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Belirli Araştırma Alanlarında Dijital İkiz Konulu Yayınların Sistematik Literatür İncelemesi

Year 2023, , 2388 - 2410, 31.10.2023


Fiziki ürün ile sanal teknolojinin birleştirilmesinden oluşan dijital ikiz kavramı, sürdürülebilir rekabet etmek isteyen işletmelerin başvurduğu yeni yöntemlerden biridir. Maliyetlerin azaltılması, üretim modelleri geliştirmesi ve değişen müşteri istek ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilme hızını yakalamada dijital ikiz kritik önem taşımaktadır. İşletmeler bu anlamda bilgi iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerden faydalanarak nesnelerin interneti, büyük veri, yapay zeka gibi yöntemleri dijital ikiz ile birlikte kullanarak gelişme trendi gösterebilmektedir. Her alanda teknolojinin gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşması sayesinde dijital ikiz önemini artırdığından bu konunun irdelendiği geçmişteki çalışmaların sistematik bir şekilde düzenlenmesinin hem mevcut eğilimin ortaya konulması hem de gelecekteki araştırmalara yön verilebilmesi açısından değerli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu kapsamda çalışma ile dijital ikiz konulu araştırmaların sistematik literatür incelemesi yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmada Web of Science veri tabanında yayınlanan 60 araştırma Vosviwer analizi ile incelenmiştir. Vosviwer analizi ve Web of Science veri tabanı kullanılarak yazar işbirlikleri, anahtar kelime yoğunluğu, desteklenme durumu, kurum, ülke, dil, atıf, yıl, yayın türü, çalışma alanı ile ilgili veriler incelenmiştir. Web of Science veri tabanındaki çalışmaların yayınlandığı yıllar incelendiğinde dijital ikiz kavramının 2019 yılı itibariyle ivme kazandığı görülmüştür. İlgili çalışmaların en çok İngilizce dilinde, makale olarak ve Amerika’da yayınlandığı anlaşılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda dijital ikiz konulu 60 çalışmada en çok veri, dijital ikiz ve endüstri anahtar kelimelerinin kullanıldığı bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Yine çalışma ile araştırmaların ağırlıklı olarak akıllı üretim, tedarik zinciri, iş ekonomisi gibi alanlarda yapıldığı saptanmıştır. Sistematik literatür incelemesi sonucunda akıllı üretim, tedarik zinciri, iş ekonomisi alanlarının aksine taşımacılık, kamu yönetimi, ekonomi, sosyal bilimlerde diğer konuların daha az çalışıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda daha az çalışılan alanlarda yayın yapılması literatürdeki eksikliği giderecektir.


