e-ISSN: 1309-100X
Founded: 2008
4 Issues Per Year
Publisher: Ektodermal Displazi Grubu
Cover Image
The archive of this journal is hosted at DergiPark from 2008 to 2013, therefore;
  • It hasn't published a new issue since 2013 on DergiPark.
  • It doesn't accept new submissions via DergiPark.

2013 - Volume: 6 Issue: 1


1. Inflammatory Biomarkers as Potential Mediators for the Association between Periodontal and Systemic Disease in Kosovo


3. Influence of Temperature and pH on Corrosion Behavior of Ni–Cr and Co-Cr Dental Alloys


4. The Evaluation of Reasons for Replacement of Amalgam and Composite


5. Dental Students' Attitudes to the Use of Rubber Dam in United Arab Emirates


8. Case Report: Canine Fossa Abscess; A Rare Etiological Factor: The Lower Canine Tooth


9. Pre-Prosthetic Orthodontic Implant Site Preparation for Management of Congenitally Unerupted Lateral Incisors – A Case Report


10. Deeply Impacted Primary Second Molar with Agenesis of the Succeeding Premolar: A Rare Case


11. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of Maxilla- A Rare Case Report and Review


12. Alagille Syndrome: A Review