- Manuscripts submitted to the system are evaluated by whether editor or field editors in terms of compliance of writing guide after passing from the peer-review process. As a result of this process, editors may return the manuscripts for the edit to their authors.
- Manuscripts that do not fit with the writing guide are not sent to referees.
- Peer review of the manuscripts that are found suitable for writing guide is to be started. At least two referees are appointed for the evaluation of the manuscripts that receive the editor's approval.
- Referee and author names are kept secret from each other mutually. Blind referee system is valid.
-The manuscript that receives two positive referee reports from the field editors is entitled to be published. The manuscript, which receives one positive and one negative referee report, is sent to a third referee. And whether or not the manuscript is published is determined by the report of the third referee. The article that receives two negative reports is rejected not to be published.
- Referees may ask to see the edited form of manuscripts once more before it is published. If this request is specified in the report, the edited form of the manuscript is uploaded to the system again by the author for the referee evaluation. In this case, the referee reevaluates the article in a reasonable time and reports it.
- The authors can appeal to the referee reports within a reasonable framework. Appeals are reviewed by the journal team, and if deemed appropriate, they can consult with different referees.