Research Article
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Year 2023, , 210 - 235, 31.12.2023


Dünyanın en büyük bilişim teknolojisi şirketi olan IBM (2010) tarafından yapılan araştırmada, yönetim kalitesini belirleyen en önemli kriterin yaratıcılık olduğu ve yaratıcılığın yönetimin gelecekteki başarısı için en önemli faktör olduğu belirtilmektedir. Yaratıcı bir çaba sonucunda oluşan sanatın önemini kavrayan, sanatın yönetim bilimi için gerekli olduğunu bilen ve sanatın yönetim için faydalı niteliklerini doğru adımlarla yönetim biçimine yansıtan işletmelerin başarılı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yönetim, bilim ve sanatın kavramsal olarak ne olduğunu çözmek yerine, özellikle günümüzde sanatın, yönetim bilimi için gerekli olduğunu anlayan ve sanatın yönetim sürecinde yararlı olabilecek özelliklerini yönetim sistemine yansıtarak başarılı olan işletme örneklerini inceleyerek ve yöneticiler ile gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat verileri çerçevesinde sanatın yönetim üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Sanatın yönetim üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmak için ilk olarak bu konuyla ilgili yapılan nicel ve nitel çalışmalar araştırılarak, sentezlenerek ve değerlendirilerek sistematik bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. İkinci olarak Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren 56 farklı işletmenin yöneticileri ile gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat verileri çerçevesinde, nitel analiz programı MAXQDA 2020 Analytics Pro programı ile tematik içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Sanatın yönetim bilimi üzerindeki etkisi, yapılan sistematik literatür taramasından ve mülakatlar çerçevesinde yapılan tematik içerik analizinden elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda açıklanmıştır. Yöneticilerin, sanatın sunduğu pratikleri ve örnekleri, yönetim şekillerine yansıtmalarının gerekliliği, çalışma sonucunda elde edilen en önemli sonuçlardan biridir. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, yönetim biliminin, yaratıcı fikirlere açık bir yönetim tarzı benimsemesi ve yönetim biliminin, sanatın uygun olan özelliklerinden faydalanması önerilmektedir. Başarılı bir yönetim için sanatın yönetim biçimlerine yansıtılmasının öneminin çeşitli örnekler ışığında vurgulanması ve yöneticilerle yapılan mülakat verileri sonucunda bu çıkarımın desteklenmesi bağlamında çalışmanın katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • 3M (2021). 3M History. Erişim: 30.10.2021,
  • Adler, N. J. (2006). The Arts & Leadership: Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We Do? Academy of Management Learning & Education, 5 (4), 486-499.
  • Ahmed, M. T. ve Omotunde, H. (2012). Theories And Strategies of Good Decision Making. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 1 (10), 51-54.
  • Ali, B. J. ve Anwar, G. (2021). An Empirical Study of Employees’ Motivation and its Influence Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 5 (2), 21-30.
  • Ambrose, G. ve Harris, P. (2010). Design Thinking, Londra: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
  • Ana, B. C. (2018). Profile of the Perfect Manager – Case Study: Manager of SC Iliana SRL. Annals of The Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, 2, 56-64.
  • Andina, T. (2017). Art and Law, Boston: Brill, Leiden.
  • Atkinson, D. M. (2007). A Portrait of the Manager as an Artist, Thinking the Art of Management, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bartlett, C. ve Ghoshal, S. (1992). What Is a Global Manager? Harvard Business Review, 1-10.
  • Bartlett, C. ve Ghoshal, S. (1995). Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Systems to People. Harvard Business Review, 132-142.
  • Berthoin, A. A. ve Ilana, N. B. (2015). Discovering the meaningfulness of art in organizations: Experiences with Add Art Hamburg 2015. Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement, 4 (2), 55-76.
  • Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, Florida: University of South Florida Tampa Library Open Access Collections.
  • Borko, H. (1968). Information Science: What Is It? American Documentation, 3-5.
