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Yaratıcılık Kavramı ile İlişkili Kuramsal Yaklaşımlar

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 1535 - 1552, 31.07.2017


Yaratıcılık kavramı yüzyıllardır tüm
ve düşünsel
etkinliklerde, her türlü çalışma ve
uğraşın içinde varlığını gösteren bir olgudur. Bu bağlamda yaratıcılık kavramı
farklı disiplinlerden araştırmacılar tarafından o disiplinin dinamiklerine
bağlı olarak farklı açılardan ele almakta ve farklı tanımlamalar yapılmaktadır.  B
irçok farklı disiplinin üzerinde
teoriler ürettiği; yalın tanımlamalara sığmayan, çok boyutlu bir fenomen olarak
yaratıcılık kavramı farklı açılardan ele alınarak sınıflandırılmıştır.
Yaratıcılığın tanımlamaları irdelendiğinde araştırmacı ve
eğitimcilerin tanımlamalarının, net bir şekilde yaratıcılığın tek bir
özelliğine vurgu yapmadığı saptanmaktadır. 
Bu makale kapsamında, çoğunlukla yenilik ve problem çözme ile özdeşleştirilen
yaratıcılığı doğru bir biçimde ortaya koyabilmek için, yaratıcılık kavramına
yaratıcı kişi, yaratıcı süreç, yaratıcı ürün açısından yaklaşarak
değerlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Günümüze kadar yapılmış olan
yaratıcılık tanımlamaları bilim dallarına göre ayrılarak irdelenmiş, bu
tanımlamaların yaratıcılığın yaratıcı kişi, yaratıcı süreç, yaratıcı ürün
özelliklerinden hangisi ya da hangileri ile ilişkili olduğu incelenmiştir.
Ayrıca bu ilişkiler çeşitli diyagramlarla özetlenmiştir.



