Research Article
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Year 2018, , 93 - 98, 20.09.2018



  • Aksic, M., Gudzic, S., Deletic, N., Gudzic, N., Stojkovic, S., Knezevic, J. (2014). Tuber yield and evapotranspiration of potato depending on soil matrix potential. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20 (1): 122-126.
  • Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D., Smith, M. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Anonymous, (2011). Afyonkarahisar provincial environmental status report (in Turkish). Afyonkarahisar governorship provincial, directorate of environment and Urbanism.
  • Anonymous, (2014). FAO statistical database for agriculture.
  • Ati, A.S., Iyada, A.D., Najim, S.M. (2012). Water use efficiency of potato under different irrigation methods and potassium fertilizer rates. Annals of Agricultural Science, 57(2), 99-103.
  • Ayas, S. (2007). Water-yield relationship of potato under the deficit irrigation (in Turkish). PhD thesis, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Bursa.
  • Ayas, S., and Korukcu, A. (2010). Water-yield relationships in deficit irrigated potato. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Uludag University, 24 (2), 23-36.
  • Burton W.G. (1981). Challenge for Stress Physiology in Potato. Am. Pot. J. 58, 3–14.
  • Cantore, V., Wassar, F., Yamaç, S.S., Sellami, M.H., Albrizio, R., Stellacci, A.M., Todorovic, M. (2014). Yield and water use efficiency of early potato grown under different irrigation regimes. International Journal of Plant Production, 8(3): 409-428.
  • Didin, M. (1999). A study on the determination of effects on the chips quality of the chips processing suitability and storage of some potato varieties grown widely in Nevsehir-Nigde region (in Turkish). PhD thesis, Cukurova Universitesi, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Food Engineering, Adana.
  • Doorenbos, J. and Kassam, A.H. (1979). Yield Response to water. FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Efetha, A. (2011). Irrigation Scheduling for Potato in Southern Alberta. Agri-Facts; Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Website:
  • Erdem, T., Erdem, Y., Orta, H., Okursoy, H. (2006). Water-yield relationships of potato under different irrigation methods and regimens. Sci. agric., vol.63(3). 
  • Ertan, U. (1980). Research on physiology in postharvest of important potato varieties cultivated in Adapazari province and surrounding (in Turkish). TUBITAK Project No. TOAG-281. Horticultural research institute, Yalova.
  • Ertek, A., Sensoy, S., Gedik, I., Kucukyumuk, C. (2006). Irrigation scheduling based on pan evaporation values for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under field conditions. Agricultural water management, 81 (2006) 159–172.
  • Ertek, A., Kara, B. (2013). Yield and quality of sweet corn under deficit irrigation. Elsevier, Agricultural Water Management, 129, 138–144.
  • Fakhari, R., tube, A., Hasanzadeh, N., Barghi, A., Shiri, M. (2013). Studying effects of different irrigation levels and planting patterns on yield and water use efficiency in potato. Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 4 (7), 1941-1945.
  • FAOSTAT, (2014). Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations Statistics Division.;
  • Harada, T., Tırtohusodo, H., Paulus, T. (1985). Influence of the Composition of Potatoes on Their Cooking Kinetics. Journal of Food Science, USA.
  • Kara, K. (1995). A study on the some characteristics of potato varieties stored at different times. Journal of Food, 21 (3), 215-225.
  • Kashyap, P.S. and Panda, R.K. (2003). Effect of irrigation scheduling on potato crop parameters under water stressed conditions. Agricultural water management. Vol: 59, 49-66.
  • Kiziloglu, F.M., Sahin, U., Tunc, T. and Diler, S. (2006). The effect of deficit irrigation potato evapotranspiration and tuber yield under cool season and semiarid climatic conditions. Journal of Agronomy, 5(2): 284-288.
  • Korukcu, A., Yazgan, S., ve Büyükcangaz, H. (2007). Efficient use of water in agriculture: an overview of Turkey (in Turkish). I. Turkey climate change congress-TIKDEK 2007, 11- 13 ITU, Istanbul.
  • Lynch, D.R. and Tai, G.C.C. (1989). Yield and yield component response of eight potato genotypes to water stress. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science, Vol. 29 No. 5, p. 1207-1211. Mokh, F.E., Nagaz, K., Masmoudi, M.M., Mechlia, N.B. (2015). Yield and water productivity of drip-irrigated potato under different nitrogen levels and irrigation regime with saline water in arid Tunisia. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, 501-510.
  • Morales, A. A., Bourne, M.C., Shomer, I. (1992). Cultivar, Specific Gravity and Location in Tuber Affect Puncture Force of Raw Potatoes. Journal of Food Science, USA.
  • Onaran, H., Unlenen, L.A., Dogan, A. (2000). Potato farming problems and solutions (in Turkish). Publication of potato research institute, Nigde.
  • Onder, S.; Calıskan, M.E.; Onder, D.; Calıskan, S. (2006). Different irrigation methods and water stress effects on potato yield and yield components. Agriculture and Water Management, v.73, p.73-86, 2005.         Shock, C.C., Feibert, E.B.G., and Saunders, L.D. (1998). Potato yield and quality response to deficit irrigation. HortScience, 33(4): 655-659.
  • Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Saunders, L.D., 2003. 'Umatilla Russet' and 'Russet Legend' potato yield and quality response to irrigation. Horticultural Science, v.38, p.1117-1121.       Tanner, C.B. and Sinclair, T.R. (1983). Efficient Water Use in Crop Production: Research or research? (Eds. H.M. Taylor et al.). Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Production. Amer. Soc. Apron. Inc. 1-27.
  • Tugay, M.E., Yilmaz, G., Telci, I. (1997). Investigations on the expiration date of seed tubers in potato production. Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, Vol:1, 71-85, Tokat.
  • Ubeyitogulları, F. (2005). Determination of physical, chemical and technological properties of some potato varieties grown in the Hatay region. MSc thesis, Mustafa Kemal Universitesi, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Hatay.
  • USSL, (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of salina and alkali soils. Agriculture Handbook No: 60, USA, p. 160.
  • Van Loon, C.D. (1981). The Effect of Water Stress on Potato Growth, Development and Yield. Am. Potato J. 58, 51-69.
  • Vural H., Esiyok, D., Duman, I. (2000). Culture Vegetables and Growing Vegetables. Ege Universitesi, Agriculture Faculty, Journal of Department of Horticulture, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Yilmaz, G. (1995). Effects of different seed tuber size on tuber yield and some traits of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, Vol:1, 152-161, Tokat.
  • Yilmaz, G., Telci, I., Coskun, S., Cagatay, K. (1996). Research on yield and some other properties of some potato varieties under the Tokat Conditions. Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, Publication of Department of Field Crops, Tokat.
  • Yilmaz, G., ve Tugay, M.E. (1999). Genotype x Environment Interactions in Potato I. The Investigation Based on Stability Parameters. Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry, 3(1999) 97-105.
  • Yilmaz, G., Telci, I., Simsek, H. (2003). The effects on the potato yield and quality parameters of different irrigation intervals in Tokat-Kazova conditions. Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, 20(1), 99-104.
  • Yuan, B.Z.; Nishiyama, S.; Kang, Y. (2003). Effects of different irrigation regimes on the growth and yield of drip-irrigated potato. Agriculture and Water Management, v.63, p.153-167.        
  • Wang, F.X., Kang, Y., Liu, S.P. and Hou, X.Y. (2006). Effects of soil matric potential on potato growth under drip irrigation in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 79: 248-264.

