Research Article
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Year 2023, , 30 - 40, 21.11.2023



  • Aamir, M., Ahmad, H., Javaid, Q., & Hasan, M. (2018). Waste not, want not: a case study on food waste in restaurants of Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24(5), 591-610. google scholar
  • Ayenigbara, I., & Fadoju, A. (2020). Determinants of eatery choice. Journal of Tourismology, 6(2), 249-268. google scholar
  • Bahadur, K.C., Haque, I., Legwegoh, A. F., & Fraser, E. D. (2016). Strategies to reduce food loss in the global South. Sustainability, 8(7), 595. google scholar
  • Bellemare, M. F., Çakir, M., Peterson, H. H., Novak, L., & Rudi, J. (2017). On the measurement of food waste. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(5), 1148-1158. google scholar
  • Bender, W. H. (1994). An end use analysis of global food requirements. Food Policy, 19(4), 381-395. google scholar
  • Betz, A., Buchli, J., Göbel, C., & Müller, C. (2015). Food waste in the Swiss food service industry-Magnitude and potential for reduction. Waste Management, 35, 218-226. google scholar
  • Bilska, B., Tomaszewska, M., & Kolozyn-Krajewska, D. (2020). Managing the risk of food waste in foodservice establishments. Sustainability, 12(5), 2050. google scholar
  • Bio Intelligence Service (2010). Preparatory study on food waste across EU 27. European Commission - directorate c - industry, Paris, France. Retrieved from environment/eussd/pdf/bio_foodwaste_report.pdf 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Buzby, J. C., Wells, H. F., Aulakh, J. (2014). Food loss—questions about the amount and causes still remain. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Cakmak, T. F. & Sevinc, F. (2018). A conceptual framework of raw food diet and living foods in consumption culture. Journal of Tourismology, 4(2), 83-92. jot.2018.4.2.0010 google scholar
  • Cambridge Dictionary (2023). Food waste. Retrieved from 26.04.2023. google scholar
  • Campoy-Munoz, P., Cardenete, M. A., & Delgado, M. C. (2017). Economic impact assessment of food waste reduction on European countries through social accounting matrices. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 122, 202-209. google scholar
  • Collison, R., & Colwill, J. (1986). The analysis of food waste results and related attributes of restaurants and public houses. Foodservice Research International, 4(1), 17-30. google scholar
  • Cuglin, A. M., Petljak, K., & Naletina, D. (2017). Exploratory research of food waste generation and food waste prevention in the hos-pitality industry-the case of Zagreb restaurants. In: Dujak, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of 17. International Scientific Conference Busi-ness Logistics in Modern Management (pp. 537-554). Ekonomski Fakultet Osijeku-Fac Economics Osijek, Croatia. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Demir, Y., & Istanbullu-Dincer, F. (2020). The effects of industry 4.0 on the food and beverage industry. Journal of Tourismology, 6(1), 133-145. google scholar
  • Derqui, B., Fernandez, V., & Fayos, T. (2018). Towards more sustainable food systems. Addressing food waste at school canteens. Appetite, 129, 1-11. google scholar
  • Dilistan-Shipman, Z. (2020). Factors affecting food choices of Millennials: How they decide what to eat? Journal of Tourismology, 6(1), 49-62. google scholar
  • Dölekoğlu, C. Ö. (2017). Gıda kayıpları, israf ve toplumsal çabalar. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 23(2), 179-186. google scholar
  • Dorward, L. J. (2012). Where are the best opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the food system (including the food chain)? A comment. Food Policy, 37(4), 463-466. google scholar
  • Eriksson, M., Strid, I., & Hansson, P. A. (2015). Carbon footprint of food waste management options in the waste hierarchy-a Swedish case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 93, 115-125. google scholar
  • FAO (1981). Food loss prevention in perishable crops. FAO Agricultural Service Bulletin, no. 43, FAO Statistics Division. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • FAO (2013). Agriculture organization of the United Nations. food wastage footprint impacts on natural resources; summary report. Natural Resources Management and Environment Department: Rome, Italy. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Filimonau, V., & Delysia, A. (2019). Food waste management in hospitality operations: A critical review. Tourism Management, 71, 234-245. 10.1016/j.tourman.2018.10.009 google scholar
