Writing Rules

Articles written in Turkish or English can be published in J-CUBE. Authors accept that the articles they submit to J-CUBE have not been previously published in another publication or have not been submitted simultaneously to another publication, that all rights to the article will be transferred to J-CUBE if accepted for publication, and that the work will not be published in another language or place without permission from the journal. The primary responsibility in this regard belongs to the author(s), but authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement and upload it to the system at the time of application.

Abstracts presented at scientific meetings can be proposed for publication in J-CUBE, provided that they have not been published in the proceedings book of the relevant meeting. If the article has been previously presented anywhere as a report, thesis, etc., it should be indicated in the footnote with the * symbol in the “Title” section. In addition, if the research and studies that form the basis of the article have been supported by individuals and institutions or prepared by benefiting from project/research support, information explaining this situation should be included in the “Acknowledgements” section. The primary responsibility in this regard also belongs to the author(s).
No evaluation or application fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal for publication, and there is no publication fee. Articles can be viewed on the web page of the open access journal, downloaded in pdf format and printed.
The journal editors, editorial board and referee board are not responsible for the views and opinions expressed in the published articles. The primary responsibility in this regard belongs to the author(s).
Each article to be published in the journal must include a summary / abstract of 150-250 words in both Turkish and English. An original research article and theoretical or review articles must be at least 4000 and at most 7000 words (each figure and table must be calculated as 250 words, including the title page, abstracts, references, tables and figure descriptions).
Copyright of Figures and Tables (Images, pictures, photographs, maps, charts):
It is the author's responsibility to obtain copyright permission for images and tables. If another version of the image or table used in the article has been published before, information about this source should be provided in the text and in the References.
The 'AnonymousMakale.doc' file to be uploaded and the 'İntihalTaramaSonucRaporu.pdf' file to be created by scanning it should not contain the author(s)'s identity information in any way. When the 'İntihalTaramaSonucRaporu.pdf' file is uploaded to the system, the Similarity Report option should be selected as the file type.
Evaluation Process:
In J-CUBE, plagiarism scan result report (such as Itenticate and Turnitin) and draft articles submitted with the copyright transfer form are first evaluated for their compliance with the article preparation guide and article template, and draft articles that do not comply with the aforementioned rules are sent back to the applicants. As a result of the evaluation, draft articles that are found to be “compliant with the rules” are evaluated in the second stage in terms of the article’s subject’s suitability to the journal’s purpose and scope and the academic competence of the written language. Draft articles that are not found suitable are sent back to the applicants, while referees are assigned to those that are found suitable. At this stage, in accordance with our double-blind refereeing policy, the author(s) are kept secret from the referees and the referees’ names are kept secret from the author(s).

The ‘AnonymousMakale.doc’ file to be uploaded and the ‘İntihalTaramaSonucRaporu.pdf’ file that will be created by scanning it should not contain the author(s)’s identity information in any way. The “similarity report” option (not an additional file) should be selected as the file type named ‘İntihalTaramaSonucRaporu.pdf’.
Referees are expected to make an evaluation regarding the originality of the articles, their contribution to the field, referencing current and related articles, the suitability of the method used, and the clarity and clarity of the language and style. Depending on these evaluations, the referees are asked to indicate their final decision by choosing one of four classes: (1) The draft article can be published as is, (2) The draft article can be published with partial corrections, (3) The draft article cannot be published as submitted; it can be resubmitted for referee evaluation after extensive corrections, (4) The draft article cannot be published.

Last Update Time: 10/17/24, 1:23:06 PM