Research Article
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The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning

Year 2020, , 1471 - 1482, 15.12.2020


The use of interesting instructional media such comics can affect students' motivation. However, insufficient instructional media can demotivate students in learning. The purposes of this study were to produce a folklore-based comic, to determine the feasibility and students’ response to the comic, and to describe the increasing of students’ motivation after using the comic. The study was conducted at Senior High School 1 Muaro Jambi and the participants were 25 science students of grade 11th in 2019. The type of research was used pre-test and post-test single group design model. The ADDIE model used for prepared instructional designs of folklore-based comics. The folklore-based comic instructional designs validated by material and instructional media experts before being implemented to students. The data of experts’ validations, students’ responses and motivations were collected by using questionnaire of experts’ validation, students’ responses, and students’ motivation. The result of this study is Newton’s law comic based on Indonesian folklore, Orang Kayo Hitam, that originated from Jambi region. The result of material validation is X ̅=3.77 in the good category and instructional media validation is X ̅=3.62 in the good category. The assessment of students in the form of response questionnaire is X ̅=4.31 in the very good category. The gain value of students’ motivation after using the comic is 0.39 in the medium category. It can be concluded that the folklore-based comic is feasible to use in learning and get positive responses from the students. The comic also can be used as an alternative medium to increase students’ motivation significantly (t(24)=-5.185, p<.005) and assist them to understand Newton’s law concepts easier.

