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Metropolis (Ionia) Kazılarından Hellenistik-Erken Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi Cam Buluntuları (1989-2021)

Year 2022, , 243 - 274, 09.02.2023


Ionia’nın önemli yerleşim merkezlerinden olan Metropolis kazıları sırasında Hellenistik Dönem’den başlayarak Geç Bizans Dönemi’ne kadar olan uzun sürece ait çok çeşitli cam formları tespit edilmiştir. Bunların en erken tarihli olanları, bir yüzgeçli kâse parçası, bir mozaik kâse parçası, iç kalıp tekniğinde üretilmiş şişe parçaları ve bir millefiori kâse parçası ile Geç Hellenistik-Erken Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nin tipik kalıba sarkıtma yöntemi ile üretilen kâselerden meydana gelmektedir. Dönemin bu tipik kâselerinin, Suriye-Filistin Bölgesi’nde üretilerek buradan çeşitli coğrafyalara yayıldığı görüşü genellikle kabul görmekte ve kendi içlerinde yapılan bir tipoloji kapsamında incelenmektedirler. Bu bağlamda, Metropolis’te de çok sayıda örneği bulunan “Oluklu Kâseler” ve bunların ardılları olarak kabul edilen “Kaburgalı Kâseler” ile “Çizgisel Kesme Kâseler” başlıca grupları oluşturmaktadır. Metropolis buluntuları arasında ayrıca aynı yöntemle üretilmiş olduğu anlaşılan dekorasyonsuz kâse parçaları da tespit edilmiştir. Bunların dışında, kentte saptanan Erken Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nin kalıp kullanılarak şekillendirilmiş tabakları ise, döküm tekniğinde üretilmiş en geç cam formları olmaları bakımından ayrı bir yere sahiptir. 1989 yılından bugüne, Metropolis’in akropolis, tiyatro, stoa, peristilli ev, Aşağı Hamam-Palaestra gibi neredeyse kazısı yapılmış her sektöründe yukarıda belirtilen cam formları ile karşılaşılmaktadır. İthal formlar arasında değerlendirilen bu camların kentteki yoğun varlığı Anadolu cam çalışmalarına katkı sağlaması açısından önem taşımaktadır.

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Metropolis Antik Kenti kazı çalışmaları 2007 yılından itibaren Prof. Dr. Serdar Aybek başkanlığında sürdürülmektedir. Metropolis Kazısı cam buluntularını çalışmama izin veren değerli hocam Prof. Dr. Serdar Aybek’e teşekkürlerimi sunarım.


  • Avronidaki, C. (2012). Glass Ware. In: N. Kalstas & E. Vlachogianni & P. Bouyia (Eds.) The Antikythera Shipwreck: The Ship, The Treasures, The Mechanism, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, 132-145. google scholar
  • Aybek S., Arslan B., Gülbay, O. (2021). The Peristyle House of Metropolis, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Aybek, S. (2016). Metropolis’de Bulunan Üç Roma Hamamı: Şehir Planlama, Mimari Özellikler ve Sosyal Kontekst Bakımından Kısa Bir Değerlendirme. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 153, 109-124. google scholar
  • Aybek, S. (2009). Metropolis Ionia I: Heykel, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Aybek, S., Ekin Meriç, A., Kazım Öz, A. (2009). İonia’da Bir Ana Tanrıça Kenti: Metropolis, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Aybek, S. ve Arslan, B. (2022). Eski Çağlardan Günümüze Torbalı Ovasında Ulaşım Ağı ve Metropolis’in Stratejik Önemi. XVIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi (Ankara 1-5 Eylül 2018), Ankara, 341-359. google scholar
  • Berislav, S. (2021). Roman Non-Blown Glass From Zadar (Croatia). AIHV Annales du 21e Congrès, İstanbul, 03rd - 07th Septembre 2018, 119-132. google scholar
  • Clairmont, C. W. (1963). The Glass Vessels (The Excavations at Dura-Europos: Final Report IV, Part V), New Haven, Dura Europos Publications. google scholar