  • Brenner, W., Uebernickel, F. ve Abrell, T. (2016). Design Thinking as Mindset, Process, and Toolbox, St. Gallen, İsviçre: Springer International Publishing.
  • Brouthers, K. D. ve Roozen, F. A. (1999). Is It Time to Start Thinking About Strategic Accounting? Long Range Planning, 32 (3), 311-322.
  • Buckingham, M. ve Coffman, C. (1999). First, Break all the rules. What the worlds great managers do differently, New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Burns, T. W., O’Connar, D. J. ve Stocklmayer, S. M. (2003). Science communication: a contemporary definition. Public Understanding of Science, 12, 183-202.
  • Canestraro, N. (2017). The impact of Design Thinking on education: The case of Active Learning Lab, Venedik, İtalya: Ca' Foscari Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Chalmers, A. F. (1999). What is this thing called Science? Cambridge, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
  • Collin, K., Lemmetty, S. ve Riivari, E. (2020). Human resource development practices supporting creativity in Finnish growth organizations. International Journal of Training and Development, 24 (4), 321-336.
  • Collingwood, R. G (1938). The Principles of Art, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Conceiçao, P., Hamill, D., ve Pinheıro, P. (2002). Innovative science and technology commercialization strategies at 3M: a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 19, 25-38.
  • Damanpour, F. ve Schneider, M. (2006). Phases of the Adoption of Innovation in Organizations: Effects of Environment, Organization and Top Managers. British Journal of Management, 17, 215-236.
  • Davenport, T. H. (1993). Process Innovation. Reengineering Work through Information Technology. Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Demenev, D. N., Isaev, A. A., ve Ryabinova, S. V. (2018). Measure of Conventionality as the Basis of Creative Approach to Painting. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2042-2049.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1980). Managing in turbulent times, New York: Harper & Row.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1999). Managing Oneself. Harvard Business Review, 15-28.
  • Ferraris, A., Vrontis, D., Belyaeva, Z., De Bernardı, P. ve Ozek, H. (2021). Innovation within the food companies: how creative partnerships may conduct to better performances? British Food Journal, 123 (1), 143-158.
  • Friedman, S. D. (2008). Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life. Harvard Business Review, 1-12.
  • Galunic, C. (2020). Scanning and Sensemaking. Backstage Leadership: The Invisible Work of Highly Effective Leaders. Nature Public Health Emergency Collection, 25-66.
  • Gerber, J. (2019). Prototype the Future of Your Business With This 4-Step Design Exercise. Erişim: 1.11.2021,
  • Ghasemzadeh, K., Bunjak, A., Bortoluzzi, G. ve Cerne, M. (2020). Efficaciously smuggling ideas: untangling the relationship between Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Creative Bootlegging and Embedded Lead Users. International Journal of Innovation Management, 1-29.
  • Godvin, A., Handsome, O. E., Ayomide, W. A., Enobong, A. E. ve Johnson, F. O. (2017). Application of the Henri Fayol Principles of Management in Startup Organizations. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19 (10), 78-85.
  • Hand, H. H. ve Slocum JR, J. W. (1972). A Longitudinal Study of The Effects Of a Human Relations Training Program On Managerial Effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 56 (5), 412-417.
  • Ho, J. C. ve Chen, H. (2018). Managing the Disruptive and Sustaining the Disrupted: The Case of Kodak and Fujifilm in the Face of Digital Disruption: Managing Disruptive Sustaining Disrupted. Review of Policy Research, 35 (3), 1-20.
  • Hovenkampt, H. (2005). Exclusion and the Sherman Act. The University of Chicago Law Review, 72,147-164.
  • Hrncirik, J. (2020). Why Did Kodak Go Bankrupt? New York: State University of New York Empire State College, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Hyde, P, Harris, C., Boaden, R. ve Cortvrıend, P. (2009). Human relations management, expectations and healthcare: A qualitative study. Human Relations, 62 (5), 701-725.
