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Çalışanlara Dönük Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerinin Kurumsal İtibara Etkisi: Sivas’ta Bir İmalat İşletmesi Örneği

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 3685 - 3710, 30.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın öncelikli amacı, işletmelerin çalışanlarına yönelik kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk (KSS) faaliyetlerinin çalışanlar nezdinde oluşacak kurumsal itibara etkisinin olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Diğer bir amaç ise işletmede yönetici veya emir verebileceği kimse olmaksızın çalışmakta olan işgörenlerin değerlendirmelerine göre çalıştıkları firmalarının paydaş grupları içerisinde işgörenlerini en önemli olarak görüp görmediklerini belirlemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Türkiye’de Sivas ilinde ev, ofis ve hastane mobilyaları ve hastane medikal ekipmanları imalatı yapan ve halen 113 ülkeye ihracat yapmakta olan bir imalat işletmesinin 58 çalışanı oluşturmaktadır. Firmanın tercih edilmesinde, Covid-19 pandemi döneminde önemini daha da hissettiren sağlık sektörünün ihtiyaç duyduğu (hastane yatağı, sedye gibi) ürünleri üretmesi, kapasitesini arttırarak çalışmaya devam etmesi ve diğerlerinin yanı sıra çalışanlara yönelik sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetlerini de gerçekleştiriyor olması etkili olmuştur.
Çalışmada kullanılan veriler yüzyüze görüşme yoluyla gerçekleştirilen anketlerle elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 23 paket programı kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizlerde ki-kare analizi, bağımsız değişken arası t-testi, Spearman korelasyon katsayısı ve regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, araştırma ölçeklerinin geçerli ve güvenilir olduğunu, firmaların işgörenlerine yönelik olarak gerçekleştirmiş oldukları KSS faaliyetleri ile çalışanları nezdinde oluşan kurumsal itibar arasında pozitif yönlü güçlü seviyede ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. İşletme paydaşları ile ilgili değerlendirmelerin sonucu ise çalışanlarına göre işletmenin en önemli paydaşının işletmede yönetici veya işgören pozisyonunda çalışmakta olan personel değil Devlet olduğu yönündedir. Regresyon analizleri, işletmelerin çalışanlarına yönelik KSS faaliyetlerinin kurumsal itibarı pozitif olarak etkilediğini göstermektedir. Çalışmanın bir sektör ve firmada yapılmış olmak gibi sınırlılıkları olsa da işletmelerin çalışanlarına yönelik kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetlerinin kurumsal itibara olan etkisi konusunda literatüre katkı sağlayacağı ve daha kapsamlı araştırmalar için örnek teşkil edeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Albinger, H., & Freeman, S. (2000). Corporate Social Performance and Attractiveness as an Employer to Different Job Seeking Populations. Journal of Business Ethics, 28(3), 243-253.
  • Barauskaite, G., & Streimikiene, D. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance of companies: The puzzle of concepts, definitions and assessment methods. Corp Soc Responsib Environ Manag. 28: 278– 287.
  • Baran, M., & Çelik, Y. (2017). Çalışanların İşletmenin Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerine Yönelik Algısı ile İş Tatmini Arasındaki İlişki ve Kimya/ Boya Sektöründe Bir Araştırma. İş’te Davranış Dergisi Journal of Behavior at Work 2 (1), 63-79.
  • Brammer, S., & Millington, A. (2005) Corporate Reputation and Philanthropy—An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 61, 29-44.
  • Choi, Y., & Yu, Y. (2014). The influence of perceived corporate sustainability practices on employees and organizational performance. Sustainability, 6(1), 348–364.
  • Cismas, L. M., Miculescu, A., Negrut, L., Negrut, V., Otil, M. D., & Vadasan, I. (2019). Social capital, social responsibility, economic behavior and sustainable economic development—An analysis of Romania's situation. Transformations in Business & Economics, 18(2A (47A)), 605– 627.
  • Coldwell, D. A., Billsberry, J., Meurs, N., & van, Marsh, P. J. G. (2008). The effects of person–organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: Towards a testable explanatory model. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 611–622.
  • European Commission. (2001). Green paper: Promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Retrieved from
  • Fombrun, C., & Shanley, M. (1990). What's in a Name? Reputation Building and Corporate Strategy. The Academy of Management Journal, 33(2), 233-258. doi:10.2307/256324
  • Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Gond, J. P., El, Akremi, A., Swaen, V., & Babu, N. (2017). The psychological microfoundations of corporate social responsibility: A person-centric systematic review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 225–246.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • (Erişim tarihi: 5 Mayıs 2021).
  • Jones, D. A., Willness, C. R., & Made, S. (2010). Why are job seekers attracted to socially responsible companies? Testing underlying mechanisms. Academy of Management, (1), 1–6.
  • Karabey, C., & Battal, F. (2020). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Kurumsal İtibar, Profesyonel Etik Standartlar ve Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkiler. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 34 (2) , 603-629. DOI: 10.16951/atauniiibd.682818
  • Lai, C., Chiu, C., Yang, C., & Pai, D. (2010). The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Performance: The Mediating Effect of Industrial Brand Equity and Corporate Reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3), 457-469.
  • Maheshwari, S., & Yadav, R. (2015). Is CSR a Hygiene Factor for Prospective Employees? An Indian Exploration. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(4), 601-612.
  • Malhotra, N. K., Nunan, D., & Birks, D. F. (2017). Marketing research: An applied approach. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Park, J., Lee, H., & Kim, C. (2014). Corporate social responsibilities, consumer trust and corporate reputation: South Korean consumers’ perspectives. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 295–302.
  • Porter, M.E. (1997), Competıtıve Strategy, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 12-17.
  • Riordan, C. M., Gatewood, R. D., & Bill, J.B. (1997). Corporate Image: Employee Reactions and Implications for Managing Corporate Social Performance. Journal of Business Ethics 16, 401–412.
  • Roberts, P., & Dowling, G. (2002). Corporate Reputation and Sustained Superior Financial Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 23(12), 1077-1093.
  • Sanchez, J. L., & Sotorrio, L. L. (2007). The creation of value through corporate reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, 335–346.
  • Suaini, O., Faizah, D., & Roshayani, A. (2011). The Influence of Coercive Isomorphism on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting and Reputation. Social Responsibility Journal, 7(1), 119-135.
  • Sweeney, L. (2009). A Study of Current Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and an Examination of the Relationship between CSR and Financial Performance Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Doctoral Thesis, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin.
  • Taherdoost, H. (2016). Sampling Methods in Research Methodology; How to Choose a Sampling Technique for Research. Available at SSRN: or
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2014). Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS İle Veri Analizi (5. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Turban, D., & Greening, D. (1997). Corporate Social Performance and Organizational Attractiveness to Prospective Employees. The Academy of Management Journal, 40(3), 658-672. doi:10.2307/257057
  • Van den Brink, D., Odekerken-Schröder, G., & Pauwels, P. (2006). The effect of strategic and tactical cause-related marketing on consumers’ brand trust. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(1), 15–25.
  • Walsh, G., & Wiedmann, KP. A. (2004). Conceptualization of Corporate Reputation in Germany: An Evaluation and Extension of the RQ. Corp Reputation Rev 6, 304–312.
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development. (2000). Corporate social responsibility: Making good business sense. Geneva, Switzerland: World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
  • Yadav, R. S., Dash, S. S., Chakraborty, S., & Kumar, M. (2018). Perceived CSR and Corporate Reputation: The Mediating Role of Employee Trust. The Journal for Decision Makers, 43(3) 139–151. doi:10.1177/0256090918794823
  • Yalman, Y., & Çonkar, K. (2020). Türkiye’de, İşletmelerin Çalışanlarına Yönelik Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerinin Kurumsal İtibara Etkisi / Corporate Reputation The Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility For Operations Employees Of Enterprises In Turkey. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme ve Politika Dergisi, 4 (2) , 393-408. DOI: 10.29216/ueip.783212
  • Yin, R.K. (2003). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 3rd Edition, Sage, Thousand Oaks.