  • Abra, Jock. The motives for creative work: An inquiry with speculations about sports and religion. Hampton Pr, 1997.
  • Adams, James. L., The Care and Feeding of Ideas: A Guide to Encouraging Creativity, Stanford Alumni Association, 1986.
  • Adams, James. L., Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas, Addison-Wesley Publising Company Inc., Reading, Ma, USA, 2001.
  • Adorno, T. W., Frenkel-Brunswik, E., Levinson, D. J. , Sanford, R. N., The Authoritarian Personality, 1950.
  • Argyris, Chris, and Donald A. Schön. "Organisational learning II: Theory, method and practice." Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1996.
  • Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity in Context", 1996.
  • Atkinson, R., L., Atkinson, R.C., Smith, E. E, Bem, D.J., Nolen-Hoeksema, Psikolojiye Giriş, Arkadaş Yayınları,1996.
  • Ausubel, David P. "Some psychological and educational limitations of learning by discovery." The arithmetic teacher 11.5, 1964: 290-302.
  • Ausubel, David Paul, Floyd G. Robinson. School learning: An introduction to educational psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.
  • Ayıran, Nezih. Mimari tasarlama sürecine ve yapma çevrenin insan ve toplum üzerindeki etkilerine yaratıcılık bakış açısından bir yaklaşım. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Diss. İTÜ, 1984.
  • Bartlett, Maurine M., and Gary A. Davis. "Do the Wallach and Kogan tests predict real creative behavior?." Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1974.
  • Benami, Oren. "Cognitive approach to creative conceptual design." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California (2002).
  • Bennis, Warren, and Patricia Ward Biederman. Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration, Cambridge, Ma: Perseus, Basic Books, 2007.
  • Blatt, Sidney J., and Morris I. Stein, "Some personality, value, and cognitive characteristics of the creative person." American Psychologist. Vol. 12. No. 4. 750 Fırst St Ne, Washıngton, Dc 20002-4242: Amer Psychologıcal Assoc, 1957.
  • Bruner, Jerome, "Surprise, craft and creativity." J. Bruner, A. Jolly, & K. Sylva, Play: It's role in development and evolution (1976): 641-642.
  • Dacey, John S., Kathleen Lennon, Lisa B. Fiore. Understanding creativity: The interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Jossey-Bass Inc Pub, 1998.
  • Eisner, Elliot W.,David W. Ecker. Readings in art education. Blaisdell Pub. Co., 1966.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. The measurement of creativity. The MIT Press, 1994.
  • Gagne, Robert M. "Human problem solving: Internal and external events." Problem solving: research, method and theory. New York: Wiley (1966): 128-148.
  • Gardner, Howard. "The creators’ patterns." Dimensions of creativity (1994): 143-158.
  • Getzels, J. W., “Creativity: Prospects and İssues”, Perspectives In Creativity, 975: 326-344
  • Goeltsch, D. L., and S. B. Davis. "Quality Management: Introduction to TQM, Processing and Services ", 1997.
  • Guilford, Joy Paul. "The nature of human intelligence.", London: Mc Graw-Hill, 1967.
  • Guilford, Joy Paul. Intelligence, creativity, and their educational implications. San Diego: RR Knapp, 1968.
  • Hall, Wallace B., and Donald W. MacKinnin. "Personality inventory correlates of creativity among architects." Journal of Applied Psychology 53.4 (1969): 322
  • Isaksen, Scott G., Gerad J. Puccio, and Donald J. Treffinger. "An ecological approach to creativity research: Profiling for creative problem solving." Journal of Creative Behavior 27 (1993): 149-149
  • İşler, Ahmet Şinasi, Bilgin, Asude, “Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği Adaylarının Yaratıcılık Hakkındaki Düşünceleri”, Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15, 2002: 133-152
  • Jackson, Philip W., Samuel Messick. "The person, the product, and the response: Conceptual problems in the assessment of creativity." Journal of personality 33.3 (1965): 309-329.
  • Kin, Brenda J., Pope, Brian, “Creativity as A Factor In Psychological Assessment and Healthy Psychological Functioning”, Journal Of Personality Assessment, 72, 2, 1999: 200-207.
  • Kırışoğlu, Olcay Tekin, Sanatta Eğitim, Görmek, Anlamak, Yaratmak, Demircioğlu Matbaacılık, Ankara, 1991.
  • Koestler, Arthur,The Act of Creation, 1964.
  • Koberg, Don, and Jim Bagnall. "The Universal Traveler, A Soft-Systems Guide to: Creativity, Problem Solving, and the Process of Reaching Goals.[Revised Edition.]." (1974).
  • Lee, Jong Eun, Day, Jeanne.D., Meara, Naomi.M., Maxwell, Scott “Discrimination of Social Knowledge and its Flexible Application from Creativity: A Multitrait–Multimethod Approach”, Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 2002: 913–928.
  • Lowenfeld, Viktor, Creative and Mental Growth, New York: Macmillan, 1947.
  • Ludwig, Arnold M., “Reflections on Creativity and Madness”, American Journal Of Psychotherapy, 1989.
