Research Article
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Year 2018, Issue: 14, 1 - 14, 25.07.2018



  • Arpacık, Ö., Kurşun, E., & Göktaş, Y. (2013). Experience of Development Materials Suitable With Interactive Boards for Students with Learning Disability: A Case Study. Paper presented at the 1st International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium, Trabzon.
  • Avcı, U. (2009). Öğretim Ortamları ve Materyal Tasarımı. In M. Sarıtaş (Ed.), Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı (Vol. 2 Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Bishop, M. E. (1999). Teaching Students Who Have Mental Retardation. Catechist, 32, 1.
  • Boyle, J., & Scanlon, D. (2009). Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: A Case-Based Approach. In. Retrieved from
  • Braddock, D., Rizzolo, M. C., Thompson, M., & Bell, R. (2004). Emerging Technologies and Cognitive Disability Journal of Special Education Technology, 19(4), 14.
  • Çelik, L. (2007). Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Dale, E. (1969). Audiovisual methods in teaching. New York: Dryden Press.
  • Davies, D. K., Stock, S. E., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2004). Computer-Mediated, Self-Directed Computer Training and Skill Assessment for Individuals With Mental Retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 16(1), 11.
  • Eripek, S. (1998). Zihinsel Engelliler. In S. Eripek (Ed.), Özel Eğitim (pp. 39-54). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Fore, C., Martin, C., & N. Bender, W. (2002). Teacher Burnout In Special Education: The Causes and The Recommended Solutions (Vol. 86).
  • Gönener, H. D., Güler, Y., Altay, B., & Açıl, A. (2010). Zihinsel Engelli Çocukların Evde Bakımı ve Hemşirelik Yaklaşımı. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi, 16(2), 9.
  • Güven, M. (2008). Öğretim Materyali ve Tasarım Süreci. In K. Selvi (Ed.), Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı. Ankara.
  • Jeffs, T., Behrmann, M., & Bannan-Ritland, B. (2006). Assistive Technology and Literacy Learning: Reflections of Parents and Children. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21, 8.
  • Jeffs, T., Morrison, W. F., Messenheimer, T., Rizza, M. G., & Banister, S. (2003). A Retrospective Analysis of Technological Advancements in Special Education. Computers in the Schools, 20(1-2), 129-152. doi:10.1300/J025v20n01_10
  • Kodal, B. (2006). Eskişehir İlinde Otistik Çocuklarla Çalışan Özel Eğitim Öğretmenlerinin Yaşadıkları Sorunlar Ve Sorunların Çözümüne İlişkin Görüşleri. (Doktora), Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Koşar, E., Yüksel, S., Özkılıç, R., Sarıtaş, M., Şentürk, A., & Çiğdem, H. (2005). Eğitim Ortam Tasarımı, Araç-Gereç ve Materyal Özellikleri. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Lopresti, E. F., Bodine, C., & Lewis, C. (2008). Assistive technology for cognition [Understanding the Needs of Persons with Disabilities]. IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Magazine, 11.
  • Mosito, C. P., Warnick, A. M., & Esambe, E. E. (2017). Enhancing reading abilities of learners with intellectual impairments through computer technology. African Journal of Disability, 6(1), 10. doi:10.4102/ajod.v6i0.206
  • Özen, A. (2012). Özel Gereksinimli Bireyler. In E. T. İftar (Ed.), Özel Gereksinimli Bireyler ve Bakım Hizmetleri. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Roblyer, M. D., & Edwards, J. (2000). Integrating educational technology into teaching. In: Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Rogers Everett, M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations. New York, 12.
  • Rose, D. H., Hasselbring, T. S., Stahl, S., & Zabala, J. (2005). Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning: Two Sides of the Same Coin In D. Edyburn, K. Higgins, & R. Boone (Eds.), Handbook of special education technology research and practice (pp. 13). Whitefish Bay: WI: Knowledge by Design.
  • Stahl, B. C., Rogerson, S., & Wakunuma, K. J. (2009). Future Technologies: The Matter of Emergent Ethical Issues in Their Development. Paper presented at the 2009 Computation World: Future Computing, Service Computation, Cognitive, Adaptive, Content, Patterns, Athens.
  • Şahin, F., & Şahin, D. (2012). Engelli Bireylerle Çalışan Özel Eğitim Öğretmenlerinin Tükenmişlik Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 1(2), 20.
  • Tekinarslan, E., & Yıkılmış, A. (2005). Özel Eğitim Kurumlarında Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Teknoloji Kullanımına Yönelik Görüşleri ve Beklentileri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(11), 10.
  • Tekinarslan, İ. Ç. (2012). Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Öğrenciler In İ. H. Diken (Ed.), Özel Eğitime Gereksinimi Olan Öğrenciler ve Özel Eğitim. Ankara.
  • Tuncer, T., & Altunay, B. (2012). Doğrudan Öğretim Modelinde Kavram Öğretimi. Ankara: KÖK Yayıncılık.
  • Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2006). Using a Computer-Adapted, Conceptually Based History Text to Increase Comprehension and Problem-Solving Skills of Students with Disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21(2), 12.
  • Uzun, C., Kaya, K. Y., Kurşun, E., & Cagiltay, K. (2011). Critical Points And Dynamics Of Instructional Design And Development Process In The Creation Of Learning Material For Teaching Basic Concepts To Students With Mental Disabilities Via Multitouch Screen. Paper presented at the 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, Fırat University, ELAZIĞ- TURKEY
  • Wiley, B., Cameron, D., Gulati, S., & Hogg, A. (2016). Exploring the use of tablets (iPads) with children and young adults with disabilities in Trinidad. Disability and Rehabilitation-Assistive Technology, 11(1), 32-37. doi:10.3109/17483107.2014.914251
  • Williams, P., & Nicholas, D. (2006). Testing the usability of information technology applications with learners with special educational needs (SEN). Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 6(1), 11. World Report on Disability. (2011). Retrieved from Malta:
  • Yıldız, S. (2010). Bilgi ve İetişim Teknolojileri Yoluyla Özürlüler İçin Geleceğe Bir Kapı Açmak. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(11), 9.

Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability

Year 2018, Issue: 14, 1 - 14, 25.07.2018


The use of interactive white boards (IWB)
in schools has become widespread in recent years. One aim of using IWB is to
increase efficiency in education through the use of technology. As for all
schools, there is a need for special education schools to use these IWBs. According
to the literature, the use of technology in the education of students with
disabilities makes a very significant difference for them. This study focuses
on the impact of courses assisted by multi-media materials presented through IWB
on the education of intellectually disabled students in terms of (1) students’
participation and (2) teachers’ teaching practices in the classroom. Participants
of this study consisted of four students and two teachers. From the results, it
can be seen that the use of IWBs in the education of students with intellectual
disabilities has both advantages and disadvantages. Interaction with IWB, large
objects, multimedia support were positive effects on students. However, teachers
had some trouble with class management at the beginning, but they were able to
overcome these problems over time.


  • Arpacık, Ö., Kurşun, E., & Göktaş, Y. (2013). Experience of Development Materials Suitable With Interactive Boards for Students with Learning Disability: A Case Study. Paper presented at the 1st International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium, Trabzon.
  • Avcı, U. (2009). Öğretim Ortamları ve Materyal Tasarımı. In M. Sarıtaş (Ed.), Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı (Vol. 2 Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Bishop, M. E. (1999). Teaching Students Who Have Mental Retardation. Catechist, 32, 1.
  • Boyle, J., & Scanlon, D. (2009). Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: A Case-Based Approach. In. Retrieved from
  • Braddock, D., Rizzolo, M. C., Thompson, M., & Bell, R. (2004). Emerging Technologies and Cognitive Disability Journal of Special Education Technology, 19(4), 14.
  • Çelik, L. (2007). Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Dale, E. (1969). Audiovisual methods in teaching. New York: Dryden Press.
  • Davies, D. K., Stock, S. E., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2004). Computer-Mediated, Self-Directed Computer Training and Skill Assessment for Individuals With Mental Retardation. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 16(1), 11.
  • Eripek, S. (1998). Zihinsel Engelliler. In S. Eripek (Ed.), Özel Eğitim (pp. 39-54). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Fore, C., Martin, C., & N. Bender, W. (2002). Teacher Burnout In Special Education: The Causes and The Recommended Solutions (Vol. 86).
  • Gönener, H. D., Güler, Y., Altay, B., & Açıl, A. (2010). Zihinsel Engelli Çocukların Evde Bakımı ve Hemşirelik Yaklaşımı. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi, 16(2), 9.
  • Güven, M. (2008). Öğretim Materyali ve Tasarım Süreci. In K. Selvi (Ed.), Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Tasarımı. Ankara.
  • Jeffs, T., Behrmann, M., & Bannan-Ritland, B. (2006). Assistive Technology and Literacy Learning: Reflections of Parents and Children. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21, 8.
  • Jeffs, T., Morrison, W. F., Messenheimer, T., Rizza, M. G., & Banister, S. (2003). A Retrospective Analysis of Technological Advancements in Special Education. Computers in the Schools, 20(1-2), 129-152. doi:10.1300/J025v20n01_10
  • Kodal, B. (2006). Eskişehir İlinde Otistik Çocuklarla Çalışan Özel Eğitim Öğretmenlerinin Yaşadıkları Sorunlar Ve Sorunların Çözümüne İlişkin Görüşleri. (Doktora), Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
  • Koşar, E., Yüksel, S., Özkılıç, R., Sarıtaş, M., Şentürk, A., & Çiğdem, H. (2005). Eğitim Ortam Tasarımı, Araç-Gereç ve Materyal Özellikleri. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Lopresti, E. F., Bodine, C., & Lewis, C. (2008). Assistive technology for cognition [Understanding the Needs of Persons with Disabilities]. IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Magazine, 11.
  • Mosito, C. P., Warnick, A. M., & Esambe, E. E. (2017). Enhancing reading abilities of learners with intellectual impairments through computer technology. African Journal of Disability, 6(1), 10. doi:10.4102/ajod.v6i0.206
  • Özen, A. (2012). Özel Gereksinimli Bireyler. In E. T. İftar (Ed.), Özel Gereksinimli Bireyler ve Bakım Hizmetleri. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi.