  • IBM (2010). IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Creativity Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future Success. Erişim: 1.11.2021,
  • IDEO (2019). IDEO at a Glance. Erişim: 1.11.2021,
  • Immink, K. A. S. (2018). How we made the compact disc. Nature Electronics, 1, 260.
  • Kerrigan, S. ve McIntyre, P. (2010). The creative treatment of actuality: Rationalizing and reconceptualizing the notion of creativity for documentary practice. Journal of Media Practice, 11 (2), 111-130.
  • Kerry, T. ve Murdoch, A. (1992). Approaches to Positive Management: Some Implications for Training Education Managers. Journal of In-Service Education, 18 (1), 4-8.
  • Kim, H. (2015). Community and art: creative education fostering resilience through art. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16, 193-201.
  • Kirkegaard, M. L., Kines, P., Jeschke, K. C. ve Jensen, K. A. (2020). Risk Perceptions and Safety Cultures in the Handling of Nanomaterials in Academia and Industry. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 64 (5), 479-489.
  • Koontz, H. (1961). The Management Theory Jungle. Journal of the Academy of Management, 4 (3), 174-188.
  • Lense, J. ve Thirring, H. (1918). On the influence of the proper rotation of a central body on the motion of the planets and the moon, according to Einstein’s theory of gravitation. Zeitschrift für Physik, 156-163.
  • Maier, A., Brad, S., Nicoara, D. ve Maier, D. (2014). Innovation by developing human resources, ensuring the competitiveness and success of the organization. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109, 645-648.
  • McGrath, R. G. (2010). Business Models: A Discovery Driven Approach. Long Range Planning, 43, 247-261.
  • Michie, J. ve Sheehan-Quinn, M. (2001). Labour Market Flexibility, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance. British Journal of Management, 12, 287-306.
  • Moakes, S. (2014), The Importance of Optical Media. How CD and DVD changed the way we use media and software. Jamie Sharpe ve Richard Self (Ed.), Computers for Everyone içinde, 111-113.
  • Montgomery, C. A. (2008). Putting Leadership Back into Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 31-39.
  • Munteanu, A-I., Bibu, N., Nastase, M., Cristache, N. ve Matis, C. (2020). Analysis of Practices to Increase the Workforce Agility and to Develop a Sustainable and Competitive Business. Sustainability, 12, 1-14.
  • Myszkowski, N., Storme, M., Davila, A. ve Lubart, T. (2015). Managerial creative problem solving and the Big Five personality traits. Distinguishing divergent and convergent abilities. Journal of Management Development, 34 (6), 674-684.
  • Noble, K. (2021). Getting Hands On with Other Creative Minds’: Establishing a Community of Practice around Primary Art and Design at the Art Museum. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 40 (3), 615-629.
  • Pindur, W., Rogers, S. E. ve Kim, P. S. (1995). The history of management: a global perspective. Journal of Management History, 1 (1), 59-77.
  • Porter, M. E. (2008). On Competition, Boston: Harvard Business Review.
  • Post, J. E. ve Altman, B. W. (1994). Managing the Environmental Change Process: Barriers and Opportunities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 7 (4), 64-81.
  • Rodrigues, C. A. (2001). Fayol's 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing today’s organizations effectively. Management Decision, 39 (10), 880-889.
  • Rustam, F. A. ve Alwan, H. J. (2020). Self-management and their impact on career creativity. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (12), 13-33.
  • SAP (2021). SAP SE Corporate Governance. Erişim: 12.11.2021,
  • Schachter, H. L. (2010). The role played by Frederick Taylor in the rise of the academic management fields. Journal of Management History, 16 (4), 437-448.
  • Shavkun, I. ve Dybchinska, Y. (2019). Efficient manager: creative dimension. Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development, 2 (8), 47-59.
