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Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications

Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 01.10.2013


This paper scrutinizes giftedness and gifted learners under the implications of multiple intelligence theory with regard to coaching young scientists. It is one of the pluralistic theories toward intelligence while supporting to view individuals as active participants during teaching and learning processes which correspond with the applications of gifted education. The history and general characteristics of the theory is explained to figure out why using multiple intelligence theory is beneficial for gifted learners, candidate of young scientists of the future under the reflection of some sample activities. Although benefits of the theory for the aforementioned era have been talked comprehensively, there are some criticisms toward theoretical perspectives and its applications, especially in Turkey. Generally, the paper tries to contribute the literature on the issue of gifted education by pointing out the use of multiple intelligence theory in several domains.


  • Aborn, M. (2006). An intelligent use for belief. [Electronic version]. Education, 127(1), 83-85.
  • Acat, M.B. (2005). Applicability of the Multiple Intelligence Theory to the Process of Organizing and Planning of Learning and Teaching. International Journal of Educational Reform, 14 (1), 54-72.
  • Akar, İ. & Sengil-Akar, Ş. (2012). İlköğretim okullarında görev yapmakta olan öğretmenlerin üstün yetenek kavramı hakkındaki görüşleri [Primary school in-service teachers’ perceptions of giftedness]. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 20(2), 423-436.
  • Akpinar, B. & Dogan, Y. (2011). Çoklu zekâ kuramına eleştirel bir bakış [A critical glance toward multiple intelligence theory]. Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, 36 (388), 5-12.
  • Bas, G. (2010). Türkiye’de çoklu zeka kuramının uygulanmasında yaşanan sorunlar [The problem experienced during the implementations of multiple intelligence theory in Turkey]. Eğitişim Dergisi, 25.
  • Birgili, B. & Calik, B. (2013).Gifted children’s education and a glance to Turkey .Journal of Gifted Education Research, 1(2), 67-77.
  • Cho, S. & Ahn, D. (2003). Strategy acquisition and maintenance of gifted and non-gifted young children. Council for Exceptional Children, 69(4), 497-505.
  • Cho, S. & Kim, H. (2003). Enrichment programs for nurturing creativity of the Korean gifted. Gifted Education International, 18(2), 153-162.
  • Corash, D.N. & Jones, M. (2012). Keeping young gifted students engaged through science. Understanding Our Gifted. Retrieved from: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ994367
  • Coskungonullu, R. (1998). The effects of multiple intelligences theory on 5th graders mathematics ability. Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Darga, H. (2010). Brigance K&1 Screen II ile ilköğretim 1. sınıfta saptanan üstün yetenekli çocuklara ve sınıf arkadaşlarına uygulanan zenginleştirme programının çoklu zekâ alanlarındaki performans düzeylerini arttırmaya etkisi [The effect of enrichment programme applied to gifted/highly superior intelligent children and their classmates determined from primary education 1st class level via Brigance k&1 screen II, on improving their performance levels in multiple intelligence field]. Yayınlanmamış Master Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Davis, K.,Christodoulou, J.A., Seider, S.& Gardner, H. (2011).The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In: Sternberg RJ, Kaufman SB Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. New York: Cambridge University Press,pp. 485-503.
  • Demirel, O., Akınoglu, O., Acat, M.B., Avanoglu, Y., Bagcioglu, G., Ozkan, B., Sayan, H., Sivaci, S.Y., Sahinel, S. & Talu, N. (1998). İlköğretimde çoklu zekâ kuramının uygulanması [Applications of multiple intelligence theory in elementary grades]. VII. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, SelçukÜniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Cilt I, 531-546.
  • Dillihunt, M. L. & Tyler, K. M. (2006). Examining the effects of multiple intelligence instruction on math performance. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching and Research, 2, 131-150.
  • Fasko, Jr. D. (2001). An analysis of multiple intelligences the oryandits use with the gifted and talented. Roper Review, 23 (3), 126-130.
  • Gardner, H. (1983), Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: Theory in Practice. New York Basic Books.
  • Gardner, H. & Moran, S. (2006). The science of multiple intelligences theory: A response to Lynn Waterhouse. Educational Psychologist, 41(4), 227-232.