  • Czurda-Ruth, B. (2007). Hanghaus 1 in Ephesos: Die Glaser, Wien. google scholar
  • Dussart, O. (1998). Le Verre en Jordanie et en Syrie du Sud, Beyrouth. google scholar
  • Dussart O., Velde, B. (1990). La Composition du Verre Hellènistique en Jordanie et Syrie du Sud. Syria Tome LXVII, 687-693. google scholar
  • Erten, E. (1993). Başlangıcından Geç Antik dönem sonuna kadar Anadolu’da cam (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. google scholar
  • Erten, E. (2018). Silifke Müzesi Cam Kataloğu, Ankara. google scholar
  • Erten E., Akkuş Koçak, E. (2019). Olba Kazılarından Hellenistik Dönem Cam Kâseleri. Seleucia IX, 43-60. google scholar
  • Foy, D. (2003). Le Verre en Tunisie: L’Apport des fouilles récentes tuniso-françaises. JGS 45, 59-89. google scholar
  • Foy, D. (2005). Une production de bols moulés à Beyrouth à la fin de l’epoque hellénistique et le commerce de ces verres en Méditerranée occidentale. JGS 47, 11-35. google scholar
  • Foy D., Labaune-Jean F., Leblond C., Pruvot C. M., Marty M. T., Maasrt C., Munier C., Robin L., Roussel-Ode, J. (2018). Verres Incolores de L’antiquité Romaine en Gaule et Aux Marges de la Gaule, Volume 2: Typologie et Analyses, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 42, Oxford. google scholar
  • Fünfschilling, S. (1987). Beabachtungen zu Rippenschalen von Schweizer Fundorten. AIHV 10 (Madrid/ Segovia 1985), Amsterdam, 81-108. google scholar
  • Gençler, Ç. (2009). Elaiussa Sebaste antik yerleşimi cam buluntuları (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. google scholar
  • Goldstein, S. M. (1979). Pre-Roman and Early Roman Glass in The Corning Museum of Glass, New York. google scholar
  • Gorin-Rosen, Y. (2003). Chapter Fifteen: Glass Vessels from Area A. In: H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations ın the Old City of Jerusalem, Vol II: The Finds from Areas A, W, and X-2 Final Report Jerusalem, 364-386. google scholar
  • Gorin-Rosen, Y. (2006). Chapter Ten: Glass Vessels. In: H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations ın the Old City of Jerusalem, Vol. III: Area E and Other Studies Final Report Jerusalem, 239-265. google scholar
  • Grose, D. F. (2017). The Hellenistic, Roman and Medieval Glass from Cosa, Michigan. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (2012). The Pre-Hellenistic, Hellenistic, Roman and Islamic Glass Vessels, in: A A.M Berlin & S. C. Herbert (eds.) Tel Anafa II, Glass Vessels, Lamps, Objects of Metal, and Groundstone and Other Stone Tools and Vessels, Kelsey Museum of the University of Michigan. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1991). Early Imperial Roman Cast Glass: The Translucent Coloured and Colourless Fine Wares. In: M. Newby & K. Painter (Eds.) Roman Glass: Two Centuries of Art and Invention, London, 1-18. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1989). The Toledo Museum of Art Early Ancient Glass: Core-Formed, Rod-Formed and Cast Vessels and Objects from the Late Bronz Age to the Early Roman Empire, 1600 BC to AD 50, New York. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1981). The Hellenistic Glass Industry Reconsidered, Annales du 8e Congres International d’Etude Historique du Verre (Londres-Liverpool, 18-25 Septembre 1979), Liège, 61-72. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1979). The Syro-Palestinian Glass Industry in the Later Hellenistic Period. MUSE 13, 54-67. google scholar
  • Grossmann, R.A. (2013). Chapter Eight: Glass. In: Aylward, W. (Ed), Excavations at Zeugma conducted by Oxford University (Los Altos, California), The Packard Humanities Institute, 218-258. google scholar
