Research Article
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Determination of Physical, Chemical Properties of the Hot Springs Waters and Comparison of Bacteria: Hot Springs in the East and Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey

Year 2021, , 24 - 29, 30.06.2021


Thermal hot water samples were collected in 2017 from six different hot springs from eastern and southeastern Turkey's (Agri, Van, Sirnak, Mardin, Siirt and Erzurum). During the study period, the analysis of various physicochemical properties of the water samples and the diversity of microorganisms in the hot springs were investigated. During the study period, eleven physico-chemical parameters such as water temperature, pH, conductivity, nitrogen dioxide, ammonium, nitrate, iron, aluminum, copper, lead and sulfur were studied. Five different bacterial strains have been detected in one or more of different hot springs. The electrical conductivity (EC) was ranged from 942,8 mS/cm to 5,158 mS/cm in the water of the hot spring. The conductivity and pH value of only Hista thermal source were determined as 942.9 (mS/cm) and 9.1. In all other sources the conductivity varied above 1000 (mS/cm) and the pH between 6.9 and 8.5. The NO2 value ranges of the hot springs are determined as 0.254 to 0.613 mg/L. The source temperatures of the hot spring water were determine minimum and maximum temperature values for Agri (Davut and Kopru), Erzurum (Pasinler), Van (Hasanabdal), Siirt (Hista), Mardin (Dargecit) and Sirnak (Guclukonak), (62-78°C), (40-46°C), (60-66°C), (62-67°C), (59-62°C) and (59-67°C) respectively. In terms of physical and chemical properties, it was observed that there are generally differences in the hot spring waters.

Supporting Institution

Kafkas University

Project Number



  • Agaoglu, S., Ekici, K., Alemdar, S., & Dede, S. 1999. Research on the microbiological, physical and chemical qualities of Van and its region spring waters. Van Medical Journal, 62, 30-33.
  • Akkaya, S. E., & Kivanc, M. 2009. Thermophile Bacteria; Isolation and Identification Methods of Gram-Negative Bacillus Living in Hot Water Resources1. Electronic Journal of Microbiology TR, 7, 1-01.
  • Aksoy, N., Simsek, C., & Gunduz, O. 2008. Groundwater contamination mechanism in a geothermal field: A case study of Balcova, Turkey. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 103, 13-28. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2008.08.006.
  • Alemdar, S., Kahraman, T., Agaoglu, S., & Alisarlı, M. 2009. Some microbiological and physicochemical properties of the drinking water of Bitlis province. Ecology, 1973, 29-38.
  • Baltaci, M. O., Genc, B., Arslan, S., Adiguzel, G., & Adiguzel, A. 2017. Isolation and Characterization of Thermophilic Bacteria from Geothermal Areas in Turkey and Preliminary Research on Biotechnologically Important Enzyme Production. Geomicrobiol Journal, 341, 53-62. doi:
  • Cetin, B., Aloglu, H. S., Harun, U., & Karabulut, S. Y. 2016. Investigation of Water Used in Food Business in terms of Food Safety. Academic Food, 144, 375-381.
  • Donderici, Z. S., Donderici, A., & Basari, F. 2010. A Research on Physical and Chemical Qualities of Spring Waters. Turkish Journal of Hygiene and Experimental Biology, 167.
  • Fournier, R. O. 1979. A revised equation for the Na/K geothermometer. Transactions of the Geothermal Resources Council, 3, 221-224.
  • Ghilamicael, A. M., Boga, H. I., Anami, S. E., Mehari, T., & Budambula, N. 2017. Physical and chemical characteristics of five hot springs in Eritrea Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 7, 88-94.
  • Haki, G. D., & Gezmu, T. B. 2012. Physico-chemical properties of waters from some Ethiopian hot springs and the risk to the health of the community. Greener Journal of Physical Sciences, 24, 138-140.
  • Kumar, R., & Sharma, R. 2019. Microbial diversity and physico-chemical attributes of two hot water springs in the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 8, 1249-1253. doi:10.15414/jmbfs.2019.8.6.1249-1253.
  • Kurama, H., & Poetzschke, J. 2002. Membrane filtration application for removing ammonium ions from drinking water. Ecology Environment Journal, 1142, 45-48.
  • Mahon, W. A. J. 1970. Chemistry in the exploration and exploitation of hydrothermal systems. Geothermics, 2, 1310-1322.
  • Miquel, P. (1888). Monographie d'un bacille vivant au-delà de 70° centigrades.
  • Orgev, C., & Inanc, İ. 2004. The use of natural zeolite as a regulator of pH, conductivity and hardness properties in natural spring waters. Biomedical Engineering National Meeting, BIOMUT. Istanbul Turkey.
  • Oztas Gulmus, E., & Gormez, A. 2020. Identification and Characterization of Novel Thermophilic Bacteria from Hot Springs, Erzurum, Turkey. Current Microbiology, 776, 979-987. doi:10.1007/s00284-020-01880-0.
  • Pasvanoglu, S. 2013. Hydrogeochemistry of thermal and mineralized waters in the Diyadin (Ağri) area, Eastern Turkey. Applied Geochemistry, 38, 70-81. doi:
  • Pathak, A. P., & Rathod, M. G. 2014. Cultivable bacterial diversity of terrestrial thermal spring of Unkeshwar, India. Journal Of Biochemical Technology, 5, 814-818.
  • Saroglu, F., Guner, Y., Kidd, W. S. F., Sengör, A., & M, C. 1980. Neotectonics of Eastern Turkey: new evidence for crustal shortening and thickening in a collision zone. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 6117.
  • Savas, S., Adiguzel, A., Inan, K., Ozkan, H., Gulluce, M., & Sahin, F. 2009. Molecular characterization of thermophilic bacteria isolated from Van City Ercis Town Hasanabdal hot spring. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 143, 4445-4454.
  • Sengor, A. M. C., & Kidd, W. S. F. 1979. Post-collisional tectonics of the Turkish-Iranian plateau and a comparison with Tibet. Tectonophysics, 553-4, 361-376. doi:10.1016/0040-1951(79)90184-7
  • Simsek, S. 1997. Geothermal potential in northwestern Turkey. Active Tectonics of Northwestern Anatolia: The Marmara Poly-Project: a Multidisciplinary Approach by Space-geodesy, Geology, Hydrogeology, Geothermics and Seismology, 111.
  • Singh, H. K., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Trupti, G., Singh, B., Lashin, A., & Arifi, N. A. 2015. Physico-chemical characteristics of Jharkhand and West Bengal thermal springs along SONATA mega lineament, India. Journal of Earth System Science, 1242, 419-430. doi:10.1007/s12040-015-0550-4.
  • Ulucay, O. 2018. Purification, production and investigation of commercial use of 1,4-β-endo xylanase in various Bacillus species isolated from thermal resources. Kafkas University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Doctoral Thesis (Printed).
  • Valeriani, F., Margarucci, L. M., & Romano Spica, V. 2018. Recreational use of spa thermal waters: criticisms and perspectives for innovative treatments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 1512, 2675.
  • Valeriani, F., Protano, C., Gianfranceschi, G., Leoni, E., Galasso, V., Mucci, N., & Romano Spica, V. 2017. Microflora Thermarum Atlas project: biodiversity in thermal spring waters and natural SPA pools. Water Supply, 184, 1472-1483. doi:10.2166/ws.2017.215.