  • Gönültaş, H., Kızılaslan, H., & Kızılaslan, N. (2020). Gıda israfının davranışsal belirleyicileri; Tokat ili örneği. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, 9(3), 14-24. google scholar
  • Halloran, A., Clement, J., Kornum, N., Bucatariu, C., & Magid, J. (2014). Addressing food waste reduction in Denmark. Food Policy, 49, 294-301. google scholar
  • Heikkila, L., Reinikainen, A., Katajajuuri, J. M., Silvennoinen, K., & Hartikainen, H. (2016). Elements affecting food waste in the food service sector. Waste Management, 56, 446-453. google scholar
  • Ho, K. S., & Chu, L. M. (2019). Characterization of food waste from different sources in Hong Kong. Journal of the Air& Waste Management Association, 69(3), 277-288. google scholar
  • Joardder, M. U. H., & Masud, H. M. (2019). Food preservation in developing countries: challenges and solutions. Cham: Springer. https://doi:10.1007/978-3-030-11530-2 google scholar
  • Keskin, E., Dinçer, F. İ., & Dinçer, M. Z. (2019). Her şey dahil konaklama işletmelerinde gıda israfı. In: Aydın, Ş., Çoban, Ö., Karakuş Y., & Çalışkan, N. (Eds.), Proceedings of 4. International Gastronomy Tourism Studies Congress (pp. 4855). Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Turizm Fakültesi. Retrieved from /han-dle/20.500.11787/2915/IV.%20UGTAK%20Bildiri%20Kitab%C4%B1.pdf 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Kibler, K. M., Reinhart, D., Hawkins, C., Motlagh, A. M., & Wright, J. (2018). Food waste and the food-energy-water nexus: a review of food waste management alternatives. Waste Management, 74, 52-62. google scholar
  • Kling, W. (1943). Food waste in distribution and use. Journal of Farm Economics, 25(4), 848 859. google scholar
  • Konya İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü (2021). Turizm belgeli oteller. Retrieved from adresinden 06.04.2022. google scholar
  • Lipinski, B., Hanson, C., Lomax, J., Kitinoja, L., & Searchinger, T. (2013). Reducing food loss and waste. World Resources Institute. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Lombardi, M., & Costantino, M. (2020). A Social Innovation Model for Reducing Food Waste: The Case Study of an Italian Non-Profit Organization. Administrative Sciences, 10, 45. google scholar
  • Mackenzie, M., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2011). The response of hotels to increasing food costs due to food shortages. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(4), 395-416. google scholar
  • Makov, T., Shepon, A., Krones, J., Gupta, C., & Chertow, M. (2020). Social and environmental analysis of food waste abatement via the peer-to-peer sharing economy. Nature Communications, 11, 1156. google scholar
  • Öcal, D. (2021). Yiyecek-içecek işletmelerinde gıda israfı üzerine bir araştırma: Kırıkkale örneği (Master thesis). Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Sakarya. google scholar
  • Okumuş, B. (2020). How do hotels manage food waste? evidence from hotels in Orlando, Florida. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(3), 291-309. google scholar
  • Papargyropoulou, E., Lozano, R., Steinberger, J. K., Wright, N., & bin Ujang, Z. (2014) The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 76, 106-115. google scholar
  • Papargyropoulou, E., Wright, N., Lozano, R., Steinberger, J., Padfield, R., & Ujang, Z. (2016). Conceptual framework for the study of food waste generation and prevention in the hospitality sector. Waste Management, 49, 326-336. google scholar
  • Parry, A., Bleazard, P., & Okawa, K. (2015). Preventing food waste: case studies of Japan and the United Kingdom. Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers No.76. google scholar
  • Pirani, S. I., & Arafat, H. A. (2016). Reduction of food waste generation in the hospitality industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132, 129-145. j.jclepro.2015.07.146 google scholar
