Research Article
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Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye

Year 2024, Issue: 21, 150 - 163, 18.12.2024


TV subtitles are mostly euphemized and ideologically recontextualized with individual and/or institutional motivations for the target viewer in Türkiye due to varying socio-cultural and political factors. Accordingly, subtitlers are faced with challenges in providing adequate translations for source taboo language, including sexually explicit swearwords and vulgar slang. However, censorship policies in AVT may conversely urge translators to be involved in a more creative process, which may, in turn, result in the subversion of the very censorious discourse. The aim of this study is to investigate censorship as an ideological and translation constraint in TV subtitling, as well as a factor laying the grounds for creating possible meanings in subtitling. To this end, a descriptive analysis was conducted based on the TV subtitles of South Park, an American sitcom animation show. The analysis shows that institutional norms force translators to be creative in transferring the taboo language to preserve humorous and obscene narrative content, which appears as a queer effort whereby the taboo meaning is destabilized, particularly in the case of references to sexual organs and homosexuality. The qualitative and quantitative analyses provide an overview of the translation strategies employed and the pragmatic effect created by freelance subtitlers translating for private media institutions from English into Turkish in the case of the taboo language. The case presented in this study can also give an insight into the translator’s performativity in AVT through which meanings are created in the target culture under repressive circumstances.


