Research Article
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Year 2024, , 227 - 244, 30.06.2024


Fama's "proxy" hypothesis and Liquidity Preference Theory suggest that there is an inverse relationship
between interest and inflation rates and stock prices/returns. On the other hand, according to the Fisher
hypothesis suggests that there is a positive interaction between the stock market returns and inflation rate.
The increase in the interest rate, on the one hand, due to the increase in the discount rate and, on the
other hand, due to the alternative cost of investment, reduces the interest towards the stock market and
increases the tendency towards the bond market, causing share prices to fall. However, it is seen that the
relationships in question are far from certain, and the findings obtained from different samples with
different methods give results that do not match the expectations implied by the hypotheses.
The nexus between the stock market and interest and inflation rates in Türkiye, which has been faced
with high interest rates and inflation for many years except short-term periods, has been examined using
different time series methods in the empirical literature. In this study, the subject is investigated in a
different way through the Quantile Regression (QR) method. In the study, where the effect of the nominal
interest rate on stock prices was examined by dividing it into two components: real interest and inflation
rates, a four-fold sub-sector distinction was made, namely service, financial, industrial and technology
indices. When it comes to the effect of nominal and real interest rates on returns in QR estimates, it is
seen that the service and industrial sectors differ in terms of both tail and sign. The similarities between
Least Squares estimates and QR estimates are striking. However, the potential of the volatility level of
variables to create differentiation in relationships is also a point that should not be overlooked.


  • Akkaya, M. (2022), “A case on volatility and volatility spillover in the Turkey’s foreign exchange market”, Alanya Academic Review Journal, 6 (3), 2707-2719. (In Turkish)
  • Akkum, T. and Vuran, B. (2005), “The analysis of macroeconomic factors which may affect stock returns in the Turkish capital market by arbitrage pricing theory”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 20 (233), 28-45. (In Turkish)
  • Aktürk, H. (2016), “Do stock returns provide a good hedge against inflation? An empirical assessment using Turkish data during periods of structural change”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 45, 230–246.
  • Allen, D. E., Singh, A. K. and Powell, R. (2013), “Analysing the return distributions of Australian stocks: the CAPM, factor models and quantile regressions”, Global Business and Economics Review, 15 (1), 88-109.
  • Altıntaş, H. and Tombak, F. (2011), “Econometric analysis of the relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic variables in Turkey: 1987-2008”, Paper presented at EconAnadolu 2011: Anadolu International Conference in Economics II, June 15-17, 2011, Eskişehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
  • Bai, J. and Perron, P. (2003), “Computation and analysis of multiple structural change models”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18 (1), 1–22.
  • Buchinsky, M. (1994), “Changes in the U.S. wage structure 1963-1987: Application of quantile regression”, Econometrica, 62 (2), 405-458.
  • Buchinsky, M. (1998), “Recent advances in quantile regression models: A practical guideline for empirical research”, The Journal of Human Resources, 33 (1), 88-126.
  • Campbell, J. Y., Lo, A. W. and MacKinlay, A. C. (2012), The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA.
  • Canöz, İ. and Yiğit, F. (2022), “Asymmetric effects of selected macroeconomic variables on ISE100 index”, Journal of Yasar University, 17/65, 39-56. (In Turkish)
  • Chen, N. F., Roll, R. and Ross, S. (1986), “Economic forces and the stock market”, The Journal of Business, 59 (3), 383-403.
  • Demir, Y. and Göçmen Yağcılar, G. (2009), “Determining the factors effecting banks’ stock returns trading in IMKB by arbitrage pricing model”, Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 1/2,36-51. (In Turkish)
  • Engsted, T. and Tanggaard, C. (2002), “The relation between asset returns and inflation at short and long horizons”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 12, 101–118.
  • Erdoğan, S., Gedik, A. and Çevik, E. İ. (2020), “Volatility spillover effects between Islamic stock markets and exchange rates: Evidence from three emerging countries”, Borsa Istanbul Review, 20 (4), 322-333.
  • Fama, E. F. (1981), “Stock returns, real activity, inflation, and money”, American Economic Review, 71, 545–565.
  • Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (1993), "Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds." Journal of Financial Economics, 33, 3-56.
  • Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (2015), "A five-factor asset pricing model", Journal of financial Economics, 116 (1), 1-22.
  • Fisher, I. (1930), The Theory of Interest as Determined by Impatience to Spend Income and Opportunity to Spend It, MacMillan, New York, USA.
  • Flannery, M. J. and Protopapadakis, A. A. (2002), “Macroeconomic factors do influence aggregate stock returns”, The Review of Financial Studies, 15 (3), 751-782.
  • Geske, R. and Roll, R. (1983), “The monetary and fiscal linkage between stock returns and inflation”, Journal of Finance, 38, 1–33.
  • Jareño, F. (2008), “Spanish stock market sensitivity to real interest and inflation rates: an extension of the Stone two-factor model with factors of the Fama and French three-factor model”, Applied Economics, 40 (24), 3159-3171.
  • Jareño, F., R. Ferrer and S. Miroslavova (2016), “US stock market sensitivity to interest and inflation rates: A quantile regression approach”, Applied Economics, 48 (26), 2469–2481.
  • Jarrow, R. and Rudd, A. (1983), “A comparison of the APT and CAPM: a note”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 7, 295-303.
  • Koenker, R. and Basset, G. J. (1978), “Regression quantiles”, Econometrica, 46 (1), 33–50. Kulalı, İ. )2016), “Using of capital asset pricing model and beta coefficient in regulated industry”, Selçuk University the Journal of Social Economic Research, 16 (31), 274-295. (In Turkish)
  • Lintner, J. (1965), “Security prices, risk and maximal gains from diversification”, Journal of Finance, 20 (4), 587-615.
  • Merton, R. (1973), "An intertemporal capital asset pricing model", Econometrica, 41, 867- 887.
  • Mossin, J. (1966), “Equilibrium in a capital asset market”, Econometrica, 34 (4), 768–783.
  • Özkan, N. (2015), “An investigation of the relationship between inflation, stock returns and real economic activity in Turkey”, Bankacılar Dergisi, 94, 81-93. (In Turkish)
  • Rejeb, A. B. (2017), “On the volatility spillover between Islamic and conventional stock markets: A quantile regression analysis”, Research in International Business and Finance, 42, 794–798.
  • Ross, S. (1976), "The arbitrage theory of capital asset pricing", Journal of Economic Theory, 13, 341-360.
  • Sharpe, W. F. (1964), "Capital asset prices: a theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk", Journal of Finance, 19 (3), 425-442.
  • Stone, B. K. (1974), “Systematic interest rate risk in a two-index model of returns”, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 9 (5), 709 – 721.

