Research Article
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Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 160 - 163, 20.12.2018


The study was carried out to evaluate some physical properties of agricultural soils of Bade Local Government Area (LGA), Yobe State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty soil samples, (0-20, 20-40, and 40-60cm depths) were randomly taken from four arable farms being cultivated for more than 30years in each of the 10 political wards of the LGA. The soil samples were analyzed for some physical properties and organic matter content using standard procedures. Results obtained show that the soils were sandy loam in texture, slightly high bulk density (median (IQR) = 1.63Mgm-3 (1.60-1.65 Mgm-3)) with a median porosity of 39% and IQR of 38-40%. The structural stability showed that the soils are usually unstable with a mean weight diameter (MWD) (median = 0.78mm). The soil organic matter content is also very low (median =1.57gkg-3 and IQR (1.30-180)). Incorporation of organic residues and manure as well as conservation tillage practices to the soil will improve its physical properties and enhance productivity.


  • Abdullah, A. M., Bose, M. M. and Nuruddin, A. A. (2018) Influence of Monsoon Regime and Microclimate On Soil Respiration In The Tropical Forests. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), 12(3- II): 63-73
  • Adegbenro, R.O., Ojetade, J.O., Amusan, A.A. (2011). Effect of topography on phosphorus forms and distribution in soils formed in schist in Ife area. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 5 (1): 86-105
  • Bhogal A., Nicholson F.A., Chambers B.J. (2009). Organic carbon additions: effects on soil bio-physical and
  • Bot, A. and Banites, J. (2005). Importance of Soil Organic Matter: Key to drought-resistant soils and sustained food production. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 80. Publishing Management Service Information Division FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
  • Boul, S.W., Hole, F.D., McCracken, R.J., Southard, R.J. (1997). Soil Genesis and Classification. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Fourth Edition, 527pp.
  • Bronick, C. J. and Lal, R (2005). Soil structure and management: a review, Geoderma, 124 (1-2):3-22.
  • Cambardella, C.A., Karlen, D.L. (1999). Spatial analysis of soil fertility parameters. Precision Agriculture, 1:5 – 14 Cooper, J. (2001). Soil structure, management and effect on nutrient availability and crop production. Organic Producers Conference, Facing Current and Future Challenges, Newcastle University. 17 January, 2011 Garcia, C., Nannipieri, P. and Hernandez, T. (2018). Chapter 9 - The Future of Soil Carbon, in The Future of Soil Carbon: Its Conservation and Formation,Editor(s): Carlos Garcia, Paolo Nannipieri, Teresa Hernandez, Academic Press, Pages 239-267, ISBN 9780128116876,
  • Gee, G.W., Or, D. (2002). Particle-size analysis. p. 255-293. In: Dane, J.H.; Topp, G.C., eds. Methods of soil analysis. Part 4. Physical methods. Soil Science Society of America. Madison, WI, USA.
  • Hamza, M. A. and Anderson, W. K. (2010). Potential and limitations of soil organic matter build up in dry areas. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(20): 2850-2861
  • Hermavan, B. and Cameron, K.C. (1993). Structural changes in a silt loam under long-term conventional or minimum tillage. Soil Tillage Research, 26:139–150. Indoria, A.K., Sharma, K.L., Sammi Reddy, K., Srinivasa Rao, Ch. (2016).Role of soil physical properties in soil health management and crop productivity in rainfed systems – II management technologies and crop productivity. Current science, 110(3):320-328. doi: 10.18520/cs/v110/i3/320-328
  • Jalloh, A., Rhodes, E.R., Kollo, I, Roy-Macauley, H., Sereme P. (2011). Nature and management of the soils in West and Central Africa: A review to inform farming systems research and development in the region. Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le Development Agricoles/West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD). CORAF/WECARD,Dakar, Senegal.
  • Lal, R., (1998). Deforestation, tillage and cropping systems effects on seepage and runoff water quality from a Nigerian Alfisol. Soil Tillage Res., 41: 261-284.
  • Le Bissonnais, Y. (1996). Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility. I. Theory and methodology. European Journal of Soil Science 47: 425-437.
  • Malgwi, W.B., Abu, S.T. (2011). Variation in Some Physical Properties of Soils Formed on a Hilly Terrain under Different Land use Types in Nigerian Savanna. International Journal of Soil Science, 6: 150-163.
  • Mandal, U.K. (2016). Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Relation to Conservation of Natural Resources,
  • Maduakor, H.O. (1991). Physical and hydraulic properties of soils of the Sudano-Sahelian regions of Nigeria. Soil Water Balance in the SudanoSahelian Zone (Proceedings of the Niamey Workshop, February 1991). IAHS Publ. no. 199, 1991; 229-240
  • McKenzie, N.J., Jacquier, D.J., Isbell, R.F., Brown, K.L (2004) Australian Soils and Landscapes An Illustrated Compendium. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood, Victoria.
  • Mustapha, S. (2007). Physico-Chemical Properties and Fertility Status of Some Haplic Plinthaquults in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Soil Science, 2: 314-319. DOI: 10.3923/ijss.2007.314.319
  • National Population Commission of Nigeria [NPC] (2010). Population Distribution by Sex, State, LGA and Senatorial Districts, Pp 34. NPC website: (Accessed on 14th May, 2017)
  • North East Arid Zone Development Programme [NEAZDP], (2015). Meteorological Data of Nine Local Government Areas in Northern Yobe State, 1992 – 2014. NEAZDP Hydromet station, Garin Alkali.
  • Nyalemegbe, K.K, Asiedu, E.K., Ampontuah, E.O., Nyamekye, A.L., Danso, S.K.A. (2011). Improving the productivity of Vertisols in the Accra plains of Ghana using leguminous cover crops. Int. J. Agric. Sustainability, Vol. 9(3): pp 1-9.
  • Ohu, J.O., Ayotamuno, M.S., Folorunso, O.A. (1989) Characteristics of prominent agricultural soils in Bornu State of Nigeria. Agric. Int. 40 (11), 242-243
  • Phogat, K., Tomarand, V.S., Dahiya, R. (2015). Soil Physical Properties, available at (accessed on 29th June, 2017)
  • R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
  • Ryan, J., George, E., Abdul, R. (2001) Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Manual.2nd ed., International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Aleppo, Syria.Pp172.
  • Sharu, M.B., Yakubu, M., Noma, S.S., Tsafe, A.I. (2013) Characterization and Classification of Soils on an Agricultural landscape in Dingyadi District, Sokoto State. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (June, 2013), 21(2): 137-147. DOI:
  • Tisdall, J.M. (1996) Formation of soil aggregates and accumulation of soil organic matter. In: Carter, M.R. and Stewart, B.A., Eds., Structure and Organic Matter Storage in Agricultural Soils, Boca Raton, FL Lewis.
  • Voncir, N., Mustapha, S., Tenebe, V.A., Kumo, A.L., Kushwaha, S. (2008). Content and profile distribution of extractable zinc (Zn) and some physicochemical properties of soil along a toposequence at Bauchi, Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Int. J. Soil Sci., 3: 62-68.
Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 160 - 163, 20.12.2018



