Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 45 - 62, 07.09.2023
Halim Yurdakul
Murat Sağbaş
Fahri Alp Erdoğan
Tedarik zincirinde son zamanlarda artan popülerlik ve sürdürülebilirliğe olan önemli ihtiyaç, tedarikçileri daha sürdürülebilir olmaya iten en önemli itici güç olarak kabul edilen yeni satın alma tasarımlarını gerektirmektedir. Üretim yapan firmalar piyasada beka olmak adına sürdürülebilirlik ilkelerini benimsemekte ve kurum kültürlerini bu doğrultuda dönüştürmektedir. Satın alma gücü, tedarik zincirlerinde sürdürülebilirliği tesis ederken henüz ulusal hükümetler ve uluslararası kuruluşlar tarafından bir düzenleyici araç olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sürdürülebilir bir üretim şirketinin mevcut satın alma gereksinimlerine uyan en sürdürülebilir tedarikçi/üreticiyi seçmek için çok kriterli bir karar verme modeli kurmayı amaçlıyoruz. Bunu yaparken, satın alma şirketi, tedarikçilerin hem yeniden ürün tasarımı hem de tüm üretim süreci yoluyla tedarik zincirinde sürdürülebilir bir şirket olmalarını teşvik edecektir.
- Agbesi, K., Fugar, F. D., & Adjei-Kumi, T. (2018). “Modelling the adoption of sustainable procurement in construction organisations. Built environment project and asset management”, 8(5), 461-476.
- Altuntaş, C., & Türker, D. (2012). Sürdürülebilir tedarik zincirleri: sürdürülebilirlik raporlarının içerik analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(3), 39-64.
- Ashford, N. A., Clarke, R., Aloisi de Larderel, J., Oldenburg, K., de Hoo, S., & Kryger, J. (1994). “Government strategies and policies for cleaner production”. UNEP.
- Ashby, A., Leat, M., & Hudson‐Smith, M. (2012). “Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literatüre”. Supply chain management: an international journal, 17(5), 497-516.
- Bartley, J., Buckless, F., Al Chen, Y. S., Harvey, S., Showalter, D. S., & Zuckerman, G. (2015). “How Widely Used Sustainability Metrics Distort Actual Performance—And a Solution to This All‐Too‐Common Problem”. Environmental Quality Management, 24(4), 1-9.
- Barbu, C., Negulescu, M., & Barbu, I. C. (2012). “A Theoretıcal Study Between The Two Envıronmental Management Systems: Eco Management Audıt Scheme-Emas-And Iso 14000”. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 3(2), 59.
- Brammer, S., & Walker, H. (2011). “Sustainable procurement in the public sector: an international comparative study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management”, 31(4), 452-476
- Branco, M. C., & Rodrigues, L. L. (2006). “Corporate social responsibility and resource-based perspectives”. Journal of business Ethics, 69, 111-132.
- Bhinge, R., Moser, R., Moser, E., Lanza, G., & Dornfeld, D. (2015). “Sustainability optimization for global supply chain decision-making”. Procedia Cirp, 26, 323-328.
- Carlsston C. (2011). “Value System For Sustainable Manufacturing, Department Of Environmental Technology And Management”, Dissertation Thesis, Linköping University.
- Choongo, P., Paas, L. J., Masurel, E., van Burg, E., & Lungu, J. (2019). “Entrepreneurs’ personal values and CSR orientations: evidence from SMEs in Zambia”. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(4), 545-570.
- D'Hollander, D., & Marx, A. (2014). “Strengthening private certification systems through public regulation: The case of sustainable public procurement”. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 5(1), 2-21.
De Abreu Sofiatti Dalmarco, D., Hamza, K. M., & Aoqui, C. (2015). “The implementation of product development strategies focused on sustainability: From Brazil—The case of Natura Sou Cosmetics brand”. Environmental Quality Management, 24(3), 1-15.
- de Almeida, D. M., da Gama Madruga, L. R., Lopes, L. F. D., Avila, L. V., & Ibdaiwi, T. K. R. (2015). “Sustainability: a study of the level of ecological behavior of postgraduate students in Brazil”. Environmental Quality Management, 25(2), 71-89.
- DEFRA(2006) , “Procuring the Future – The Sustainable Procurement Task Force National Action Plan”, London.
- Department of Housing and Public Works Procurement Transformation Division (2009), “Procurement Guidance: Integrating sustainability into the procurement process”.