Effects of deficit irrigation on the potato tuber development and quality

Year 2018, , 93 - 98, 20.09.2018


This study was conducted to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on tuber growth and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Certified seeds of potato variety “Agria” were used as study material. Irrigation treatments was consisted of one irrigation interval (5 days) and five different levels (I100, I85, I70, I55, I40) of soil water deficit measured before irrigations. First irrigation was applied by drip irrigation up to field capacity the soil water content in 0-60 cm depth in all treatments. Subsequent irrigations were applied according to the treatments. 

The irrigation water and evapotranspiration (ET) values of treatments ranged from 243.0 to 311.9.4 mm and from 337.1 to 385.9 mm in the first year, respectively, and from 166.7 to 223.2 mm and from 204.0 to 255.7 mm in the second year, respectively. Yields varied from 30.85 to 47.13 t/ha in the first year and from 28.77 to 44.45 t/ha in the second year. The yields were decreased based on water deficit levels. The highest yields were obtained from I100 treatment.

The results have indicated that water restriction had a significant effect on yield, single tuber weight, percentage of marketable tuber, plant length, mean tuber length, mean tuber diameter and percentage of tuber peeling. The results were showing that the I100 treatment in especially was of the most importance for the highest percentage marketable tuber and tuber yield obtained per unit water applied. Therefore, the I100 treatment can be recommended for potato cultivation under similar climatic and soil conditions.