Supporting Institution

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Jambi University


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  • Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional design: The ADDIE approach. New York: Springer.
  • Chang, K. E., Chen, Y. L., Lin, H. Y., & Sung, Y. T. (2008). Effects of learning support in simulation-based physics learning. Computers and Education, 51(4), 1486–1498.
  • Chiu, J. L., Dejaegher, C. J., & Chao, J. (2015). The effects of augmented virtual science laboratories on middle school students’ understanding of gas properties. Computers and Education, 85, 59–73.
  • Deashara, A. (2016). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik Foto untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI Program Studi Akuntansi SMK Negeri 1 Godean Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 (The Development of Photo Comic Learning Media to Increase Student Motivation for Class XI Accounting Study Program at SMK Negeri 1 Godean Academic Year 2015/2016). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  • Edd, R. K. (2015). The Role of Critical Thinking in Reader Perceptions of Leadership in Comic Books. 2(1).
  • Eryilmaz, A., Yildiz, I., & Sedef, A. (2010). Investigating of relationships between attitudes towards physics laboratories, motivation and amotivation for the class engagement. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 1(1), 59–64.
  • Fadieny, N., & Fauzi, A. (2019). The analysis of instructional media in development of lightning e-module for Physics learning in Senior High School. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1185(1).
  • González, M., González, M., Martín, M. E., Llamas, C., Martínez, Ó., Vegas, J., Herguedas, M., & Hernández, C. (2015). Teaching and learning physics with smartphones. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31–50.
  • Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66(1), 64–74.
  • Hanachor, M. E., & Needom, R. A. (2015). Potentials of selected information and communication technologies in adult education programmes in Nigeria. Handbook of Research on Enhancing Teacher Education with Advanced Instructional Technologies, 34–56.
  • Haroky, F., Amirta, P. D., Handayani, D. P., Kuswanto, H., & Wardani, R. (2020). Creating physics comic media dol (a Bengkulu local wisdom musical instrument) in sound wave topic. 050004.
  • Hosler, J., & Boomer, K. B. (2011). Are Comic Books an Effective Way to Engage Non majors in Learning and Appreciating Science? CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10(3), 309–317.
  • Ilyana, S. (2016). Pengembangan Komik Edukasi “Impian Moni” sebagai Media Pembelajaran Literasi Keuangan Kompetensi Anggaran Pribadi untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar (The Development of the Educational Comic "Impian Moni" as a Learning Media for Financial Literacy on Personal Budget Competencies for Elementary School Students). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  • Kennepohl, D., & Roesky, H. W. (2008). Drawing Attention with Chemistry Cartoons. Journal of Chemical Education, 85(10), 1355.
  • Kumaran, D., Summerfield, J. J., Hassabis, D., & Maguire, E. A. (2009). Tracking the Emergence of Conceptual Knowledge during Human Decision Making. Neuron, 63(6), 889–901.
  • Lana, S., Rahman, R. A., & Widodo, R. D. (2019). Comic Learning Media Development in Efforts To Grow Literacy Culture and Environmental Care Attitude for Elementary School Student. Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series, 1(2), 454.
  • Lin, S. F., Lin, H. shyang, Lee, L., & Yore, L. D. (2015). Are Science Comics a Good Medium for Science Communication? The Case for Public Learning of Nanotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 5(3), 276–294.
  • Matuk, C., Hurwich, T., Spiegel, A., & Diamond, J. (2019). How Do Teachers Use Comics to Promote Engagement, Equity, and Diversity in Science Classrooms? Research in Science Education.
  • Maxwell, S. E., Delaney, H. D., & Kelley, K. (2018). Designing experiments and analyzing data: A model comparison perspective. Routledge.
  • McDermott, J. E., Partridge, M., & Bromberg, Y. (2018). Ten simple rules for drawing scientific comics. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(1), e1005845.
  • Nikmah, S., Haroky, F., Jumadi, Wilujeng, I., & Kuswanto, H. (2019). Development of Android Comic Media for the Chapter of Newton’s Gravity to Map Learning Motivation of Students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1233(1).
  • Ntobuo, N. E., Arbie, A., & Amali, L. N. (2018). The development of gravity comic learning media based on gorontalo culture. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(2), 246–251.
  • Ozdemir, E. (2017). Humor in elementary science: Development and evaluation of comic strips about sound. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9, 837-850.
  • Pardimin, & Widodo, S.A. (2017). Development Comic Based Problem Solving in Geometry. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education,12(3), 233–241.
  • Piaw, C. Y. (2012). Using Content-based Humorous Cartoons in Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Reading Rate, Comprehension and Motivation: It is a Wrong Technique? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 64, 352–361.
  • Setiawan, B., Innatesari, D. K., Sabtiawan, W. B., & Sudarmin, S. (2017). The development of local wisdom-based natural science module to improve science literation of students. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 6(1), 49–54.
  • Shiang, K. W., & Hui, Y. H. (2009). Using the ADDIE Model to Design Second Life Activities for Online Learners. TechTrends, 53(6), 76–81.
  • Spiegel, A. N., McQuillan, J., Halpin, P., Matuk, C., & Diamond, J. (2013). Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. Research in Science Education, 43(6), 2309–2326.
  • Stanton, E. C., Anthony, S. B., Gage, M. J., & Harper, I. H. (1887). History of Women Suffrage, Vol. 4. 5(1), 793.
  • Sukmahidayanti, T. (2015). The Utilization of Instructional Media in Teaching English to Young Learners( A Case Study of an Elementary School Teacher in Bandung ). 3(2), 90–100.
  • Tatalovic, M. (2009). Science comics as tools for science education and communication: A brief, exploratory study. Journal of Science Communication, 8(4).
  • Tilley, C. L. (2008). Reading Comics. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 24(9), 23-26.
  • Toh, T. L., Cheng, L. P., Jiang, H., & Lim, K. M. (2016). Use of Comics and Storytelling in Teaching Mathematics. In P. C. Toh & B. Kaur, Developing 21st Century Competencies in the Mathematics Classroom (pp. 241–259).
  • Walyani. (2015). Panduan materi kesehatan reproduksi dan keluarga berencana. In Pustaka Baru Press (Guidelines for reproductive health and family planning materials).
  • Widodo, S. A. (2018). Selection of Learning Media Mathematics for Junior School Students. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, 17(1), 154–160.
Year 2020, , 1471 - 1482, 15.12.2020