  • Roblyer, M. D., & Edwards, J. (2000). Integrating educational technology into teaching. In: Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Rogers Everett, M. (1995). Diffusion of innovations. New York, 12.
  • Rose, D. H., Hasselbring, T. S., Stahl, S., & Zabala, J. (2005). Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning: Two Sides of the Same Coin In D. Edyburn, K. Higgins, & R. Boone (Eds.), Handbook of special education technology research and practice (pp. 13). Whitefish Bay: WI: Knowledge by Design.
  • Stahl, B. C., Rogerson, S., & Wakunuma, K. J. (2009). Future Technologies: The Matter of Emergent Ethical Issues in Their Development. Paper presented at the 2009 Computation World: Future Computing, Service Computation, Cognitive, Adaptive, Content, Patterns, Athens.
  • Şahin, F., & Şahin, D. (2012). Engelli Bireylerle Çalışan Özel Eğitim Öğretmenlerinin Tükenmişlik Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 1(2), 20.
  • Tekinarslan, E., & Yıkılmış, A. (2005). Özel Eğitim Kurumlarında Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Teknoloji Kullanımına Yönelik Görüşleri ve Beklentileri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(11), 10.
  • Tekinarslan, İ. Ç. (2012). Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Öğrenciler In İ. H. Diken (Ed.), Özel Eğitime Gereksinimi Olan Öğrenciler ve Özel Eğitim. Ankara.
  • Tuncer, T., & Altunay, B. (2012). Doğrudan Öğretim Modelinde Kavram Öğretimi. Ankara: KÖK Yayıncılık.
  • Twyman, T., & Tindal, G. (2006). Using a Computer-Adapted, Conceptually Based History Text to Increase Comprehension and Problem-Solving Skills of Students with Disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21(2), 12.
  • Uzun, C., Kaya, K. Y., Kurşun, E., & Cagiltay, K. (2011). Critical Points And Dynamics Of Instructional Design And Development Process In The Creation Of Learning Material For Teaching Basic Concepts To Students With Mental Disabilities Via Multitouch Screen. Paper presented at the 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, Fırat University, ELAZIĞ- TURKEY
  • Wiley, B., Cameron, D., Gulati, S., & Hogg, A. (2016). Exploring the use of tablets (iPads) with children and young adults with disabilities in Trinidad. Disability and Rehabilitation-Assistive Technology, 11(1), 32-37. doi:10.3109/17483107.2014.914251
  • Williams, P., & Nicholas, D. (2006). Testing the usability of information technology applications with learners with special educational needs (SEN). Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 6(1), 11. World Report on Disability. (2011). Retrieved from Malta:
  • Yıldız, S. (2010). Bilgi ve İetişim Teknolojileri Yoluyla Özürlüler İçin Geleceğe Bir Kapı Açmak. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(11), 9.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ömer Arpacık

Engin Kurşun

Yüksel Göktaş This is me

Publication Date July 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 14


APA Arpacık, Ö., Kurşun, E., & Göktaş, Y. (2018). Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Education and Future(14), 1-14.
AMA Arpacık Ö, Kurşun E, Göktaş Y. Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability. JEF. July 2018;(14):1-14. doi:10.30786/jef.418054
Chicago Arpacık, Ömer, Engin Kurşun, and Yüksel Göktaş. “Using Interactive Whiteboards As an Assistive Technology for Students With Intellectual Disability”. Journal of Education and Future, no. 14 (July 2018): 1-14.
EndNote Arpacık Ö, Kurşun E, Göktaş Y (July 1, 2018) Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Education and Future 14 1–14.
IEEE Ö. Arpacık, E. Kurşun, and Y. Göktaş, “Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability”, JEF, no. 14, pp. 1–14, July 2018, doi: 10.30786/jef.418054.
ISNAD Arpacık, Ömer et al. “Using Interactive Whiteboards As an Assistive Technology for Students With Intellectual Disability”. Journal of Education and Future 14 (July 2018), 1-14.
JAMA Arpacık Ö, Kurşun E, Göktaş Y. Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability. JEF. 2018;:1–14.
MLA Arpacık, Ömer et al. “Using Interactive Whiteboards As an Assistive Technology for Students With Intellectual Disability”. Journal of Education and Future, no. 14, 2018, pp. 1-14, doi:10.30786/jef.418054.
Vancouver Arpacık Ö, Kurşun E, Göktaş Y. Using Interactive Whiteboards as an Assistive Technology for Students with Intellectual Disability. JEF. 2018(14):1-14.

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