Research Article
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An Evaluation of Turner and Constable's Landscape Paintings

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 29, 1 - 15, 22.07.2024


Romanticism refers to a period or movement in which works were produced by blending sensory instincts in the thematic context on the axis of artistic attitude. With this art movement, the individual has the opportunity to reflect the inner world to the outside world. In addition, Romanticism has enabled the strengthening of the bond that has been established since human Creation. In particular, the libertarian thought offered by the French Revolution was the foundation of the romantic process. In this context, the Romanticism movement first emerged in painting and literature and subsequently spread to other branches of art. In addition, in this period, although medieval texts, epics, Greek mythology and war-themed compositions were included in the context of the subject, landscape painting came to the fore. On the other hand, although the place of nature views in the art of painting dates back to the Ancient Ages, their transfer in a simple form in the context of composition was accompanied by romanticism, and the emergence of romantic landscape painting as an approach method allowed the emotional record of nature to be reflected. Subsequently, the landscape paintings of Turner and Constable, the pioneers of romantic landscape painting, also determined the direction of the movement.
In this article, the definition of Romanticism, the French Revolution through concepts that evoke basic human rights such as freedom and justice, the effects of the French Revolution on the romantic art movement, the effects of medieval texts in Germany, Greek mythology and the country's traditions on the development of the romantic art movement, Philipp Otto Runge and The influence of Caspar David Friedrich, who included landscape views in his paintings, on the development of romanticism in the country, the contributions of Runge's paintings rich in religious motifs to the romantic understanding in terms of image and composition, Frederich's landscapes referencing the sublimity and loneliness of man in the face of nature, the sharp The works of Théodore Géricault, who shaped his realist attitude with atmospheric reflections of feelings, and Eugene Delacroix, who conveyed political situations with an impartial approach, the relationship of Romanticism with the industrial revolution in England, the reference to the pure state of natural beauty as composition and theme in England, Turner's artistic life. and formal and emotional searches in landscape paintings, Turner's understanding of color and form, Turner's contributions to the choice of romantic landscape painting in a simple form on the plastic plane, the artist's paintings containing war, historical and death-themed atmospheres, John Constable’s life and artistic activities. developments, Constable's reflection of his childhood feelings in terms of dealing with nature and creating the main theme of his landscape paintings in this direction, Constable's use of color composition and images, the similarities and differences between Turner and Constable in terms of approaches to landscape painting, Özyavuz's paintings in these two The similarities and differences of the artist in terms of his paintings and his understanding of art, and his quest to reveal an original artistic attitude by seeing the paintings of Turner and Constable, who were influential in creating the background of Özyavuz's paintings, as a starting point, were touched upon.

