Writing Rules




1. The manuscripts must be uploaded as WORD file by corresponding author.  

2. An original research paper must include English title, English abstract, English keywords, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), References sections.

4. A review paper must include English title, English abstract, English keywords, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, Introduction, Acknowledgements (if any) and Conclusion sections. Authors can add any other part between the Introduction and Conclusion sections if they want to do.

5. If the manuscripts are typed in Turkish language, authors must put firstly Turkish abstract and Turkish keywords. If the manuscript is typed in English language, they must put firstly English title, English abstract and English keywords.

6. The titles of the main sections of manuscripts (Abstracts, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), and References must be typed as bold and UPPERCASE and can be numbered.

7. In the subtitles of manuscripts must be typed as bold and first letter of the first word must be typed as UPPERCASE.

8. In pre-control and evaluation processes of the manuscripts, authors have to revise it in 30 days.



1. Titles of the manuscripts must be centered, other parts must be justified, main titles and subtitles should align to left and indention of 1 cm should be put for each paragraph.

2. The text must be placed in A4 size pages with 2.5 cm margins, 12 font size, Times New Roman font, APA style, one column, numbered pages, one-line spacing.



1. Abstracts should not be exceeded 250 words.

2. Keywords must be at least 3 words and uttermost 6 words, and should be separated with comma from each other.



1. Table 1. “Table name or title” is centered, and 1 row space, table is centered, content of table should be at least 8 font size, if there is/are abbreviation(s) in the table, it/they must be explained under the table in 8-10 font size.

2. Figure and just below of the figure, Figure 1. “Figure name or explanation” must be centered.



1. Equations must be numbered and numbers must be given as aligned to right in the bracket. They must be typed as 12 font size and variables must be italic but digits as normal.


1. If the cited paper is published by one author, by two authors, for more authors, they must be typed as (Last name, year), (Last name and Last name, year) and (Last name et al., year) in the text, respectively.

2. If the author(s) want to cite more than one paper in one point, they must separate the citation by a semicolon (;) and organized them chronologically (Last name, 1999; Last name et al., 2016).

3. If the author(s) cite a website, they must be used (Anonymous, year).



1. Author(s) must be used the International System of Units (SI) in all manuscripts.

2. While the typing decimal number, authors must use dot (.) instead of comma (,) in decimal (instead of 15,25 type as 15.25).

3. In the units, they are not allowed to use “/” sign, instead of it, they must put a dot (.) then, type as superscript (instead of g/L, type g.L-1).

4. Typing the big numbers, numbers must be separated as in threes by space (instead of 100000, type as 100 000).



1. References must be type as 10 font size, via 1 cm hanging indent and in alphabetical order and, their format must be typed in below:



Karaoğlu, M., Şimşek, U., Tohumcu, F., Erdel, E., 2017. Determining surface soil properties of wind erosion area of Igdir-Aralik and estimating the soil loss. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(5), 3170-3175.



Şimşek, U., Karaoğlu, M., Erdel, E., 2016. The change of organic soil matter content according to different product groups in the arid Turkey (Igdir plain). 27thInternational scientific-expert congress of agricultural and food industry, Bursa, Turkey, 26-28 September 2016, Book of abstract, 290. 



Acar, F., 2014. Farklı tekstüre sahip topraklarda erozyon oluşumuna toprak düzenleyicilerin etkisi. Iğdır University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Master thesis (Published).



Karaoğlu, M., Şimşek, U., 2014. Analysis of soil physics. Nobel Academic Publication. No: 823. 1st Edition. 234 pp.


Quotation from Internet;

FAO, 2020. Classifications and standards. http://www.fao.org/economic/ess/ess-standards/en/ (Date of visit: 26 April 2018).