Türkiye'nin Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki Kaplica Sularinin Kimyasal, Fiziksel ve Bakteriyel Özelliklerinin Araştırılması

Year 2021, , 24 - 29, 30.06.2021


Türkiye'nin doğu ve güneydoğusundaki altı farklı kaplıcadan 2017 yılında (Ağrı, Van, Şırnak, Mardin, Siirt ve Erzurum) termal sıcak su örnekleri toplanmıştır. Çalışma süresince su örneklerinin çeşitli fizikokimyasal özelliklerinin analizi ve kaplıcalarda bulunan mikroorganizma çeşitliliği araştırılmıştır. Çalışma süresince su sıcaklığı, pH, iletkenlik, nitrojen dioksit, amonyum, nitrat, demir, alüminyum, bakır, kurşun ve kükürt gibi on bir fiziko-kimyasal parametre incelenmiştir. Beş farklı bakteri türü bir veya daha fazla farklı kaplıcada tespit edilmiştir. Kaplıca suyunun kaynak sıcaklıkları sırasıyla Ağrı (Davut ve Köprü), Erzurum (Pasinler), Van (Hasanabdal), Siirt (Hista), Mardin (Dargeçit) ve Şırnak (Güçlükonak) için minimum ve maksimum sıcaklık değerleri (62-78°C), (40-46°C), (60-66°C), (62-67°C), (59-62°C) ve (59-67°C) olarak belirlendi. Kaplıca sularında fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikler bakımından da genel olarak farklılıklar gözlenildi.