  • Gouws, E. & Dicker, A-M. (2011). Teaching mathematics that addresses learners’ multiple intelligences. Africa Education Review, 8(3), 568-587.
  • Guilford, J. P. (1967). The nature of human intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Gurbuzoglu-Yalmanci, S. & Gozum, A.İ.C. (2013). The effects of multiple intelligence theory based teaching on students’ achievement and retention of knowledge (example of enzymes subject). International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 4(3), 27-36.
  • Han, K.S. (2007). The possibilities and limitations of gifted education in Korea: A look at the ISEP science-gifted education center. Asia Pasific Education Review, 8(3), 450-463.
  • Inal, K. (2013). Neoliberal eğitim ve yeni ilköğretim müfredatının eleştirisi [Neoliberal education and criticism of new elementary curriculum]. Praksis, 14, 265-287.
  • Johnsen, S.K. & Ryser, G.R. (1996). An overview of effective practices with gifted students in general-education settings.Journal of Education for the Gifted, 19(4), 379-404.
  • Kaptan, F. & Korkmaz, H. (2001).Çoklu zekâ kuramı tabanlı fen öğretiminin öğrenci başarısına ve tutumuna etkisi [The effects of multiple intelligence theory based science education to students’ achievement and attitude]. IV. Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Kongresi 2000, 169-174. Milli Eğitim Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Klein, P. D. (1997). Multiplying the problems of intelligence by eight: A critique of Gardner’s theory. Canadian Journal of Education, 22(4), 377-394.
  • Koroglu, H. & Yesildere, S. (2004). İlköğretim yedinci sınıf matematik dersi tamsayılar ünitesinde çoklu zekâ teorisi tabanlı öğretimin öğrenci başarısına etkisi [Learner achievement effect of the multiple intelligences theory based teaching in the unit of whole numbers at the primary education seventh grade mathematics course]. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 25-41.
  • Luhrmann, T. M. (2006). On spirituality. In J. A. Schaler (Ed.), Howard Gardner under fire: There be psychologist faces his critics, pp. 115-142. Chicago: Open Court.
  • Osciak, S.Y. & Milheim, W.D. (2001).Multiple intelligences and the design of web-based instruction. International Journal of Instructional Media, 28(4), 355-361.
  • Ozturk, M. A. & Debelak, C. (2008, Summer). Academic competitions as tools for differentiation in middle school. Gifted Child Today, 47-53.
  • Ozyilmaz-Akamca, G. & Hamurcu, H. (2005).Çoklu zeka kuramı tabanlı öğretimin öğrencilerin fen başarısı tutumları ve hatırda tutma üzerindeki etkileri [The effects of instruction based on multiple intelligence theory on students’ science achievement, attitudes and retention of knowledge]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28, 178-187.
  • Pava, M.L. (2008). Loving the distance between them: Thinking beyond Howard Gardner’s five minds for the future. Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 285-296.
  • Posner, M. I. (2004). Neural systems and individual differences. Teachers College Record, 106(1), 24-30.
  • Rotigel, J.V. & Fello, S. (2004). Mathematically gifted students: How can we meet their needs. Gifted Child Today, 27(4), 46-51.
  • Sak, U. (2010). Üstün Zekâlılar Özellikleri Tanılanmaları Eğitimleri [Characteristics, diagnosis and education of gifted individuals]. Ankara: Maya Akademi Yayınları.
  • Smutny, J.F. (2012). Differentiating for young, curious and imaginative learners.Retrieved from: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ984368.
  • Stepanek, J. (1999). The inclusive classroom. Meeting the needs of gifted students: Differentiating mathematics and science instruction. Nortwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Subotbik, R.F., Olszewski-Kubilius, P. & Worrell, F.C. (2012).Nurturing young genius. Scientific American Mind, 23, 50-57.
  • Sengul, S. & Oz, C. (2008).The effect of mathematics instruction based on multiple intelligence theory on the learner attitudes towards fractions unit in grade 6. Elementary Education Online, 7(3), 800-813.
  • Temiz, N. (2010). An action research on program development process for determining multiple intelligences profiles of 1st, 2 and 3rd graders Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Temur, Ö. D. (2007). The effects of teaching activities prepared according to the multiple intelligence theory on mathematics achievements and permanence of information learned by 4th grade students. International Journal of Environment & Science Education, 2(4), 86-91.