- DiSegni, D. M., Huly, M., & Akron, S. (2015). “Corporate social responsibility, environmental leadership and financial performance”. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(1), 131-148.
- European Commission (2015), “Public Procurement Guidance for Practitioners”,Luxemburg
- European Commission (2011) , “Buying Green: A Handbook on Green Public Procurement”.
- Fassin, Y., Van Rossem, A., & Buelens, M. (2011). Small-business owner-managers’ perceptions of business ethics and CSR-related concepts. Journal of Business ethics, 98, 425-453.
- Fisher, E. (2013). “The Power of Purchase”. European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 8(1), 2-7.
- Garbie, I. H. (2013). “DFSME: design for sustainable manufacturing enterprises (an economic viewpoint)”. International Journal of Production Research, 51(2), 479-503.
- Gelderman, C. J., Ghijsen, P. W. T., & Brugman, M. J. (2006). “Public procurement and EU tendering directives–explaining non‐compliance”. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(7), 702-714.
- Grandia, J., & Voncken, D. (2019). “Sustainable public procurement: The impact of ability, motivation, and opportunity on the implementation of different types of sustainable public procurement”. Sustainability, 11(19), 5215.
- Greenberg, A., & Quillian, L. (2012). “Managing sustainable production: a framework for integrating sustainability in the manufacturing sector”. Environmental Quality Management, 21(4), 25-40.
- GreenBiz Group & Trucost., "State of Green Business", 2014,şim tarihi: 03.06.2016).
- Gold, S., & Awasthi, A. (2015). “Sustainable global supplier selection extended towards sustainability risks from (1+ n) th tier suppliers using fuzzy AHP based approach”. Ifac-Papersonline, 48(3), 966-971.
- Gupta, S., Dangayach, G. S., & Singh, A. K. (2015). “Key determinants of sustainable product design and manufacturing”. Procedia CIRP, 26, 99-102.
- Hami, N., Muhamad, M. R., & Ebrahim, Z. (2015). “The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices and innovation performance on economic sustainability”. Procedia Cirp, 26, 190-195.
- Hsueh, C. F. (2014). “Improving corporate social responsibility in a supply chain through a new revenue sharing contract”. International Journal of Production Economics, 151, 214-222.
- Jacobsen J. J. (2011), "Designing and Operating for Social and Environmental Responsibility", Sustainable Business and Industry, ASQ Quality Press Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
- Islam, M. M., Turki, A., Murad, M. W., & Karim, A. (2017). “Do sustainable procurement practices improve organizational performance?”. Sustainability, 9(12), 2281.
- Kamande, M. W., & Lokina, R. B. (2013). “Clean production and profitability: An eco-efficiency analysis of kenyan manufacturing firms”. The Journal of Environment & Development, 22(2), 169-185.
- Kannegiesser, M., & Günther, H. O. (2014). “Sustainable development of global supply chains—part 1: sustainability optimization framework”. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 26, 24-47.
- Karlsson, Christian (2011), “Value System for Sustainable Manufacturing - A study of how sustainability can create value for manufacturing companies”, Master’s thesis, LIU-IEI-TEK-A--11/01226--SE Linköping University
- Kashmanian, R., Keenan, C., & Wells, R. (2010). “Corporate environmental leadership: Drivers, characteristics, and examples”. Environmental Quality Management, 19(4), 1-20.
- Kashmanian, R. M. (2015). “Building a sustainable supply chain: Key elements”. Environmental Quality Management, 24(3), 17-41.
- Kaur, H., & Singh, S. P. (2019). “Flexible dynamic sustainable procurement model”. Annals of Operations Research, 273, 651-691
- Knorringa, P. (2009). “Global companies, fair trade and responsible production”. Teaching Business & Economics, 13(1), 18.
- Kulatunga, A. K., Karunatilake, N., Weerasinghe, N., & Ihalawatta, R. K. (2015). “Sustainable manufacturing based decision support model for product design and development process”. Procedia CIRP, 26, 87-92.
- Kumar, P., Singh, R. K., & Vaish, A. (2017). “Suppliers’ green performance evaluation using fuzzy extended ELECTRE approach”. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19, 809-821.
- Laosirihongthong, T., Samaranayake, P., & Nagalingam, S. (2019). A holistic approach to supplier evaluation and order allocation towards sustainable procurement. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26(8), 2543-2573.
- Low, J. S. C., Tjandra, T. B., Lu, W. F., & Lee, H. M. (2016). “Adaptation of the Product Structure-based Integrated Life cycle Analysis (PSILA) technique for carbon footprint modelling and analysis of closed-loop production systems”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 120, 105-123.
