Year 2022,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 294 - 302, 15.06.2022
Hasan Akay
İsmail Sezer
Elif Öztürk
- Akay, H (2020). Determination of physical, chemical, and cooking properties of some paddy varieties. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(3), 438-445.
- Akay, H, Mut, Z, Erbaş Köse, OD, Sezer, İ (2018). Determination of seed quality of some rice varieties grown in Turkey. International Agriculture, Environment and Health Congress, Vol I, 1123 - 1131, 26 - 28 October, Aydın.
- Bashir, MU, Akbar, N, Iqbal, A, Khan, HZ, Hanif, MK, Bashir, MU (2010). Effect of different sowing dates on yield and yield components of direct seeded coarse rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pak. J. Agri. Sci 47.4 (2010): 361-365.
- Akhter, M, Sher, H, Raza, MA, Haider, Z, Saleem, U, Khan, RAR, Mahmood, A (2017). Multivariate analysis of physico-chemical, grain shape and cooking quality parameters of some advance Indica Rice (Oryza Sativa L) lines under Irrigated Condition. Int J Nutr Sci & Food Tech. 3:2, 53-56.
- Anıl, M, Koca, AF (2006). Effect of different packaging type and storage time on rice quality. Turkey 9th Congress of Food, Volume I, 883-886, 24-26 May, Bolu.
- Bahmaniar, MA, Ranjbar, GA (2007). Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cooking quality properties to nitrogen and potassium application. Pakistan journal of Biological sciences, 10(11), 1880-1884.
- Bakshi, AS and RP Singh, RP (2019). Kinetics of water diffusion and starch gelatinization during rice parboiling Journal of Food Science, 45 (1980), pp. 1387-1392.
- Bao J, Shen S, Sun M, Corke H (2006). Analysis of genotypic diversity in the starch physicochemical properties of nonwaxy rice: apparent amylose content, pasting viscosity and gel texture. Starch.; 58(6):259–67.
- Bergman, CJ (2019). Rice end-use quality analysis. In Rice (pp. 273-337). AACC International Press.
- Beşer, N, Surek, H, Kaya, S (2015). Yield and yield components, morphological and quality characteristics of aromatik-1 rice variety: the first aromatic rice in Turkey. Ekin Journay Crop Breed and Genetic, 1(1):42-46.
- Binodh, A, K, Kalaiyarasi, R, Thiyagarajan, K, Manonmani, S (2006). Physicochemical and cooking quality characteristics of promising varieties and hybrids in rice. Indian J Genet Plant Breed 66(2):107–112.
- Cruz, ND, Khush GS (2000). Rice grain quality evaluation procedures. In: Aromatic rices R.K. Singh, U.S. Singh and G.S. Khush(eds.), Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Calcutta, pp. 15-28.
- Custodio, MC, Cuevas, RP, Ynion, J, Laborte, AG, Velasco, ML and M, Demont (2009). Rice quality: How is it defined by consumers, industry, food scientists, and geneticists? Trends in Food Science and Technology, Vol. 92, Elsevier Ltd. (2019), pp. 122-137.
- Danbaba, N, Anounye, JC, Gana, AS, Abo, ME, Ukwungwu, MN (2011). Grain quality characteristics of Ofada rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cooking and eating quality. International Food Research Journal, 18(2).
- Donduran, D (2014). Investigation of quality and bioactive properties of some rice varieties processed in our country. Master Thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, s98, Çanakkale.
- Fan, M, Wang, X, Sun, J, Zhang, Q, Xu, Z, and Xu, Q (2017). Effect of indica pedigree on eating and cooking quality in rice backcross inbred lines of indica and japonica crosses. Breeding science, 67(5), 450-458.
- FAO (2020). United Nations food and agriculture organization. htpp: // (Access date: 18.12.2020).
- Fofana, M, Futakuchi, K, Manful, JT, Yaou, IB, Dossou, J, Bleoussi, RTM (2011). Rice grain quality: A comparison of imported varieties, local varieties with new varieties adopted in Benin. Food Control, 22(12): 1821-1825.
- Hossaina MS, Singh AK, Fasih-uz-Zaman (2009). Cooking and eating characteristics of some newly identified inter sub-specific (indica/japonica) rice hybrids. ScienceAsia. 2009;35(4):320.