  • Sheedfar, S., Farsani, M. A. ve Dehkordi, R. M. (2014). Comparative Study of the Intuition in the Artist and the Psychological Process of Sublimation in the Creation of Artistic Work in Plato and Freud Viewpoints. Sport and Art, 2 (4), 55-58.
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Year 2023, , 210 - 235, 31.12.2023


In the research conducted by IBM (2010), the world's largest information technology company, it is stated that the most important criterion determining the quality of management is creativity and it is the most important factor for the future success of management. It is seen that businesses that comprehend the importance of art, which is formed as a result of a creative effort, know that art is necessary for management science, and reflect the beneficial qualities of art for management, to the way of management with the right steps, are successful. The aim of this study, instead of solving what management, science and art is conceptually, is to reveal the effect of art on management especially today, with the data of semi-structured interview with managers and with examining the examples of successful businesses which understand that art is necessary for management science by reflecting the features of art that can be useful in the management process. In order to reveal the effect of art on management, a systematic literature review was made by first researching, synthesizing and evaluating the quantitative and qualitative studies on this topic. Secondly, thematic content analysis was conducted with the qualitative analysis program MAXQDA 2020 Analytics Pro, within the framework of semi-structured interview data conducted with the managers of 56 different businesses operating in Turkey. The effect of art on management science is explained in line with the results obtained from the systematic literature review and thematic content analysis made within the framework of the interviews. One of the most important results obtained as a result of the study is the necessity of the managers to reflect the practices and examples presented by the art to the management styles. In line with the results obtained in the study, it is suggested that management science should adopt a management style that is open to creative ideas and that management science should benefit from the appropriate features of art. It is thought that the study will contribute in the context of emphasizing the importance of reflecting art to management styles for a successful management in the light of various examples and supporting this inference as a result of the interview data with the managers.


  • 3M (2021). 3M History. Erişim: 30.10.2021,
  • Adler, N. J. (2006). The Arts & Leadership: Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We Do? Academy of Management Learning & Education, 5 (4), 486-499.
  • Ahmed, M. T. ve Omotunde, H. (2012). Theories And Strategies of Good Decision Making. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 1 (10), 51-54.
  • Ali, B. J. ve Anwar, G. (2021). An Empirical Study of Employees’ Motivation and its Influence Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 5 (2), 21-30.
  • Ambrose, G. ve Harris, P. (2010). Design Thinking, Londra: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
  • Ana, B. C. (2018). Profile of the Perfect Manager – Case Study: Manager of SC Iliana SRL. Annals of The Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Economy Series, 2, 56-64.
  • Andina, T. (2017). Art and Law, Boston: Brill, Leiden.
  • Atkinson, D. M. (2007). A Portrait of the Manager as an Artist, Thinking the Art of Management, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bartlett, C. ve Ghoshal, S. (1992). What Is a Global Manager? Harvard Business Review, 1-10.
  • Bartlett, C. ve Ghoshal, S. (1995). Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Systems to People. Harvard Business Review, 132-142.
  • Berthoin, A. A. ve Ilana, N. B. (2015). Discovering the meaningfulness of art in organizations: Experiences with Add Art Hamburg 2015. Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement, 4 (2), 55-76.
  • Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, Florida: University of South Florida Tampa Library Open Access Collections.
  • Borko, H. (1968). Information Science: What Is It? American Documentation, 3-5.
  • Brenner, W., Uebernickel, F. ve Abrell, T. (2016). Design Thinking as Mindset, Process, and Toolbox, St. Gallen, İsviçre: Springer International Publishing.
  • Brouthers, K. D. ve Roozen, F. A. (1999). Is It Time to Start Thinking About Strategic Accounting? Long Range Planning, 32 (3), 311-322.
  • Buckingham, M. ve Coffman, C. (1999). First, Break all the rules. What the worlds great managers do differently, New York: Simon & Schuster.