Project Number



  • Agaoglu, S., Ekici, K., Alemdar, S., & Dede, S. 1999. Research on the microbiological, physical and chemical qualities of Van and its region spring waters. Van Medical Journal, 62, 30-33.
  • Akkaya, S. E., & Kivanc, M. 2009. Thermophile Bacteria; Isolation and Identification Methods of Gram-Negative Bacillus Living in Hot Water Resources1. Electronic Journal of Microbiology TR, 7, 1-01.
  • Aksoy, N., Simsek, C., & Gunduz, O. 2008. Groundwater contamination mechanism in a geothermal field: A case study of Balcova, Turkey. Journal of contaminant hydrology, 103, 13-28. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2008.08.006.
  • Alemdar, S., Kahraman, T., Agaoglu, S., & Alisarlı, M. 2009. Some microbiological and physicochemical properties of the drinking water of Bitlis province. Ecology, 1973, 29-38.
  • Baltaci, M. O., Genc, B., Arslan, S., Adiguzel, G., & Adiguzel, A. 2017. Isolation and Characterization of Thermophilic Bacteria from Geothermal Areas in Turkey and Preliminary Research on Biotechnologically Important Enzyme Production. Geomicrobiol Journal, 341, 53-62. doi:
  • Cetin, B., Aloglu, H. S., Harun, U., & Karabulut, S. Y. 2016. Investigation of Water Used in Food Business in terms of Food Safety. Academic Food, 144, 375-381.
  • Donderici, Z. S., Donderici, A., & Basari, F. 2010. A Research on Physical and Chemical Qualities of Spring Waters. Turkish Journal of Hygiene and Experimental Biology, 167.
  • Fournier, R. O. 1979. A revised equation for the Na/K geothermometer. Transactions of the Geothermal Resources Council, 3, 221-224.
  • Ghilamicael, A. M., Boga, H. I., Anami, S. E., Mehari, T., & Budambula, N. 2017. Physical and chemical characteristics of five hot springs in Eritrea Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 7, 88-94.
  • Haki, G. D., & Gezmu, T. B. 2012. Physico-chemical properties of waters from some Ethiopian hot springs and the risk to the health of the community. Greener Journal of Physical Sciences, 24, 138-140.
  • Kumar, R., & Sharma, R. 2019. Microbial diversity and physico-chemical attributes of two hot water springs in the Garhwal Himalaya, India. Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 8, 1249-1253. doi:10.15414/jmbfs.2019.8.6.1249-1253.
  • Kurama, H., & Poetzschke, J. 2002. Membrane filtration application for removing ammonium ions from drinking water. Ecology Environment Journal, 1142, 45-48.
  • Mahon, W. A. J. 1970. Chemistry in the exploration and exploitation of hydrothermal systems. Geothermics, 2, 1310-1322.
  • Miquel, P. (1888). Monographie d'un bacille vivant au-delà de 70° centigrades.
  • Orgev, C., & Inanc, İ. 2004. The use of natural zeolite as a regulator of pH, conductivity and hardness properties in natural spring waters. Biomedical Engineering National Meeting, BIOMUT. Istanbul Turkey.
  • Oztas Gulmus, E., & Gormez, A. 2020. Identification and Characterization of Novel Thermophilic Bacteria from Hot Springs, Erzurum, Turkey. Current Microbiology, 776, 979-987. doi:10.1007/s00284-020-01880-0.
  • Pasvanoglu, S. 2013. Hydrogeochemistry of thermal and mineralized waters in the Diyadin (Ağri) area, Eastern Turkey. Applied Geochemistry, 38, 70-81. doi:
  • Pathak, A. P., & Rathod, M. G. 2014. Cultivable bacterial diversity of terrestrial thermal spring of Unkeshwar, India. Journal Of Biochemical Technology, 5, 814-818.
  • Saroglu, F., Guner, Y., Kidd, W. S. F., Sengör, A., & M, C. 1980. Neotectonics of Eastern Turkey: new evidence for crustal shortening and thickening in a collision zone. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 6117.
  • Savas, S., Adiguzel, A., Inan, K., Ozkan, H., Gulluce, M., & Sahin, F. 2009. Molecular characterization of thermophilic bacteria isolated from Van City Ercis Town Hasanabdal hot spring. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 143, 4445-4454.
  • Sengor, A. M. C., & Kidd, W. S. F. 1979. Post-collisional tectonics of the Turkish-Iranian plateau and a comparison with Tibet. Tectonophysics, 553-4, 361-376. doi:10.1016/0040-1951(79)90184-7
  • Simsek, S. 1997. Geothermal potential in northwestern Turkey. Active Tectonics of Northwestern Anatolia: The Marmara Poly-Project: a Multidisciplinary Approach by Space-geodesy, Geology, Hydrogeology, Geothermics and Seismology, 111.
  • Singh, H. K., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Trupti, G., Singh, B., Lashin, A., & Arifi, N. A. 2015. Physico-chemical characteristics of Jharkhand and West Bengal thermal springs along SONATA mega lineament, India. Journal of Earth System Science, 1242, 419-430. doi:10.1007/s12040-015-0550-4.
  • Ulucay, O. 2018. Purification, production and investigation of commercial use of 1,4-β-endo xylanase in various Bacillus species isolated from thermal resources. Kafkas University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Doctoral Thesis (Printed).
  • Valeriani, F., Margarucci, L. M., & Romano Spica, V. 2018. Recreational use of spa thermal waters: criticisms and perspectives for innovative treatments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 1512, 2675.
  • Valeriani, F., Protano, C., Gianfranceschi, G., Leoni, E., Galasso, V., Mucci, N., & Romano Spica, V. 2017. Microflora Thermarum Atlas project: biodiversity in thermal spring waters and natural SPA pools. Water Supply, 184, 1472-1483. doi:10.2166/ws.2017.215.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Orhan Uluçay 0000-0002-0820-5372

Arzu Görmez 0000-0003-3246-1824

Cem Öziç 0000-0002-2086-8515

Project Number 2016-FM-24
Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date April 21, 2021
Acceptance Date June 14, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Uluçay, O., Görmez, A., & Öziç, C. (2021). Determination of Physical, Chemical Properties of the Hot Springs Waters and Comparison of Bacteria: Hot Springs in the East and Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey. Journal of Agriculture, 4(1), 24-29.