Research Article
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Continuity and Change in Glyptic Art in Light of Ancient Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals from the Yale Babylonian Collection

Year 2024, Issue: 30, 39 - 66, 04.09.2024


The advent of cuneiform writing in ancient Mesopotamia facilitated the reconstruction of the region’s political history, contributing to a profound understanding of societal lifestyles and perceptions. Among extant archaeological artefacts, seals, distinguished as exemplary small artworks, have garnered research attention comparable to cuneiform documents. These artefacts, adorned with diverse themes and styles, offer a narrative richness not fully captured by the written records of the ancient world. Over the past two decades, expanded archaeological excavations in the ancient Near East have significantly augmented our knowledge of glyptic art, yielding well-stratified and securely dated examples from various settlements. This study meticulously examines a collection of cylinder seals of ancient Mesopotamian origin, generously donated to the Yale Babylonian Collection in 2016, belonging to the antiquities trader E.S. David. The primary aim of this study is to analyse the scenes engraved on seals iconographically and stylistically. Concurrently, it delves into technical aspects, such as the variety of raw materials in seal production, production technology, seal size, and form, and queries the existence of chronological developments and changes in seal styles. This multifaceted approach unveils insights into the worldview, culture, artistic style, mythology, technology, and everyday life of the societies associated with seals. In addition, this study investigates similarities and innovations in the technology and style of seal engraving within a chronological framework. Furthermore, this study focuses on the examination of similarities and innovations observed in both the technology and style of seal engraving within a chronological context. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between technological advancements, artistic expression, and cultural evolution within ancient Mesopotamia.


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Year 2024, Issue: 30, 39 - 66, 04.09.2024



  • Al-Maqdissi, M. (2008). “Archaeological Excavations at Qatna”. In J. Aruz, K. Benzel, & J.M. Evans (Eds.), BeyondBabylon: Art, Trade andDiplomacy in the SecondMillennium B.C., (pp. 214-219), New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Publication. google scholar
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  • Boschloos, V. Devillers, A. Gubel, E. Hameeuw, H. Jean, J. Van Goethem, L. Van Overmeire, S. & Overlaet, B. (2012). The Ancient Near Eastern Glyptic Collections of the Royal Museums of Art and History Reconsidered, BULLETIN 83, (pp. 23-44). google scholar
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  • Dumbrill, R. (2015). Musical Scenes and Instruments on Cylinder Seals, Sealings and Impressions from the Ancient Near East in the Collections of the British Museum. London: Iconea Publications. google scholar
  • Dusinberre, E. R. M.(2005). Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society, University Museum Monograpy 124. Philadelphia. google scholar
  • Frankfort, H. (1939). Cylinder Seals. A Documentary Essay on the Art and Religion of the Ancient Near East. London. google scholar
  • Frankfort, H. (1955). Stratified Cylinder Seals from the Diyala Region. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Gorelick, L., & Gwinnett. A. J. (1992). Minoan versus Mesopotamian seals: comparative methods of manufacture, Iraq, 54, pp. 51-64. google scholar
  • Hansen, D.P. (2003). Art of the Early City-States. In J. Aruz & R. Wallenfels (Eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.B. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (pp. 21-92). New Haven and London: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Lassen, A. W. (2019). The Yale Babylonian Collection. In A.W. Lassen, E. Frahm & K. Wagensonner (Eds.), Ancient Mesopotamia Speaks: Highlights of the Yale Babylonian Collection, (pp. 3-11). New Haven: Yale University Press. google scholar
  • Lebeau, M. (Ed.). (2011). Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean, Arcane I. Turnhout. google scholar
  • Legrain, L. (1951). Ur Excavations Volume X: Seal Cylinders. Oxford: Great Britain at the University Press. google scholar
  • Michalowski P. (1994). The Drinking Gods: Alcohol in Mesopotamian Ritual and Mythology. In L. Milano (ed.), Drinking in Ancient Societies: History and Culture of Drinks in the Ancient Near East, (pp. 27-44), Padova. google scholar
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  • Nissen, H. J. (1977). Aspects of The Development of Early Cylinder Seals. In M. Gibson & R.D. Biggs (Eds.). Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. (pp. 15-24). Malibu. google scholar
  • Nissen, H. J. (2004). Ana Hatlarıyla Mezopotamya: Yakın Doğu Arkeolojisi’nin İlk Dönemleri (İÖ. 90002000). Çev. Z. Z. İlkgelen. İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. google scholar
  • Orthmann, W. (1975). Der Alte Orient 14. Berlin: Propylaen Verlag. google scholar
  • Pittman, H. & Aruz, J. (1987). Ancient Art In Miniature: Near Eastern Seals From The Collection Of Martin And Sarah Cherkasky. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. google scholar
  • Porada, E. (1948). The Collection of The Pierpont Morgan Library: Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections I. Washington, D.C. google scholar
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  • Sallaberger, W. & Schrakamp, I. (2015). Philological Data for A Historical Chronology of Mesopotamia in the 3rd Millennium. In W. Sallaberger & I. Schrakamp (Eds.). History and Philology, Arcane III. (pp. 1-136). Turnhout. google scholar
  • Sax, M. & Meeks, N. D. (1994). The Introduction of Wheel Cutting as a Technique for Engraving Cylinder Seals: Its Distinction from Filing. Iraq 56, pp. 153-166. google scholar
  • Sax, M. & Meeks, N. D. (1995). Methods of engraving Mesopotamian Quartz Cylinder Seals. Archaeometry, 37, pp.25-36. google scholar
  • Sax, M., McNabb, J. &Meeks, N.D. (1998). Methods of Engraving Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals: Experimental Confirmation. Archaeometry 40, pp. 1-21. google scholar
  • Schliemann, H. (1881). Ilıos. Stadt und Land der Trojaner. Forschungen und Entdeckungen in der Troas und besonders auf der Baustelle von Troja. Leipzig. google scholar
  • Selz, G.J. (2020). The Uruk Phenomenon. In K. Radner, N. Moeller & D. T. Potts (Eds.). The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East: From the Beginnings to Old Kingdom Egypt and the Dynasty of Akkad, Volume 1. (pp. 163-245). New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Speleers L., (1917). Catalogue des intailles et empreintes orientales desMusees royaux du Cinquantenaire. Bruxelles. google scholar
  • Strommenger, E. (1964). The Art of Mesopotamia. London: Thames and Hudson. google scholar
  • Suter, C. E. (2018). Feasting and Elite Women in Early Mesopotamia: A Contribution from the Visual Record. KASKAL 15, pp. 139-154. google scholar
  • von der Osten, H. H. (1934). Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • von der Osten, H. H. (1937). The Alishar Hüyük. Seasons of 1930-32, Part I. Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Wiseman, D.J. (1962). Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum I: Cylinder Seals Uruk-Early Dynastic Periods. London. google scholar
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeological Science
Journal Section Research Article

Güzel Öztürk 0000-0002-0548-9066

Publication Date September 4, 2024
Submission Date February 9, 2024
Acceptance Date June 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 30


APA Öztürk, G. (2024). Continuity and Change in Glyptic Art in Light of Ancient Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals from the Yale Babylonian Collection. Anadolu Araştırmaları(30), 39-66.

Since 1955

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