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Regarding Employees on Corporate Reputation: An Example of a Manufacturing Enterprise in Sivas

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 3685 - 3710, 30.12.2021


The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the enterprises for their employees have an effect on the corporate reputation that will be formed by the employees. Another aim is to determine whether they see their employees as the most important among the stakeholder groups of the companies they work for, according to the evaluations of the employees who work in the business without a manager or anyone to order. The sample of the research consists of 58 employees of a manufacturing company that manufactures home, office and hospital furniture and hospital medical equipment in Sivas province in Turkey and currently exports to 113 countries. The fact that it produces products (such as hospital beds, stretchers) needed by the health sector, which makes its importance even more felt during the Covid-19 pandemic period, continues to work by increasing its capacity, and carries out social responsibility activities for employees, among others, have been effective in choosing the company.
In the study, SPSS 23 package program was used in the analysis of the data obtained through face-to-face interviews. In statistical analysis, chi-square analysis, t-test between independent variables, Spearman correlation coefficient and regression analysis were performed. The results obtained show that the research scales are valid and reliable, and that there is a strong positive relationship between the CSR activities of the companies for their employees and the corporate reputation formed by their employees. The result of the evaluations regarding the stakeholders of the enterprise is that the most important stakeholder of the enterprise according to the employees is the State, not the personnel working as a manager or employee in the enterprise. Regression analyzes show that the CSR activities of the enterprises for their employees positively affect the corporate reputation. Although the study has limitations such as being conducted in a sector and a company, it is thought that it will contribute to the literature on the effect of corporate social responsibility activities on the corporate reputation of the employees of the enterprises and set an example for more comprehensive research.