- Lee, T. M., & Hutchison, P. D. (2005). “The decision to disclose environmental information: A research review and agenda”. Advances in accounting, 21, 83-111..
- McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. S. (2011). “Creating and capturing value: Strategic corporate social responsibility, resource-based theory, and sustainable competitive advantage”. Journal of management, 37(5), 1480-1495.
- Miemczyk, J., Johnsen, T. E., & Macquet, M. (2012). “Sustainable purchasing and supply management: a structured literature review of definitions and measures at the dyad, chain and network levels”. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(5), 478-496.
- "New Paths to Business Value: Strategic Sourcing—Environment, Health and Safety", Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI), 2010,, (Access Date: 03.06.2016)
- Phochanikorn, P., & Tan, C. (2019). “A new extension to a multi-criteria decision-making model for sustainable supplier selection under an intuitionistic fuzzy environment”. Sustainability, 11(19), 5413.
- PR Newswire (2019), “2019 Sustainable Procurement Barometer: Sustainable Supply Chain Awareness Grows, 'Compliance Trap' Hinders Progress and Business Impact”.
- Oracle (2015), “Embedding Sustainability in the sourcing and Procurement Process”, Oracle White Paper.
- Ramkumar, M., & Jenamani, M. (2014). “Sustainability in supply chain through e-procurement—An assessment framework based on DANP and liberatore score”. IEEE Systems Journal, 9(4), 1554-1564.
- Rebelo, M. F., Santos, G., & Silva, R. (2016). “Integration of management systems: towards a sustained success and development of organizations”. Journal of cleaner production, 127, 96-111.
- Reverte, C., Gomez-Melero, E., & Cegarra-Navarro, J. G. (2016). “The influence of corporate social responsibility practices on organizational performance: evidence from Eco-Responsible Spanish firms”. Journal of cleaner production, 112, 2870-2884.
- Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2015). “Corporate social responsibility and its impact in consumer decision-making”. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(4), 690-701.
- Rohrmus, D., Mose, C., Holst, J. C., Müller, K., Schedlbauer, M., Raschke, U., & Weinert, N. (2011). Sustainable manufacturing at siemens AG. “In Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing” (pp. 79-84). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Rover, S., Murcia, F. D. R., & de Souza Murcia, F. C. (2015). “The determinants of social and environmental disclosure practices: The Brazilian case”. Environmental Quality Management, 25(1), 5-24.
- Schlosser, R., Klocke, F., & Lung, D. (2011). Sustainabilty in manufacturing–Energy consumption of cutting processes. In “Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing” (pp. 85-89). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Setiadi, T., & Abduh, M. (2020, June). “The study of sustainable procurement in the procurement of ready mixed concrete supplier”. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 520, No. 1, p. 012004). IOP Publishing.
- Seuring, S., & Müller, M. (2008). “From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management”. Journal of cleaner production, 16(15), 1699-1710.
- Sezen, B., & Cankaya, S. Y. (2013). “Effects of green manufacturing and eco-innovation on sustainability performance”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 154-163.
- Supçiller, A., & Çapraz, O. (2011). “AHP-TOPSIS yöntemi̇ne dayali tedari̇kçi̇ seçi̇mi̇ uygulamasi”. Istanbul University Econometrics and Statistics e-Journal, (13), 1-22.
- Tosoni, L. (2013). “The impact of the revised WTO government procurement agreement on the EU procurement rules from a sustainability perspective”. European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 8(1), 41-48.
- Touboulic, A., & Walker, H. (2015). “Love me, love me not: A nuanced view on collaboration in sustainable supply chains”. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 21(3), 178-191.
- The State of Queensland, Department of Housing and Public Works (2009), Procurement guidance: Integrating sustainability into the procurement process
- UNEP(2009),“Sustainable Public Procurement Implementation Guidelines”.
- Walke, R. C., Topkar, V., & Kabiraj, S. (2010). Managing Risk for Green Supply Chain Management: Competitive Strategies for Manufacturing Companies. Skyline Business Journal, 6(1), 1-60.
- Voegtlin, C., & Greenwood, M. (2016). “Corporate social responsibility and human resource management: A systematic review and conceptual analysis”. Human Resource Management Review, 26(3), 181-197.
- Waris, M., Panigrahi, S., Mengal, A., Soomro, M. I., Mirjat, N. H., Ullah, M., ... & Khan, A. (2019). “An application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for sustainable procurement of construction equipment: Multicriteria-based decision framework for Malaysia”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 1-20.