- JMP (2007). JMP User Guide, Release 7 Copyright© 2007, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC.
- Juliano, BO (1979). The chemical basis of rice grain quality. Chemical aspects of rice grain quality, 69-90.
- Juliano, B. O., Villareal, C. P., 1993. Grain quality evaluation of world rices. Retrieved from 200396_content.pdf
- Juliano, BO, CM, Perez, AB, Blakeney, DT, Castillo, N, Kongseree, B, Laignelet (1981). International cooperative testing on the amylose content of milled rice Starch/Stärke, 33 (1981), pp. 157-162.
- Juliano, BO (1985). Criteria and test for rice grain qualities. In: Rice Chemistry and Technology, B.O. Juliano (ed.), 2nd ed., AACC, St Paul, MN., pp. 443-524.
- Kasai, M, Lewis, AR, Ayabe, S, Hatae, K, Fyfe, CA (2007). Quantitative NMR imaging study of the cooking of Japonica and Indica rice. Food Research International, 40: 1020–1029.
- Khalif, AA, Wahab, AAE, El-Ekhtyar, AM, Zaed, BA (2007). Response of some hybrid rice varieties to irrigation intervals under different dates of sowing. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. 8:67-74.
- Khatun, M, Hazrat Ali, M, Quirino, DC, D (2003). Correlation studies on grain physicochemical characteristics of aromatic rice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 6: 511-513.
- Kishine, M, Suzuki, K, Nakamura, S, Ohtsubo, KI (2008). Grain qualities and their genetic derivation of 7 new rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 56(12), 4605-4610.
- Koca, AF, Anıl, M (1997). Quality characteristics of some paddy varieties grown in Samsun ecological conditions. Journal of Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Agriculture, 12 (2): 61-71.
- Kong, X, P, Zhu, Z, Sui, J (2015). Physicochemical properties of starches from diverse rice cultivars varying in apparent amylose content and gelatinisation temperature combinations. Food Chemistry,172 (2015), pp. 433-440.
- Kün, E (1997). Cereals-II (Hot climate cereals). Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 1452 Textbook: 432 Ankara University Press, 97, Ankara.
- Oko, AO, Ubi, BE, Dambaba, N (2012). Rice cooking quality and physico-chemical characteristics: a comparative analysis of selected local and newly introduced rice varieties in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Food Public Health, 2(1): 43-49.
- Safdar ME, Noorka IR, Tanveer A, Tariq SA, Rauf S (2013). Growth and Yield of Advanced Breeding Lines Of Medium Grain Rice As Influenced By Different Transplanting Dates. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 23(1): 227-23.
- Sezer, İ, Mut, Z, Öner, F (2007). Factors affecting fracture yield in paddy (Oryza sativa L.). Turkey VII. Field Crops Congress, Vol I, 145-148, 25-27 June, Erzurum.
- Sharifi, P, Ebadi, AA (2018). Relationships of rice yield and quality based on genotypes by trait (GT) biplot. An Acad Bras Cienc, 90 (1), 343-356.
- Sheng, W, Zhou, l, Wu, L, Bai, B, Deng, Q (2015). Evaluation of genetic effect on physiochemical properties changes of Wx near isogenic lines of Y58S in Rice. Chılean Journal of Agrıcultural Research 75(4).
- Shilpa, JB, Krishnan, S (2010). Grain quality evaluation of traditionally cultivated rice varieties of Goa, India. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2(6): 88-97.
- Simonelli, C, Abbiati, A, Cormegna, M (2016). Physicochemical characterization of some Italian rice varieties. The Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 45(1), 9-23.
- Simonelli, C, Galassi, L, Cormegna, M, Bianchi, P (2017). Chemical, physical, textural and sensory evaluation on Italian rice varieties. Universal J. Agril. Res, 5(2), 104-112.
- Suh, P, Jeung, JU, Lee, JI, Choi, YH, Yea, YD, Virk, PS, Mackill, DJ, Jena, KK (2010). Identification and analysis of QTLs controlling cold tolerance at the reproductive stage and validation of effective QTLs in cold-tolerant genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Genet 120: 985–995.
