Research Article
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The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity

Year 2022, , 221 - 234, 16.01.2023


Social identity is the part of an individual's self-perception of membership in a social group and it develops through the socialization process. People interact with many different socialization agents such as family, school, friends, mass media, work, and professional groups. In the twenty-first century, socialization has not been able to escape the influence of digital technologies, and they have been considered an alternative to traditional socialization channels. Web 2.0 technologies have become an essential source of online socialization. However, the question of whether online socialization (OS) impacts the formation of online social identities (OSI) is quite limited in the literature. Therefore, this study examined the effects of internet addiction (IA) and the average time spent on social media (ATSM) (as online socialization) on OSI, and the mediate effect of the time spent on the internet when young people are together with their family members (TSIWTF). A quantitative method was used, and data were collected from 272 university students. According to the study results, there is a relationship between OS and OSI, and TSIWTF partly mediates this relation.


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There are 104 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Articles

Işıl Avşar Arık 0000-0002-3974-693X

Birsen Şahin Kütük 0000-0002-6337-2528

Publication Date January 16, 2023
Submission Date January 24, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Avşar Arık, I., & Şahin Kütük, B. (2023). The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(66), 221-234.
AMA Avşar Arık I, Şahin Kütük B. The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. January 2023;(66):221-234. doi:10.26650/JECS2022-1062465
Chicago Avşar Arık, Işıl, and Birsen Şahin Kütük. “The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66 (January 2023): 221-34.
EndNote Avşar Arık I, Şahin Kütük B (January 1, 2023) The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 66 221–234.
IEEE I. Avşar Arık and B. Şahin Kütük, “The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66, pp. 221–234, January 2023, doi: 10.26650/JECS2022-1062465.
ISNAD Avşar Arık, Işıl - Şahin Kütük, Birsen. “The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 66 (January 2023), 221-234.
JAMA Avşar Arık I, Şahin Kütük B. The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023;:221–234.
MLA Avşar Arık, Işıl and Birsen Şahin Kütük. “The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 66, 2023, pp. 221-34, doi:10.26650/JECS2022-1062465.
Vancouver Avşar Arık I, Şahin Kütük B. The Relationship Between Online Socialization and Online Social Identity. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023(66):221-34.