  • Abdal, G. (2023). The bounds of translatorial perspective in the Turkish translation of Rita Mae Brown’s Rubyfruit Jungle. Litera, 33(2), 437-456. google scholar
  • Aktunç, H. (2010). Büyük argo sözlüğü (tanıklarıyla). Yapı Kredi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Alan, C. (2011). A descriptive study on censorship in the translation of South Park [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Hacettepe University. google scholar
  • Allan, K., & Burridge, K. (2006). Forbidden words: Taboo and the censoring of Language. Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Arp, R. (Ed). (2007). South Park and philosophy: You know, I learned something today. Blackwell Publishing. google scholar
  • Arrojo, R. (2010). Philosophy and translation. In Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.), Handbook of translation studies, Vol. 1 (pp. 247- 51). John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2015). An account of the subtitling of offensive and taboo language in Tarantino’s screenplays. Sendebar, 26, 37-56. google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2016a). The subtitling of offensive and taboo language into Spanish of Inglorious Basterds. Babel, 62(2), 211-32. https: // google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2016b). The treatment of offensive and taboo terms in the subtitling of ‘Reservoir Dogs’ into Spanish. TRANS: Revista de Traductologîa, 20, 25-40. google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2020). Profanity and blasphemy in the subtitling of English into European Spanish: Four case studies based on a selection of Tarantino’s Films. Quaderns, 27, 125-41. google scholar
  • Ayan, V. M. (2019). AKP devrinde medya âlemi. Yordam Kitap. 82lemi/j-7gDwAAQBAJ?hl=tr&gbpv=1 google scholar
  • Baer, B. J., & Kaindl, K. (2018). Introduction: Queer(ing) translation. In B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Eds.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism (pp. 1- 10). Routledge. google scholar
  • Bauer, H. (Ed). (2015). Sexology and translation: Cultural and scientific encounters across the modern world. Temple University Press. google scholar
  • Binark, M. (2015). Creation of national will and stability on traditional and new media: Being left speechless and silent. In M. Köylü (Ed.), Situation of LGBTI rights in Turkey and recommendations (pp. 29-35). Kaos GL. 2015situation-of-lgbti-rights-in-turkey-and-recommendations.pdf google scholar
  • By-Law on The Procedures and Principles of Media Services. Article 8. (2011). google scholar
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge. google scholar
  • Cantor, P. A. (2007). The invisible gnomes and the invisible hand: South Park and libertarian philosophy. In R. Arp (Ed.), South Park and philosophy: You know, I learned something today (pp. 97-111). Blackwell Publishing. google scholar
  • Coşar, S. (2015). Suggestions for political sphere. In Situation of LGBTI Rights in Turkey and Recommendations. In M. Köylü (Ed.), Situation of LGBTI rights in Turkey and recommendations (pp. 19-27). Kaos GL. 2015situation-of-lgbti-rights-in-turkey-and-recommendations.pdf google scholar
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd Ed.). Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Diaz Cintas, J., & Remael, A. (2007). Audiovisual translation: Subtitling. St Jerome. google scholar
  • Epstein, B. J. (2017). Eradicalization: Eradicating the queer in children’s literature. In B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Eds.), Queer in translation (pp. 118-128). Routledge. google scholar
  • Kontovas, H. (2012). Lubunca: The historical development of Istanbul’s queer slang and a social-functional approach to the processes in language [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Arizona University. google scholar
  • Lynch, J. (2009). The lexicographer’s dilemma: The evolution of “proper” English, from Shakespeare to South Park. Walker Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Nişanyan Sözlük. (n.d.). kulampara. In Nişanyan Sözlük (Çağdaş Türkçenin Etimolojisi). Retrieved September 26, 2023, from https://www. google scholar
  • RTÜK. (n.d.). About us. google scholar
  • Santaemilia, J. (2008). The translation of sex-related language: The danger(s) of self-censorship(s). TTR: traduction, terminologie, redaction, 21(2), 221-52. google scholar
  • Santaemilia, J. (2018). Sexuality and translation as intimate partners? Toward a queer turn in rewriting identities and desires. In B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Eds.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism (pp. 11-25). Routledge. google scholar
  • Scandura, G. L. (2004). Sex, lies and TV: Censorship and subtitling. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 49, 125-34. google scholar
  • Sedgwick, E. K. (1993). Tendencies. Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Spurlin, W. J. (2017). Queering translation: Rethinking gender and sexual politics in the spaces between languages and cultures. In B. J. Epstein & R. Gillet (Eds.), Queer in translation (pp. 172- 183). Routledge. google scholar
  • Tanış, E. (2022, Sep. 16). LGBTİ+ karşıtı “Büyük aile buluşması”na iki gün kala, SPoD’dan Umut Rojda Yıldırım: “Yaşanacak toplanma potansiyel bir nefret suçu”. Medyascope. Retrieved August 22, 2023 from buyuk-aile-bulusmasina-iki-gun-kala-spoddan-umut-rojda-yildirim-devlet-lgbti-yurttaslarini-koruyamayacak-kadar-aciz-mi/ google scholar
  • Toury, G. (1995). Descriptive translation studies and beyond. John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (n.d.a). tingiş. Derleme sözlüğü (Türkiye Türkçesi ağızları sözlüğü). Retrieved September 25, 2023 from google scholar
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (n.d.b). bibiş. Derleme sözlüğü (Türkiye Türkçesi ağızları sözlüğü). Retrieved September 25, 2023, from google scholar
  • Valdeon, R. A. (2020). Swearing and the vulgarization hypothesis in Spanish audiovisual translation. Journal of Pragmatics, 155, 261-72. google scholar
  • Wilkinson, M. (2021). Taboo and offensive language in audiovisual translation: A Spanish to English case study of the television series Paquita Salas [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Tennessee State University google scholar