- Sürek, H (2002). Paddy farming. Hasat publishing Ltd. Şti, 85-105, İstanbul.
- Şişman, A (2016). Determination of grain quality parameters of some rice genotypes grown in Turkey. Master Thesis. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science, 188s, Samsun.
- Thomas, R, Wan-Nadiah, WA, Bhat, R (2013). Physiochemical properties, proximate composition, and cooking qualities of locally grown and important rice varieties marketed in Penang, Malaysia. Int Food Res J, 20(3): 1345-1351.
- TTSM (2015). Seed Registration and Certification Center Directorate. Retrieved from (Date of access: 25.08.2020).
- USDA (2009). United States Department of Agriculture. United States Brass Standards. Federal Grain Inspection Service. rds.pdf (Date of access: 16 Ocak 2021).
- Webb BD, Bollich CN, Jackson BR, Kanter DG, Linscombe SD, Moldenhauer KAK, Tseng ST, Petersen HD (1989). Evaluation of rice quality components for named varieties grown in performance trails in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and California, 1986-1988. Beaumont Texas, Cooperative rice quality annual crop report 1989-1.
- Yazman, MM (2014). Determination of adulteration in rice according to its quality characteristics and determination of the conformity of rice in the market to the Turkish food codex. Master Thesis, Harran University, Institute of Science, 130s, Şanlıurfa.
Physico-chemical and cooking quality traits of paddy cultivars of japonica sub-species
Year 2022,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 294 - 302, 15.06.2022
Hasan Akay
İsmail Sezer
Elif Öztürk
Paddy, grown on all continents of the world, is an economical source of food and a strategic cereal. Cooking quality of rice is closely related to physico-chemical characteristics of starch constituting about 90% of rice dry matter. Environmental and genetic factors are effective on rice quality and physico-chemical properties. Knowledge on these traits plays an important role in comprehension the changes encountered during cooking. This study was conducted in 2020 to determine physico-chemical and cooking quality traits of rice grains obtained from 18 paddy cultivars. Physical, chemical and cooking quality traits of 18 rice samples were analyzed in 3 replications. Significant differences were observed in investigated traits of paddy cultivars. The thousand-grain weights varied between 20.32-31.00 g; rice grain lengths between 5.88-7.28 mm; grain elongation ratios between 1.40-2.47%; grain water absorptions between 46.96-71.27%; water uptake ratios between 1.91-3.31%; cooking times between 00:17:19-00:23:28 min; protein contents between 5.45-8.89% and amylose contents varied between 16.91-26.25%. According to the biplot graph, Efe, Kale and Galileo cultivars were found to be prominent for more than one trait. The biplot graph also revealed that cooking time was the most distinctive trait. There were highly significant negative correlations between alkali spreading and cooking time parameters. Although it was banned worldwide in rice codex, different rice cultivars, classes, groups and types are compared and served to markets. Although the constellation plot generated through the use of results for investigated parameters allowed primary separation of paddy cultivars, present parameters were not found to be sufficient for a net separation of the cultivars.
- Akay, H (2020). Determination of physical, chemical, and cooking properties of some paddy varieties. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(3), 438-445.
- Akay, H, Mut, Z, Erbaş Köse, OD, Sezer, İ (2018). Determination of seed quality of some rice varieties grown in Turkey. International Agriculture, Environment and Health Congress, Vol I, 1123 - 1131, 26 - 28 October, Aydın.
- Bashir, MU, Akbar, N, Iqbal, A, Khan, HZ, Hanif, MK, Bashir, MU (2010). Effect of different sowing dates on yield and yield components of direct seeded coarse rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pak. J. Agri. Sci 47.4 (2010): 361-365.
- Akhter, M, Sher, H, Raza, MA, Haider, Z, Saleem, U, Khan, RAR, Mahmood, A (2017). Multivariate analysis of physico-chemical, grain shape and cooking quality parameters of some advance Indica Rice (Oryza Sativa L) lines under Irrigated Condition. Int J Nutr Sci & Food Tech. 3:2, 53-56.
- Anıl, M, Koca, AF (2006). Effect of different packaging type and storage time on rice quality. Turkey 9th Congress of Food, Volume I, 883-886, 24-26 May, Bolu.