  • Rawal, S. Y., & Takuli, S. (2021). Waste management: An assessment on the hotel industry. Kalyan Bharati 36(18). 50-57. Retrieved from /publication/354552428_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_A_REVIEW_ON_HOTEL_INDUSTRY15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Ribeiro, I., Sobral, P., Peças, P., & Henriques, E. (2018). A sustainable business model to fight food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 262-275. google scholar
  • Şahin, K., & Bekar, A. (2018). Küresel bir sorun “gıda atıkları”: Otel işletmelerindeki boyutları. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 1039-1061. google scholar
  • Secondi, L., Principato, L., & Laureti, T. (2015). Household food waste behaviour in EU-27 countries: A multilevel analysis. Food Policy, 56, 25-40. google scholar
  • Sezgin, A. C., & Ateş, A. (2020). Otel işletmelerinde gıda israf boyutunu belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 8(4), 3489-3507. google scholar
  • Shafiee-Jood, M., & Cai, X. (2016). Reducing food loss and waste to enhance food security and environmental sustainability. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(16), 8432-8443. google scholar
  • Sürücü, E., & Tuna, O. (2019). Food loss drivers in the upstream food supply chain: a systematic literature review. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 7(2), 277-293. google scholar
  • Tekin, Ö. A., & İlyasov, A. (2017). The food waste in five-star hotels: A study on Turkish guests’ attitudes. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 5(3), 13-31. google scholar
  • Tekiner, İ. H., Mercan, N. N., Kahraman, A., & Özel, M. (2021). Dünya ve Türkiye’de gıda israfı ve kaybına genel bir bakış. İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(2), 123-128. google scholar
  • Thyberg, K. L., & Tonjes, D. J. (2016). Drivers of food waste and their implications for sustainable policy development. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 106, 110-123. google scholar
  • Timmermans, A. J. M., Ambuko, J., Belik, W., & Huang, J. (2014). Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems. Rome: CFS Committee on World Food Security HLPE. google scholar
  • Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi (2013). 2013 yılı ekmek israfını önleme kampanyası ve sonuçları. Retrieved from 29.11.2022. google scholar
  • Trung, D. N., & Kumar, S. (2005). Resource use and waste management in Vietnam hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(2), 109-116. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2003.12.014 google scholar
  • Vilarino, M. V., Franco, C., & Quarrington, C. (2017). Food loss and waste reduction as an integral part of a circular economy. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5, 21. google scholar
  • Williams, H., Wikström, F., Otterbring, T., Löfgren, M., & Gustafsson, A. (2012). Reasons for household food waste with special attention to packaging. Journal of Cleaner Production, 24, 141-148. google scholar
  • WRI (2016). Food loss and waste accounting and reporting standard. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. google scholar

Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province

Year 2023, , 30 - 40, 21.11.2023


Food waste is a significant and growing global problem with multiple contributing factors, including food and beverage production in hotel businesses. Therefore, it is important to determine the extent of food waste in hotel businesses for the sustainability of food. This study aims to identify the causes of food waste in hotel businesses, explore strategies to reduce waste, and determine the most common areas, meals, and products where food waste occurs. The research sample is made up of 12 four- and five-star hotels affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Konya province. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data, and a descriptive analysis method was employed to analyze the obtained information and develop themes. The findings indicate that several factors contribute to food waste, with conscious personnel and regular work having a reducing effect, while unconscious staff and unplanned work increase waste. The study also revealed that the highest amount of waste occurs during evening open buffet meals, with bread products being the most commonly wasted. Based on these results, recommendations are proposed for hotel businesses to prevent food waste, and further research is suggested to explore the topic in greater depth.