Project Number



  • Ackroyd, P., (2006), Turner, Publisher Vintage, London, England.
  • Adams, L., (2014), Nineteenth-Century Art: A Beginner's Guide, (1st Edition), Oneworld Publications, London, England.
  • Anfam, D., (2000), Techniques of the Great Masters of Art, Publisher Quantum Books, London, England.
  • Bietoletti, S., (2009), Neoclassicism and Romanticism 1770-1840, Sterling Publishing, New York, USA.
  • Branin, L., (1997), Great Artists of the World, Smithmark Publishing, New York, USA.
  • Brion, M., (1966), Art of the Romantic Era: Romanticism, Classicism, Realism, Publisher Thames and Hudson, London, England.
  • Claudon, F., (1988), Romantizm Sanat Ansiklopedisi, çev. Özdemir İnce, (1. Baskı), Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul.
  • Clay, J., (1981), Romanticism, Publisher Chartwell Books, New Jersey, USA.
  • Fitzwilliam Museum (FM), (1975), J. M. W. Turner, R.A., 1775-1851: A Catalogue of Drawings and Watercolours (Watercolors) in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, (1st Edition), Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.
  • Fraser, J. L., (1976), John Constable, 1776-1837: The Man and His Mistress, (1st Edition), Hutchinson, London, England.
  • Gaunt, W., (1971), Turner, Publisher Encyclopaedia Britannica, London, England.
  • Göğebakan, Y., “Ortak Mitolojik Unsurların Çok Kültürlü Yapının Oluşmasına Etkisi ve Bunun Sanatsal Yansımaları”, International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 2017/1, (1), 121-136. Hallisey, A., (2017), John Constable: Selected Painting, (1st Edition), Publisher s13381.
  • Hamerton, P. G., (1879), The Life of J.M.W. Turner, R.A, Publisher Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, London, England.
  • Herrmann, L., (2007), J.M.W. Turner, Oxford University Press, New York, USA.
  • Jones, C., (1994), The Life and Works of Turner, (1st Edition), Parragon Publishing, England.
  • Kallen, S. A., (2007), Romanticism, (1st Edition), Publisher Lucent Books, Detroit, USA.
  • Koerner, J. L., (1990), Caspar David Friedrich and The Subject of Landscape, Yale University Press, New Haven, USA.
  • Leslie, C. R., (1845), Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, Publisher Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, England.
  • Meslay, O., (2005), Turner: Life and Landscape (Discoveries), Publisher Harry N. Abrams, New York, USA.
  • Meyer, L., (1995), Masters of English Landscape: Among Others, Gainsborough, Stubbs, Turner, Constable, Whistler, Kokoschka, Publisher Terrail, İtaly.
  • Noon, P. J., (2003), Crossing the Channel: British and French Painting in the Age of Romanticism, Publisher Tate Gallery, London, England.
  • Özmutlu, G., (2015), 19. Yüzyıl Avrupa Resim Sanatında Edebi Konulu Resimler, (1. Baskı), Gece Kitaplığı, İstanbul.
  • Parkinson, R., (1998), John Constable: The Man and His Art, (1st Edition), V&A Publishing, London, England.
  • Parramón Ediciones (PE), (2000), Romanticism, (1st Edition), Publisher Barron's, New York, USA.
  • Random House Value (RHV), (1995), Gramercy Great Masters: Delacroix, (1st Edition), Publisher Gramercy, New York, USA.
  • Rewald, S., (2001), Caspar David Friedrich: Moonwatchers, Publisher Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • Reynolds, G., (1983), Constable's England, (1st Edition), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • Ruskin, J., (1851), Modern Painters. Volume 1. Of General Principles, and of Truth, Publisher Smith, Elder and Co., London, England.
  • Sarıca, M., (1981), 100 Soruda Fransız İhtilali, (2. Baskı), Gerçek Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Smith, P. D., (1981), Constable, Crown Publishers, New York, ABD.
  • Swaine, S. A., (1885), Turner The Artist, Publisher Cassell Company, London, England.
  • Şenyapılı, Ö., (2004), The Art Millennium Romantizm, (1. Baskı), Boyut Yayın, İstanbul.
  • Tate Gallery (TG), (1987), The Turner Collection in the Clore Gallery, (2st Edition), Tate Gallery Publications, London, England.
  • Thornbury, W., (1897), The Life Of J. M. W. Turner, R. A.: Founded On Letters And Papers Furnished By His Friends And Fellow Academicians, Publisher Chatto & Windus, Londonn, England.
  • Vaughan, W., (1972), Caspar David Friedrich, 1774-1840: Romantic Landscape Painting in Dresden: (catalogue of an exhibition held at the Tate Gallery, London, 6 September-16 October, 1972), Publisher Tate Gallery, London, England.
  • Vaughan, W., (2002), John Constable, Tate Publishing, Milbank, London, England.
  • Venning, B., (1990), Constable, Studio Edition Ltd, London, England.
  • Wilton, A., (1980), Turner and The Sublime, Published by British Museum Publications for The Art Gallery of Ontario, The Yale Center for British Art, The Trustees of The British Museum, London, England.
  • Resim Kaynakları
  • Resim 1: Kallen, S. A., (2007), Romanticism, (1st Edition), Publisher Lucent Books, Detroit, USA.
  • Resim 2: Rewald, S., (2001), Caspar David Friedrich: Moonwatchers, Publisher Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • Resim 3: Bietoletti, S., (2009), Neoclassicism and Romanticism 1770-1840, Sterling Publishing, New York, USA.
  • Resim 4: Wolf, N., (1999), Painting of the Romantic Era, (1st Edition), Publisher Taschen, London, England.
  • Resim 5: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 6: (09.09.2024).
  • Resim 7: Walker, J., (1982), Joseph Mallord William Turner, Publisher Harry N. Abrams, New York, USA.
  • Resim 8: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 9: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 10: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 11: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 12: (23.01.2024).