  • Hayes, J.W. (1975). Roma and Pre Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum: A Cataolgue, Toronto. google scholar
  • Henderson, J. (2013). Ancient Glass - An Interdisciplinary Exploration, Cambridge University Press, New York. google scholar
  • Höpken, C., Çakmaklı, Ö. D. (2015). Fragile Splendour: Glass in the Medusa Collection in Gaziantep/Narin Pırıltı: Gaziantep Medusa Cam Kolleksiyonu, Bonn. google scholar
  • Ignatiadou, D. (2009). Almonds, Lobes and Ribs. AIHV Annales du 17e Congres, 2006-Antwerp, 15-20. google scholar
  • İsraeli, Y. (2003). Ancient Glass in the Israel Museum: The Eliahu Dobkin Collection and Other Gifts, Jerusalem. google scholar
  • Jackson-Tal, R.E. (2004). The Late Hellenistic Glass Industry in Syro-Palestine: A Reappraisal. JGS 46, 1131. google scholar
  • Jackson-Tal, R.E. (2016). Chapter 8: Glass Vessels. In: D. Syon (ed.), Gamla III: The Shmarya Gutmann Excavations 1976-1989 Finds and Studies Part 2, IAA Reports 59, Jerusalem. google scholar
  • Kaltsas, N., Vlachogianni, E., Bouyia, P. (eds.). (2012). The Antikythera Shipwreck: The Ship, The Treasures, The Mechanism, National Archaeological Museum (April 2012-April 2013), Athens. google scholar
  • Lierke, R. (2009). Die nicht-geblasenen antiken Glasgefiase - The non-blown ancient glass vessels, Offenbach-Main. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. (1990). Three Cast Vessels from Anatolia. AIHV 11(29 Août - 3 Septembre 1998), 85-94. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. (2017). The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Ancient Glass, New York. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. (2021). Ancient Glass in Roman Italy Before the Invention of Blowing: Cast Mosaic Glass. AIHV 21 (İstanbul-2018), İstanbul, 109-118. google scholar
  • Mazenek, D. (2014). Preliminary Typology of Glass Vessels from the So-called Hellenistic House, Explored by the Polish Archaeological Mission in Nea Paphos (Cyprus). Études et Travaux XXVII, 280-321. google scholar
  • Meriç, R. (2003). Metropolis: Ana Tanrıça Kenti, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Meyer, C. (1992). Glass From Queseir Al-Qadim and the Indian Ocean Trade. The Oriantal Institute of the University of Chicago, Studies in Ancient Oriantal Civilization No 53, Chicago. google scholar
  • Nenna, M. D. (1999). Exploration Archéologique de Délos, Fascicule XXXVII, Athénes. google scholar
  • Oliver, Jr., A. (1968). Millefiori Glass in Classical Antiquity. JGS X, Corning, 48-70. google scholar
  • Plinius, Naturalis Historia (Translated into English by H. Rackham) (1952). Book V.31, 1952. http://www. (19.07.2022). google scholar
  • Price, J. (1987). Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial Cast Vessel Glass in Spain. AIHV 10, Madrid-Segovie 23-28 Septembre 1985, Amsterdam, 185-206. google scholar
  • Price, J. (1990). A Survey of Hellenistic and Early Roman Vessel Glass Found on the Unexplored Mansion Side at Knossos in Crete. AIHV 11, Bale 29 aout-3 Septembre 1988, Amsterdam, 27-36. google scholar
  • Price, J. (1992). Section 14: Hellenistic and Roman Glass. In: L. H. Sackett (ed.) Knossos from Greek City to Roman Colony: Excavation at the Unexplored Mansion II Text, The British School of Archaeology at Athens, 415-462, Pl. 336-353. google scholar
  • Schätzschock, M. (2007). Glass. In V. Mitsopoulos-Leon & C. Lang-Auinger (Hrsg.), Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos, Wien, 170-186. google scholar