Faiz ve Enflasyon Oranlarının Hisse Senedi Getirilerine Etkisi: Türkiye İçin Kantil Regresyon Analizi

Year 2024, , 227 - 244, 30.06.2024


Fama’nın “temsil” hipotezi ve Likidite Tercihi Teorisi faiz ve enflasyon oranları ile hisse senedi
fiyatları/getirileri arasında ters yönlü bir ilişki olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Buna karşılık Fisher hipotezi
enflasyon ile hisse senedi piyasası arasında pozitif ilişki olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Faiz oranındaki
yükselme, bir yandan iskonto oranındaki artış diğer yandan yatırımın alternatif maliyeti nedeniyle hisse
senedi piyasasına ilgiyi azaltıp tahvil piyasasına yönelimi artırarak hisse fiyatlarının düşmesine neden
olmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, sözkonusu ilişkilerin kesinlikten uzak olduğu, farklı yöntemlerle farklı
örneklemlerden elde edilen bulguların hipotezlerin işaret ettiği beklentilerle uyuşmayan sonuçlar verdiği
Kısa süreli dönemler hariç uzun yıllar boyunca yüksek faiz ve enflasyon ile karşı kaşıya bulunan Türkiye‘de
hisse senedi piyasası ile faiz ve enflasyon oranlarının ilişkisi ampirik literatürde farklı zaman serisi
yöntemleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ise konu farklı bir yol izlenerek Kantil Regresyon (QR)
yöntemi aracılığıyla araştırılmaktadır. Nominal faiz oranının reel faiz oranı ve enflasyon oranı şeklinde iki
bileşene ayırılarak hisse senedi fiyatlarına etkisinin incelendiği çalışmada hizmet, mali, sınai ve teknoloji
endeksleri şeklinde dörtlü bir alt sektör ayrımına gidilmiştir. KR tahminlerinde nominal ve reel faiz
oranlarının getiriler üzerindeki etkisine bakıldığında, hizmet ve sanayi sektörlerinin hem kuyruk hem de
işaret açısından farklılık gösterdiği görülmektedir. Enküçük kareler tahminleriyle QR tahminleri arasındaki
benzerlikler dikkat çekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, değişkenlerin oynaklık düzeyinin ilişkilerde farklılaşma
yaratma potansiyeli de gözden uzak tutulmaması gereken bir noktadır.