  • Akinyemi, A., Erdogan, B., Bosche, F., & O'Neil, D. (2022). Briefing: Process digital twin: lessons learned from a construction case study. Proceedıngs Of The Instıtutıon Of Cıvıl Engıneers-Management Procurement and Law, 97-99.
  • Aktan, E. (2018). Büyük veri: Uygulama alanları, analitiği ve güvenlik boyutu. Bilgi Yönetimi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-22.
  • Bahçekapılı, E. (2018). Nesnelerin İnterneti. Keleş, E., İnternet ve Ağ Toplumu (s. 219-232), içinde. Pegem Akademi, E.T:12.07.2023.
  • Batty, M. (2018). Digital twins. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 817-820.
  • Bocullo, V.; Martišauskas, L.; Gatautis, R.; Vonžudaite, O.;Bakas, R.; Milˇcius, D.; Venˇcaitis, R.; Pupeikis, D. A. (2023). Digital twin approach to city block renovation using res technologies. Sustainability, 15, 9307.
  • Ceylan, E.Z. (2019). Dijital ikizler ve inşaat sektöründeki yeri. Yapı Bilgi Modelleme, 1(2). pp.53-61.
  • Chen, L., Xie, X., Lu, Q., Parlikad, A.K., Pitt, M., Yang, J. (2021). Gemini Principles-Based Digital Twin Maturity Model for Asset Management. Sustainability 13(8224).
  • Cooke, P. (2021). Image and reality: ‘digital twins’ in smart factory automotive process innovation – critical issues, Regional Studies, 55:10-11, 1630-1641, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2021.1959544
  • Corallo, A.; Del Vecchio, V.; Lezzi, M.; Morciano, P. Shop Floor. (2021). Digital Twin in Smart Manufacturing: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 13, pp.2-24.
  • Daabrowska , A., Giel, R., & Winiarska, K. (2022). Sequencıng and plannıng of packagıng lınes wıth relıabılıty and dıgıtal twın concept consıderatıons - a case study of a sugar productıon plant. Logforum, pp. 321-334.
  • Feng, H., Lv, H., & Lv, Z. (2023). Resilience towarded digital twins to improve the adaptability of transportation systems. Transportatıon Research Part A-Polıcy and Practıce, pp. 1-16.
  • Fukawa, N. & Rindfleisch, A. (2023). Enhancing innovation via the digital twin. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40, pp. 391–406.
  • Hartmann, D., Van der Auweraer, H. (2021). Digital Twins. In: Cruz, M., Parés, C., Quintela, P (eds) Progress in Industrial Mathematics: Success Stories. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 5. Springer, Cham. E.T:10.07.2023.
  • Holopainen, M., Saunila, M., Rantala T. & Ukko, J. (2022). Digital twins’ implications for innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, DOI:10.1080/09537325.2022.2115881
  • Hou, HY, Lai, JHK, Wu, H, Wang, T. (2023). Digital twin application in heritage facilities management: systematic literature review and future development directions. Engıneerıng Constructıon And Archıtectural Management,
  • Kamble, Sachin S & Gunasekaran, Angappa & Parekh, Harsh & Mani, Venkatesh & Belhadi, Amine & Sharma, Rohit, 2022. "Digital twin for sustainable manufacturing supply chains: Current trends, future perspectives, and an implementation framework," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 176(C).
  • Korotkova, N., Benders, J., Mikalef, P., & Cameron, D. (2023). Maneuvering between skepticism and optimism about hyped technologies: Building trust in digital twins. Informatıon & Management, pp.1-13.
  • Li, Q.; Zhao, F.; Zhuang, L.; Wang, Q.; Wu, C. (2023). Steady-state risk prediction analysis of power system based on power digital twinning. Sustainability, 15(2555). https://
  • Madubuike, O.C., Anumba, C.J., Agapaki, E. (2023). Scenarios for digital twin deployment in healthcare facilities management. Journal of Facilities Management, pp. 1472-5967, DOI: 10.1108/JFM-10-2022-0107
  • Meske, C., Osmundsen, K., & Junglas, I. (2021). Designing and implementing a digital twin in the energy grid sector. MIS Quarterly Executive, 20(3).
  • Parmar, R., Leiponen, A., & Thomas, L. (2020). Building an organizational digital twin. Business Horizons, pp. 725-736.
  • Pettey, C. (2017). Prepare for the impact of digital twins.
  • Pivnicka, M., Hrusecka, D., & Hrbackova, L. (2022). Introduction of a new flexible human resources planning system based on digital twin approach: a case study. Serbian Journal of Management, pp. 361-373.
  • Raba, D., Tordecilla, R.D., Copado, P., Juan, AA. & Mount D. (2021). A digital twin for decision making on livestock feding. HomeINFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 52(3), pp. 233-302.
  • Shankar, V. (2018). How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Reshaping Retailing. Journal of Retailing 94(4): vi–xi.
  • Sen, A. (2018). Digital twins: bridging the gap between ındustrial assets and the digital world E.T:05.08.2023
  • Teng, SY. vd. (2023). Recent advances on industrial data-driven energy savings: Digital twins and infrastructures. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135, pp. 1-22.
  • Timperi, M., Kokkonen, K., Hannola, L., & Elfvengren, K. (2023). Impacts of digital twins on new business creation: insights from manufacturing industry. Measuring Business Excellence, pp. 1-16.
  • Van Dyck, M., Luettgens, D., Piller, F., & Brenk, S. (2023). Interconnected digital twins and the future of digital manufacturing: Insights from a Delphi study. Journal of Product Innovatıon Management, pp. 475-505.
  • Wang, J, Li, XC., Wang, P., Liu, QL. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of digital twin literature: a review of influencing factors and conceptual structure. Technology Analysıs & Strategıc Management, DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2022.2026320.
  • Warke, V.; Kumar, S.; Bongale, A.; Kotecha, K. Sustainable Development of Smart Manufacturing Driven by the Digital Twin Framework: A Statistical Analysis. Sustainability, 13, 10139. su131810139 .
  • Yan, M.-R., Hong, L.-Y., & Warren, K. (2022). Integrated knowledge visualization and the enterprise digital twin system for supporting strategic management decision. Management Decision, pp. 1095-1115.
  • Yang, A., Liu, Y., Xin, C., Chen, Q., & Wang, L. (2023). Towards intuitive visualisation goals for the operation optimisation of automated container terminal based on digital twin technology. Maritime Policy & Management. pp. 1-22.
  • Yu, W., Patros, P., Young, B., Klinac, E., Walmsley, T.G.(2022). Energy digital twin technology for industrial energy management: Classification, challenges and future. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (161). pp. 1-14.