  • Schätzschock, M. (2010). A.XII Glas. In: F. Krinzinger (Hrsg.) Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, Forschungen in Ephesos Band VIII/8, Wien, 286-321. google scholar
  • Schmidt, K. (2019). Glass and Glass Production in the Near East during the Iron Age: Evidence from Objects, Texts and Chemical Analysis, Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford. google scholar
  • Schwarzer, H., Rehren, Th. (2015). Antikes Glas aus Pergamon - Ergebnisse archäologischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, in: R. Grüßinger - U. Kästner - A. Scholl (Hrsg.), Pergamon als Zentrum der hellenistischen Kunst. Bedeutung, Eigenheiten und Ausstrahlung, Petersberg, 106-134. google scholar
  • Stern, E.M., Schlick-Nolte, B. (1994). Frühes Glas der alten Welt 1600 v.Chr. - 50 n.Chr Sammlung Ernesto Wolf, Verlag Gerd Hatje-Stuttgart. google scholar
  • Taştemür, E. (2007). Klaros cam kâseleri. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Edirne. google scholar
  • Tek, T. (2013). Arykanda Kazılarında (1993-2007 Sezonları) Bulunan Mozaik Cam Kâse ve Tabaklar. In: Ç. Gençler Güray (ed.) Kaunos/Kbid Toplantıları 2: Anadolu Antik Cam Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 17-20 Haziran 2010, 213-235. google scholar
  • Triantafyllidis, P. (2003). Classical and Hellenistic Glass Workshops from Rhodos. In: D. Foy & M. D. Nenna (eds.). Echanges et Commerce du Verre Dand le Monde Antique, Actes du Colloque de I’AFAV Aix-en-et Marseille 7-9 Juin 2001, Monographies Instrumentum 24, Montagnac, 131-138. google scholar
  • Triantafyllidis, P. (2006). Late Hellenistic Glass from Kos, Dodecanese, Greece. JGS 48, 145-161. google scholar
  • Weinberg, G.D. (1969). Hellenistic Glass from Tel Anafa in Upper Galilee. JGS XI, 17-27. google scholar
  • Weinberg G.D., Stern, E.M. (2009). The Athenian Agora: Vol. XXXIV Vessel Glass, New Jersey. google scholar

Hellenistic-Early Roman Imperial Glass Finds from Metropolis (Ionia) Excavations (1989-2021)

Year 2022, , 243 - 274, 09.02.2023


During the excavations of Metropolis, which is one of the important settlements of Ionia, glass vessels in various forms belonging to the period from the Hellenistic to the Late Byzantine Period were found. The earliest of these consist of a finned bowl fragment, a mosaic bowl fragment, core-formed bottle fragments, a millefiori bowl fragment, and typical bowls of the Late Hellenistic-Early Roman Imperial Period. It is generally accepted that these typical bowls of the period were produced in the Syria-Palestine Region and spread to various regions from there. Thus, they were examined within the scope of a typology made within themselves. In this context, the “Grooved Bowls,” of which many examples are found in Metropolis, as well as the “Ribbed Bowls” and “Linear-Cut Bowls”, which are accepted as their successors, constitute the main groups of such works. Among the Metropolis finds, undecorated bowl fragments, which are understood to have been produced by the  same method, were also found. Apart from these vessels, the cast glass dishes of the Early Roman Imperial Period found in Metropolis are important in that they are the latest glass forms produced in the casting technique. The glass vessels mentioned above have been encountered in almost every excavated sector of Metropolis, such as the acropolis, theater, stoa, perystill house, and Lower Bath-Palaestra. The intense presence of these glass vessels, which are considered among the imported forms, in the city is important in terms of contributing to Anatolian glass studies.

