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Acemî Bir Loda Bilim ile Hayal Arasında Etimoloji, Ekrem Kardeşime Cevap

Year 2017, Volume: 57 Issue: 57, 65 - 80, 28.12.2017


Ekrem Gül tarafından yazılan ve Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları adlı derginin yirmi beşinci cildinde yayınlanan “Loda Sözcüğü Üzerine” adlı makale, oldukça ilgi çekicidir. Özellikle makalenin bu çalışmanın yazarına ait “loda” sözcüğüyle ilgili yazdığı ilk makale ile aynı dönemde yayınlanması manidardır. Burada, Ekrem Gül tarafından loda sözcüğü üzerine yazılan makale her yönüyle ele alınmış, ortaya attığı iddialar üzerinde durulmuştur. “Loda”nın kökeniyle ilgili bilimsel metotlara dayanarak cevap niteliğinde bir makale hazırlanmış ve netice itibariyle “loda”nın kökeni hakkında Gül tarafından verilen bilgilerin elle tutulur bir tarafının olmadığı, her bir açıklamasına karşı “doğru” açıklamalar yapılarak ortaya konmuştur.


  • AHw = Bruno Meissner & Wolfram von Soden (1965-81), Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, 1-3, Wiesbaden.
  • BIELMEIER, Roland (1989), “Sarmatisch, Alanisch, Jassisch und Altossetisch”, Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum, hrsg. von Rüdiger Schmitt, Wiesbaden, s. 236-245.
  • BLÄSING, Uwe (2015), “Anadolu Saman Yığınları Hikayesi”, Türk Dili Araştırlamaları, Belleten, 63.2 (2015): s. 7-29.
  • BEEKES, Robert (2010), Etymological Dictionary of Greek, Leiden & Boston.
  • CABOLOV, Ruslan Lazarevič (1976), Očerk istoričeskoj fonetiki kurdskogo jazyka, Moskva.
  • CABOLOV, Ruslan Lazarevič (2001-2010), Ėtimologičeskij slovar› kurdskogo jazyka, 1-2, Moskva.
  • CAD (1956-2010) = The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, s. 1-21.
  • CASTELL, Edmund (1669), Lexicon heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Æthiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim; et Persicum, separatim ..., London.
  • DEVELLIOĞLU, Ferit (1978), Osmanlıca-Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lûgat, Eski ve Yeni Harflerle, Ankara.
  • EBELING, E. (1948), “Mittelassyrische Rezepte zur Bereitung von wohlriechenden Salben”, Orientalia, N.S. 17 (1948), s. 129-145.
  • DCH (1993-2011) = The Dictionary of Cassical Hebrew, editor Dawid C. A. Clines, 1-8, Sheffield.
  • ĖSIJa 2 = Vera Sergeevna Rastorgueva & Džoj Iosifovna Edel’man (2003), Etimologičeskij slovar’ iranskix jazykov, 2, Moskva.
  • ESUM (1982-) = Etymolohičnyj slovnyk ukrajins’koji movy, (6 cilt çıkmış), Kyjiv.
  • FZT (1969) = Farhangi Zaboni Toǰikī ‹Slovar’ tadžikskogo jazyka›, 1-2, Dušanbe.
  • FASMER bkz. Vasmer
  • GARKAVEC, Aleksandr Nikolaevič (2010), Kypčakskoe pis’mennoe nasledie, 3: Kypčakskij slovar’ po armjanopis’mennym pamjatnikam XVI-XVII vekov, Almaty.
  • GHARIB, B. (2004), Sogdian Dictionary, Sogdian-Persian-English, Tehran.
  • GÜL, Ekrem (2015), “Loda Sözcüğü Üzerine”, Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 25.1 (2015), s. 57-80.
  • HARRISON, R. K. (1966), Healing herbs of the Bible, Leiden.
  • JOHNSON, Francis (1852), A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English, London.
  • KARIMI, Hadi (1995), Plants of Iran; Scientific, English and Persian Names, Tehran.
  • KOEHLER, Ludwig; BAUMGARTNER, Walter (1967-96), Hebräisches und Aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament, 1-5, Leiden, New York, Køvenhavn, Köln.
  • KURTULUŞ, Rıza (2003), “Lugatnâme: Ali Ekbcr Dihhudâ’nın Fars diliyle ilgili büyük ansiklopedik sözlüğü”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi 27: s. 220-221.
  • LAZARD, Gilbert (1990), Dictionnaire Persan-Français, Leiden.
  • Lûġat-i Nâcî = Muallim Nâci, Lugat-i Nâcî, [? 4. Baskı, İstanbul H1322/M1906].
  • Lûġat-i Remzî = Hüseyn Remzi (H1305/M1887-1888), Lûġat-i Remzî, Tabirat-ı Umûmîye-i Arabîye ve Farsîyeden Ma‘ada Fünûn ve Ulûm Istılahâtını ve İki Yüz Ḳırḳ Beşkali Havidir, 1-2, İstanbul.
  • MENINSKI, Franciscus à Mesgnien (1680), Thesaurus linguarum orientalium Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae ..., 1-4, Viennae Austriae.
  • (2000), Thesaurus linguarum Orientalium Turcicae-Arabicae-Persicae = Lexicon Turcico-Arabico-Persicum (aynı eserin tıpkıbasımı), Mit Einleitung und mit einem türkischen Wortindex von Stanisław Stachowski, sowie einem Vorwort von Mehmet Ölmez, İstanbul.
  • Migne PL [Patrologia Latina] = Patrologiae Cursus Completus, sive bibliotheca universalis, integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium ss. patrum, doctorum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum qui ab aevo apostolico ad Innocentii III tempora floruerunt..., Series latina, Accurante J.-P. Migne; Tomus 178, Paris 1885.
  • NORRIS, H. T. (1994), “Edmund Castell (1606-86) and his Lexicon Heptaglotton (1669)”, The ‘Arabick’ Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England; edited by G. A. Russell, Leiden: 70-87.
  • PAYNE SMITH, Robert (1879-1901), Thesaurus Syriacus, 1-2, Oxford.
  • REDHOUSE, Sir James W. (1890), A Turkish and English Lexicon, Constantinople.
  • SLH (2011) = The Semitic Language: An International Handbook, edited by Stefan Weninger, in collaboration with Geoffrey Khan, Michael P. Streck, Janet C. E. Watson, Berlin/Boston.
  • STEINGASS, Francis (1892), A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary, London.
  • THOMPSON, Reginald Campbell (1949), A Dictionary of Assyrian Botany, London.
  • TULUM, Mertol (2011), XVII. Yüzyıl Türkçesi ve Söz Varlığı. Ankara.
  • VASMER, Max [Fasmer, M.] (1964-73), Ėtimologičeskij slovar› russkogo jazyka, 1-4, perevod s nemeckogo i dopolnenija O. N. Trubačeva, Moskva.
  • ZIMMERN, Heinrich (1917), Akkadische Fremdwörter als Beweis für babylonischen Kultureinfluss, Zweite, durch vollständige Wörterverzeichnisse vermehrte Ausgabe, Leipzig.