  • Aksic, M., Gudzic, S., Deletic, N., Gudzic, N., Stojkovic, S., Knezevic, J. (2014). Tuber yield and evapotranspiration of potato depending on soil matrix potential. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20 (1): 122-126.
  • Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D., Smith, M. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Anonymous, (2011). Afyonkarahisar provincial environmental status report (in Turkish). Afyonkarahisar governorship provincial, directorate of environment and Urbanism.
  • Anonymous, (2014). FAO statistical database for agriculture.
  • Ati, A.S., Iyada, A.D., Najim, S.M. (2012). Water use efficiency of potato under different irrigation methods and potassium fertilizer rates. Annals of Agricultural Science, 57(2), 99-103.
  • Ayas, S. (2007). Water-yield relationship of potato under the deficit irrigation (in Turkish). PhD thesis, Uludag University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Bursa.
  • Ayas, S., and Korukcu, A. (2010). Water-yield relationships in deficit irrigated potato. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Uludag University, 24 (2), 23-36.
  • Burton W.G. (1981). Challenge for Stress Physiology in Potato. Am. Pot. J. 58, 3–14.
  • Cantore, V., Wassar, F., Yamaç, S.S., Sellami, M.H., Albrizio, R., Stellacci, A.M., Todorovic, M. (2014). Yield and water use efficiency of early potato grown under different irrigation regimes. International Journal of Plant Production, 8(3): 409-428.
  • Didin, M. (1999). A study on the determination of effects on the chips quality of the chips processing suitability and storage of some potato varieties grown widely in Nevsehir-Nigde region (in Turkish). PhD thesis, Cukurova Universitesi, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Food Engineering, Adana.
  • Doorenbos, J. and Kassam, A.H. (1979). Yield Response to water. FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Efetha, A. (2011). Irrigation Scheduling for Potato in Southern Alberta. Agri-Facts; Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Website:
  • Erdem, T., Erdem, Y., Orta, H., Okursoy, H. (2006). Water-yield relationships of potato under different irrigation methods and regimens. Sci. agric., vol.63(3). 
  • Ertan, U. (1980). Research on physiology in postharvest of important potato varieties cultivated in Adapazari province and surrounding (in Turkish). TUBITAK Project No. TOAG-281. Horticultural research institute, Yalova.
  • Ertek, A., Sensoy, S., Gedik, I., Kucukyumuk, C. (2006). Irrigation scheduling based on pan evaporation values for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under field conditions. Agricultural water management, 81 (2006) 159–172.
  • Ertek, A., Kara, B. (2013). Yield and quality of sweet corn under deficit irrigation. Elsevier, Agricultural Water Management, 129, 138–144.
  • Fakhari, R., tube, A., Hasanzadeh, N., Barghi, A., Shiri, M. (2013). Studying effects of different irrigation levels and planting patterns on yield and water use efficiency in potato. Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 4 (7), 1941-1945.
  • FAOSTAT, (2014). Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations Statistics Division.;
  • Harada, T., Tırtohusodo, H., Paulus, T. (1985). Influence of the Composition of Potatoes on Their Cooking Kinetics. Journal of Food Science, USA.
  • Kara, K. (1995). A study on the some characteristics of potato varieties stored at different times. Journal of Food, 21 (3), 215-225.
  • Kashyap, P.S. and Panda, R.K. (2003). Effect of irrigation scheduling on potato crop parameters under water stressed conditions. Agricultural water management. Vol: 59, 49-66.
  • Kiziloglu, F.M., Sahin, U., Tunc, T. and Diler, S. (2006). The effect of deficit irrigation potato evapotranspiration and tuber yield under cool season and semiarid climatic conditions. Journal of Agronomy, 5(2): 284-288.
  • Korukcu, A., Yazgan, S., ve Büyükcangaz, H. (2007). Efficient use of water in agriculture: an overview of Turkey (in Turkish). I. Turkey climate change congress-TIKDEK 2007, 11- 13 ITU, Istanbul.
