Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 47 - 59, 15.03.2020



  • Abdurrahman, A., Nurulsari, N., Maulina, H., Rahman, B., Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Multi-level Scaffolding : A Novel Approach of Physics Teacher Development Program for Promoting Content Knowledge Mastery. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 7(8), 71–89.
  • Ahmed, H. O. . (2016). Flipped Learning As A New Educational Paradigm: An Analytical Critical Study. European Scientific Journal, 12(10), 417–444. 10.19044/esj.2016.v12n10p417
  • America, L., Role, T., Chac, R., Giancarlo, F., & Orozco, L. (2019). Tensión entre democracia y autoritarismo en Latinoamérica y el rol del poder judicial. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 75–100.
  • Balsa, J. (2019). La metáfora del ‘ escenario ’ en la dinámica política y la valoración de la república parlamentaria en La lucha de clases en Francia y en El Dieciocho Brumario de Luis Bonaparte de Karl Marx. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(2), 220–238.
  • Becker, C., Lauterbach, G., Spengler, S., Dettweiler, U., & Mess, F. (2017). Effects of regular classes in outdoor education settings: A systematic review on students’ learning, social and health dimensions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(5), 1–20.
  • Diani, R., Irwandani, I., Al-Hijrah, A.-H., Yetri, Y., Fujiani, D., Hartati, N. S., & Umam, R. (2019). Physics Learning through Active Learning Based Interactive Conceptual Instructions (ALBICI) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran IPA, 5(1), 48.
  • El Islami, R. A. Z., Sari, I. J., Sjaifuddin, S., Nurtanto, M., Ramli, M., & Siregar, A. (2019). An Assessment of Pre-service Biology Teachers on Student Worksheets Based on Scientific Literacy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Habibi, B., Hartinah, S., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Lestari, F., Abdurrahman, A., & Jauhariyah, D. (2019). Factor Determinants of Teacher Professionalism as Development of Student Learning Education at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City, Indonesia. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(2), 125–134.
  • Hartati, S., Purnama, S., Heriati, T., & Kinarya, E. (2019). Empowerment Gifted Young Scientists ( GYS ) in Millennial Generation : Impact of Quality Improvement in Education of Gender Perspective. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(December), 885–898.
  • Hartinah, S., Suherman, S., Syazali, M., Efendi, H., Junaidi, R., Jermsittiparsert, K., & Umam, R. (2019). Probing-Prompting Based on Ethnomathematics Learning Model : The Effect on Mathematical Communication Skills. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(December), 799–814.
  • Huda, S., Anggraini, L., Saputri, R., Syazali, M., Umam, R., Islam, U., & Radenintan, N. (2019). Learning Model to Improve The Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts. PRISMA, 8(2), 173–181.
  • Jaimes, R. (2019). Democracia y administración pública en Venezuela. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 10–29.
  • Latifah, S., Irwandani, I., Saregar, A., Diani, R., Fiani, O., Widayanti, W., & Deta, U. A. (2019). How the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) learning strategy remediates students’ misconception on Temperature and Heat materials? Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1171(1).
  • Leder, G. C. (2019). Gender and Mathematics Education: An Overview (pp. 289–308).
  • Maskur, R., Syazali, M., & Utami, L. F. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Munifah, M., Huda, S., Hamida, U. D., Subandi, Syazali, M., & Umam, R. (2019). The Use of Management Strategies to Attract the Public ’ s Interest in Pesantren : A New Model for Pesantren Dynamics Study. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 8(8), 363–383.
  • Networks, S., Channels, D., Participation, C., Moreno, Z., & Trejo, G. Z. (2019). Redes sociales como canales de digi-impacto en la participación ciudadana. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 30–45.
  • Novalia, & Syazali, M. (2014). Olah Data Penelitian Pendidikan. Lampung: Aura Publishing.
  • Novoa, A., Johann, P., Morillo, P., & Inciarte, A. (2019). Educación en y para la democracia. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 60–74.
  • Ozsoy, Y. (2019). A General View to the Academic Journals in the Field of Gifted Education in Turkey. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(1), 40–53.
  • Pahrudin, A., Irwandani, Triyana, E., Oktarisa, Y., & Anwar, C. (2019). The analysis of pre-service physics teachers in scientific literacy: Focus on the competence and knowledge aspects. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 8(1), 52–62.
  • Rahmawati, R., Lestari, F., & Umam, R. (2019). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Learning in the Use of Learning Modules Against Student Learning Outcomes. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 2(3), 233–240.
  • Ramadhani, R., Huda, S., & Umam, R. (2019). Problem-Based Learning , Its Usability and Critical View as Educational Learning Tools. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(3), 219–231.
  • Sagala, R., Umam, R., Thahir, A., Saregar, A., & Wardani, I. (2019). The Effectiveness of STEM-Based on GenderDifferences: The Impact of PhysicsConcept Understanding. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 753–763.
  • Sondergaard, B. D., & Ryberg, T. (2018). Ninth Issue of The Journal of Problem Based Learing in Higher Education. Journal of Problem Basec Learning in Higher Education, 6(2).
  • Sriyakul, T., Umam, R., Jermsittiparsert, K., Development, T., Chi, H., City, M., … City, M. (2019). Internal Supply Chain Integration And Operational Performance Of Indonesian Fashion Industry Firms : A Supplier to Buyer Approach. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(2), 479–486.
  • Stacey, E., & Garbic, P. (2006). Teaching for Blended Learning: How is ICT Impacting on Distance and on Campus Education? In D. Kumar & T. J (Eds.), International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 210, Education for the 21th Century-Impact of ICT and Digital Resources (pp. 225–234). Boston: Springer.
  • Sumarni, S., Pertiwi, S. T. Y., Rukiyah, Andika, W. D., Astika, R. T., Abdurrahman, & Umam, R. (2019). Behavior in Early Childhood ( 2-3 ) Years : A Case Study on the Use of Gadgets in Social Environments. International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change, 8(8), 384–404.
  • Sumintono, B., & Widhiarso, W. (2014). Rasch Model Application for Social Sciences Research. Cimahi: Trimkomunikata.
  • Syahrir, S., Syazali, M., Maskur, R., Amrulloh, M. A., Sada, H. J., & Listiani, B. (2019). Calculus Module for Derivative Application Materials with an Islamic Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Syazali, M., Sari, N. R., Sukawati, S., Sari, W. R., Pertiwi, S. D., Putra, A., & Putra, F. G. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Linear Algebra Module with Problem-Based Learning Approach for Linear Equation System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Syazali, Muhamad. (2015). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving Berbantuan Maple II Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah. Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 6(1), 91–98.
  • Syazali, Muhamad, Putra, F. G., Rinaldi, A., Utami, L. F., Widayanti, Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Partial correlation analysis using multiple linear regression: Impact on business environment of digital marketing interest in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Management Science Letters, 9, 1875–1886.
  • Torii, C. V., & Carmen, A. (2013). The Impact of Educational Technology on the Learning Styles of Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 851–855.
  • Ulger, K. (2018). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on the Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking Disposition of Students in Visual Arts Education. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 12(1).

Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model

Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 47 - 59, 15.03.2020


Indonesia has many gifted young scientists, who need to get support and good opportunities to work. Numerical ability is one of element that must be mastered in mathematics. This study aims to determine the effect of numerical ability of students who take part in learning using the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning model with those who follow conventional learning models. The type of research is quasi experimental design. The instrument used was a numerical ability test on sequence topic and a series of essay tests. Data were analyzed from the results of the posttest using t-test. Based on the calculation results obtained tcount of 3,977 and ttable of 2,005, it can be concluded that ttable = table means that the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning model has a good impact on the numerical ability of students.


  • Abdurrahman, A., Nurulsari, N., Maulina, H., Rahman, B., Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Multi-level Scaffolding : A Novel Approach of Physics Teacher Development Program for Promoting Content Knowledge Mastery. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 7(8), 71–89.
  • Ahmed, H. O. . (2016). Flipped Learning As A New Educational Paradigm: An Analytical Critical Study. European Scientific Journal, 12(10), 417–444. 10.19044/esj.2016.v12n10p417
  • America, L., Role, T., Chac, R., Giancarlo, F., & Orozco, L. (2019). Tensión entre democracia y autoritarismo en Latinoamérica y el rol del poder judicial. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 75–100.
  • Balsa, J. (2019). La metáfora del ‘ escenario ’ en la dinámica política y la valoración de la república parlamentaria en La lucha de clases en Francia y en El Dieciocho Brumario de Luis Bonaparte de Karl Marx. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(2), 220–238.
  • Becker, C., Lauterbach, G., Spengler, S., Dettweiler, U., & Mess, F. (2017). Effects of regular classes in outdoor education settings: A systematic review on students’ learning, social and health dimensions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(5), 1–20.
  • Diani, R., Irwandani, I., Al-Hijrah, A.-H., Yetri, Y., Fujiani, D., Hartati, N. S., & Umam, R. (2019). Physics Learning through Active Learning Based Interactive Conceptual Instructions (ALBICI) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran IPA, 5(1), 48.
  • El Islami, R. A. Z., Sari, I. J., Sjaifuddin, S., Nurtanto, M., Ramli, M., & Siregar, A. (2019). An Assessment of Pre-service Biology Teachers on Student Worksheets Based on Scientific Literacy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Habibi, B., Hartinah, S., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Lestari, F., Abdurrahman, A., & Jauhariyah, D. (2019). Factor Determinants of Teacher Professionalism as Development of Student Learning Education at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City, Indonesia. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(2), 125–134.
  • Hartati, S., Purnama, S., Heriati, T., & Kinarya, E. (2019). Empowerment Gifted Young Scientists ( GYS ) in Millennial Generation : Impact of Quality Improvement in Education of Gender Perspective. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(December), 885–898.
  • Hartinah, S., Suherman, S., Syazali, M., Efendi, H., Junaidi, R., Jermsittiparsert, K., & Umam, R. (2019). Probing-Prompting Based on Ethnomathematics Learning Model : The Effect on Mathematical Communication Skills. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(December), 799–814.
  • Huda, S., Anggraini, L., Saputri, R., Syazali, M., Umam, R., Islam, U., & Radenintan, N. (2019). Learning Model to Improve The Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts. PRISMA, 8(2), 173–181.
  • Jaimes, R. (2019). Democracia y administración pública en Venezuela. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 10–29.
  • Latifah, S., Irwandani, I., Saregar, A., Diani, R., Fiani, O., Widayanti, W., & Deta, U. A. (2019). How the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) learning strategy remediates students’ misconception on Temperature and Heat materials? Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1171(1).
  • Leder, G. C. (2019). Gender and Mathematics Education: An Overview (pp. 289–308).