A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül

Year 2017, Volume: 57 Issue: 57, 65 - 80, 28.12.2017


The article “Loda Sözcüğü Üzerine” (“On the Term Loda”) written by Ekrem Gül and published in the twenty-fifth volume of the journal Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları (Studies in Turkish Languages) is quite intriguing. In particular, the publication of this article almost simultaneously with the paper on the term “loda” by the author of this review is meaningful. On the following pages, the article penned by Ekrem Gül dealing with the origin of “loda” will be scrutinized under several aspects with a special focus on the thesis that have been put forward. Aim of this review is to reveal and correct, based on scholarly methods, the most significant shortcomings of Gül‘s etymological attempt concerning the historical roots of “loda”.


  • AHw = Bruno Meissner & Wolfram von Soden (1965-81), Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, 1-3, Wiesbaden.
  • BIELMEIER, Roland (1989), “Sarmatisch, Alanisch, Jassisch und Altossetisch”, Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum, hrsg. von Rüdiger Schmitt, Wiesbaden, s. 236-245.
  • BLÄSING, Uwe (2015), “Anadolu Saman Yığınları Hikayesi”, Türk Dili Araştırlamaları, Belleten, 63.2 (2015): s. 7-29.
  • BEEKES, Robert (2010), Etymological Dictionary of Greek, Leiden & Boston.
  • CABOLOV, Ruslan Lazarevič (1976), Očerk istoričeskoj fonetiki kurdskogo jazyka, Moskva.
  • CABOLOV, Ruslan Lazarevič (2001-2010), Ėtimologičeskij slovar› kurdskogo jazyka, 1-2, Moskva.
  • CAD (1956-2010) = The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago, s. 1-21.
  • CASTELL, Edmund (1669), Lexicon heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Æthiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim; et Persicum, separatim ..., London.
  • DEVELLIOĞLU, Ferit (1978), Osmanlıca-Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lûgat, Eski ve Yeni Harflerle, Ankara.
  • EBELING, E. (1948), “Mittelassyrische Rezepte zur Bereitung von wohlriechenden Salben”, Orientalia, N.S. 17 (1948), s. 129-145.
  • DCH (1993-2011) = The Dictionary of Cassical Hebrew, editor Dawid C. A. Clines, 1-8, Sheffield.
  • ĖSIJa 2 = Vera Sergeevna Rastorgueva & Džoj Iosifovna Edel’man (2003), Etimologičeskij slovar’ iranskix jazykov, 2, Moskva.
  • ESUM (1982-) = Etymolohičnyj slovnyk ukrajins’koji movy, (6 cilt çıkmış), Kyjiv.
  • FZT (1969) = Farhangi Zaboni Toǰikī ‹Slovar’ tadžikskogo jazyka›, 1-2, Dušanbe.
  • FASMER bkz. Vasmer
  • GARKAVEC, Aleksandr Nikolaevič (2010), Kypčakskoe pis’mennoe nasledie, 3: Kypčakskij slovar’ po armjanopis’mennym pamjatnikam XVI-XVII vekov, Almaty.
  • GHARIB, B. (2004), Sogdian Dictionary, Sogdian-Persian-English, Tehran.
  • GÜL, Ekrem (2015), “Loda Sözcüğü Üzerine”, Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 25.1 (2015), s. 57-80.
  • HARRISON, R. K. (1966), Healing herbs of the Bible, Leiden.
  • JOHNSON, Francis (1852), A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English, London.
  • KARIMI, Hadi (1995), Plants of Iran; Scientific, English and Persian Names, Tehran.
  • KOEHLER, Ludwig; BAUMGARTNER, Walter (1967-96), Hebräisches und Aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament, 1-5, Leiden, New York, Køvenhavn, Köln.
  • KURTULUŞ, Rıza (2003), “Lugatnâme: Ali Ekbcr Dihhudâ’nın Fars diliyle ilgili büyük ansiklopedik sözlüğü”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi 27: s. 220-221.
  • LAZARD, Gilbert (1990), Dictionnaire Persan-Français, Leiden.