Project Number



  • Avronidaki, C. (2012). Glass Ware. In: N. Kalstas & E. Vlachogianni & P. Bouyia (Eds.) The Antikythera Shipwreck: The Ship, The Treasures, The Mechanism, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, 132-145. google scholar
  • Aybek S., Arslan B., Gülbay, O. (2021). The Peristyle House of Metropolis, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Aybek, S. (2016). Metropolis’de Bulunan Üç Roma Hamamı: Şehir Planlama, Mimari Özellikler ve Sosyal Kontekst Bakımından Kısa Bir Değerlendirme. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 153, 109-124. google scholar
  • Aybek, S. (2009). Metropolis Ionia I: Heykel, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Aybek, S., Ekin Meriç, A., Kazım Öz, A. (2009). İonia’da Bir Ana Tanrıça Kenti: Metropolis, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Aybek, S. ve Arslan, B. (2022). Eski Çağlardan Günümüze Torbalı Ovasında Ulaşım Ağı ve Metropolis’in Stratejik Önemi. XVIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi (Ankara 1-5 Eylül 2018), Ankara, 341-359. google scholar
  • Berislav, S. (2021). Roman Non-Blown Glass From Zadar (Croatia). AIHV Annales du 21e Congrès, İstanbul, 03rd - 07th Septembre 2018, 119-132. google scholar
  • Clairmont, C. W. (1963). The Glass Vessels (The Excavations at Dura-Europos: Final Report IV, Part V), New Haven, Dura Europos Publications. google scholar
  • Czurda-Ruth, B. (2007). Hanghaus 1 in Ephesos: Die Glaser, Wien. google scholar
  • Dussart, O. (1998). Le Verre en Jordanie et en Syrie du Sud, Beyrouth. google scholar
  • Dussart O., Velde, B. (1990). La Composition du Verre Hellènistique en Jordanie et Syrie du Sud. Syria Tome LXVII, 687-693. google scholar
  • Erten, E. (1993). Başlangıcından Geç Antik dönem sonuna kadar Anadolu’da cam (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. google scholar
  • Erten, E. (2018). Silifke Müzesi Cam Kataloğu, Ankara. google scholar
  • Erten E., Akkuş Koçak, E. (2019). Olba Kazılarından Hellenistik Dönem Cam Kâseleri. Seleucia IX, 43-60. google scholar
  • Foy, D. (2003). Le Verre en Tunisie: L’Apport des fouilles récentes tuniso-françaises. JGS 45, 59-89. google scholar
  • Foy, D. (2005). Une production de bols moulés à Beyrouth à la fin de l’epoque hellénistique et le commerce de ces verres en Méditerranée occidentale. JGS 47, 11-35. google scholar
  • Foy D., Labaune-Jean F., Leblond C., Pruvot C. M., Marty M. T., Maasrt C., Munier C., Robin L., Roussel-Ode, J. (2018). Verres Incolores de L’antiquité Romaine en Gaule et Aux Marges de la Gaule, Volume 2: Typologie et Analyses, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 42, Oxford. google scholar
  • Fünfschilling, S. (1987). Beabachtungen zu Rippenschalen von Schweizer Fundorten. AIHV 10 (Madrid/ Segovia 1985), Amsterdam, 81-108. google scholar
  • Gençler, Ç. (2009). Elaiussa Sebaste antik yerleşimi cam buluntuları (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. google scholar
  • Goldstein, S. M. (1979). Pre-Roman and Early Roman Glass in The Corning Museum of Glass, New York. google scholar
  • Gorin-Rosen, Y. (2003). Chapter Fifteen: Glass Vessels from Area A. In: H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations ın the Old City of Jerusalem, Vol II: The Finds from Areas A, W, and X-2 Final Report Jerusalem, 364-386. google scholar
  • Gorin-Rosen, Y. (2006). Chapter Ten: Glass Vessels. In: H. Geva (ed.), Jewish Quarter Excavations ın the Old City of Jerusalem, Vol. III: Area E and Other Studies Final Report Jerusalem, 239-265. google scholar