- Bahmaniar, MA, Ranjbar, GA (2007). Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cooking quality properties to nitrogen and potassium application. Pakistan journal of Biological sciences, 10(11), 1880-1884.
- Bakshi, AS and RP Singh, RP (2019). Kinetics of water diffusion and starch gelatinization during rice parboiling Journal of Food Science, 45 (1980), pp. 1387-1392.
- Bao J, Shen S, Sun M, Corke H (2006). Analysis of genotypic diversity in the starch physicochemical properties of nonwaxy rice: apparent amylose content, pasting viscosity and gel texture. Starch.; 58(6):259–67.
- Bergman, CJ (2019). Rice end-use quality analysis. In Rice (pp. 273-337). AACC International Press.
- Beşer, N, Surek, H, Kaya, S (2015). Yield and yield components, morphological and quality characteristics of aromatik-1 rice variety: the first aromatic rice in Turkey. Ekin Journay Crop Breed and Genetic, 1(1):42-46.
- Binodh, A, K, Kalaiyarasi, R, Thiyagarajan, K, Manonmani, S (2006). Physicochemical and cooking quality characteristics of promising varieties and hybrids in rice. Indian J Genet Plant Breed 66(2):107–112.
- Cruz, ND, Khush GS (2000). Rice grain quality evaluation procedures. In: Aromatic rices R.K. Singh, U.S. Singh and G.S. Khush(eds.), Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Calcutta, pp. 15-28.
- Custodio, MC, Cuevas, RP, Ynion, J, Laborte, AG, Velasco, ML and M, Demont (2009). Rice quality: How is it defined by consumers, industry, food scientists, and geneticists? Trends in Food Science and Technology, Vol. 92, Elsevier Ltd. (2019), pp. 122-137.
- Danbaba, N, Anounye, JC, Gana, AS, Abo, ME, Ukwungwu, MN (2011). Grain quality characteristics of Ofada rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cooking and eating quality. International Food Research Journal, 18(2).
- Donduran, D (2014). Investigation of quality and bioactive properties of some rice varieties processed in our country. Master Thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, s98, Çanakkale.
- Fan, M, Wang, X, Sun, J, Zhang, Q, Xu, Z, and Xu, Q (2017). Effect of indica pedigree on eating and cooking quality in rice backcross inbred lines of indica and japonica crosses. Breeding science, 67(5), 450-458.
- FAO (2020). United Nations food and agriculture organization. htpp: // (Access date: 18.12.2020).
- Fofana, M, Futakuchi, K, Manful, JT, Yaou, IB, Dossou, J, Bleoussi, RTM (2011). Rice grain quality: A comparison of imported varieties, local varieties with new varieties adopted in Benin. Food Control, 22(12): 1821-1825.
- Hossaina MS, Singh AK, Fasih-uz-Zaman (2009). Cooking and eating characteristics of some newly identified inter sub-specific (indica/japonica) rice hybrids. ScienceAsia. 2009;35(4):320.
- JMP (2007). JMP User Guide, Release 7 Copyright© 2007, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC.
- Juliano, BO (1979). The chemical basis of rice grain quality. Chemical aspects of rice grain quality, 69-90.
- Juliano, B. O., Villareal, C. P., 1993. Grain quality evaluation of world rices. Retrieved from 200396_content.pdf
- Juliano, BO, CM, Perez, AB, Blakeney, DT, Castillo, N, Kongseree, B, Laignelet (1981). International cooperative testing on the amylose content of milled rice Starch/Stärke, 33 (1981), pp. 157-162.
- Juliano, BO (1985). Criteria and test for rice grain qualities. In: Rice Chemistry and Technology, B.O. Juliano (ed.), 2nd ed., AACC, St Paul, MN., pp. 443-524.
- Kasai, M, Lewis, AR, Ayabe, S, Hatae, K, Fyfe, CA (2007). Quantitative NMR imaging study of the cooking of Japonica and Indica rice. Food Research International, 40: 1020–1029.
- Khalif, AA, Wahab, AAE, El-Ekhtyar, AM, Zaed, BA (2007). Response of some hybrid rice varieties to irrigation intervals under different dates of sowing. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. 8:67-74.