  • Burns, T. W., O’Connar, D. J. ve Stocklmayer, S. M. (2003). Science communication: a contemporary definition. Public Understanding of Science, 12, 183-202.
  • Canestraro, N. (2017). The impact of Design Thinking on education: The case of Active Learning Lab, Venedik, İtalya: Ca' Foscari Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Chalmers, A. F. (1999). What is this thing called Science? Cambridge, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
  • Collin, K., Lemmetty, S. ve Riivari, E. (2020). Human resource development practices supporting creativity in Finnish growth organizations. International Journal of Training and Development, 24 (4), 321-336.
  • Collingwood, R. G (1938). The Principles of Art, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Conceiçao, P., Hamill, D., ve Pinheıro, P. (2002). Innovative science and technology commercialization strategies at 3M: a case study. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 19, 25-38.
  • Damanpour, F. ve Schneider, M. (2006). Phases of the Adoption of Innovation in Organizations: Effects of Environment, Organization and Top Managers. British Journal of Management, 17, 215-236.
  • Davenport, T. H. (1993). Process Innovation. Reengineering Work through Information Technology. Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Demenev, D. N., Isaev, A. A., ve Ryabinova, S. V. (2018). Measure of Conventionality as the Basis of Creative Approach to Painting. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2042-2049.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1980). Managing in turbulent times, New York: Harper & Row.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1999). Managing Oneself. Harvard Business Review, 15-28.
  • Ferraris, A., Vrontis, D., Belyaeva, Z., De Bernardı, P. ve Ozek, H. (2021). Innovation within the food companies: how creative partnerships may conduct to better performances? British Food Journal, 123 (1), 143-158.
  • Friedman, S. D. (2008). Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life. Harvard Business Review, 1-12.
  • Galunic, C. (2020). Scanning and Sensemaking. Backstage Leadership: The Invisible Work of Highly Effective Leaders. Nature Public Health Emergency Collection, 25-66.
  • Gerber, J. (2019). Prototype the Future of Your Business With This 4-Step Design Exercise. Erişim: 1.11.2021,
  • Ghasemzadeh, K., Bunjak, A., Bortoluzzi, G. ve Cerne, M. (2020). Efficaciously smuggling ideas: untangling the relationship between Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, Creative Bootlegging and Embedded Lead Users. International Journal of Innovation Management, 1-29.
  • Godvin, A., Handsome, O. E., Ayomide, W. A., Enobong, A. E. ve Johnson, F. O. (2017). Application of the Henri Fayol Principles of Management in Startup Organizations. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19 (10), 78-85.
  • Hand, H. H. ve Slocum JR, J. W. (1972). A Longitudinal Study of The Effects Of a Human Relations Training Program On Managerial Effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 56 (5), 412-417.
  • Ho, J. C. ve Chen, H. (2018). Managing the Disruptive and Sustaining the Disrupted: The Case of Kodak and Fujifilm in the Face of Digital Disruption: Managing Disruptive Sustaining Disrupted. Review of Policy Research, 35 (3), 1-20.
  • Hovenkampt, H. (2005). Exclusion and the Sherman Act. The University of Chicago Law Review, 72,147-164.
  • Hrncirik, J. (2020). Why Did Kodak Go Bankrupt? New York: State University of New York Empire State College, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Hyde, P, Harris, C., Boaden, R. ve Cortvrıend, P. (2009). Human relations management, expectations and healthcare: A qualitative study. Human Relations, 62 (5), 701-725.
  • IBM (2010). IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Creativity Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future Success. Erişim: 1.11.2021,
  • IDEO (2019). IDEO at a Glance. Erişim: 1.11.2021,
  • Immink, K. A. S. (2018). How we made the compact disc. Nature Electronics, 1, 260.
  • Kerrigan, S. ve McIntyre, P. (2010). The creative treatment of actuality: Rationalizing and reconceptualizing the notion of creativity for documentary practice. Journal of Media Practice, 11 (2), 111-130.