Turner ve Constable’ın Manzara Resimleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 29, 1 - 15, 22.07.2024


Romantizm, temel bağlamda duyusal güdülerin sanatsal tavır ekseninde harmanlanarak eser üretildiği bir dönemi ya da akımı ifade etmektedir. Bu kapsamda Romantizm akımı, öncelikle resim ve edebiyatta ortaya çıkmış ve akabinde sanatın diğer dallarına da yayılım göstermiştir. Ayrıca bu dönemde, konu bağlamında ortaçağ metinlerine, destanlara, Yunan mitolojisi ve savaş temalı kompozisyonlara yer verilse de manzara resmi ön plana çıkmıştır. Öte yandan, doğa görünümlerinin resim sanatı içerisinde yer edinimi İlk Çağ’lara kadar uzansa da kompozisyon bağlamında yalın haliyle aktarımı romantizm ile birlikte olmuş ve bir yaklaşım methodu olarak romantik manzara resminin ortaya çıkışı da doğanın duygusal kaydının yansıtılmasına olanak sağlamıştır. Bunun akabinde, romantik manzara resminin öncüleri Turner ve Constable’ın manzara resimleri de akımın yönünü belirlemiştir. Bu çalışmada, romantizmin tanımına, Fransız devrimi ile olan organik bağına; akımın İngiltere, Almanya ve Fransa’daki etkilerine; akımın öncüleri olarak görülen Turner ve Constable’ın yaşamı ile manzara resimlerine ve Okan Özyavuz’un manzara resimlerine yer verilmiştir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma, İnönü Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Resim Ana Sanat Dalı’nda danışmanlığı Prof. Dr. Yüksel Göğebakan tarafından yapılan “Turner ve Constable’ın Manzara Resimlerindeki Romantizm ve Bu Kapsamda Yapılan Doğa Çözümlemeleri” isimli yüksek lisans tezinin bir bölümünden üretilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

İnönü Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu Çalışma İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Projeleri Birimi tarafından SYL-2019-1939 numaralı proje ile desteklenmiştir. Proje birimine desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederiz.


