Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Being aware of the need for easy access to information in order to advance scientific studies, Journal of Izmir Faculty of Medicine, supports the open access initiative of the peer-reviewed journal literature included in the Budapest Open Access Declaration and presents all published articles free of charge in an environment where everyone can read and download it. In this declaration, open access means that “scientific literature can be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to the full text, indexed, transferred to software and used for any legal purpose without financial, legal and technical barriers through the Internet”. used meaning. Considering the role of knowledge sharing in the advancement of science, open access is of great importance for researchers and readers. For this reason, the articles in this journal can be used as long as the author and the original source are cited. No permissions are required from authors or publishers. Articles in this journal are available across search engines, websites, blogs, and other digital platforms.

These open access policies, which were accepted on 12 September 2012 and adopted by our editorial board, can be accessed at

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Creative Commons

A Creative Commons license is a type of public copyright license that allows free distribution of a copyrighted work or work. When an author wants to give the right to share or make changes to the work he has created, he uses the CC license.

Our journal approves the "Creative Commons Attribution License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International CC BY-NC-ND)" license for all published articles.

This license allows other authors to use your work in their own work for non-commercial purposes and attribution to your work.

Open access is an approach that reinforces interdisciplinary development and encourages collaboration between different disciplines. Therefore, the JOURNAL contributes to its field by offering more access to its articles and a more transparent review process.

Ethical Principles
Manuscripts sent to the Journal of Izmir Faculty of Medicine are accepted for application, provided that they have not been previously published elsewhere and have not been sent to another place at the same time. All authors accept that they have read and approved the content of their articles, that their work has Ethics Committee Approval and that they are conducted in accordance with internationally accepted ethical standards, and they also declare their conflicts of interest. If ethical misconduct is suspected, the Editorial Board will act in accordance with the relevant international publication ethics rules (COPE guidelines).
The publication policies of the journal are carried out as specified in the rules recommended by the Editorial Board and are reflected in the article writing rules section. Accordingly, authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to follow the best practice guidelines on ethical behavior contained in this statement.
Human and Animal Rights
For experimental, clinical and drug human studies, ethics committee approval and a statement regarding the adherence of the study protocol to international agreements (World Medical Association of Helsinki “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”) are required. In experimental animal studies, it should be stated that the procedures followed by the authors are in compliance with animal rights (the care and use guide of laboratory animals) and animal ethics committee approval should be obtained. The number of the Ethics Committee approval document and the institution from which it was obtained should be stated in the article.
Ethics committee approval, compliance with the above-mentioned international guidelines, and the declaration of the patient's informed consent should be stated in the 'Materials and Methods' section. Consent is required for case-case reports where the data/media used may reveal the identity of the patient (For cases under the age of eighteen, a consent form must be provided with the signature of both parents or the legal guardian or supervisor of the individual). The statement of conflict of interest and the acknowledgment of any financial or material support should be included at the end of the article. If there is any potential conflict of interest between the referees and the authors, institutions, the referees are required to report it.
Plagiarism and Ethical Abuse
Journal of Izmir Faculty of Medicine uses the "iThenticate" program to screen all applications for plagiarism before publication. This scanning process is done free of charge by the Editorial Board. It is important and necessary for authors to avoid all forms of plagiarism and ethical misconduct as shown below.
Plagiarism: Republishing all or part of the content in another author's publication without attribution.
Fabrication: Publish data and findings/results that do not exist.
Duplication: Using data from another publication, including republishing an article in different languages.
Greeting: Creating multiple publications by inappropriately dividing the results of a study.
Data Manipulation/Inaccuracy: Manipulating or deliberately distorting research data to give a false impression.
Unethical practices such as plagiarism, fabrication, duplication, data manipulation/falsification and salutation, and unethical behavior such as gifting authorship, inappropriate thanks are not approved.
The authors are obliged to state whether they have published the results of the study in the form of abstracts, in whole or in part.