  • Lûġat-i Nâcî = Muallim Nâci, Lugat-i Nâcî, [? 4. Baskı, İstanbul H1322/M1906].
  • Lûġat-i Remzî = Hüseyn Remzi (H1305/M1887-1888), Lûġat-i Remzî, Tabirat-ı Umûmîye-i Arabîye ve Farsîyeden Ma‘ada Fünûn ve Ulûm Istılahâtını ve İki Yüz Ḳırḳ Beşkali Havidir, 1-2, İstanbul.
  • MENINSKI, Franciscus à Mesgnien (1680), Thesaurus linguarum orientalium Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae ..., 1-4, Viennae Austriae.
  • (2000), Thesaurus linguarum Orientalium Turcicae-Arabicae-Persicae = Lexicon Turcico-Arabico-Persicum (aynı eserin tıpkıbasımı), Mit Einleitung und mit einem türkischen Wortindex von Stanisław Stachowski, sowie einem Vorwort von Mehmet Ölmez, İstanbul.
  • Migne PL [Patrologia Latina] = Patrologiae Cursus Completus, sive bibliotheca universalis, integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium ss. patrum, doctorum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum qui ab aevo apostolico ad Innocentii III tempora floruerunt..., Series latina, Accurante J.-P. Migne; Tomus 178, Paris 1885.
  • NORRIS, H. T. (1994), “Edmund Castell (1606-86) and his Lexicon Heptaglotton (1669)”, The ‘Arabick’ Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England; edited by G. A. Russell, Leiden: 70-87.
  • PAYNE SMITH, Robert (1879-1901), Thesaurus Syriacus, 1-2, Oxford.
  • REDHOUSE, Sir James W. (1890), A Turkish and English Lexicon, Constantinople.
  • SLH (2011) = The Semitic Language: An International Handbook, edited by Stefan Weninger, in collaboration with Geoffrey Khan, Michael P. Streck, Janet C. E. Watson, Berlin/Boston.
  • STEINGASS, Francis (1892), A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary, London.
  • THOMPSON, Reginald Campbell (1949), A Dictionary of Assyrian Botany, London.
  • TULUM, Mertol (2011), XVII. Yüzyıl Türkçesi ve Söz Varlığı. Ankara.
  • VASMER, Max [Fasmer, M.] (1964-73), Ėtimologičeskij slovar› russkogo jazyka, 1-4, perevod s nemeckogo i dopolnenija O. N. Trubačeva, Moskva.
  • ZIMMERN, Heinrich (1917), Akkadische Fremdwörter als Beweis für babylonischen Kultureinfluss, Zweite, durch vollständige Wörterverzeichnisse vermehrte Ausgabe, Leipzig.
There are 38 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

Uwe Bläsing

Publication Date December 28, 2017
Submission Date October 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 57 Issue: 57


APA Bläsing, U. (2017). A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 57(57), 65-80.
AMA Bläsing U. A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. December 2017;57(57):65-80. doi:10.26561/iutded.369175
Chicago Bläsing, Uwe. “A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 57, no. 57 (December 2017): 65-80.
EndNote Bläsing U (December 1, 2017) A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 57 57 65–80.
IEEE U. Bläsing, “A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül”, Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 57, no. 57, pp. 65–80, 2017, doi: 10.26561/iutded.369175.
ISNAD Bläsing, Uwe. “A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 57/57 (December 2017), 65-80.
JAMA Bläsing U. A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2017;57:65–80.
MLA Bläsing, Uwe. “A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 57, no. 57, 2017, pp. 65-80, doi:10.26561/iutded.369175.
Vancouver Bläsing U. A Poor Haystack (Loda) Etymology Between Scholarship and Imagination, An Answer to My Young Colleague Ekrem Gül. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2017;57(57):65-80.