- Winkler, H. (2011). “Closed-loop production systems—A sustainable supply chain approach”. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 4(3),2.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 45 - 62, 07.09.2023
Halim Yurdakul
Murat Sağbaş
Fahri Alp Erdoğan
Recently increasing popularity and the substantial need for sustainability in supply chain requires new designs of procurement which is being regarded as the most important driver to push the suppliers to become more sustainable. Manufacturing firms, in the name of survivability on the market, accept sustainability principles and transform their corporate culture in this respect. The power of procurement is being regarded yet as a regulatory tool by the national governments and international organizations while establishing sustainability in supply chains. In this study, we intend to establish a multi-criteria-decision-making model to select the most sustainable supplier/manufacturer conforming to the current purchasing requirements of a sustainable manufacturing company. In doing so, the procuring company will foster the suppliers to becoming a sustainable company in the supply chain by both a product redesign and by the whole manufacturing process.
- Agbesi, K., Fugar, F. D., & Adjei-Kumi, T. (2018). “Modelling the adoption of sustainable procurement in construction organisations. Built environment project and asset management”, 8(5), 461-476.
- Altuntaş, C., & Türker, D. (2012). Sürdürülebilir tedarik zincirleri: sürdürülebilirlik raporlarının içerik analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(3), 39-64.
- Ashford, N. A., Clarke, R., Aloisi de Larderel, J., Oldenburg, K., de Hoo, S., & Kryger, J. (1994). “Government strategies and policies for cleaner production”. UNEP.
- Ashby, A., Leat, M., & Hudson‐Smith, M. (2012). “Making connections: a review of supply chain management and sustainability literatüre”. Supply chain management: an international journal, 17(5), 497-516.
- Bartley, J., Buckless, F., Al Chen, Y. S., Harvey, S., Showalter, D. S., & Zuckerman, G. (2015). “How Widely Used Sustainability Metrics Distort Actual Performance—And a Solution to This All‐Too‐Common Problem”. Environmental Quality Management, 24(4), 1-9.
- Barbu, C., Negulescu, M., & Barbu, I. C. (2012). “A Theoretıcal Study Between The Two Envıronmental Management Systems: Eco Management Audıt Scheme-Emas-And Iso 14000”. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 3(2), 59.
- Brammer, S., & Walker, H. (2011). “Sustainable procurement in the public sector: an international comparative study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management”, 31(4), 452-476
- Branco, M. C., & Rodrigues, L. L. (2006). “Corporate social responsibility and resource-based perspectives”. Journal of business Ethics, 69, 111-132.
- Bhinge, R., Moser, R., Moser, E., Lanza, G., & Dornfeld, D. (2015). “Sustainability optimization for global supply chain decision-making”. Procedia Cirp, 26, 323-328.
- Carlsston C. (2011). “Value System For Sustainable Manufacturing, Department Of Environmental Technology And Management”, Dissertation Thesis, Linköping University.
- Choongo, P., Paas, L. J., Masurel, E., van Burg, E., & Lungu, J. (2019). “Entrepreneurs’ personal values and CSR orientations: evidence from SMEs in Zambia”. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(4), 545-570.
- D'Hollander, D., & Marx, A. (2014). “Strengthening private certification systems through public regulation: The case of sustainable public procurement”. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 5(1), 2-21.
De Abreu Sofiatti Dalmarco, D., Hamza, K. M., & Aoqui, C. (2015). “The implementation of product development strategies focused on sustainability: From Brazil—The case of Natura Sou Cosmetics brand”. Environmental Quality Management, 24(3), 1-15.
- de Almeida, D. M., da Gama Madruga, L. R., Lopes, L. F. D., Avila, L. V., & Ibdaiwi, T. K. R. (2015). “Sustainability: a study of the level of ecological behavior of postgraduate students in Brazil”. Environmental Quality Management, 25(2), 71-89.
- DEFRA(2006) , “Procuring the Future – The Sustainable Procurement Task Force National Action Plan”, London.
- Department of Housing and Public Works Procurement Transformation Division (2009), “Procurement Guidance: Integrating sustainability into the procurement process”.
- DiSegni, D. M., Huly, M., & Akron, S. (2015). “Corporate social responsibility, environmental leadership and financial performance”. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(1), 131-148.
- European Commission (2015), “Public Procurement Guidance for Practitioners”,Luxemburg
- European Commission (2011) , “Buying Green: A Handbook on Green Public Procurement”.