  • Tirri, K. (1997). How Finland meets the needs of gifted and talented pupils. High Ability Students, 8(2), 213-222.
  • Thorndike, E (1920). A constant error in psychological ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology,4, 25-29.
  • Thurstone, L. (1938). Primary mental abilities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Tucker, B. (1995). Minds of their own: Visualizers compose. English Journal, 84(8), 27-31.
  • Usun, S. (2010). İlköğretim I. Kademede çoklu zeka kuramı uygulamalarına ilişkin sınıf öğretmenlerinin görüşleri [Class teachers’ opinions toward multiple intelligence theory applications in elementary grades]. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayı, 12(22), 61-76.
  • VanTassel-Baska, J. & Brown, E.F. (2007). An analysis of the efficacy of curriculum models in gifted education. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(4), 342-358.
  • Villa, R.A., Thousand, J.S., Nevin, A. & Liston, A. (2005).Successful inclusive practices in middle and secondary schools. American Secondary Education, 33(3), 33-50.
  • Waterhouse, L. (2006). Inadequate evidence for multiple intelligences, mozart effect, and emotional intelligence theories. Educational Psychologist, 41 (4), 247–255.
  • White, D. A. & Breen, M. (1998). Edutainment: Gifted education and the perils of misusing multiple intelligence. Gifted Child Today, 4(2).
  • Yenilmez, K. & Bozkurt, E. (2006). Matematik eğitiminde çoklu zeka kuramına yönelik öğretmen düşünceleri [Teachers’ opinions about multiple intelligence theory in mathematics education]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12, 90-108.
  • Ziegler, A. (2009). Research on giftedness on the 21st century. Larisa V. Shavinina (Ed.), International Handbook on Giftedness, pp. 1509-1524. Canada: Springer.
  • Ziegler, A. & Phillipson, H. (2012). Towards a systematic theory of gifted education. High Ability Studies, 23(1), 3-30.
Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 1 - 12, 01.10.2013



  • Aborn, M. (2006). An intelligent use for belief. [Electronic version]. Education, 127(1), 83-85.
  • Acat, M.B. (2005). Applicability of the Multiple Intelligence Theory to the Process of Organizing and Planning of Learning and Teaching. International Journal of Educational Reform, 14 (1), 54-72.
  • Akar, İ. & Sengil-Akar, Ş. (2012). İlköğretim okullarında görev yapmakta olan öğretmenlerin üstün yetenek kavramı hakkındaki görüşleri [Primary school in-service teachers’ perceptions of giftedness]. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 20(2), 423-436.
  • Akpinar, B. & Dogan, Y. (2011). Çoklu zekâ kuramına eleştirel bir bakış [A critical glance toward multiple intelligence theory]. Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi, 36 (388), 5-12.
  • Bas, G. (2010). Türkiye’de çoklu zeka kuramının uygulanmasında yaşanan sorunlar [The problem experienced during the implementations of multiple intelligence theory in Turkey]. Eğitişim Dergisi, 25.
  • Birgili, B. & Calik, B. (2013).Gifted children’s education and a glance to Turkey .Journal of Gifted Education Research, 1(2), 67-77.
  • Cho, S. & Ahn, D. (2003). Strategy acquisition and maintenance of gifted and non-gifted young children. Council for Exceptional Children, 69(4), 497-505.
  • Cho, S. & Kim, H. (2003). Enrichment programs for nurturing creativity of the Korean gifted. Gifted Education International, 18(2), 153-162.
  • Corash, D.N. & Jones, M. (2012). Keeping young gifted students engaged through science. Understanding Our Gifted. Retrieved from: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ994367
  • Coskungonullu, R. (1998). The effects of multiple intelligences theory on 5th graders mathematics ability. Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Darga, H. (2010). Brigance K&1 Screen II ile ilköğretim 1. sınıfta saptanan üstün yetenekli çocuklara ve sınıf arkadaşlarına uygulanan zenginleştirme programının çoklu zekâ alanlarındaki performans düzeylerini arttırmaya etkisi [The effect of enrichment programme applied to gifted/highly superior intelligent children and their classmates determined from primary education 1st class level via Brigance k&1 screen II, on improving their performance levels in multiple intelligence field]. Yayınlanmamış Master Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Davis, K.,Christodoulou, J.A., Seider, S.& Gardner, H. (2011).The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In: Sternberg RJ, Kaufman SB Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. New York: Cambridge University Press,pp. 485-503.