  • Aikenhead, G. S., & Jegede, O. J. (1999). Cross-cultural science education: A cognitive explanation of a cultural phenomenon. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(3), 269–287.<269::AID-TEA3>3.0.CO;2-T
  • Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional design: The ADDIE approach. New York: Springer.
  • Chang, K. E., Chen, Y. L., Lin, H. Y., & Sung, Y. T. (2008). Effects of learning support in simulation-based physics learning. Computers and Education, 51(4), 1486–1498.
  • Chiu, J. L., Dejaegher, C. J., & Chao, J. (2015). The effects of augmented virtual science laboratories on middle school students’ understanding of gas properties. Computers and Education, 85, 59–73.
  • Deashara, A. (2016). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik Foto untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI Program Studi Akuntansi SMK Negeri 1 Godean Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 (The Development of Photo Comic Learning Media to Increase Student Motivation for Class XI Accounting Study Program at SMK Negeri 1 Godean Academic Year 2015/2016). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  • Edd, R. K. (2015). The Role of Critical Thinking in Reader Perceptions of Leadership in Comic Books. 2(1).
  • Eryilmaz, A., Yildiz, I., & Sedef, A. (2010). Investigating of relationships between attitudes towards physics laboratories, motivation and amotivation for the class engagement. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 1(1), 59–64.
  • Fadieny, N., & Fauzi, A. (2019). The analysis of instructional media in development of lightning e-module for Physics learning in Senior High School. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1185(1).
  • González, M., González, M., Martín, M. E., Llamas, C., Martínez, Ó., Vegas, J., Herguedas, M., & Hernández, C. (2015). Teaching and learning physics with smartphones. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31–50.
  • Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66(1), 64–74.
  • Hanachor, M. E., & Needom, R. A. (2015). Potentials of selected information and communication technologies in adult education programmes in Nigeria. Handbook of Research on Enhancing Teacher Education with Advanced Instructional Technologies, 34–56.
  • Haroky, F., Amirta, P. D., Handayani, D. P., Kuswanto, H., & Wardani, R. (2020). Creating physics comic media dol (a Bengkulu local wisdom musical instrument) in sound wave topic. 050004.
  • Hosler, J., & Boomer, K. B. (2011). Are Comic Books an Effective Way to Engage Non majors in Learning and Appreciating Science? CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10(3), 309–317.
  • Ilyana, S. (2016). Pengembangan Komik Edukasi “Impian Moni” sebagai Media Pembelajaran Literasi Keuangan Kompetensi Anggaran Pribadi untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar (The Development of the Educational Comic "Impian Moni" as a Learning Media for Financial Literacy on Personal Budget Competencies for Elementary School Students). Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta.
  • Kennepohl, D., & Roesky, H. W. (2008). Drawing Attention with Chemistry Cartoons. Journal of Chemical Education, 85(10), 1355.
  • Kumaran, D., Summerfield, J. J., Hassabis, D., & Maguire, E. A. (2009). Tracking the Emergence of Conceptual Knowledge during Human Decision Making. Neuron, 63(6), 889–901.
  • Lana, S., Rahman, R. A., & Widodo, R. D. (2019). Comic Learning Media Development in Efforts To Grow Literacy Culture and Environmental Care Attitude for Elementary School Student. Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series, 1(2), 454.
  • Lin, S. F., Lin, H. shyang, Lee, L., & Yore, L. D. (2015). Are Science Comics a Good Medium for Science Communication? The Case for Public Learning of Nanotechnology. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 5(3), 276–294.
  • Matuk, C., Hurwich, T., Spiegel, A., & Diamond, J. (2019). How Do Teachers Use Comics to Promote Engagement, Equity, and Diversity in Science Classrooms? Research in Science Education.
  • Maxwell, S. E., Delaney, H. D., & Kelley, K. (2018). Designing experiments and analyzing data: A model comparison perspective. Routledge.
  • McDermott, J. E., Partridge, M., & Bromberg, Y. (2018). Ten simple rules for drawing scientific comics. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(1), e1005845.
  • Nikmah, S., Haroky, F., Jumadi, Wilujeng, I., & Kuswanto, H. (2019). Development of Android Comic Media for the Chapter of Newton’s Gravity to Map Learning Motivation of Students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1233(1).
  • Ntobuo, N. E., Arbie, A., & Amali, L. N. (2018). The development of gravity comic learning media based on gorontalo culture. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(2), 246–251.
  • Ozdemir, E. (2017). Humor in elementary science: Development and evaluation of comic strips about sound. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9, 837-850.
  • Pardimin, & Widodo, S.A. (2017). Development Comic Based Problem Solving in Geometry. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education,12(3), 233–241.
  • Piaw, C. Y. (2012). Using Content-based Humorous Cartoons in Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Reading Rate, Comprehension and Motivation: It is a Wrong Technique? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 64, 352–361.
  • Setiawan, B., Innatesari, D. K., Sabtiawan, W. B., & Sudarmin, S. (2017). The development of local wisdom-based natural science module to improve science literation of students. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 6(1), 49–54.
  • Shiang, K. W., & Hui, Y. H. (2009). Using the ADDIE Model to Design Second Life Activities for Online Learners. TechTrends, 53(6), 76–81.
  • Spiegel, A. N., McQuillan, J., Halpin, P., Matuk, C., & Diamond, J. (2013). Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics. Research in Science Education, 43(6), 2309–2326.
  • Stanton, E. C., Anthony, S. B., Gage, M. J., & Harper, I. H. (1887). History of Women Suffrage, Vol. 4. 5(1), 793.
  • Sukmahidayanti, T. (2015). The Utilization of Instructional Media in Teaching English to Young Learners( A Case Study of an Elementary School Teacher in Bandung ). 3(2), 90–100.
  • Tatalovic, M. (2009). Science comics as tools for science education and communication: A brief, exploratory study. Journal of Science Communication, 8(4).
  • Tilley, C. L. (2008). Reading Comics. School Library Media Activities Monthly, 24(9), 23-26.
  • Toh, T. L., Cheng, L. P., Jiang, H., & Lim, K. M. (2016). Use of Comics and Storytelling in Teaching Mathematics. In P. C. Toh & B. Kaur, Developing 21st Century Competencies in the Mathematics Classroom (pp. 241–259).
  • Walyani. (2015). Panduan materi kesehatan reproduksi dan keluarga berencana. In Pustaka Baru Press (Guidelines for reproductive health and family planning materials).
  • Widodo, S. A. (2018). Selection of Learning Media Mathematics for Junior School Students. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, 17(1), 154–160.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Differentiated Instruction