- Fassin, Y., Van Rossem, A., & Buelens, M. (2011). Small-business owner-managers’ perceptions of business ethics and CSR-related concepts. Journal of Business ethics, 98, 425-453.
- Fisher, E. (2013). “The Power of Purchase”. European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 8(1), 2-7.
- Garbie, I. H. (2013). “DFSME: design for sustainable manufacturing enterprises (an economic viewpoint)”. International Journal of Production Research, 51(2), 479-503.
- Gelderman, C. J., Ghijsen, P. W. T., & Brugman, M. J. (2006). “Public procurement and EU tendering directives–explaining non‐compliance”. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(7), 702-714.
- Grandia, J., & Voncken, D. (2019). “Sustainable public procurement: The impact of ability, motivation, and opportunity on the implementation of different types of sustainable public procurement”. Sustainability, 11(19), 5215.
- Greenberg, A., & Quillian, L. (2012). “Managing sustainable production: a framework for integrating sustainability in the manufacturing sector”. Environmental Quality Management, 21(4), 25-40.
- GreenBiz Group & Trucost., "State of Green Business", 2014,şim tarihi: 03.06.2016).
- Gold, S., & Awasthi, A. (2015). “Sustainable global supplier selection extended towards sustainability risks from (1+ n) th tier suppliers using fuzzy AHP based approach”. Ifac-Papersonline, 48(3), 966-971.
- Gupta, S., Dangayach, G. S., & Singh, A. K. (2015). “Key determinants of sustainable product design and manufacturing”. Procedia CIRP, 26, 99-102.
- Hami, N., Muhamad, M. R., & Ebrahim, Z. (2015). “The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices and innovation performance on economic sustainability”. Procedia Cirp, 26, 190-195.
- Hsueh, C. F. (2014). “Improving corporate social responsibility in a supply chain through a new revenue sharing contract”. International Journal of Production Economics, 151, 214-222.
- Jacobsen J. J. (2011), "Designing and Operating for Social and Environmental Responsibility", Sustainable Business and Industry, ASQ Quality Press Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
- Islam, M. M., Turki, A., Murad, M. W., & Karim, A. (2017). “Do sustainable procurement practices improve organizational performance?”. Sustainability, 9(12), 2281.
- Kamande, M. W., & Lokina, R. B. (2013). “Clean production and profitability: An eco-efficiency analysis of kenyan manufacturing firms”. The Journal of Environment & Development, 22(2), 169-185.
- Kannegiesser, M., & Günther, H. O. (2014). “Sustainable development of global supply chains—part 1: sustainability optimization framework”. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 26, 24-47.
- Karlsson, Christian (2011), “Value System for Sustainable Manufacturing - A study of how sustainability can create value for manufacturing companies”, Master’s thesis, LIU-IEI-TEK-A--11/01226--SE Linköping University
- Kashmanian, R., Keenan, C., & Wells, R. (2010). “Corporate environmental leadership: Drivers, characteristics, and examples”. Environmental Quality Management, 19(4), 1-20.
- Kashmanian, R. M. (2015). “Building a sustainable supply chain: Key elements”. Environmental Quality Management, 24(3), 17-41.
- Kaur, H., & Singh, S. P. (2019). “Flexible dynamic sustainable procurement model”. Annals of Operations Research, 273, 651-691
- Knorringa, P. (2009). “Global companies, fair trade and responsible production”. Teaching Business & Economics, 13(1), 18.
- Kulatunga, A. K., Karunatilake, N., Weerasinghe, N., & Ihalawatta, R. K. (2015). “Sustainable manufacturing based decision support model for product design and development process”. Procedia CIRP, 26, 87-92.
- Kumar, P., Singh, R. K., & Vaish, A. (2017). “Suppliers’ green performance evaluation using fuzzy extended ELECTRE approach”. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19, 809-821.
- Laosirihongthong, T., Samaranayake, P., & Nagalingam, S. (2019). A holistic approach to supplier evaluation and order allocation towards sustainable procurement. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26(8), 2543-2573.
- Low, J. S. C., Tjandra, T. B., Lu, W. F., & Lee, H. M. (2016). “Adaptation of the Product Structure-based Integrated Life cycle Analysis (PSILA) technique for carbon footprint modelling and analysis of closed-loop production systems”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 120, 105-123.
- Lee, T. M., & Hutchison, P. D. (2005). “The decision to disclose environmental information: A research review and agenda”. Advances in accounting, 21, 83-111..