  • Akkaya, M. (2022), “A case on volatility and volatility spillover in the Turkey’s foreign exchange market”, Alanya Academic Review Journal, 6 (3), 2707-2719. (In Turkish)
  • Akkum, T. and Vuran, B. (2005), “The analysis of macroeconomic factors which may affect stock returns in the Turkish capital market by arbitrage pricing theory”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 20 (233), 28-45. (In Turkish)
  • Aktürk, H. (2016), “Do stock returns provide a good hedge against inflation? An empirical assessment using Turkish data during periods of structural change”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 45, 230–246.
  • Allen, D. E., Singh, A. K. and Powell, R. (2013), “Analysing the return distributions of Australian stocks: the CAPM, factor models and quantile regressions”, Global Business and Economics Review, 15 (1), 88-109.
  • Altıntaş, H. and Tombak, F. (2011), “Econometric analysis of the relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic variables in Turkey: 1987-2008”, Paper presented at EconAnadolu 2011: Anadolu International Conference in Economics II, June 15-17, 2011, Eskişehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
  • Bai, J. and Perron, P. (2003), “Computation and analysis of multiple structural change models”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18 (1), 1–22.
  • Buchinsky, M. (1994), “Changes in the U.S. wage structure 1963-1987: Application of quantile regression”, Econometrica, 62 (2), 405-458.
  • Buchinsky, M. (1998), “Recent advances in quantile regression models: A practical guideline for empirical research”, The Journal of Human Resources, 33 (1), 88-126.
  • Campbell, J. Y., Lo, A. W. and MacKinlay, A. C. (2012), The Econometrics of Financial Markets, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA.
  • Canöz, İ. and Yiğit, F. (2022), “Asymmetric effects of selected macroeconomic variables on ISE100 index”, Journal of Yasar University, 17/65, 39-56. (In Turkish)
  • Chen, N. F., Roll, R. and Ross, S. (1986), “Economic forces and the stock market”, The Journal of Business, 59 (3), 383-403.
  • Demir, Y. and Göçmen Yağcılar, G. (2009), “Determining the factors effecting banks’ stock returns trading in IMKB by arbitrage pricing model”, Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 1/2,36-51. (In Turkish)
  • Engsted, T. and Tanggaard, C. (2002), “The relation between asset returns and inflation at short and long horizons”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 12, 101–118.
  • Erdoğan, S., Gedik, A. and Çevik, E. İ. (2020), “Volatility spillover effects between Islamic stock markets and exchange rates: Evidence from three emerging countries”, Borsa Istanbul Review, 20 (4), 322-333.
  • Fama, E. F. (1981), “Stock returns, real activity, inflation, and money”, American Economic Review, 71, 545–565.
  • Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (1993), "Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds." Journal of Financial Economics, 33, 3-56.
  • Fama, E. F. and French, K. R. (2015), "A five-factor asset pricing model", Journal of financial Economics, 116 (1), 1-22.
  • Fisher, I. (1930), The Theory of Interest as Determined by Impatience to Spend Income and Opportunity to Spend It, MacMillan, New York, USA.
  • Flannery, M. J. and Protopapadakis, A. A. (2002), “Macroeconomic factors do influence aggregate stock returns”, The Review of Financial Studies, 15 (3), 751-782.
  • Geske, R. and Roll, R. (1983), “The monetary and fiscal linkage between stock returns and inflation”, Journal of Finance, 38, 1–33.
  • Jareño, F. (2008), “Spanish stock market sensitivity to real interest and inflation rates: an extension of the Stone two-factor model with factors of the Fama and French three-factor model”, Applied Economics, 40 (24), 3159-3171.
  • Jareño, F., R. Ferrer and S. Miroslavova (2016), “US stock market sensitivity to interest and inflation rates: A quantile regression approach”, Applied Economics, 48 (26), 2469–2481.
  • Jarrow, R. and Rudd, A. (1983), “A comparison of the APT and CAPM: a note”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 7, 295-303.
  • Koenker, R. and Basset, G. J. (1978), “Regression quantiles”, Econometrica, 46 (1), 33–50. Kulalı, İ. )2016), “Using of capital asset pricing model and beta coefficient in regulated industry”, Selçuk University the Journal of Social Economic Research, 16 (31), 274-295. (In Turkish)
  • Lintner, J. (1965), “Security prices, risk and maximal gains from diversification”, Journal of Finance, 20 (4), 587-615.
  • Merton, R. (1973), "An intertemporal capital asset pricing model", Econometrica, 41, 867- 887.
  • Mossin, J. (1966), “Equilibrium in a capital asset market”, Econometrica, 34 (4), 768–783.
  • Özkan, N. (2015), “An investigation of the relationship between inflation, stock returns and real economic activity in Turkey”, Bankacılar Dergisi, 94, 81-93. (In Turkish)
  • Rejeb, A. B. (2017), “On the volatility spillover between Islamic and conventional stock markets: A quantile regression analysis”, Research in International Business and Finance, 42, 794–798.
  • Ross, S. (1976), "The arbitrage theory of capital asset pricing", Journal of Economic Theory, 13, 341-360.
  • Sharpe, W. F. (1964), "Capital asset prices: a theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk", Journal of Finance, 19 (3), 425-442.
  • Stone, B. K. (1974), “Systematic interest rate risk in a two-index model of returns”, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 9 (5), 709 – 721.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Capital Market
Journal Section Research Article

Kadir Karagöz 0000-0002-4436-9235

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date October 2, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Karagöz, K. (2024). THE EFFECT OF INTEREST AND INFLATION RATES ON STOCK RETURNS: QUANTILE REGRESSION ANALYSIS FOR TÜRKIYE. İnönü Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(1), 227-244.

İnönü Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 

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