  • MacKinnon, Donald W. “The Nature and Nurture of Creative Talent”, American Psychologist, 17, 7, 1962: 484.
  • Mackworth, Norman H., “Originality”, American Psychologist, 20, 1, 1965: 51.
  • Maddi, Salvatore R., “Motivational Aspects of Creativity”, Journal of Personality, 33,3, 1965: 330-347.
  • Malaga, Ross A. “The effect of stimulus modes and associative distance in individual creativity support systems”, Decision Support Systems, 29(2), 2000: 25-141.
  • Maslow, Abraham H., Robert Frager & Ruth Cox, Motivation and personality (Vol. 2, pp. 1887-1904). J. Fadiman, & C. McReynolds (Eds.). New York: Harper & Row, 1970.
  • Marquardt, Michael J., Revans, Reg W. "Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organisational learning (Palo Alto, CA, Davies-Black).", 1999.
  • May, Rollo., Yaratma Cesareti, (1994). Metis Yayınları. İstanbul-1998.
  • Morris, Charles, G. "Psikolojiyi Anlamak (Psikolojiye giriş), (Çeviri. Ayışık HB, Sayıl M)." Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları 23 (2002): 396.
  • Newell, Allen, and Herbert Alexander Simon, Human problem solving. Vol. 104. No. 9. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
  • Osborn, Alex F. "Applied imagination, principles and procedures of creative thinking." ,1957.
  • Parsıl, Ümit., Sanatta Yaratıcılık, An Kitap, Yayın No:4, Haziran, 2012.
  • Preti, Antonio, and Paola Miotto. "Creativity, Evolution and Mental Illnesses." Journal of Memetics-Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission 1, 1997 . Read, H. E., Education Through Art, 1958.
  • Rouquette, Michel-Louis. "Yaratıcılık. çev: Işın Gürbüz." İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1992.
  • Runco, Mark A., et al. "Torrance tests of creative thinking as predictors of personal and public achievement: A fifty-year follow-up." Creativity Research Journal 22.4 (2010): 361-368.
  • San, İnci. Sanat ve eğitim: yaratıcılık-sanat sorunları, kuramları ve eleştirisi-eğitimle ilişkiler. Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 1985.
  • San, İnci. "Sanatta Yaratıcılık, Oyun, Drama." TED Yaratıcılık ve Eğitim TED Yayınları. Eğitim Dizisi 17, 1993.
  • Schon, Donald A. "Educating the Reflective Legal Practitioner." Clinical L. Rev. 2 (1995): 231.
  • Simonton, Dean Keith. "Creativity: Cognitive, personal, developmental, and social aspects." American psychologist 55.1 (2000): 151.
  • Smith, Steven M., Thomas B. Ward, and Ronald A. Finke. The creative cognition approach. MIT Press, 1995.
  • Sternberg, Robert J., and Todd I. Lubart. "The concept of creativity: Prospects and paradigms." Handbook of creativity 1 (1999): 3-15.
  • Storr, Anthony, İpek Babacan. Yaratma dürtüsü. Yayınevi Yayıncılık, 1992.
  • Şatır, S., Şener, E.,” Designig In Mind: Creavity”, Third International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, March, San Paulo, Brazil, 2003.
  • Takala, Tapio. "A neuropsychologically based approach to creativity." Modeling creativity and knowledge based creative design (1993): 91-108.
  • Thurstone, Louis L. "Creative talent." Applications of psychology (1952): 18-37.
  • Torrance, E. P., The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking-Norms-Technical Manual Research Edition-Verbal Tests, Forms a And B-Figural Tests, Forms A and B. Princeton Nj: Personnel Press, 1966.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. Torrance tests of creative thinking. Personnel Press, Incorporated, 1968.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. "Predictive validity of the Torrance tests of creative thinking." The Journal of Creative Behavior 6.4 (1972): 236-262.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul, Norms-Technical Manual Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. USA: Scholastic Testing Service, 1974a.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul., Torrance Test of Creavite Thinking, Personal/Press/Ginn, Princeton, Nj, 1974b.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. "The nature of creativity as manifest in its testing." The nature of creativity (1988): 43-75.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. Torrance Tests of creative thinking. Figural forms A and B: directions manual. Scholastic Testing Service, 1990.
  • Yavuz, Yavuzer, Halide. "Yaratıcılık”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1989.
  • Young, John G. "What is creativity?." The journal of creative behavior 19.2 (1985): 77-87.
  • Young, J.W., İyi Fikir Bulma Tekniği, Mediacat Kitapları, 2. Baskı, 2008: 23.
  • Yürekli, İpek. Mimari tasarım eğitiminde oyun. Diss., Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015.
  • Wallas, G., The Art of Thought, 1926.
  • Weiser, J. C. (1970). Personality variables associated with creativity in prospective female teachers. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 8(3), 77-84.