  • Grose, D. F. (2017). The Hellenistic, Roman and Medieval Glass from Cosa, Michigan. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (2012). The Pre-Hellenistic, Hellenistic, Roman and Islamic Glass Vessels, in: A A.M Berlin & S. C. Herbert (eds.) Tel Anafa II, Glass Vessels, Lamps, Objects of Metal, and Groundstone and Other Stone Tools and Vessels, Kelsey Museum of the University of Michigan. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1991). Early Imperial Roman Cast Glass: The Translucent Coloured and Colourless Fine Wares. In: M. Newby & K. Painter (Eds.) Roman Glass: Two Centuries of Art and Invention, London, 1-18. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1989). The Toledo Museum of Art Early Ancient Glass: Core-Formed, Rod-Formed and Cast Vessels and Objects from the Late Bronz Age to the Early Roman Empire, 1600 BC to AD 50, New York. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1981). The Hellenistic Glass Industry Reconsidered, Annales du 8e Congres International d’Etude Historique du Verre (Londres-Liverpool, 18-25 Septembre 1979), Liège, 61-72. google scholar
  • Grose, D.F. (1979). The Syro-Palestinian Glass Industry in the Later Hellenistic Period. MUSE 13, 54-67. google scholar
  • Grossmann, R.A. (2013). Chapter Eight: Glass. In: Aylward, W. (Ed), Excavations at Zeugma conducted by Oxford University (Los Altos, California), The Packard Humanities Institute, 218-258. google scholar
  • Hayes, J.W. (1975). Roma and Pre Roman Glass in the Royal Ontario Museum: A Cataolgue, Toronto. google scholar
  • Henderson, J. (2013). Ancient Glass - An Interdisciplinary Exploration, Cambridge University Press, New York. google scholar
  • Höpken, C., Çakmaklı, Ö. D. (2015). Fragile Splendour: Glass in the Medusa Collection in Gaziantep/Narin Pırıltı: Gaziantep Medusa Cam Kolleksiyonu, Bonn. google scholar
  • Ignatiadou, D. (2009). Almonds, Lobes and Ribs. AIHV Annales du 17e Congres, 2006-Antwerp, 15-20. google scholar
  • İsraeli, Y. (2003). Ancient Glass in the Israel Museum: The Eliahu Dobkin Collection and Other Gifts, Jerusalem. google scholar
  • Jackson-Tal, R.E. (2004). The Late Hellenistic Glass Industry in Syro-Palestine: A Reappraisal. JGS 46, 1131. google scholar
  • Jackson-Tal, R.E. (2016). Chapter 8: Glass Vessels. In: D. Syon (ed.), Gamla III: The Shmarya Gutmann Excavations 1976-1989 Finds and Studies Part 2, IAA Reports 59, Jerusalem. google scholar
  • Kaltsas, N., Vlachogianni, E., Bouyia, P. (eds.). (2012). The Antikythera Shipwreck: The Ship, The Treasures, The Mechanism, National Archaeological Museum (April 2012-April 2013), Athens. google scholar
  • Lierke, R. (2009). Die nicht-geblasenen antiken Glasgefiase - The non-blown ancient glass vessels, Offenbach-Main. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. (1990). Three Cast Vessels from Anatolia. AIHV 11(29 Août - 3 Septembre 1998), 85-94. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. (2017). The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Ancient Glass, New York. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. (2021). Ancient Glass in Roman Italy Before the Invention of Blowing: Cast Mosaic Glass. AIHV 21 (İstanbul-2018), İstanbul, 109-118. google scholar
  • Mazenek, D. (2014). Preliminary Typology of Glass Vessels from the So-called Hellenistic House, Explored by the Polish Archaeological Mission in Nea Paphos (Cyprus). Études et Travaux XXVII, 280-321. google scholar
  • Meriç, R. (2003). Metropolis: Ana Tanrıça Kenti, İstanbul. google scholar
