Research Article
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Year 2010, Volume: 1 Issue: 10, 131 - 147, 15.10.2010


Sophisme, according to al-Abharî, is a syllogism consisting of incorrect prop
ositions. These propositions are fallacy and deceptive. One approaches these
syllogisms to deceive the other people consciously or unconsciously. One pro
tects himself/herself from the erroneouses, learning these typical syllogisms.
According to al-Abharî, the fallacy in a syllogism occurs either from the mat
ter of this syllogism or its form. Sometimes, the fallacy occurs from both the
matter and the form. The fallacy originating from its form arises from violat
ing the conditions that generate valid conclusion. Al-Abharî evaluates these
typical fallacy under six titles in the varied books. The fallacy originating from
its matter results from the utterance of syllogism or its meaning. Al-Abharî
investigating two fallacy regarding the utterance, expresses fifteen fallacies
regarding the meaning, in addition to three fallacies resembling these. Al-Ab
harî presents twenty six fallacies regarding the utterance and the meaning.


  • Ahmet Cevdet Paşa, Mi’yâr-ı Sedâd, (nşr., H. T. Feyizli) Fecr yay., Ank., 1998,
  • Aristoteles, Sofistik Çürütmeler Üzerine, (çev., Oğuz Özügül), Say yay., İst.,2007.
  • Bedevî, Abdurrahman, Mantık-u Aristo, Dârü’l-Kalem, Beyrut, 1980.
  • Ebû Ali İbn Sina, eş-Şifa (4. Kitap/Kıyas; thk., Said Zaid), Kahire 1964.
Year 2010, Volume: 1 Issue: 10, 131 - 147, 15.10.2010



  • Ahmet Cevdet Paşa, Mi’yâr-ı Sedâd, (nşr., H. T. Feyizli) Fecr yay., Ank., 1998,
  • Aristoteles, Sofistik Çürütmeler Üzerine, (çev., Oğuz Özügül), Say yay., İst.,2007.
  • Bedevî, Abdurrahman, Mantık-u Aristo, Dârü’l-Kalem, Beyrut, 1980.
  • Ebû Ali İbn Sina, eş-Şifa (4. Kitap/Kıyas; thk., Said Zaid), Kahire 1964.
There are 4 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects History of Logic
Journal Section Articles

Kamil Kömürcü

Publication Date October 15, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 1 Issue: 10


ISNAD Kömürcü, Kamil. “ESÎRÜDDİN EL-EBHERÎ’NİN MUĞALATA’YA (SAFSATA) BAKIŞI”. İslami İlimler Dergisi 1/10 (October 2010), 131-147.

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