  • Abdullah, A. M., Bose, M. M. and Nuruddin, A. A. (2018) Influence of Monsoon Regime and Microclimate On Soil Respiration In The Tropical Forests. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), 12(3- II): 63-73
  • Adegbenro, R.O., Ojetade, J.O., Amusan, A.A. (2011). Effect of topography on phosphorus forms and distribution in soils formed in schist in Ife area. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 5 (1): 86-105
  • Bhogal A., Nicholson F.A., Chambers B.J. (2009). Organic carbon additions: effects on soil bio-physical and
  • Bot, A. and Banites, J. (2005). Importance of Soil Organic Matter: Key to drought-resistant soils and sustained food production. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 80. Publishing Management Service Information Division FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
  • Boul, S.W., Hole, F.D., McCracken, R.J., Southard, R.J. (1997). Soil Genesis and Classification. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Fourth Edition, 527pp.
  • Bronick, C. J. and Lal, R (2005). Soil structure and management: a review, Geoderma, 124 (1-2):3-22.
  • Cambardella, C.A., Karlen, D.L. (1999). Spatial analysis of soil fertility parameters. Precision Agriculture, 1:5 – 14 Cooper, J. (2001). Soil structure, management and effect on nutrient availability and crop production. Organic Producers Conference, Facing Current and Future Challenges, Newcastle University. 17 January, 2011 Garcia, C., Nannipieri, P. and Hernandez, T. (2018). Chapter 9 - The Future of Soil Carbon, in The Future of Soil Carbon: Its Conservation and Formation,Editor(s): Carlos Garcia, Paolo Nannipieri, Teresa Hernandez, Academic Press, Pages 239-267, ISBN 9780128116876,
  • Gee, G.W., Or, D. (2002). Particle-size analysis. p. 255-293. In: Dane, J.H.; Topp, G.C., eds. Methods of soil analysis. Part 4. Physical methods. Soil Science Society of America. Madison, WI, USA.
  • Hamza, M. A. and Anderson, W. K. (2010). Potential and limitations of soil organic matter build up in dry areas. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(20): 2850-2861
  • Hermavan, B. and Cameron, K.C. (1993). Structural changes in a silt loam under long-term conventional or minimum tillage. Soil Tillage Research, 26:139–150. Indoria, A.K., Sharma, K.L., Sammi Reddy, K., Srinivasa Rao, Ch. (2016).Role of soil physical properties in soil health management and crop productivity in rainfed systems – II management technologies and crop productivity. Current science, 110(3):320-328. doi: 10.18520/cs/v110/i3/320-328
  • Jalloh, A., Rhodes, E.R., Kollo, I, Roy-Macauley, H., Sereme P. (2011). Nature and management of the soils in West and Central Africa: A review to inform farming systems research and development in the region. Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le Development Agricoles/West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD). CORAF/WECARD,Dakar, Senegal.
  • Lal, R., (1998). Deforestation, tillage and cropping systems effects on seepage and runoff water quality from a Nigerian Alfisol. Soil Tillage Res., 41: 261-284.
  • Le Bissonnais, Y. (1996). Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility. I. Theory and methodology. European Journal of Soil Science 47: 425-437.
  • Malgwi, W.B., Abu, S.T. (2011). Variation in Some Physical Properties of Soils Formed on a Hilly Terrain under Different Land use Types in Nigerian Savanna. International Journal of Soil Science, 6: 150-163.
  • Mandal, U.K. (2016). Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Relation to Conservation of Natural Resources,
  • Maduakor, H.O. (1991). Physical and hydraulic properties of soils of the Sudano-Sahelian regions of Nigeria. Soil Water Balance in the SudanoSahelian Zone (Proceedings of the Niamey Workshop, February 1991). IAHS Publ. no. 199, 1991; 229-240
  • McKenzie, N.J., Jacquier, D.J., Isbell, R.F., Brown, K.L (2004) Australian Soils and Landscapes An Illustrated Compendium. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood, Victoria.
  • Mustapha, S. (2007). Physico-Chemical Properties and Fertility Status of Some Haplic Plinthaquults in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Soil Science, 2: 314-319. DOI: 10.3923/ijss.2007.314.319
  • National Population Commission of Nigeria [NPC] (2010). Population Distribution by Sex, State, LGA and Senatorial Districts, Pp 34. NPC website: (Accessed on 14th May, 2017)
  • North East Arid Zone Development Programme [NEAZDP], (2015). Meteorological Data of Nine Local Government Areas in Northern Yobe State, 1992 – 2014. NEAZDP Hydromet station, Garin Alkali.
  • Nyalemegbe, K.K, Asiedu, E.K., Ampontuah, E.O., Nyamekye, A.L., Danso, S.K.A. (2011). Improving the productivity of Vertisols in the Accra plains of Ghana using leguminous cover crops. Int. J. Agric. Sustainability, Vol. 9(3): pp 1-9.
  • Ohu, J.O., Ayotamuno, M.S., Folorunso, O.A. (1989) Characteristics of prominent agricultural soils in Bornu State of Nigeria. Agric. Int. 40 (11), 242-243
  • Phogat, K., Tomarand, V.S., Dahiya, R. (2015). Soil Physical Properties, available at (accessed on 29th June, 2017)
  • R Core Team (2017). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
  • Ryan, J., George, E., Abdul, R. (2001) Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Manual.2nd ed., International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Aleppo, Syria.Pp172.
  • Sharu, M.B., Yakubu, M., Noma, S.S., Tsafe, A.I. (2013) Characterization and Classification of Soils on an Agricultural landscape in Dingyadi District, Sokoto State. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (June, 2013), 21(2): 137-147. DOI:
  • Tisdall, J.M. (1996) Formation of soil aggregates and accumulation of soil organic matter. In: Carter, M.R. and Stewart, B.A., Eds., Structure and Organic Matter Storage in Agricultural Soils, Boca Raton, FL Lewis.
  • Voncir, N., Mustapha, S., Tenebe, V.A., Kumo, A.L., Kushwaha, S. (2008). Content and profile distribution of extractable zinc (Zn) and some physicochemical properties of soil along a toposequence at Bauchi, Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Int. J. Soil Sci., 3: 62-68.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