  • Maskur, R., Syazali, M., & Utami, L. F. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Munifah, M., Huda, S., Hamida, U. D., Subandi, Syazali, M., & Umam, R. (2019). The Use of Management Strategies to Attract the Public ’ s Interest in Pesantren : A New Model for Pesantren Dynamics Study. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 8(8), 363–383.
  • Networks, S., Channels, D., Participation, C., Moreno, Z., & Trejo, G. Z. (2019). Redes sociales como canales de digi-impacto en la participación ciudadana. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 30–45.
  • Novalia, & Syazali, M. (2014). Olah Data Penelitian Pendidikan. Lampung: Aura Publishing.
  • Novoa, A., Johann, P., Morillo, P., & Inciarte, A. (2019). Educación en y para la democracia. Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(3), 60–74.
  • Ozsoy, Y. (2019). A General View to the Academic Journals in the Field of Gifted Education in Turkey. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(1), 40–53.
  • Pahrudin, A., Irwandani, Triyana, E., Oktarisa, Y., & Anwar, C. (2019). The analysis of pre-service physics teachers in scientific literacy: Focus on the competence and knowledge aspects. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 8(1), 52–62.
  • Rahmawati, R., Lestari, F., & Umam, R. (2019). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Learning in the Use of Learning Modules Against Student Learning Outcomes. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 2(3), 233–240.
  • Ramadhani, R., Huda, S., & Umam, R. (2019). Problem-Based Learning , Its Usability and Critical View as Educational Learning Tools. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(3), 219–231.
  • Sagala, R., Umam, R., Thahir, A., Saregar, A., & Wardani, I. (2019). The Effectiveness of STEM-Based on GenderDifferences: The Impact of PhysicsConcept Understanding. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 753–763.
  • Sondergaard, B. D., & Ryberg, T. (2018). Ninth Issue of The Journal of Problem Based Learing in Higher Education. Journal of Problem Basec Learning in Higher Education, 6(2).
  • Sriyakul, T., Umam, R., Jermsittiparsert, K., Development, T., Chi, H., City, M., … City, M. (2019). Internal Supply Chain Integration And Operational Performance Of Indonesian Fashion Industry Firms : A Supplier to Buyer Approach. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(2), 479–486.
  • Stacey, E., & Garbic, P. (2006). Teaching for Blended Learning: How is ICT Impacting on Distance and on Campus Education? In D. Kumar & T. J (Eds.), International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 210, Education for the 21th Century-Impact of ICT and Digital Resources (pp. 225–234). Boston: Springer.
  • Sumarni, S., Pertiwi, S. T. Y., Rukiyah, Andika, W. D., Astika, R. T., Abdurrahman, & Umam, R. (2019). Behavior in Early Childhood ( 2-3 ) Years : A Case Study on the Use of Gadgets in Social Environments. International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change, 8(8), 384–404.
  • Sumintono, B., & Widhiarso, W. (2014). Rasch Model Application for Social Sciences Research. Cimahi: Trimkomunikata.
  • Syahrir, S., Syazali, M., Maskur, R., Amrulloh, M. A., Sada, H. J., & Listiani, B. (2019). Calculus Module for Derivative Application Materials with an Islamic Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Syazali, M., Sari, N. R., Sukawati, S., Sari, W. R., Pertiwi, S. D., Putra, A., & Putra, F. G. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Linear Algebra Module with Problem-Based Learning Approach for Linear Equation System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Syazali, Muhamad. (2015). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving Berbantuan Maple II Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah. Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 6(1), 91–98.
  • Syazali, Muhamad, Putra, F. G., Rinaldi, A., Utami, L. F., Widayanti, Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Partial correlation analysis using multiple linear regression: Impact on business environment of digital marketing interest in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Management Science Letters, 9, 1875–1886.
  • Torii, C. V., & Carmen, A. (2013). The Impact of Educational Technology on the Learning Styles of Students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 851–855.
  • Ulger, K. (2018). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning on the Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking Disposition of Students in Visual Arts Education. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 12(1).
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Differentiated Instruction

