The contribution fee must be paid for the submitted work (regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition of the work). After the contribution is paid, should be informed. The referee process is not started for the articles for which the contribution fee is not paid. For rejected/withdrawn articles, 2/3 of the deposited contribution is refunded. You can access the account number and other information to which the article contribution will be deposited from the Submission Preparation List.
*Article submission fee: 60 dollar - 2000 Tl
*The pricing has been started as of 2025
Submission Fees: 2,000.00 TRY
JAER is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes articles in all fields of Educational Sciences and is scanned in international indexes.
JAER Eğitim Bilimlerinin tüm alanlarında makaleler yayınlayan uluslararası indekslerde taranan hakemli uluslararası bir dergidir.