Sansür mü, yoksa Kuirleştirme mi? Türkiye’de South Park’ın TV Altyazı Çevirisi

Year 2024, Issue: 21, 150 - 163, 18.12.2024


Türkiye’de TV altyazıları, çeşitli sosyo-kültürel ve politik etmenler temelinde, bireysel ve/veya kurumsal motivasyonlarla, hedef izleyici için ideolojik olarak örtmeceli ve yeniden bağlamsallaştırılmış şekilde sunulmaktadır. Buna bağlı olarak, altyazı çevirmenleri, cinsel içerikli küfürler ve kaba argo ifadeler de dahil, kaynak tabu dilin çevirisinde yeterliliği sağlamakta zorluklarla karşılaşmaktadır. Ancak, görsel-işitsel çeviride sansür politikaları, aksi yönde çevirmenleri daha yaratıcı bir sürece dahil edebilir ve bu da sansürcü söylemin altüst edilmesiyle sonuçlanabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, TV altyazılamada bir ideolojik ve çeviri kısıtı olarak, yanı sıra altyazıda olası anlamların yaratılmasına zemin hazırlayan bir etmen olarak sansür olgusunu incelemektir. Bu amaçla, Amerikan yapımı bir durum komedisi animasyonu olan South Park’ın Türkçe TV altyazıları üzerinden betimleyici bir çözümleme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çözümlemenin sonuçları, kurumsal normlara bağlı çevirmenlerin tabu dili aktarırken mizahi ve müstehcen anlatıyı korumak amacıyla yaratıcı çözümler bulmaya zorladığını; bunun durumun da, özellikle cinsel organlara ya da eşcinselliğe gönderme içeren anlamların istikrarsızlaştırıldığı, kuir bir çaba olarak kendini göstediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu nitel ve nicel çözümleme, özel medya kuruluşları için İngilizce’den Türkçe’ye çeviri yapan serbest altyazı çevirmenlerinin tabu dil söz konusu olduğunda kullandıkları çeviri stratejilerine ve yarattıkları pragmatik etkiye genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Çalışma olgusu aynı zamanda baskıcı koşullar altında çevirmenin performatifliği yoluyla erek kültürde anlamların nasıl yaratıldığına ilişkin bir fikir de verebilir.