  • Aamir, M., Ahmad, H., Javaid, Q., & Hasan, M. (2018). Waste not, want not: a case study on food waste in restaurants of Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24(5), 591-610. google scholar
  • Ayenigbara, I., & Fadoju, A. (2020). Determinants of eatery choice. Journal of Tourismology, 6(2), 249-268. google scholar
  • Bahadur, K.C., Haque, I., Legwegoh, A. F., & Fraser, E. D. (2016). Strategies to reduce food loss in the global South. Sustainability, 8(7), 595. google scholar
  • Bellemare, M. F., Çakir, M., Peterson, H. H., Novak, L., & Rudi, J. (2017). On the measurement of food waste. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(5), 1148-1158. google scholar
  • Bender, W. H. (1994). An end use analysis of global food requirements. Food Policy, 19(4), 381-395. google scholar
  • Betz, A., Buchli, J., Göbel, C., & Müller, C. (2015). Food waste in the Swiss food service industry-Magnitude and potential for reduction. Waste Management, 35, 218-226. google scholar
  • Bilska, B., Tomaszewska, M., & Kolozyn-Krajewska, D. (2020). Managing the risk of food waste in foodservice establishments. Sustainability, 12(5), 2050. google scholar
  • Bio Intelligence Service (2010). Preparatory study on food waste across EU 27. European Commission - directorate c - industry, Paris, France. Retrieved from environment/eussd/pdf/bio_foodwaste_report.pdf 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Buzby, J. C., Wells, H. F., Aulakh, J. (2014). Food loss—questions about the amount and causes still remain. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Cakmak, T. F. & Sevinc, F. (2018). A conceptual framework of raw food diet and living foods in consumption culture. Journal of Tourismology, 4(2), 83-92. jot.2018.4.2.0010 google scholar
  • Cambridge Dictionary (2023). Food waste. Retrieved from 26.04.2023. google scholar
  • Campoy-Munoz, P., Cardenete, M. A., & Delgado, M. C. (2017). Economic impact assessment of food waste reduction on European countries through social accounting matrices. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 122, 202-209. google scholar
  • Collison, R., & Colwill, J. (1986). The analysis of food waste results and related attributes of restaurants and public houses. Foodservice Research International, 4(1), 17-30. google scholar
  • Cuglin, A. M., Petljak, K., & Naletina, D. (2017). Exploratory research of food waste generation and food waste prevention in the hos-pitality industry-the case of Zagreb restaurants. In: Dujak, D. (Ed.), Proceedings of 17. International Scientific Conference Busi-ness Logistics in Modern Management (pp. 537-554). Ekonomski Fakultet Osijeku-Fac Economics Osijek, Croatia. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Demir, Y., & Istanbullu-Dincer, F. (2020). The effects of industry 4.0 on the food and beverage industry. Journal of Tourismology, 6(1), 133-145. google scholar
  • Derqui, B., Fernandez, V., & Fayos, T. (2018). Towards more sustainable food systems. Addressing food waste at school canteens. Appetite, 129, 1-11. google scholar
  • Dilistan-Shipman, Z. (2020). Factors affecting food choices of Millennials: How they decide what to eat? Journal of Tourismology, 6(1), 49-62. google scholar
  • Dölekoğlu, C. Ö. (2017). Gıda kayıpları, israf ve toplumsal çabalar. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 23(2), 179-186. google scholar
  • Dorward, L. J. (2012). Where are the best opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the food system (including the food chain)? A comment. Food Policy, 37(4), 463-466. google scholar
  • Eriksson, M., Strid, I., & Hansson, P. A. (2015). Carbon footprint of food waste management options in the waste hierarchy-a Swedish case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 93, 115-125. google scholar
  • FAO (1981). Food loss prevention in perishable crops. FAO Agricultural Service Bulletin, no. 43, FAO Statistics Division. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • FAO (2013). Agriculture organization of the United Nations. food wastage footprint impacts on natural resources; summary report. Natural Resources Management and Environment Department: Rome, Italy. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Filimonau, V., & Delysia, A. (2019). Food waste management in hospitality operations: A critical review. Tourism Management, 71, 234-245. 10.1016/j.tourman.2018.10.009 google scholar