Haerul Pathoni This is me 0000-0001-8212-3466

Alrizal Alrizal 0000-0002-1386-003X

Syasmita Febriyanti This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Pathoni, H., Alrizal, A., & Febriyanti, S. (2020). The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(4), 1471-1482.
AMA Pathoni H, Alrizal A, Febriyanti S. The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning. JEGYS. December 2020;8(4):1471-1482. doi:10.17478/jegys.770665
Chicago Pathoni, Haerul, Alrizal Alrizal, and Syasmita Febriyanti. “The Folklore-Based Comic to Increase Students’ Motivation in Physics Learning”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8, no. 4 (December 2020): 1471-82.
EndNote Pathoni H, Alrizal A, Febriyanti S (December 1, 2020) The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 4 1471–1482.
IEEE H. Pathoni, A. Alrizal, and S. Febriyanti, “The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning”, JEGYS, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1471–1482, 2020, doi: 10.17478/jegys.770665.
ISNAD Pathoni, Haerul et al. “The Folklore-Based Comic to Increase Students’ Motivation in Physics Learning”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8/4 (December 2020), 1471-1482.
JAMA Pathoni H, Alrizal A, Febriyanti S. The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning. JEGYS. 2020;8:1471–1482.
MLA Pathoni, Haerul et al. “The Folklore-Based Comic to Increase Students’ Motivation in Physics Learning”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 8, no. 4, 2020, pp. 1471-82, doi:10.17478/jegys.770665.
Vancouver Pathoni H, Alrizal A, Febriyanti S. The folklore-based comic to increase Students’ motivation in physics learning. JEGYS. 2020;8(4):1471-82.
By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.