Novalia Haspani 0000-0003-1435-8890

Nur Ahid 0000-0001-5939-3978

Rahman Cahyadi 0000-0003-1262-7014

Rahma Faelasofi 0000-0001-9353-3102

Sindy Pertiwi 0000-0002-4162-3461

Fredi Ganda Putra 0000-0002-7517-4174

Kittisak Jermsittiparsert 0000-0003-3245-8705

Publication Date March 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Haspani, N., Ahid, N., Cahyadi, R., Faelasofi, R., et al. (2020). Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(1), 47-59.
AMA Haspani N, Ahid N, Cahyadi R, Faelasofi R, Pertiwi S, Ganda Putra F, Jermsittiparsert K. Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model. JEGYS. March 2020;8(1):47-59. doi:10.17478/jegys.665117
Chicago Haspani, Novalia, Nur Ahid, Rahman Cahyadi, Rahma Faelasofi, Sindy Pertiwi, Fredi Ganda Putra, and Kittisak Jermsittiparsert. “Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8, no. 1 (March 2020): 47-59.
EndNote Haspani N, Ahid N, Cahyadi R, Faelasofi R, Pertiwi S, Ganda Putra F, Jermsittiparsert K (March 1, 2020) Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 1 47–59.
IEEE N. Haspani, N. Ahid, R. Cahyadi, R. Faelasofi, S. Pertiwi, F. Ganda Putra, and K. Jermsittiparsert, “Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model”, JEGYS, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 47–59, 2020, doi: 10.17478/jegys.665117.
ISNAD Haspani, Novalia et al. “Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8/1 (March 2020), 47-59.
JAMA Haspani N, Ahid N, Cahyadi R, Faelasofi R, Pertiwi S, Ganda Putra F, Jermsittiparsert K. Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model. JEGYS. 2020;8:47–59.
MLA Haspani, Novalia et al. “Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 8, no. 1, 2020, pp. 47-59, doi:10.17478/jegys.665117.
Vancouver Haspani N, Ahid N, Cahyadi R, Faelasofi R, Pertiwi S, Ganda Putra F, Jermsittiparsert K. Numerical Skills Analysis Gifted Young Scientists: The Impact of the Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) Learning Model. JEGYS. 2020;8(1):47-59.