Research Article
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Hopper–Rubbers or Olynthus Mills from Şarhöyük/ Dorylaion: Recent Evidence on Typology and Chronology

Year 2024, Issue: 30, 211 - 234, 04.09.2024


Şarhöyük/Dorylaion (Dorylaeum) is one of the largest mounds in central Anatolia and boasts a stratigraphical sequence that spans from the Late Chalcolithic period to the end of the 12th century AD. This paper focuses on a particular set of discoveries made at Şarhöyük, namely the Olynthus millstones, or the hopper-rubbers, which are generally considered as an important development stage from basic grinding mills to complex grinding techniques. Most of the millstones discovered were found in the Hellenistic layers, either in situ or in secondary contexts. With the exception of the mill with hand grips, all other samples that can be classified based on a certain typology belong to the Olynthus Mills group with Vertical Holes for Pivot, commonly referred to as Frankel’s Type II.4 or Bombardieri’s Type IIID.3e. However, it is plausible to suggest subtypes within this group. The aim of this study is to analyse a specific ‘eastern type’ Olynthus mill and the timeframe of its usage based on archaeological data from Şarhöyük/Dorylaion and its surrounding region.

Project Number

Şarhöyük / Dorylaion Excavations are supported by Scientific Research Projects Commission of Anadolu University (BAP 2304E031)


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Year 2024, Issue: 30, 211 - 234, 04.09.2024


Supporting Institution

Anadolu Üniversitesi

Project Number

Şarhöyük / Dorylaion Excavations are supported by Scientific Research Projects Commission of Anadolu University (BAP 2304E031)


I am deeply grateful to L. Bombardieri, for sharing his studies generously; to L. D’Alfonso and Kınık Höyük Excavation Project, for providing invaluable information about their sample with great generosity; and to M. Türkteki, director of the Küllüoba excavations, for informing me about the unpublished material from the site. I am also thankful to K. Çakır, Director of Şehit Cuma Dağ Natural History Museum of MTA (Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate of Turkey), for sharing his experience and knowledge on the evaluation of extrusive rocks, and providing necessary documents about the geological formations in the region. Many thanks to R. Bozkurt from Konya Ereğli Museum, for providing me the visuals of their samples. I would like to thank to E. Yurt, Director of the Eskişehir Eti Archaeology Museum, and specialist Z. Bürkük, for their sincere assistance for the museum studies. Also, many thanks to H. Alanyalı, who spared some his own time of library research for me. Thanks to S. Çalışkan-Türkan and B. Köse (Kumpas Çizim) for the drawings provided on the site and in the laboratory.


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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeological Science
Journal Section Research Article

Mahmut Bilge Baştürk 0000-0003-4421-6084

Project Number Şarhöyük / Dorylaion Excavations are supported by Scientific Research Projects Commission of Anadolu University (BAP 2304E031)
Publication Date September 4, 2024
Submission Date March 13, 2024
Acceptance Date June 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 30


APA Baştürk, M. B. (2024). Hopper–Rubbers or Olynthus Mills from Şarhöyük/ Dorylaion: Recent Evidence on Typology and Chronology. Anadolu Araştırmaları(30), 211-234.

Since 1955

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