Systematic Literature Review of Publications on Digital Twin Topics in Certain Research Areas

Year 2023, , 2388 - 2410, 31.10.2023


One of the key strategies adopted by companies that wish to compete in a sustainable fashion is the idea of the digital twin, which combines the physical product with virtual technology. The development of production models, cost reduction, and keeping up with shifting client wants and needs all depend on the digital twin. In this way, organizations can exhibit a development trend by utilizing the advancements in information and communication technologies, by utilizing techniques like the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, and the digital twin, coupled with other technologies. The systematic organization of prior studies on this topic is considered beneficial in terms of both illuminating the present trend and directing future study because the digital twin has grown in importance as a result of the development and dissemination of technology in every field. In this paper, a thorough literature assessment of digital twin research is intended. Vosviwer analysis was used to examine 60 studies from the Web of Science database that were published for this reason. Data on author partnerships, keyword density, support status, institution, country, language, citation, year, publication type, and field of study were investigated using Vosviwer analysis using the Web of Science database. The concept of the digital twin gained popularity as of 2019 when the years in which the studies in the Web of Science database were published were looked at. It was known that the majority of the associated studies were published in the USA, as articles, and in English. The analysis revealed that the most often used keywords in the 60 studies on digital twin were data, digital twin, and industry. According to the survey, research is primarily conducted in fields like smart production, supply chains, and business economy. The systematic literature review has led to an understanding that, in contrast to the domains of smart production, supply chain, and business economics, other topics are less investigated in transportation, public administration, economics, and social sciences. Publishing in less researched regions will close the gap in the literature in this direction.


