Research Article
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Year 2022, , 67 - 88, 30.12.2022



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The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar

Year 2022, , 67 - 88, 30.12.2022


This study aims to determine the effect of destination satisfaction and place attachment on behavioral intention. The research population consists of tourists visiting the cittaslow of Seferihisar. Convenience sampling and the survey technique were used to obtain the data. Questionnaires were collected face-to-face and online between 10 May and 21 August 2022, and 428 questionnaires were analyzed. The Smart PLS statistical program was used in the research to test the hypotheses for the scales of destination satisfaction, place attachment, and behavioral intention. The structural equation model was used to analyze the data. In this context, it was found that the destination satisfaction of the tourists participating in the research has a positive effect on the place attachment dimensions of place dependence, place identity, place effect, and social bond. It was found that place addiction, place effect and place identity had a positive effect on behavioral intention, while social bond had no effect on behavioral intention. In addition, recommendations were developed in line with the research results.


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  • Hooda, A., Gupta, P., Jeyaraj, A., Giannakis, M., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2022). The effects of trust on behavioral intention and use behavior within e-government contexts. International Journal of Information Management, 67, 102553. google scholar
  • Hosany, S., Prayag, G., Van Der Veen, R., Huang, S., & Deesilatham, S. (2017). Mediating effects of place attachment and satisfaction on the relationship between tourists’ emotions and intention to recommend. Journal of Travel Research, 56(8), 1079-1093. google scholar
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There are 95 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Erdem Baydeniz 0000-0003-1003-0521

Leyla Kılıcı 0000-0002-2491-9172

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date October 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Baydeniz, E., & Kılıcı, L. (2022). The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar. Istanbul Management Journal(93), 67-88.
AMA Baydeniz E, Kılıcı L. The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar. Istanbul Management Journal. December 2022;(93):67-88. doi:10.26650/imj.2022.93.004
Chicago Baydeniz, Erdem, and Leyla Kılıcı. “The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93 (December 2022): 67-88.
EndNote Baydeniz E, Kılıcı L (December 1, 2022) The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar. Istanbul Management Journal 93 67–88.
IEEE E. Baydeniz and L. Kılıcı, “The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar”, Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93, pp. 67–88, December 2022, doi: 10.26650/imj.2022.93.004.
ISNAD Baydeniz, Erdem - Kılıcı, Leyla. “The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar”. Istanbul Management Journal 93 (December 2022), 67-88.
JAMA Baydeniz E, Kılıcı L. The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar. Istanbul Management Journal. 2022;:67–88.
MLA Baydeniz, Erdem and Leyla Kılıcı. “The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar”. Istanbul Management Journal, no. 93, 2022, pp. 67-88, doi:10.26650/imj.2022.93.004.
Vancouver Baydeniz E, Kılıcı L. The Effect of Destination Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Behavioral Intention: The Case of Seferihisar. Istanbul Management Journal. 2022(93):67-88.