İbraheem Alhassan

Auwalu Garba Gashua This is me

Sunday Dogo This is me

Mahmud Sani

Publication Date December 20, 2018
Submission Date June 14, 2018
Acceptance Date September 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Alhassan, İ., Garba Gashua, A., Dogo, S., Sani, M. (2018). Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 2(4), 160-163.
AMA Alhassan İ, Garba Gashua A, Dogo S, Sani M. Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. December 2018;2(4):160-163. doi:10.31015/jaefs.18027
Chicago Alhassan, İbraheem, Auwalu Garba Gashua, Sunday Dogo, and Mahmud Sani. “Physical Properties and Organic Matter Content of the Soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 2, no. 4 (December 2018): 160-63.
EndNote Alhassan İ, Garba Gashua A, Dogo S, Sani M (December 1, 2018) Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 2 4 160–163.
IEEE İ. Alhassan, A. Garba Gashua, S. Dogo, and M. Sani, “Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria”, int. j. agric. environ. food sci., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 160–163, 2018, doi: 10.31015/jaefs.18027.
ISNAD Alhassan, İbraheem et al. “Physical Properties and Organic Matter Content of the Soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 2/4 (December 2018), 160-163.
JAMA Alhassan İ, Garba Gashua A, Dogo S, Sani M. Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. 2018;2:160–163.
MLA Alhassan, İbraheem et al. “Physical Properties and Organic Matter Content of the Soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, vol. 2, no. 4, 2018, pp. 160-3, doi:10.31015/jaefs.18027.
Vancouver Alhassan İ, Garba Gashua A, Dogo S, Sani M. Physical properties and organic matter content of the soils of Bade in Yobe State, Nigeria. int. j. agric. environ. food sci. 2018;2(4):160-3.

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