  • Demirel, O., Akınoglu, O., Acat, M.B., Avanoglu, Y., Bagcioglu, G., Ozkan, B., Sayan, H., Sivaci, S.Y., Sahinel, S. & Talu, N. (1998). İlköğretimde çoklu zekâ kuramının uygulanması [Applications of multiple intelligence theory in elementary grades]. VII. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, SelçukÜniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Cilt I, 531-546.
  • Dillihunt, M. L. & Tyler, K. M. (2006). Examining the effects of multiple intelligence instruction on math performance. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching and Research, 2, 131-150.
  • Fasko, Jr. D. (2001). An analysis of multiple intelligences the oryandits use with the gifted and talented. Roper Review, 23 (3), 126-130.
  • Gardner, H. (1983), Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: Theory in Practice. New York Basic Books.
  • Gardner, H. & Moran, S. (2006). The science of multiple intelligences theory: A response to Lynn Waterhouse. Educational Psychologist, 41(4), 227-232.
  • Gouws, E. & Dicker, A-M. (2011). Teaching mathematics that addresses learners’ multiple intelligences. Africa Education Review, 8(3), 568-587.
  • Guilford, J. P. (1967). The nature of human intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Gurbuzoglu-Yalmanci, S. & Gozum, A.İ.C. (2013). The effects of multiple intelligence theory based teaching on students’ achievement and retention of knowledge (example of enzymes subject). International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 4(3), 27-36.
  • Han, K.S. (2007). The possibilities and limitations of gifted education in Korea: A look at the ISEP science-gifted education center. Asia Pasific Education Review, 8(3), 450-463.
  • Inal, K. (2013). Neoliberal eğitim ve yeni ilköğretim müfredatının eleştirisi [Neoliberal education and criticism of new elementary curriculum]. Praksis, 14, 265-287.
  • Johnsen, S.K. & Ryser, G.R. (1996). An overview of effective practices with gifted students in general-education settings.Journal of Education for the Gifted, 19(4), 379-404.
  • Kaptan, F. & Korkmaz, H. (2001).Çoklu zekâ kuramı tabanlı fen öğretiminin öğrenci başarısına ve tutumuna etkisi [The effects of multiple intelligence theory based science education to students’ achievement and attitude]. IV. Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Kongresi 2000, 169-174. Milli Eğitim Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Klein, P. D. (1997). Multiplying the problems of intelligence by eight: A critique of Gardner’s theory. Canadian Journal of Education, 22(4), 377-394.
  • Koroglu, H. & Yesildere, S. (2004). İlköğretim yedinci sınıf matematik dersi tamsayılar ünitesinde çoklu zekâ teorisi tabanlı öğretimin öğrenci başarısına etkisi [Learner achievement effect of the multiple intelligences theory based teaching in the unit of whole numbers at the primary education seventh grade mathematics course]. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 25-41.
  • Luhrmann, T. M. (2006). On spirituality. In J. A. Schaler (Ed.), Howard Gardner under fire: There be psychologist faces his critics, pp. 115-142. Chicago: Open Court.
  • Osciak, S.Y. & Milheim, W.D. (2001).Multiple intelligences and the design of web-based instruction. International Journal of Instructional Media, 28(4), 355-361.
  • Ozturk, M. A. & Debelak, C. (2008, Summer). Academic competitions as tools for differentiation in middle school. Gifted Child Today, 47-53.
  • Ozyilmaz-Akamca, G. & Hamurcu, H. (2005).Çoklu zeka kuramı tabanlı öğretimin öğrencilerin fen başarısı tutumları ve hatırda tutma üzerindeki etkileri [The effects of instruction based on multiple intelligence theory on students’ science achievement, attitudes and retention of knowledge]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28, 178-187.
  • Pava, M.L. (2008). Loving the distance between them: Thinking beyond Howard Gardner’s five minds for the future. Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 285-296.
  • Posner, M. I. (2004). Neural systems and individual differences. Teachers College Record, 106(1), 24-30.