  • Meyer, C. (1992). Glass From Queseir Al-Qadim and the Indian Ocean Trade. The Oriantal Institute of the University of Chicago, Studies in Ancient Oriantal Civilization No 53, Chicago. google scholar
  • Nenna, M. D. (1999). Exploration Archéologique de Délos, Fascicule XXXVII, Athénes. google scholar
  • Oliver, Jr., A. (1968). Millefiori Glass in Classical Antiquity. JGS X, Corning, 48-70. google scholar
  • Plinius, Naturalis Historia (Translated into English by H. Rackham) (1952). Book V.31, 1952. http://www. (19.07.2022). google scholar
  • Price, J. (1987). Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial Cast Vessel Glass in Spain. AIHV 10, Madrid-Segovie 23-28 Septembre 1985, Amsterdam, 185-206. google scholar
  • Price, J. (1990). A Survey of Hellenistic and Early Roman Vessel Glass Found on the Unexplored Mansion Side at Knossos in Crete. AIHV 11, Bale 29 aout-3 Septembre 1988, Amsterdam, 27-36. google scholar
  • Price, J. (1992). Section 14: Hellenistic and Roman Glass. In: L. H. Sackett (ed.) Knossos from Greek City to Roman Colony: Excavation at the Unexplored Mansion II Text, The British School of Archaeology at Athens, 415-462, Pl. 336-353. google scholar
  • Schätzschock, M. (2007). Glass. In V. Mitsopoulos-Leon & C. Lang-Auinger (Hrsg.), Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos, Wien, 170-186. google scholar
  • Schätzschock, M. (2010). A.XII Glas. In: F. Krinzinger (Hrsg.) Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, Forschungen in Ephesos Band VIII/8, Wien, 286-321. google scholar
  • Schmidt, K. (2019). Glass and Glass Production in the Near East during the Iron Age: Evidence from Objects, Texts and Chemical Analysis, Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford. google scholar
  • Schwarzer, H., Rehren, Th. (2015). Antikes Glas aus Pergamon - Ergebnisse archäologischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, in: R. Grüßinger - U. Kästner - A. Scholl (Hrsg.), Pergamon als Zentrum der hellenistischen Kunst. Bedeutung, Eigenheiten und Ausstrahlung, Petersberg, 106-134. google scholar
  • Stern, E.M., Schlick-Nolte, B. (1994). Frühes Glas der alten Welt 1600 v.Chr. - 50 n.Chr Sammlung Ernesto Wolf, Verlag Gerd Hatje-Stuttgart. google scholar
  • Taştemür, E. (2007). Klaros cam kâseleri. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Edirne. google scholar
  • Tek, T. (2013). Arykanda Kazılarında (1993-2007 Sezonları) Bulunan Mozaik Cam Kâse ve Tabaklar. In: Ç. Gençler Güray (ed.) Kaunos/Kbid Toplantıları 2: Anadolu Antik Cam Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 17-20 Haziran 2010, 213-235. google scholar
  • Triantafyllidis, P. (2003). Classical and Hellenistic Glass Workshops from Rhodos. In: D. Foy & M. D. Nenna (eds.). Echanges et Commerce du Verre Dand le Monde Antique, Actes du Colloque de I’AFAV Aix-en-et Marseille 7-9 Juin 2001, Monographies Instrumentum 24, Montagnac, 131-138. google scholar
  • Triantafyllidis, P. (2006). Late Hellenistic Glass from Kos, Dodecanese, Greece. JGS 48, 145-161. google scholar
  • Weinberg, G.D. (1969). Hellenistic Glass from Tel Anafa in Upper Galilee. JGS XI, 17-27. google scholar
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Emine Akkuş Koçak 0000-0001-7365-0029

Project Number Yok
Publication Date February 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Akkuş Koçak, E. (2023). Metropolis (Ionia) Kazılarından Hellenistik-Erken Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi Cam Buluntuları (1989-2021). Anatolian Research(27), 243-274.