Theoretical Approaches towards the Concept of Creativity

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 1535 - 1552, 31.07.2017


The concept of creativity is a long issue by now
which makes itself felt both in affective and intellectual activities as well as exist in many study and
occupational groups. In this framework, the concept of creativity is treated
from different dimensions by the researchers from various disciplines and thus
different definitions of the concept emerged. The concept of creativity is also
one for which many theories were put forward by many different disciplines and
which  far exceeds the limits of the simple definitions with its
multi-dimensional phenomena has been classified from different angels. When the
definitions of creativity by researchers and educators are seen, it becomes
clear that the emphasis is made more than only one feature of the
Within the framework of this article, with the
purpose of better defining the concept of creativity which is mostly identified
with innovations and problem solving skills, it seems that there is a need to
evaluate the concept in terms of various dimensions such as creative person,
creative process, and creative product. The definitions of the concept were
classified and examined according to disciplines and the extent to which these
definitions highlight which particular features of the concept such as creative
person, creative process and creative product were investigated. Various
diagrams were used to show these relations.


  • Abra, Jock. The motives for creative work: An inquiry with speculations about sports and religion. Hampton Pr, 1997.
  • Adams, James. L., The Care and Feeding of Ideas: A Guide to Encouraging Creativity, Stanford Alumni Association, 1986.
  • Adams, James. L., Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas, Addison-Wesley Publising Company Inc., Reading, Ma, USA, 2001.
  • Adorno, T. W., Frenkel-Brunswik, E., Levinson, D. J. , Sanford, R. N., The Authoritarian Personality, 1950.
  • Argyris, Chris, and Donald A. Schön. "Organisational learning II: Theory, method and practice." Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1996.
  • Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity in Context", 1996.
  • Atkinson, R., L., Atkinson, R.C., Smith, E. E, Bem, D.J., Nolen-Hoeksema, Psikolojiye Giriş, Arkadaş Yayınları,1996.
  • Ausubel, David P. "Some psychological and educational limitations of learning by discovery." The arithmetic teacher 11.5, 1964: 290-302.
  • Ausubel, David Paul, Floyd G. Robinson. School learning: An introduction to educational psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.
  • Ayıran, Nezih. Mimari tasarlama sürecine ve yapma çevrenin insan ve toplum üzerindeki etkilerine yaratıcılık bakış açısından bir yaklaşım. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Diss. İTÜ, 1984.
  • Bartlett, Maurine M., and Gary A. Davis. "Do the Wallach and Kogan tests predict real creative behavior?." Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1974.
  • Benami, Oren. "Cognitive approach to creative conceptual design." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California (2002).
  • Bennis, Warren, and Patricia Ward Biederman. Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration, Cambridge, Ma: Perseus, Basic Books, 2007.
  • Blatt, Sidney J., and Morris I. Stein, "Some personality, value, and cognitive characteristics of the creative person." American Psychologist. Vol. 12. No. 4. 750 Fırst St Ne, Washıngton, Dc 20002-4242: Amer Psychologıcal Assoc, 1957.
  • Bruner, Jerome, "Surprise, craft and creativity." J. Bruner, A. Jolly, & K. Sylva, Play: It's role in development and evolution (1976): 641-642.
  • Dacey, John S., Kathleen Lennon, Lisa B. Fiore. Understanding creativity: The interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Jossey-Bass Inc Pub, 1998.
  • Eisner, Elliot W.,David W. Ecker. Readings in art education. Blaisdell Pub. Co., 1966.
  • Eysenck, Hans J. The measurement of creativity. The MIT Press, 1994.
  • Gagne, Robert M. "Human problem solving: Internal and external events." Problem solving: research, method and theory. New York: Wiley (1966): 128-148.
  • Gardner, Howard. "The creators’ patterns." Dimensions of creativity (1994): 143-158.
  • Getzels, J. W., “Creativity: Prospects and İssues”, Perspectives In Creativity, 975: 326-344
  • Goeltsch, D. L., and S. B. Davis. "Quality Management: Introduction to TQM, Processing and Services ", 1997.
  • Guilford, Joy Paul. "The nature of human intelligence.", London: Mc Graw-Hill, 1967.
  • Guilford, Joy Paul. Intelligence, creativity, and their educational implications. San Diego: RR Knapp, 1968.
  • Hall, Wallace B., and Donald W. MacKinnin. "Personality inventory correlates of creativity among architects." Journal of Applied Psychology 53.4 (1969): 322
  • Isaksen, Scott G., Gerad J. Puccio, and Donald J. Treffinger. "An ecological approach to creativity research: Profiling for creative problem solving." Journal of Creative Behavior 27 (1993): 149-149
  • İşler, Ahmet Şinasi, Bilgin, Asude, “Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği Adaylarının Yaratıcılık Hakkındaki Düşünceleri”, Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15, 2002: 133-152
  • Jackson, Philip W., Samuel Messick. "The person, the product, and the response: Conceptual problems in the assessment of creativity." Journal of personality 33.3 (1965): 309-329.
  • Kin, Brenda J., Pope, Brian, “Creativity as A Factor In Psychological Assessment and Healthy Psychological Functioning”, Journal Of Personality Assessment, 72, 2, 1999: 200-207.
  • Kırışoğlu, Olcay Tekin, Sanatta Eğitim, Görmek, Anlamak, Yaratmak, Demircioğlu Matbaacılık, Ankara, 1991.
  • Koestler, Arthur,The Act of Creation, 1964.