  • Rotigel, J.V. & Fello, S. (2004). Mathematically gifted students: How can we meet their needs. Gifted Child Today, 27(4), 46-51.
  • Sak, U. (2010). Üstün Zekâlılar Özellikleri Tanılanmaları Eğitimleri [Characteristics, diagnosis and education of gifted individuals]. Ankara: Maya Akademi Yayınları.
  • Smutny, J.F. (2012). Differentiating for young, curious and imaginative learners.Retrieved from: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ984368.
  • Stepanek, J. (1999). The inclusive classroom. Meeting the needs of gifted students: Differentiating mathematics and science instruction. Nortwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Subotbik, R.F., Olszewski-Kubilius, P. & Worrell, F.C. (2012).Nurturing young genius. Scientific American Mind, 23, 50-57.
  • Sengul, S. & Oz, C. (2008).The effect of mathematics instruction based on multiple intelligence theory on the learner attitudes towards fractions unit in grade 6. Elementary Education Online, 7(3), 800-813.
  • Temiz, N. (2010). An action research on program development process for determining multiple intelligences profiles of 1st, 2 and 3rd graders Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Temur, Ö. D. (2007). The effects of teaching activities prepared according to the multiple intelligence theory on mathematics achievements and permanence of information learned by 4th grade students. International Journal of Environment & Science Education, 2(4), 86-91.
  • Tirri, K. (1997). How Finland meets the needs of gifted and talented pupils. High Ability Students, 8(2), 213-222.
  • Thorndike, E (1920). A constant error in psychological ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology,4, 25-29.
  • Thurstone, L. (1938). Primary mental abilities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Tucker, B. (1995). Minds of their own: Visualizers compose. English Journal, 84(8), 27-31.
  • Usun, S. (2010). İlköğretim I. Kademede çoklu zeka kuramı uygulamalarına ilişkin sınıf öğretmenlerinin görüşleri [Class teachers’ opinions toward multiple intelligence theory applications in elementary grades]. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayı, 12(22), 61-76.
  • VanTassel-Baska, J. & Brown, E.F. (2007). An analysis of the efficacy of curriculum models in gifted education. The Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(4), 342-358.
  • Villa, R.A., Thousand, J.S., Nevin, A. & Liston, A. (2005).Successful inclusive practices in middle and secondary schools. American Secondary Education, 33(3), 33-50.
  • Waterhouse, L. (2006). Inadequate evidence for multiple intelligences, mozart effect, and emotional intelligence theories. Educational Psychologist, 41 (4), 247–255.
  • White, D. A. & Breen, M. (1998). Edutainment: Gifted education and the perils of misusing multiple intelligence. Gifted Child Today, 4(2).
  • Yenilmez, K. & Bozkurt, E. (2006). Matematik eğitiminde çoklu zeka kuramına yönelik öğretmen düşünceleri [Teachers’ opinions about multiple intelligence theory in mathematics education]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12, 90-108.
  • Ziegler, A. (2009). Research on giftedness on the 21st century. Larisa V. Shavinina (Ed.), International Handbook on Giftedness, pp. 1509-1524. Canada: Springer.
  • Ziegler, A. & Phillipson, H. (2012). Towards a systematic theory of gifted education. High Ability Studies, 23(1), 3-30.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Book Review

Basak Calık This is me

Bengi Birgili This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Calık, B., & Birgili, B. (2013). Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 1(2), 1-12.
AMA Calık B, Birgili B. Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications. JEGYS. October 2013;1(2):1-12.
Chicago Calık, Basak, and Bengi Birgili. “Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 1, no. 2 (October 2013): 1-12.
EndNote Calık B, Birgili B (October 1, 2013) Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 1 2 1–12.
IEEE B. Calık and B. Birgili, “Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications”, JEGYS, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–12, 2013.
ISNAD Calık, Basak - Birgili, Bengi. “Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 1/2 (October 2013), 1-12.
JAMA Calık B, Birgili B. Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications. JEGYS. 2013;1:1–12.
MLA Calık, Basak and Bengi Birgili. “Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 1, no. 2, 2013, pp. 1-12.
Vancouver Calık B, Birgili B. Multiple Intelligence Theory for Gifted Education: Criticisms and Implications. JEGYS. 2013;1(2):1-12.