- McWilliams, A., & Siegel, D. S. (2011). “Creating and capturing value: Strategic corporate social responsibility, resource-based theory, and sustainable competitive advantage”. Journal of management, 37(5), 1480-1495.
- Miemczyk, J., Johnsen, T. E., & Macquet, M. (2012). “Sustainable purchasing and supply management: a structured literature review of definitions and measures at the dyad, chain and network levels”. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(5), 478-496.
- "New Paths to Business Value: Strategic Sourcing—Environment, Health and Safety", Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI), 2010,, (Access Date: 03.06.2016)
- Phochanikorn, P., & Tan, C. (2019). “A new extension to a multi-criteria decision-making model for sustainable supplier selection under an intuitionistic fuzzy environment”. Sustainability, 11(19), 5413.
- PR Newswire (2019), “2019 Sustainable Procurement Barometer: Sustainable Supply Chain Awareness Grows, 'Compliance Trap' Hinders Progress and Business Impact”.
- Oracle (2015), “Embedding Sustainability in the sourcing and Procurement Process”, Oracle White Paper.
- Ramkumar, M., & Jenamani, M. (2014). “Sustainability in supply chain through e-procurement—An assessment framework based on DANP and liberatore score”. IEEE Systems Journal, 9(4), 1554-1564.
- Rebelo, M. F., Santos, G., & Silva, R. (2016). “Integration of management systems: towards a sustained success and development of organizations”. Journal of cleaner production, 127, 96-111.
- Reverte, C., Gomez-Melero, E., & Cegarra-Navarro, J. G. (2016). “The influence of corporate social responsibility practices on organizational performance: evidence from Eco-Responsible Spanish firms”. Journal of cleaner production, 112, 2870-2884.
- Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2015). “Corporate social responsibility and its impact in consumer decision-making”. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(4), 690-701.
- Rohrmus, D., Mose, C., Holst, J. C., Müller, K., Schedlbauer, M., Raschke, U., & Weinert, N. (2011). Sustainable manufacturing at siemens AG. “In Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing” (pp. 79-84). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Rover, S., Murcia, F. D. R., & de Souza Murcia, F. C. (2015). “The determinants of social and environmental disclosure practices: The Brazilian case”. Environmental Quality Management, 25(1), 5-24.
- Schlosser, R., Klocke, F., & Lung, D. (2011). Sustainabilty in manufacturing–Energy consumption of cutting processes. In “Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing” (pp. 85-89). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Setiadi, T., & Abduh, M. (2020, June). “The study of sustainable procurement in the procurement of ready mixed concrete supplier”. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 520, No. 1, p. 012004). IOP Publishing.
- Seuring, S., & Müller, M. (2008). “From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management”. Journal of cleaner production, 16(15), 1699-1710.
- Sezen, B., & Cankaya, S. Y. (2013). “Effects of green manufacturing and eco-innovation on sustainability performance”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 154-163.
- Supçiller, A., & Çapraz, O. (2011). “AHP-TOPSIS yöntemi̇ne dayali tedari̇kçi̇ seçi̇mi̇ uygulamasi”. Istanbul University Econometrics and Statistics e-Journal, (13), 1-22.
- Tosoni, L. (2013). “The impact of the revised WTO government procurement agreement on the EU procurement rules from a sustainability perspective”. European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, 8(1), 41-48.
- Touboulic, A., & Walker, H. (2015). “Love me, love me not: A nuanced view on collaboration in sustainable supply chains”. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 21(3), 178-191.
- The State of Queensland, Department of Housing and Public Works (2009), Procurement guidance: Integrating sustainability into the procurement process
- UNEP(2009),“Sustainable Public Procurement Implementation Guidelines”.
- Walke, R. C., Topkar, V., & Kabiraj, S. (2010). Managing Risk for Green Supply Chain Management: Competitive Strategies for Manufacturing Companies. Skyline Business Journal, 6(1), 1-60.
- Voegtlin, C., & Greenwood, M. (2016). “Corporate social responsibility and human resource management: A systematic review and conceptual analysis”. Human Resource Management Review, 26(3), 181-197.
- Waris, M., Panigrahi, S., Mengal, A., Soomro, M. I., Mirjat, N. H., Ullah, M., ... & Khan, A. (2019). “An application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for sustainable procurement of construction equipment: Multicriteria-based decision framework for Malaysia”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 1-20.
- Winkler, H. (2011). “Closed-loop production systems—A sustainable supply chain approach”. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 4(3),2.