  • Koberg, Don, and Jim Bagnall. "The Universal Traveler, A Soft-Systems Guide to: Creativity, Problem Solving, and the Process of Reaching Goals.[Revised Edition.]." (1974).
  • Lee, Jong Eun, Day, Jeanne.D., Meara, Naomi.M., Maxwell, Scott “Discrimination of Social Knowledge and its Flexible Application from Creativity: A Multitrait–Multimethod Approach”, Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 2002: 913–928.
  • Lowenfeld, Viktor, Creative and Mental Growth, New York: Macmillan, 1947.
  • Ludwig, Arnold M., “Reflections on Creativity and Madness”, American Journal Of Psychotherapy, 1989.
  • MacKinnon, Donald W. “The Nature and Nurture of Creative Talent”, American Psychologist, 17, 7, 1962: 484.
  • Mackworth, Norman H., “Originality”, American Psychologist, 20, 1, 1965: 51.
  • Maddi, Salvatore R., “Motivational Aspects of Creativity”, Journal of Personality, 33,3, 1965: 330-347.
  • Malaga, Ross A. “The effect of stimulus modes and associative distance in individual creativity support systems”, Decision Support Systems, 29(2), 2000: 25-141.
  • Maslow, Abraham H., Robert Frager & Ruth Cox, Motivation and personality (Vol. 2, pp. 1887-1904). J. Fadiman, & C. McReynolds (Eds.). New York: Harper & Row, 1970.
  • Marquardt, Michael J., Revans, Reg W. "Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organisational learning (Palo Alto, CA, Davies-Black).", 1999.
  • May, Rollo., Yaratma Cesareti, (1994). Metis Yayınları. İstanbul-1998.
  • Morris, Charles, G. "Psikolojiyi Anlamak (Psikolojiye giriş), (Çeviri. Ayışık HB, Sayıl M)." Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları 23 (2002): 396.
  • Newell, Allen, and Herbert Alexander Simon, Human problem solving. Vol. 104. No. 9. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
  • Osborn, Alex F. "Applied imagination, principles and procedures of creative thinking." ,1957.
  • Parsıl, Ümit., Sanatta Yaratıcılık, An Kitap, Yayın No:4, Haziran, 2012.
  • Preti, Antonio, and Paola Miotto. "Creativity, Evolution and Mental Illnesses." Journal of Memetics-Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission 1, 1997 . Read, H. E., Education Through Art, 1958.
  • Rouquette, Michel-Louis. "Yaratıcılık. çev: Işın Gürbüz." İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1992.
  • Runco, Mark A., et al. "Torrance tests of creative thinking as predictors of personal and public achievement: A fifty-year follow-up." Creativity Research Journal 22.4 (2010): 361-368.
  • San, İnci. Sanat ve eğitim: yaratıcılık-sanat sorunları, kuramları ve eleştirisi-eğitimle ilişkiler. Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, 1985.
  • San, İnci. "Sanatta Yaratıcılık, Oyun, Drama." TED Yaratıcılık ve Eğitim TED Yayınları. Eğitim Dizisi 17, 1993.
  • Schon, Donald A. "Educating the Reflective Legal Practitioner." Clinical L. Rev. 2 (1995): 231.
  • Simonton, Dean Keith. "Creativity: Cognitive, personal, developmental, and social aspects." American psychologist 55.1 (2000): 151.
  • Smith, Steven M., Thomas B. Ward, and Ronald A. Finke. The creative cognition approach. MIT Press, 1995.
  • Sternberg, Robert J., and Todd I. Lubart. "The concept of creativity: Prospects and paradigms." Handbook of creativity 1 (1999): 3-15.
  • Storr, Anthony, İpek Babacan. Yaratma dürtüsü. Yayınevi Yayıncılık, 1992.
  • Şatır, S., Şener, E.,” Designig In Mind: Creavity”, Third International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, March, San Paulo, Brazil, 2003.
  • Takala, Tapio. "A neuropsychologically based approach to creativity." Modeling creativity and knowledge based creative design (1993): 91-108.
  • Thurstone, Louis L. "Creative talent." Applications of psychology (1952): 18-37.
  • Torrance, E. P., The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking-Norms-Technical Manual Research Edition-Verbal Tests, Forms a And B-Figural Tests, Forms A and B. Princeton Nj: Personnel Press, 1966.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. Torrance tests of creative thinking. Personnel Press, Incorporated, 1968.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. "Predictive validity of the Torrance tests of creative thinking." The Journal of Creative Behavior 6.4 (1972): 236-262.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul, Norms-Technical Manual Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. USA: Scholastic Testing Service, 1974a.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul., Torrance Test of Creavite Thinking, Personal/Press/Ginn, Princeton, Nj, 1974b.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. "The nature of creativity as manifest in its testing." The nature of creativity (1988): 43-75.
  • Torrance, Ellis Paul. Torrance Tests of creative thinking. Figural forms A and B: directions manual. Scholastic Testing Service, 1990.
  • Yavuz, Yavuzer, Halide. "Yaratıcılık”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1989.
  • Young, John G. "What is creativity?." The journal of creative behavior 19.2 (1985): 77-87.
  • Young, J.W., İyi Fikir Bulma Tekniği, Mediacat Kitapları, 2. Baskı, 2008: 23.
  • Yürekli, İpek. Mimari tasarım eğitiminde oyun. Diss., Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015.
  • Wallas, G., The Art of Thought, 1926.
  • Weiser, J. C. (1970). Personality variables associated with creativity in prospective female teachers. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 8(3), 77-84.
There are 72 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Dilara Onur

Tülay Zorlu

Publication Date July 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Onur, D., & Zorlu, T. (2017). Yaratıcılık Kavramı ile İlişkili Kuramsal Yaklaşımlar. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(3), 1535-1552.

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