  • Gönültaş, H., Kızılaslan, H., & Kızılaslan, N. (2020). Gıda israfının davranışsal belirleyicileri; Tokat ili örneği. Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, 9(3), 14-24. google scholar
  • Halloran, A., Clement, J., Kornum, N., Bucatariu, C., & Magid, J. (2014). Addressing food waste reduction in Denmark. Food Policy, 49, 294-301. google scholar
  • Heikkila, L., Reinikainen, A., Katajajuuri, J. M., Silvennoinen, K., & Hartikainen, H. (2016). Elements affecting food waste in the food service sector. Waste Management, 56, 446-453. google scholar
  • Ho, K. S., & Chu, L. M. (2019). Characterization of food waste from different sources in Hong Kong. Journal of the Air& Waste Management Association, 69(3), 277-288. google scholar
  • Joardder, M. U. H., & Masud, H. M. (2019). Food preservation in developing countries: challenges and solutions. Cham: Springer. https://doi:10.1007/978-3-030-11530-2 google scholar
  • Keskin, E., Dinçer, F. İ., & Dinçer, M. Z. (2019). Her şey dahil konaklama işletmelerinde gıda israfı. In: Aydın, Ş., Çoban, Ö., Karakuş Y., & Çalışkan, N. (Eds.), Proceedings of 4. International Gastronomy Tourism Studies Congress (pp. 4855). Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Turizm Fakültesi. Retrieved from /han-dle/20.500.11787/2915/IV.%20UGTAK%20Bildiri%20Kitab%C4%B1.pdf 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Kibler, K. M., Reinhart, D., Hawkins, C., Motlagh, A. M., & Wright, J. (2018). Food waste and the food-energy-water nexus: a review of food waste management alternatives. Waste Management, 74, 52-62. google scholar
  • Kling, W. (1943). Food waste in distribution and use. Journal of Farm Economics, 25(4), 848 859. google scholar
  • Konya İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü (2021). Turizm belgeli oteller. Retrieved from adresinden 06.04.2022. google scholar
  • Lipinski, B., Hanson, C., Lomax, J., Kitinoja, L., & Searchinger, T. (2013). Reducing food loss and waste. World Resources Institute. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Lombardi, M., & Costantino, M. (2020). A Social Innovation Model for Reducing Food Waste: The Case Study of an Italian Non-Profit Organization. Administrative Sciences, 10, 45. google scholar
  • Mackenzie, M., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2011). The response of hotels to increasing food costs due to food shortages. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(4), 395-416. google scholar
  • Makov, T., Shepon, A., Krones, J., Gupta, C., & Chertow, M. (2020). Social and environmental analysis of food waste abatement via the peer-to-peer sharing economy. Nature Communications, 11, 1156. google scholar
  • Öcal, D. (2021). Yiyecek-içecek işletmelerinde gıda israfı üzerine bir araştırma: Kırıkkale örneği (Master thesis). Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Sakarya. google scholar
  • Okumuş, B. (2020). How do hotels manage food waste? evidence from hotels in Orlando, Florida. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(3), 291-309. google scholar
  • Papargyropoulou, E., Lozano, R., Steinberger, J. K., Wright, N., & bin Ujang, Z. (2014) The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 76, 106-115. google scholar
  • Papargyropoulou, E., Wright, N., Lozano, R., Steinberger, J., Padfield, R., & Ujang, Z. (2016). Conceptual framework for the study of food waste generation and prevention in the hospitality sector. Waste Management, 49, 326-336. google scholar
  • Parry, A., Bleazard, P., & Okawa, K. (2015). Preventing food waste: case studies of Japan and the United Kingdom. Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers No.76. google scholar
  • Pirani, S. I., & Arafat, H. A. (2016). Reduction of food waste generation in the hospitality industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132, 129-145. j.jclepro.2015.07.146 google scholar
  • Rawal, S. Y., & Takuli, S. (2021). Waste management: An assessment on the hotel industry. Kalyan Bharati 36(18). 50-57. Retrieved from /publication/354552428_WASTE_MANAGEMENT_A_REVIEW_ON_HOTEL_INDUSTRY15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Ribeiro, I., Sobral, P., Peças, P., & Henriques, E. (2018). A sustainable business model to fight food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 262-275. google scholar
  • Şahin, K., & Bekar, A. (2018). Küresel bir sorun “gıda atıkları”: Otel işletmelerindeki boyutları. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 1039-1061. google scholar