  • Ackroyd, P., (2006), Turner, Publisher Vintage, London, England.
  • Adams, L., (2014), Nineteenth-Century Art: A Beginner's Guide, (1st Edition), Oneworld Publications, London, England.
  • Anfam, D., (2000), Techniques of the Great Masters of Art, Publisher Quantum Books, London, England.
  • Bietoletti, S., (2009), Neoclassicism and Romanticism 1770-1840, Sterling Publishing, New York, USA.
  • Branin, L., (1997), Great Artists of the World, Smithmark Publishing, New York, USA.
  • Brion, M., (1966), Art of the Romantic Era: Romanticism, Classicism, Realism, Publisher Thames and Hudson, London, England.
  • Claudon, F., (1988), Romantizm Sanat Ansiklopedisi, çev. Özdemir İnce, (1. Baskı), Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul.
  • Clay, J., (1981), Romanticism, Publisher Chartwell Books, New Jersey, USA.
  • Fitzwilliam Museum (FM), (1975), J. M. W. Turner, R.A., 1775-1851: A Catalogue of Drawings and Watercolours (Watercolors) in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, (1st Edition), Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.
  • Fraser, J. L., (1976), John Constable, 1776-1837: The Man and His Mistress, (1st Edition), Hutchinson, London, England.
  • Gaunt, W., (1971), Turner, Publisher Encyclopaedia Britannica, London, England.
  • Göğebakan, Y., “Ortak Mitolojik Unsurların Çok Kültürlü Yapının Oluşmasına Etkisi ve Bunun Sanatsal Yansımaları”, International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 2017/1, (1), 121-136. Hallisey, A., (2017), John Constable: Selected Painting, (1st Edition), Publisher s13381.
  • Hamerton, P. G., (1879), The Life of J.M.W. Turner, R.A, Publisher Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, London, England.
  • Herrmann, L., (2007), J.M.W. Turner, Oxford University Press, New York, USA.
  • Jones, C., (1994), The Life and Works of Turner, (1st Edition), Parragon Publishing, England.
  • Kallen, S. A., (2007), Romanticism, (1st Edition), Publisher Lucent Books, Detroit, USA.
  • Koerner, J. L., (1990), Caspar David Friedrich and The Subject of Landscape, Yale University Press, New Haven, USA.
  • Leslie, C. R., (1845), Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, Publisher Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, England.
  • Meslay, O., (2005), Turner: Life and Landscape (Discoveries), Publisher Harry N. Abrams, New York, USA.
  • Meyer, L., (1995), Masters of English Landscape: Among Others, Gainsborough, Stubbs, Turner, Constable, Whistler, Kokoschka, Publisher Terrail, İtaly.
  • Noon, P. J., (2003), Crossing the Channel: British and French Painting in the Age of Romanticism, Publisher Tate Gallery, London, England.
  • Özmutlu, G., (2015), 19. Yüzyıl Avrupa Resim Sanatında Edebi Konulu Resimler, (1. Baskı), Gece Kitaplığı, İstanbul.
  • Parkinson, R., (1998), John Constable: The Man and His Art, (1st Edition), V&A Publishing, London, England.
  • Parramón Ediciones (PE), (2000), Romanticism, (1st Edition), Publisher Barron's, New York, USA.
  • Random House Value (RHV), (1995), Gramercy Great Masters: Delacroix, (1st Edition), Publisher Gramercy, New York, USA.
  • Rewald, S., (2001), Caspar David Friedrich: Moonwatchers, Publisher Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • Reynolds, G., (1983), Constable's England, (1st Edition), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • Ruskin, J., (1851), Modern Painters. Volume 1. Of General Principles, and of Truth, Publisher Smith, Elder and Co., London, England.
  • Sarıca, M., (1981), 100 Soruda Fransız İhtilali, (2. Baskı), Gerçek Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Smith, P. D., (1981), Constable, Crown Publishers, New York, ABD.
  • Swaine, S. A., (1885), Turner The Artist, Publisher Cassell Company, London, England.
  • Şenyapılı, Ö., (2004), The Art Millennium Romantizm, (1. Baskı), Boyut Yayın, İstanbul.
  • Tate Gallery (TG), (1987), The Turner Collection in the Clore Gallery, (2st Edition), Tate Gallery Publications, London, England.
  • Thornbury, W., (1897), The Life Of J. M. W. Turner, R. A.: Founded On Letters And Papers Furnished By His Friends And Fellow Academicians, Publisher Chatto & Windus, Londonn, England.
  • Vaughan, W., (1972), Caspar David Friedrich, 1774-1840: Romantic Landscape Painting in Dresden: (catalogue of an exhibition held at the Tate Gallery, London, 6 September-16 October, 1972), Publisher Tate Gallery, London, England.
  • Vaughan, W., (2002), John Constable, Tate Publishing, Milbank, London, England.
  • Venning, B., (1990), Constable, Studio Edition Ltd, London, England.
  • Wilton, A., (1980), Turner and The Sublime, Published by British Museum Publications for The Art Gallery of Ontario, The Yale Center for British Art, The Trustees of The British Museum, London, England.
  • Resim Kaynakları
  • Resim 1: Kallen, S. A., (2007), Romanticism, (1st Edition), Publisher Lucent Books, Detroit, USA.
  • Resim 2: Rewald, S., (2001), Caspar David Friedrich: Moonwatchers, Publisher Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
  • Resim 3: Bietoletti, S., (2009), Neoclassicism and Romanticism 1770-1840, Sterling Publishing, New York, USA.
  • Resim 4: Wolf, N., (1999), Painting of the Romantic Era, (1st Edition), Publisher Taschen, London, England.
  • Resim 5: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 6: (09.09.2024).
  • Resim 7: Walker, J., (1982), Joseph Mallord William Turner, Publisher Harry N. Abrams, New York, USA.
  • Resim 8: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 9: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 10: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 11: (22.01.2024).
  • Resim 12: (23.01.2024).
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Painting
Journal Section Görsel ve Plastik Sanatlar / Visual and Plastic Arts

Yüksel Göğebakan 0000-0003-1144-1744

Okan Özyavuz 0000-0001-6074-9230

Project Number SYL-2019-1939
Early Pub Date July 30, 2024
Publication Date July 22, 2024
Submission Date May 21, 2024
Acceptance Date July 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 29


APA Göğebakan, Y., & Özyavuz, O. (2024). Turner ve Constable’ın Manzara Resimleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. İnönü Üniversitesi Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 14(29), 1-15.