Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 11/14/22

Year: 2022

Araştırma Makalesi

Journal of Inonu University Vocational School of Health Services is a peer-reviewed journal aiming at original research, scientific research, case reports, editorial comments, publishing letters and assemblies to the editor, sharing academic information.

Journal of İnönü University Health Services Vocational School National and international, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Midwifery, Sports Sciences and Human Health, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Medical Biology, Medical Plants, Health Physics, Biomedical Applications, Health Services health care providers and health care providers are among the studies on research and health management.

The rules to be followed during the preparation of the article are as follows:

1. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.

2. The work submitted for publication in our journal should not be published, published or published in any other journal.

3. The papers presented in the scientific meetings and the abstracts of which are summarized are evaluated by providing the name, date and place of the meeting.

4. In the works sent to be published, citation, table, painting etc. if it is available, the author of the article must obtain written permission from the author and the authors of the publication right and specify it in the article. Legal responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors.

5. When the submission process is started, it will be displayed on the mandatory forms tab and will allow the file to be downloaded to your computer. You need to install the signed version of the file again through the same tab

6. Turkish dictionary of Turkish Language Dictionary should be based on the glossary of terms (http://www.tdk.org.tr).

7. Scientific and ethical responsibility belongs entirely to the author (s).

8. If; Ethics Committee Approval Kurul is required in the article; The authors should declare that they have the approval and approval of the ethics committee in the “Materials and Methods yazar section.

9- The authors should transfer the copyright to the Journal of the Vocational School of Health Services. The publication rights transfer form is on the mandatory forms tab at the time of submission of your post and the registration of the file to your computer is possible. The completed form will be restored from the same section


Journal of İnönü University Health Services Vocational School publishes original research, case reports, editorial comments, letters to the editor and reviews.

The rules to be followed during the preparation of the article are as follows:

1. The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

2. Studies submitted to our journal for publication should not have been published in any other journal, not accepted for publication or are at the stage of evaluation for publication.

3. The abstracts presented at scientific meetings and whose abstracts are published are evaluated, provided that the name, date and place of the meeting are specified.

4. In the works sent for publication, the text, the text, the table, the picture, etc. If available, the article author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors and indicate this in the article. Legal responsibility in this matter belongs to the authors.

5. When the submission process of the article is started, it will be displayed in the mandatory forms tab and will allow the file to be downloaded to your computer. Again, you need to upload

the signed version of the file on the same tab.

6. In Turkish articles, the Turkish dictionary terms dictionary of the Turkish Language Association (http://www.tdk.org.tr) should be taken as basis.

7. DOI Number is assigned to each article published in the journal and no fee is charged from the authors.

8. If “Ethics Committee Approval” is required for the article; authors should declare in the “Materials and Methods” section that they have received ethics committee approval.

9- Authors should transfer the copyright of the publication to the Journal of Health Services Vocational School. The copyright transfer form is available in the mandatory forms tab at the

submission stage of your article, and it is possible to save the file to your computer. The filled form will still be restored from the same section.

10-Submitted articles are queued for publication with the approval of the Editorial Board.

11-Similarity report must be uploaded to the system with the submission of the article. Articles that do not comply with the publication ethics are not evaluated and rejected.

12- Inönü University does not charge any transaction and publication fee for the articles sent to the Journal of Health Services Vocational School.


Ethical rules

Below are the ethical responsibilities, roles and duties of the authors, journal editor, referees and publisher. The following ethical principles and rules have been prepared in accordance with

the directive of the Publication Ethics Committee (Committe on Publication Ethics - COPE (https://publicationethics.org/)).


Journal of İnönü University Health Services Vocational School is an online refereed journal.

The language of writing is Turkish and English.

No fee is charged for the articles submitted to the journal, and all accepted articles are published free of charge.

Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by at least 2 referees. There is a double-blind arbitration system. The names of the referees evaluating the articles are not notified to the

authors. Referees also cannot see the names of the authors.

Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated within three months.

Studies submitted for publication to our journal must not have been published in any other journal, not accepted for publication, or are at the stage of evaluation for publication.

Studies are evaluated in terms of their importance, originality and scientific validity. The articles that pass this review are re-evaluated by the editorial board. The editorial board can make the

necessary arrangements in the text that it accepts for publication without changing the content of the article. The journal has the authority to make corrections in the articles, to request

changes in the format and to make abbreviations within the knowledge of the authors. Relevant manuscripts will not be included in the broadcast schedule until the necessary arrangements

are made from the authors. Submitted articles are queued for publication with the approval of the Editorial Board. Articles that are not accepted for publication and their attachments

(photographs, tables, figures, etc.) will not be returned unless otherwise stated.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be written in accordance with the journal's writing rules. Studies that do not comply with the journal's spelling rules are returned to the author.

Studies with a plagiarism rate above 20% of the articles submitted to the journal are rejected. Therefore, in order to avoid loss of time and workforce, authors should carefully review the

journal rules, pass their work through a plagiarism program, and upload them to the system. The accuracy of the plagiarism file belongs to the author and must be below 20%.

For studies requiring an ethical committee decision, the "ethics committee decision" document should be uploaded to the system and it should be stated in the "MATERIAL AND METHOD"

section of the article with the title "Ethical aspect" of the article.

The publication transfer form must be uploaded to the system signed by all authors. After the article has been sent to the journal for publication, none of the authors can be deleted from the

list without written approval of all authors. Likewise, no name can be added as an author and the order of the author cannot be changed.

In case reports, the information that the informed consent / consent form was signed should be included in the article.

Studies that do not comply with the journal's publication ethics are not evaluated and rejected.

Submitted articles are queued for publication with the approval of the Editorial Board.

İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, makale gönderim, kabul veya yayın aşamalarının hiçbirinde işlem ve yayın ücreti talep etmemektedir.

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