  • Kerry, T. ve Murdoch, A. (1992). Approaches to Positive Management: Some Implications for Training Education Managers. Journal of In-Service Education, 18 (1), 4-8.
  • Kim, H. (2015). Community and art: creative education fostering resilience through art. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16, 193-201.
  • Kirkegaard, M. L., Kines, P., Jeschke, K. C. ve Jensen, K. A. (2020). Risk Perceptions and Safety Cultures in the Handling of Nanomaterials in Academia and Industry. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 64 (5), 479-489.
  • Koontz, H. (1961). The Management Theory Jungle. Journal of the Academy of Management, 4 (3), 174-188.
  • Lense, J. ve Thirring, H. (1918). On the influence of the proper rotation of a central body on the motion of the planets and the moon, according to Einstein’s theory of gravitation. Zeitschrift für Physik, 156-163.
  • Maier, A., Brad, S., Nicoara, D. ve Maier, D. (2014). Innovation by developing human resources, ensuring the competitiveness and success of the organization. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109, 645-648.
  • McGrath, R. G. (2010). Business Models: A Discovery Driven Approach. Long Range Planning, 43, 247-261.
  • Michie, J. ve Sheehan-Quinn, M. (2001). Labour Market Flexibility, Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance. British Journal of Management, 12, 287-306.
  • Moakes, S. (2014), The Importance of Optical Media. How CD and DVD changed the way we use media and software. Jamie Sharpe ve Richard Self (Ed.), Computers for Everyone içinde, 111-113.
  • Montgomery, C. A. (2008). Putting Leadership Back into Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 31-39.
  • Munteanu, A-I., Bibu, N., Nastase, M., Cristache, N. ve Matis, C. (2020). Analysis of Practices to Increase the Workforce Agility and to Develop a Sustainable and Competitive Business. Sustainability, 12, 1-14.
  • Myszkowski, N., Storme, M., Davila, A. ve Lubart, T. (2015). Managerial creative problem solving and the Big Five personality traits. Distinguishing divergent and convergent abilities. Journal of Management Development, 34 (6), 674-684.
  • Noble, K. (2021). Getting Hands On with Other Creative Minds’: Establishing a Community of Practice around Primary Art and Design at the Art Museum. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 40 (3), 615-629.
  • Pindur, W., Rogers, S. E. ve Kim, P. S. (1995). The history of management: a global perspective. Journal of Management History, 1 (1), 59-77.
  • Porter, M. E. (2008). On Competition, Boston: Harvard Business Review.
  • Post, J. E. ve Altman, B. W. (1994). Managing the Environmental Change Process: Barriers and Opportunities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 7 (4), 64-81.
  • Rodrigues, C. A. (2001). Fayol's 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing today’s organizations effectively. Management Decision, 39 (10), 880-889.
  • Rustam, F. A. ve Alwan, H. J. (2020). Self-management and their impact on career creativity. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (12), 13-33.
  • SAP (2021). SAP SE Corporate Governance. Erişim: 12.11.2021,
  • Schachter, H. L. (2010). The role played by Frederick Taylor in the rise of the academic management fields. Journal of Management History, 16 (4), 437-448.
  • Shavkun, I. ve Dybchinska, Y. (2019). Efficient manager: creative dimension. Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development, 2 (8), 47-59.
  • Sheedfar, S., Farsani, M. A. ve Dehkordi, R. M. (2014). Comparative Study of the Intuition in the Artist and the Psychological Process of Sublimation in the Creation of Artistic Work in Plato and Freud Viewpoints. Sport and Art, 2 (4), 55-58.
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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayça Uğur 0000-0001-7572-4773

Andaç Toksoy 0000-0002-9854-7682

Early Pub Date December 29, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date May 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Uğur, A., & Toksoy, A. (2023). SANATIN YÖNETİM BİLİMİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Journal of Economics Business and International Relations-JEBI, 2(2), 210-235.