Aim & Scope

ISSN: 2667-5560

Journal of Education and New Approaches (JENA) aims to share original academic studies in the field of education and bring a new perspective to this field with an interdisciplinary approach.  In addition, it purposes to contribute to the field of education by publishing original studies, depicting current picture of educational process, pointing out the problem and proposing solutions.

Journal of Education and New Approaches is a peer reviewed international journal that began to be published as of the year 2018 in Turkish and English languages. The manuscripts such as theoretical and experimental researches, survey researches, proceedings, case studies, short reports, activities, biographies, book reviews and letters to the editor are published after they were evaluated as “it can be published as it is” by the referees. The manuscripts which are prepared in line with the spelling rules are sent to the referees for review by the editor-in-chief. This journal uses DOUBLE-BLIND REVIEW throughout the review process.  Based on the feedbacks of the referees, the editorial and advisory boards make the final decision. The authors take all kinds of responsibility (scientific, professional, legal, ethical etc.) of the articles published in our journal. The copyright of the published articles belongs to the journal and cannot be used without providing reference. In order to establish the scientific communication between researchers, the articles which are described below and are not published elsewhere are accepted Turkish or English.

The studies conducted in the field of EDUCATION are accepted by the journal.

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Last Update Time: 6/24/24, 1:43:26 PM

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