  • Abdal, G. (2023). The bounds of translatorial perspective in the Turkish translation of Rita Mae Brown’s Rubyfruit Jungle. Litera, 33(2), 437-456. google scholar
  • Aktunç, H. (2010). Büyük argo sözlüğü (tanıklarıyla). Yapı Kredi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Alan, C. (2011). A descriptive study on censorship in the translation of South Park [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Hacettepe University. google scholar
  • Allan, K., & Burridge, K. (2006). Forbidden words: Taboo and the censoring of Language. Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Arp, R. (Ed). (2007). South Park and philosophy: You know, I learned something today. Blackwell Publishing. google scholar
  • Arrojo, R. (2010). Philosophy and translation. In Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.), Handbook of translation studies, Vol. 1 (pp. 247- 51). John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2015). An account of the subtitling of offensive and taboo language in Tarantino’s screenplays. Sendebar, 26, 37-56. google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2016a). The subtitling of offensive and taboo language into Spanish of Inglorious Basterds. Babel, 62(2), 211-32. https: // google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2016b). The treatment of offensive and taboo terms in the subtitling of ‘Reservoir Dogs’ into Spanish. TRANS: Revista de Traductologîa, 20, 25-40. google scholar
  • Âvila-Cabrera, J. J. (2020). Profanity and blasphemy in the subtitling of English into European Spanish: Four case studies based on a selection of Tarantino’s Films. Quaderns, 27, 125-41. google scholar
  • Ayan, V. M. (2019). AKP devrinde medya âlemi. Yordam Kitap. 82lemi/j-7gDwAAQBAJ?hl=tr&gbpv=1 google scholar
  • Baer, B. J., & Kaindl, K. (2018). Introduction: Queer(ing) translation. In B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Eds.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism (pp. 1- 10). Routledge. google scholar
  • Bauer, H. (Ed). (2015). Sexology and translation: Cultural and scientific encounters across the modern world. Temple University Press. google scholar
  • Binark, M. (2015). Creation of national will and stability on traditional and new media: Being left speechless and silent. In M. Köylü (Ed.), Situation of LGBTI rights in Turkey and recommendations (pp. 29-35). Kaos GL. 2015situation-of-lgbti-rights-in-turkey-and-recommendations.pdf google scholar
  • By-Law on The Procedures and Principles of Media Services. Article 8. (2011). google scholar
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge. google scholar
  • Cantor, P. A. (2007). The invisible gnomes and the invisible hand: South Park and libertarian philosophy. In R. Arp (Ed.), South Park and philosophy: You know, I learned something today (pp. 97-111). Blackwell Publishing. google scholar
  • Coşar, S. (2015). Suggestions for political sphere. In Situation of LGBTI Rights in Turkey and Recommendations. In M. Köylü (Ed.), Situation of LGBTI rights in Turkey and recommendations (pp. 19-27). Kaos GL. 2015situation-of-lgbti-rights-in-turkey-and-recommendations.pdf google scholar
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd Ed.). Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Diaz Cintas, J., & Remael, A. (2007). Audiovisual translation: Subtitling. St Jerome. google scholar
  • Epstein, B. J. (2017). Eradicalization: Eradicating the queer in children’s literature. In B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Eds.), Queer in translation (pp. 118-128). Routledge. google scholar
  • Kontovas, H. (2012). Lubunca: The historical development of Istanbul’s queer slang and a social-functional approach to the processes in language [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Arizona University. google scholar
  • Lynch, J. (2009). The lexicographer’s dilemma: The evolution of “proper” English, from Shakespeare to South Park. Walker Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Nişanyan Sözlük. (n.d.). kulampara. In Nişanyan Sözlük (Çağdaş Türkçenin Etimolojisi). Retrieved September 26, 2023, from https://www. google scholar
  • RTÜK. (n.d.). About us. google scholar
  • Santaemilia, J. (2008). The translation of sex-related language: The danger(s) of self-censorship(s). TTR: traduction, terminologie, redaction, 21(2), 221-52. google scholar
  • Santaemilia, J. (2018). Sexuality and translation as intimate partners? Toward a queer turn in rewriting identities and desires. In B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Eds.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism (pp. 11-25). Routledge. google scholar
  • Scandura, G. L. (2004). Sex, lies and TV: Censorship and subtitling. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 49, 125-34. google scholar
  • Sedgwick, E. K. (1993). Tendencies. Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Spurlin, W. J. (2017). Queering translation: Rethinking gender and sexual politics in the spaces between languages and cultures. In B. J. Epstein & R. Gillet (Eds.), Queer in translation (pp. 172- 183). Routledge. google scholar
  • Tanış, E. (2022, Sep. 16). LGBTİ+ karşıtı “Büyük aile buluşması”na iki gün kala, SPoD’dan Umut Rojda Yıldırım: “Yaşanacak toplanma potansiyel bir nefret suçu”. Medyascope. Retrieved August 22, 2023 from buyuk-aile-bulusmasina-iki-gun-kala-spoddan-umut-rojda-yildirim-devlet-lgbti-yurttaslarini-koruyamayacak-kadar-aciz-mi/ google scholar
  • Toury, G. (1995). Descriptive translation studies and beyond. John Benjamins Publishing Company. google scholar
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (n.d.a). tingiş. Derleme sözlüğü (Türkiye Türkçesi ağızları sözlüğü). Retrieved September 25, 2023 from google scholar
  • Türk Dil Kurumu. (n.d.b). bibiş. Derleme sözlüğü (Türkiye Türkçesi ağızları sözlüğü). Retrieved September 25, 2023, from google scholar
  • Valdeon, R. A. (2020). Swearing and the vulgarization hypothesis in Spanish audiovisual translation. Journal of Pragmatics, 155, 261-72. google scholar
  • Wilkinson, M. (2021). Taboo and offensive language in audiovisual translation: A Spanish to English case study of the television series Paquita Salas [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Tennessee State University google scholar
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Translation and Interpretation Studies
Journal Section MAKALELER

Cihan Alan 0000-0001-5220-3473

Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date September 19, 2024
Acceptance Date October 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 21


APA Alan, C. (2024). Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies(21), 150-163.
AMA Alan C. Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies. December 2024;(21):150-163. doi:10.26650/iujts.2024.1552761
Chicago Alan, Cihan. “Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 21 (December 2024): 150-63.
EndNote Alan C (December 1, 2024) Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies 21 150–163.
IEEE C. Alan, “Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye”, IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 21, pp. 150–163, December 2024, doi: 10.26650/iujts.2024.1552761.
ISNAD Alan, Cihan. “Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye”. IU Journal of Translation Studies 21 (December 2024), 150-163.
JAMA Alan C. Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2024;:150–163.
MLA Alan, Cihan. “Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye”. IU Journal of Translation Studies, no. 21, 2024, pp. 150-63, doi:10.26650/iujts.2024.1552761.
Vancouver Alan C. Censoring or Queering? TV-Subtitling of South Park in Türkiye. IU Journal of Translation Studies. 2024(21):150-63.