- Khatun, M, Hazrat Ali, M, Quirino, DC, D (2003). Correlation studies on grain physicochemical characteristics of aromatic rice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 6: 511-513.
- Kishine, M, Suzuki, K, Nakamura, S, Ohtsubo, KI (2008). Grain qualities and their genetic derivation of 7 new rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 56(12), 4605-4610.
- Koca, AF, Anıl, M (1997). Quality characteristics of some paddy varieties grown in Samsun ecological conditions. Journal of Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Agriculture, 12 (2): 61-71.
- Kong, X, P, Zhu, Z, Sui, J (2015). Physicochemical properties of starches from diverse rice cultivars varying in apparent amylose content and gelatinisation temperature combinations. Food Chemistry,172 (2015), pp. 433-440.
- Kün, E (1997). Cereals-II (Hot climate cereals). Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 1452 Textbook: 432 Ankara University Press, 97, Ankara.
- Oko, AO, Ubi, BE, Dambaba, N (2012). Rice cooking quality and physico-chemical characteristics: a comparative analysis of selected local and newly introduced rice varieties in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Food Public Health, 2(1): 43-49.
- Safdar ME, Noorka IR, Tanveer A, Tariq SA, Rauf S (2013). Growth and Yield of Advanced Breeding Lines Of Medium Grain Rice As Influenced By Different Transplanting Dates. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 23(1): 227-23.
- Sezer, İ, Mut, Z, Öner, F (2007). Factors affecting fracture yield in paddy (Oryza sativa L.). Turkey VII. Field Crops Congress, Vol I, 145-148, 25-27 June, Erzurum.
- Sharifi, P, Ebadi, AA (2018). Relationships of rice yield and quality based on genotypes by trait (GT) biplot. An Acad Bras Cienc, 90 (1), 343-356.
- Sheng, W, Zhou, l, Wu, L, Bai, B, Deng, Q (2015). Evaluation of genetic effect on physiochemical properties changes of Wx near isogenic lines of Y58S in Rice. Chılean Journal of Agrıcultural Research 75(4).
- Shilpa, JB, Krishnan, S (2010). Grain quality evaluation of traditionally cultivated rice varieties of Goa, India. Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2(6): 88-97.
- Simonelli, C, Abbiati, A, Cormegna, M (2016). Physicochemical characterization of some Italian rice varieties. The Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 45(1), 9-23.
- Simonelli, C, Galassi, L, Cormegna, M, Bianchi, P (2017). Chemical, physical, textural and sensory evaluation on Italian rice varieties. Universal J. Agril. Res, 5(2), 104-112.
- Suh, P, Jeung, JU, Lee, JI, Choi, YH, Yea, YD, Virk, PS, Mackill, DJ, Jena, KK (2010). Identification and analysis of QTLs controlling cold tolerance at the reproductive stage and validation of effective QTLs in cold-tolerant genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Genet 120: 985–995.
- Sürek, H (2002). Paddy farming. Hasat publishing Ltd. Şti, 85-105, İstanbul.
- Şişman, A (2016). Determination of grain quality parameters of some rice genotypes grown in Turkey. Master Thesis. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science, 188s, Samsun.
- Thomas, R, Wan-Nadiah, WA, Bhat, R (2013). Physiochemical properties, proximate composition, and cooking qualities of locally grown and important rice varieties marketed in Penang, Malaysia. Int Food Res J, 20(3): 1345-1351.
- TTSM (2015). Seed Registration and Certification Center Directorate. Retrieved from (Date of access: 25.08.2020).
- USDA (2009). United States Department of Agriculture. United States Brass Standards. Federal Grain Inspection Service. rds.pdf (Date of access: 16 Ocak 2021).
- Webb BD, Bollich CN, Jackson BR, Kanter DG, Linscombe SD, Moldenhauer KAK, Tseng ST, Petersen HD (1989). Evaluation of rice quality components for named varieties grown in performance trails in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and California, 1986-1988. Beaumont Texas, Cooperative rice quality annual crop report 1989-1.
- Yazman, MM (2014). Determination of adulteration in rice according to its quality characteristics and determination of the conformity of rice in the market to the Turkish food codex. Master Thesis, Harran University, Institute of Science, 130s, Şanlıurfa.