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Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 59 - 66, 10.04.2018



  • Adams, P. (2002). Nutritional control in hydroponics, 211–261. In: Savvas, D., Passam, H. C., Eds., Hydroponic production of vegetables and ornamentals. Embryo Publications-Athens, 463.
  • AI-Amri, A. (2007). Solar energy utilization in greenhouse tomato production. Journal of King Saud University5, pp.96-115.
  • Alexander, T., Parker, D. (2010). The best of the growing edge. Corvallis, Or: New Moon Pub.
  • Anonymous. (1999). Dealing with quality problems in tomatoes. In: Grodan Culture Service. Vegetable Info 5, July.
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A review on hydroponic greenhouse cultivation for sustainable agriculture

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 59 - 66, 10.04.2018


The term ‘Hydroponics’
was derived from Greek word ‘
means water and ‘
ponos’ mean labor.
Hydroponics is a modern agriculture technique that uses nutrient solution
rather than soil for crop production. Humans need water, food and living
habitat to endure. As population increases the food demand also increases. The
worry is that the existing system of agriculture will not be able to meet the
food requirement near future as this system is facing many challenges. The
objectives of this review paper are to discuss the hydroponic greenhouse
technologies, impact of environmental factors on hydroponic greenhouse
cultivation, advantages and challenges of hydroponic greenhouse system. This
study revealed that hydroponic greenhouse cultivation is better option in the sense
of utilization of inputs and improved crop production.


  • Adams, P. (2002). Nutritional control in hydroponics, 211–261. In: Savvas, D., Passam, H. C., Eds., Hydroponic production of vegetables and ornamentals. Embryo Publications-Athens, 463.
  • AI-Amri, A. (2007). Solar energy utilization in greenhouse tomato production. Journal of King Saud University5, pp.96-115.
  • Alexander, T., Parker, D. (2010). The best of the growing edge. Corvallis, Or: New Moon Pub.
  • Anonymous. (1999). Dealing with quality problems in tomatoes. In: Grodan Culture Service. Vegetable Info 5, July.
  • Arias, R., Lee, T. C., Specca, D., Janes, H. (2000). Quality comparison of hydroponic tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) ripened on and off vine. Journal of Food Science, 65(3), 545–548.
  • Bakker, J. C. (1984). Physiological disorders in cucumber under high humidity conditions and low ventilation rates in greenhouses. Acta Hort. 156: 257–264.
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  • Bakker, J. C. (1990b). Effects of day and night humidity on yield and fruit quality of glasshouse eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). J. Hort. Sci. 65: 747–753.
  • Banda-Guzman, J. Lopez-Salazar, A. (2014). Success Factors in Pepper Greenhouses-Case Study: Queretaro, Mexico. International Journal of Business Administration,5, p.96.
  • Banerjee C., Adenaeuer, L. (2014). Up, Up and Away! The economics of vertical farming,” Journal of Agricultural Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 40-60.
  • Beibel, J.P. (1960). Hydroponics -The Science of Growing Crops Without Soil‖. Florida Department of Agric. Bull. p. 180.
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  • Benoit F., Ceustermans, N. (1988). Growing lamb's lettuce (Valerianella olitoria L.) on recycled polyurethane (PUR) hydroponic mats in Proc. International Symposium on Diversification of Vegetable Crops, vol. 242, pp. 297-304. Benoit, F. (1987). Cultivation of lettuce. Review of Agriculture 40(2): 895–903.
  • Bohme, M. (1996). Influence of closed systems on the development of cucumber. ISOSC, Proceedings.75-87.
  • Bridgewood, L. (2003). Hydroponics: Soilless gardening explained. Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire: The Crowood Press Limited.
  • Bruckner, B., Krumbein, A., Schwarz, D., Klaring, P. (2004). Temperature Effects on Tomato Quality. IX International Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics, Almeria, Spain, 14–19 November 2004. Book of summary,173.
  • Buchanan, D. N., Omaye, S. T. (2013). Comparative Study of Ascorbic Acid and Tocopherol Concentrations in Hydroponic- and Soil-Grown Lettuces. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 04(10), 1047–1053.
  • Butler, J.D., Oebker, N.F. (2006). Hydroponics as a Hobby Growing Plants Without Soil. Circular 844. Information Office, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801.
  • Cantliffe, D. J. Vansickle, J. J. (2012). Competitiveness of the Spanish and Dutch greenhouse industries with the Florida fresh vegetable industry.
  • Carruthers, S. (2011). Branding hydroponics. Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouses, 9, pp.1-15.
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There are 114 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Review

Fraz Ahmad Khan

Publication Date April 10, 2018
Submission Date January 15, 2018
Acceptance Date February 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Khan, F. A. (2018). A review on hydroponic greenhouse cultivation for sustainable agriculture. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 2(2), 59-66.

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