkey, Venezuela and Ecuador”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 16(4), pp 571-589.
  • Sierra, H.P. (2018). “Is left populism a viable strategy?”, Socialist Review, Vol. 441, (18.11.2019).
  • Sözen, Y. (2017). “Demokrasi, Otoriterlik ve Popülizmin Yükselişi”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi-TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu Araştırma Raporu. ss. 1-38.
  • Taggart, P. (2000). Populism, Open University Press: Buckingham-Philadelphia.
  • Thomassen, L. (2016). “Hegemony, populism and democracy: Laclau and Mouffe Today (Review Article)”. Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica, No. 40, pp. 161-176.
  • Toprak, Z. (1992). “Popülizm ve Türkiye’deki Boyutları” [Elektronik Sürüm], Tarih ve Demokrasi – Tarık Zafer Tunaya’ya Armağan, İstanbul Cem Yayınları, ss. 41-65, (28.02.2019).
  • Uslu, H. F. (2019). “Popülist Zamanların Sürekli Kampanya Sürecinde Anket Siyaseti: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Örneği”, Social Sciences Studies Journal, Vol. 5 (47), pp. 5683-5693.
  • Weyland, K. (2001). “Clarifying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics”, Comparative Politics, 34(1):1-22.
  • Weyland, K. (2013). “The threat from the populist left”. Journal of Democracy, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 18-32.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Faruk Uslu 0000-0002-7130-3020

Publication Date December 10, 2019
Submission Date November 19, 2019
Acceptance Date December 8, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 5


APA Uslu, H. F. (2019). RİSKLERİ VE VAATLERİYLE SOL POPÜLİZM. İmgelem, 3(5), 255-271.

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