  • Secondi, L., Principato, L., & Laureti, T. (2015). Household food waste behaviour in EU-27 countries: A multilevel analysis. Food Policy, 56, 25-40. google scholar
  • Sezgin, A. C., & Ateş, A. (2020). Otel işletmelerinde gıda israf boyutunu belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 8(4), 3489-3507. google scholar
  • Shafiee-Jood, M., & Cai, X. (2016). Reducing food loss and waste to enhance food security and environmental sustainability. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(16), 8432-8443. google scholar
  • Sürücü, E., & Tuna, O. (2019). Food loss drivers in the upstream food supply chain: a systematic literature review. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 7(2), 277-293. google scholar
  • Tekin, Ö. A., & İlyasov, A. (2017). The food waste in five-star hotels: A study on Turkish guests’ attitudes. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 5(3), 13-31. google scholar
  • Tekiner, İ. H., Mercan, N. N., Kahraman, A., & Özel, M. (2021). Dünya ve Türkiye’de gıda israfı ve kaybına genel bir bakış. İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(2), 123-128. google scholar
  • Thyberg, K. L., & Tonjes, D. J. (2016). Drivers of food waste and their implications for sustainable policy development. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 106, 110-123. google scholar
  • Timmermans, A. J. M., Ambuko, J., Belik, W., & Huang, J. (2014). Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems. Rome: CFS Committee on World Food Security HLPE. google scholar
  • Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi (2013). 2013 yılı ekmek israfını önleme kampanyası ve sonuçları. Retrieved from 29.11.2022. google scholar
  • Trung, D. N., & Kumar, S. (2005). Resource use and waste management in Vietnam hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(2), 109-116. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2003.12.014 google scholar
  • Vilarino, M. V., Franco, C., & Quarrington, C. (2017). Food loss and waste reduction as an integral part of a circular economy. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5, 21. google scholar
  • Williams, H., Wikström, F., Otterbring, T., Löfgren, M., & Gustafsson, A. (2012). Reasons for household food waste with special attention to packaging. Journal of Cleaner Production, 24, 141-148. google scholar
  • WRI (2016). Food loss and waste accounting and reporting standard. Retrieved from 15.11.2022. google scholar
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. google scholar
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Human Geography (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Dilek Öztürk 0000-0002-1471-8350

Yılmaz Seçim 0000-0002-9112-7650

Berkay Seçuk 0000-0002-5563-0881

Publication Date November 21, 2023
Submission Date February 22, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Öztürk, D., Seçim, Y., & Seçuk, B. (2023). Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province. Journal of Tourismology, 9(1), 30-40.
AMA Öztürk D, Seçim Y, Seçuk B. Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province. Journal of Tourismology. November 2023;9(1):30-40. doi:10.26650/jot.2023.9.1.1254147
Chicago Öztürk, Dilek, Yılmaz Seçim, and Berkay Seçuk. “Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province”. Journal of Tourismology 9, no. 1 (November 2023): 30-40.
EndNote Öztürk D, Seçim Y, Seçuk B (November 1, 2023) Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province. Journal of Tourismology 9 1 30–40.
IEEE D. Öztürk, Y. Seçim, and B. Seçuk, “Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province”, Journal of Tourismology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 30–40, 2023, doi: 10.26650/jot.2023.9.1.1254147.
ISNAD Öztürk, Dilek et al. “Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province”. Journal of Tourismology 9/1 (November 2023), 30-40.
JAMA Öztürk D, Seçim Y, Seçuk B. Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province. Journal of Tourismology. 2023;9:30–40.
MLA Öztürk, Dilek et al. “Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province”. Journal of Tourismology, vol. 9, no. 1, 2023, pp. 30-40, doi:10.26650/jot.2023.9.1.1254147.
Vancouver Öztürk D, Seçim Y, Seçuk B. Food Waste Management in Hospitality Operations: A Study of 4- and 5-Star Hotels in Konya Province. Journal of Tourismology. 2023;9(1):30-4.