  • Lynch, D.R. and Tai, G.C.C. (1989). Yield and yield component response of eight potato genotypes to water stress. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science, Vol. 29 No. 5, p. 1207-1211. Mokh, F.E., Nagaz, K., Masmoudi, M.M., Mechlia, N.B. (2015). Yield and water productivity of drip-irrigated potato under different nitrogen levels and irrigation regime with saline water in arid Tunisia. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6, 501-510.
  • Morales, A. A., Bourne, M.C., Shomer, I. (1992). Cultivar, Specific Gravity and Location in Tuber Affect Puncture Force of Raw Potatoes. Journal of Food Science, USA.
  • Onaran, H., Unlenen, L.A., Dogan, A. (2000). Potato farming problems and solutions (in Turkish). Publication of potato research institute, Nigde.
  • Onder, S.; Calıskan, M.E.; Onder, D.; Calıskan, S. (2006). Different irrigation methods and water stress effects on potato yield and yield components. Agriculture and Water Management, v.73, p.73-86, 2005.         Shock, C.C., Feibert, E.B.G., and Saunders, L.D. (1998). Potato yield and quality response to deficit irrigation. HortScience, 33(4): 655-659.
  • Shock, C.C.; Feibert, E.B.G.; Saunders, L.D., 2003. 'Umatilla Russet' and 'Russet Legend' potato yield and quality response to irrigation. Horticultural Science, v.38, p.1117-1121.       Tanner, C.B. and Sinclair, T.R. (1983). Efficient Water Use in Crop Production: Research or research? (Eds. H.M. Taylor et al.). Limitations to Efficient Water Use in Crop Production. Amer. Soc. Apron. Inc. 1-27.
  • Tugay, M.E., Yilmaz, G., Telci, I. (1997). Investigations on the expiration date of seed tubers in potato production. Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, Vol:1, 71-85, Tokat.
  • Ubeyitogulları, F. (2005). Determination of physical, chemical and technological properties of some potato varieties grown in the Hatay region. MSc thesis, Mustafa Kemal Universitesi, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Hatay.
  • USSL, (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of salina and alkali soils. Agriculture Handbook No: 60, USA, p. 160.
  • Van Loon, C.D. (1981). The Effect of Water Stress on Potato Growth, Development and Yield. Am. Potato J. 58, 51-69.
  • Vural H., Esiyok, D., Duman, I. (2000). Culture Vegetables and Growing Vegetables. Ege Universitesi, Agriculture Faculty, Journal of Department of Horticulture, Bornova-İzmir.
  • Yilmaz, G. (1995). Effects of different seed tuber size on tuber yield and some traits of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, Vol:1, 152-161, Tokat.
  • Yilmaz, G., Telci, I., Coskun, S., Cagatay, K. (1996). Research on yield and some other properties of some potato varieties under the Tokat Conditions. Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, Publication of Department of Field Crops, Tokat.
  • Yilmaz, G., ve Tugay, M.E. (1999). Genotype x Environment Interactions in Potato I. The Investigation Based on Stability Parameters. Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry, 3(1999) 97-105.
  • Yilmaz, G., Telci, I., Simsek, H. (2003). The effects on the potato yield and quality parameters of different irrigation intervals in Tokat-Kazova conditions. Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Agriculture Faculty, 20(1), 99-104.
  • Yuan, B.Z.; Nishiyama, S.; Kang, Y. (2003). Effects of different irrigation regimes on the growth and yield of drip-irrigated potato. Agriculture and Water Management, v.63, p.153-167.        
  • Wang, F.X., Kang, Y., Liu, S.P. and Hou, X.Y. (2006). Effects of soil matric potential on potato growth under drip irrigation in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 79: 248-264.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Rohat Gültekin 0000-0001-9834-4765

Ahmet Ertek This is me 0000-0003-1443-8815

Publication Date September 20, 2018
Submission Date April 12, 2018
Acceptance Date May 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gültekin, R., & Ertek, A. (2018). Effects of deficit irrigation on the potato tuber development and quality. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 2(3), 93-98.

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