  • Akinyemi, A., Erdogan, B., Bosche, F., & O'Neil, D. (2022). Briefing: Process digital twin: lessons learned from a construction case study. Proceedıngs Of The Instıtutıon Of Cıvıl Engıneers-Management Procurement and Law, 97-99.
  • Aktan, E. (2018). Büyük veri: Uygulama alanları, analitiği ve güvenlik boyutu. Bilgi Yönetimi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-22.
  • Bahçekapılı, E. (2018). Nesnelerin İnterneti. Keleş, E., İnternet ve Ağ Toplumu (s. 219-232), içinde. Pegem Akademi, E.T:12.07.2023.
  • Batty, M. (2018). Digital twins. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 817-820.
  • Bocullo, V.; Martišauskas, L.; Gatautis, R.; Vonžudaite, O.;Bakas, R.; Milˇcius, D.; Venˇcaitis, R.; Pupeikis, D. A. (2023). Digital twin approach to city block renovation using res technologies. Sustainability, 15, 9307.
  • Ceylan, E.Z. (2019). Dijital ikizler ve inşaat sektöründeki yeri. Yapı Bilgi Modelleme, 1(2). pp.53-61.
  • Chen, L., Xie, X., Lu, Q., Parlikad, A.K., Pitt, M., Yang, J. (2021). Gemini Principles-Based Digital Twin Maturity Model for Asset Management. Sustainability 13(8224).
  • Cooke, P. (2021). Image and reality: ‘digital twins’ in smart factory automotive process innovation – critical issues, Regional Studies, 55:10-11, 1630-1641, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2021.1959544
  • Corallo, A.; Del Vecchio, V.; Lezzi, M.; Morciano, P. Shop Floor. (2021). Digital Twin in Smart Manufacturing: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 13, pp.2-24.
  • Daabrowska , A., Giel, R., & Winiarska, K. (2022). Sequencıng and plannıng of packagıng lınes wıth relıabılıty and dıgıtal twın concept consıderatıons - a case study of a sugar productıon plant. Logforum, pp. 321-334.
  • Feng, H., Lv, H., & Lv, Z. (2023). Resilience towarded digital twins to improve the adaptability of transportation systems. Transportatıon Research Part A-Polıcy and Practıce, pp. 1-16.
  • Fukawa, N. & Rindfleisch, A. (2023). Enhancing innovation via the digital twin. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40, pp. 391–406.
  • Hartmann, D., Van der Auweraer, H. (2021). Digital Twins. In: Cruz, M., Parés, C., Quintela, P (eds) Progress in Industrial Mathematics: Success Stories. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 5. Springer, Cham. E.T:10.07.2023.
  • Holopainen, M., Saunila, M., Rantala T. & Ukko, J. (2022). Digital twins’ implications for innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, DOI:10.1080/09537325.2022.2115881
  • Hou, HY, Lai, JHK, Wu, H, Wang, T. (2023). Digital twin application in heritage facilities management: systematic literature review and future development directions. Engıneerıng Constructıon And Archıtectural Management,
  • Kamble, Sachin S & Gunasekaran, Angappa & Parekh, Harsh & Mani, Venkatesh & Belhadi, Amine & Sharma, Rohit, 2022. "Digital twin for sustainable manufacturing supply chains: Current trends, future perspectives, and an implementation framework," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 176(C).
  • Korotkova, N., Benders, J., Mikalef, P., & Cameron, D. (2023). Maneuvering between skepticism and optimism about hyped technologies: Building trust in digital twins. Informatıon & Management, pp.1-13.
  • Li, Q.; Zhao, F.; Zhuang, L.; Wang, Q.; Wu, C. (2023). Steady-state risk prediction analysis of power system based on power digital twinning. Sustainability, 15(2555). https://
  • Madubuike, O.C., Anumba, C.J., Agapaki, E. (2023). Scenarios for digital twin deployment in healthcare facilities management. Journal of Facilities Management, pp. 1472-5967, DOI: 10.1108/JFM-10-2022-0107
  • Meske, C., Osmundsen, K., & Junglas, I. (2021). Designing and implementing a digital twin in the energy grid sector. MIS Quarterly Executive, 20(3).
  • Parmar, R., Leiponen, A., & Thomas, L. (2020). Building an organizational digital twin. Business Horizons, pp. 725-736.
  • Pettey, C. (2017). Prepare for the impact of digital twins.
  • Pivnicka, M., Hrusecka, D., & Hrbackova, L. (2022). Introduction of a new flexible human resources planning system based on digital twin approach: a case study. Serbian Journal of Management, pp. 361-373.
  • Raba, D., Tordecilla, R.D., Copado, P., Juan, AA. & Mount D. (2021). A digital twin for decision making on livestock feding. HomeINFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 52(3), pp. 233-302.
  • Shankar, V. (2018). How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Reshaping Retailing. Journal of Retailing 94(4): vi–xi.
  • Sen, A. (2018). Digital twins: bridging the gap between ındustrial assets and the digital world E.T:05.08.2023
  • Teng, SY. vd. (2023). Recent advances on industrial data-driven energy savings: Digital twins and infrastructures. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135, pp. 1-22.
  • Timperi, M., Kokkonen, K., Hannola, L., & Elfvengren, K. (2023). Impacts of digital twins on new business creation: insights from manufacturing industry. Measuring Business Excellence, pp. 1-16.
  • Van Dyck, M., Luettgens, D., Piller, F., & Brenk, S. (2023). Interconnected digital twins and the future of digital manufacturing: Insights from a Delphi study. Journal of Product Innovatıon Management, pp. 475-505.
  • Wang, J, Li, XC., Wang, P., Liu, QL. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of digital twin literature: a review of influencing factors and conceptual structure. Technology Analysıs & Strategıc Management, DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2022.2026320.
  • Warke, V.; Kumar, S.; Bongale, A.; Kotecha, K. Sustainable Development of Smart Manufacturing Driven by the Digital Twin Framework: A Statistical Analysis. Sustainability, 13, 10139. su131810139 .
  • Yan, M.-R., Hong, L.-Y., & Warren, K. (2022). Integrated knowledge visualization and the enterprise digital twin system for supporting strategic management decision. Management Decision, pp. 1095-1115.
  • Yang, A., Liu, Y., Xin, C., Chen, Q., & Wang, L. (2023). Towards intuitive visualisation goals for the operation optimisation of automated container terminal based on digital twin technology. Maritime Policy & Management. pp. 1-22.
  • Yu, W., Patros, P., Young, B., Klinac, E., Walmsley, T.G.(2022). Energy digital twin technology for industrial energy management: Classification, challenges and future. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (161). pp. 1-14.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Rabia Özat 0000-0002-0785-3976

Mualla Akçadağ 0000-0002-0785-3976

Early Pub Date October 31, 2023
Publication Date October 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Özat, R., & Akçadağ, M. (2023). Systematic Literature Review of Publications on Digital Twin Topics in Certain Research Areas. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(4), 2388-2410.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.