  • Albinger, H., & Freeman, S. (2000). Corporate Social Performance and Attractiveness as an Employer to Different Job Seeking Populations. Journal of Business Ethics, 28(3), 243-253.
  • Barauskaite, G., & Streimikiene, D. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance of companies: The puzzle of concepts, definitions and assessment methods. Corp Soc Responsib Environ Manag. 28: 278– 287.
  • Baran, M., & Çelik, Y. (2017). Çalışanların İşletmenin Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerine Yönelik Algısı ile İş Tatmini Arasındaki İlişki ve Kimya/ Boya Sektöründe Bir Araştırma. İş’te Davranış Dergisi Journal of Behavior at Work 2 (1), 63-79.
  • Brammer, S., & Millington, A. (2005) Corporate Reputation and Philanthropy—An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 61, 29-44.
  • Choi, Y., & Yu, Y. (2014). The influence of perceived corporate sustainability practices on employees and organizational performance. Sustainability, 6(1), 348–364.
  • Cismas, L. M., Miculescu, A., Negrut, L., Negrut, V., Otil, M. D., & Vadasan, I. (2019). Social capital, social responsibility, economic behavior and sustainable economic development—An analysis of Romania's situation. Transformations in Business & Economics, 18(2A (47A)), 605– 627.
  • Coldwell, D. A., Billsberry, J., Meurs, N., & van, Marsh, P. J. G. (2008). The effects of person–organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: Towards a testable explanatory model. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 611–622.
  • European Commission. (2001). Green paper: Promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Retrieved from
  • Fombrun, C., & Shanley, M. (1990). What's in a Name? Reputation Building and Corporate Strategy. The Academy of Management Journal, 33(2), 233-258. doi:10.2307/256324
  • Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Gond, J. P., El, Akremi, A., Swaen, V., & Babu, N. (2017). The psychological microfoundations of corporate social responsibility: A person-centric systematic review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 225–246.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • (Erişim tarihi: 5 Mayıs 2021).
  • Jones, D. A., Willness, C. R., & Made, S. (2010). Why are job seekers attracted to socially responsible companies? Testing underlying mechanisms. Academy of Management, (1), 1–6.
  • Karabey, C., & Battal, F. (2020). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Kurumsal İtibar, Profesyonel Etik Standartlar ve Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkiler. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 34 (2) , 603-629. DOI: 10.16951/atauniiibd.682818
  • Lai, C., Chiu, C., Yang, C., & Pai, D. (2010). The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Performance: The Mediating Effect of Industrial Brand Equity and Corporate Reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(3), 457-469.
  • Maheshwari, S., & Yadav, R. (2015). Is CSR a Hygiene Factor for Prospective Employees? An Indian Exploration. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(4), 601-612.
  • Malhotra, N. K., Nunan, D., & Birks, D. F. (2017). Marketing research: An applied approach. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Park, J., Lee, H., & Kim, C. (2014). Corporate social responsibilities, consumer trust and corporate reputation: South Korean consumers’ perspectives. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 295–302.
  • Porter, M.E. (1997), Competıtıve Strategy, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 12-17.
  • Riordan, C. M., Gatewood, R. D., & Bill, J.B. (1997). Corporate Image: Employee Reactions and Implications for Managing Corporate Social Performance. Journal of Business Ethics 16, 401–412.
  • Roberts, P., & Dowling, G. (2002). Corporate Reputation and Sustained Superior Financial Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 23(12), 1077-1093.
  • Sanchez, J. L., & Sotorrio, L. L. (2007). The creation of value through corporate reputation. Journal of Business Ethics, 76, 335–346.
  • Suaini, O., Faizah, D., & Roshayani, A. (2011). The Influence of Coercive Isomorphism on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting and Reputation. Social Responsibility Journal, 7(1), 119-135.
  • Sweeney, L. (2009). A Study of Current Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and an Examination of the Relationship between CSR and Financial Performance Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Doctoral Thesis, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin.
  • Taherdoost, H. (2016). Sampling Methods in Research Methodology; How to Choose a Sampling Technique for Research. Available at SSRN: or
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2014). Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS İle Veri Analizi (5. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Turban, D., & Greening, D. (1997). Corporate Social Performance and Organizational Attractiveness to Prospective Employees. The Academy of Management Journal, 40(3), 658-672. doi:10.2307/257057
  • Van den Brink, D., Odekerken-Schröder, G., & Pauwels, P. (2006). The effect of strategic and tactical cause-related marketing on consumers’ brand trust. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(1), 15–25.
  • Walsh, G., & Wiedmann, KP. A. (2004). Conceptualization of Corporate Reputation in Germany: An Evaluation and Extension of the RQ. Corp Reputation Rev 6, 304–312.
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development. (2000). Corporate social responsibility: Making good business sense. Geneva, Switzerland: World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
  • Yadav, R. S., Dash, S. S., Chakraborty, S., & Kumar, M. (2018). Perceived CSR and Corporate Reputation: The Mediating Role of Employee Trust. The Journal for Decision Makers, 43(3) 139–151. doi:10.1177/0256090918794823
  • Yalman, Y., & Çonkar, K. (2020). Türkiye’de, İşletmelerin Çalışanlarına Yönelik Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerinin Kurumsal İtibara Etkisi / Corporate Reputation The Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility For Operations Employees Of Enterprises In Turkey. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme ve Politika Dergisi, 4 (2) , 393-408. DOI: 10.29216/ueip.783212
  • Yin, R.K. (2003). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 3rd Edition, Sage, Thousand Oaks.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Yalçin Yalman 0000-0002-4340-7068

Early Pub Date December 21, 2021
Publication Date December 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Yalman, Y. (2021). Çalışanlara Dönük Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetlerinin Kurumsal İtibara Etkisi: Sivas’ta Bir İmalat İşletmesi Örneği. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 3685-3710.

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