The manuscripts sent to Journal of Education and New Approaches should conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition in referencing and using footnotes.
For Authors
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be:
Research studies encompassing original scientific findings,
Studies conveying implementation examples with a scientific approach.
Compilation studies comprehensively evaluating significant developments on a specific subject
Manuscripts should be electronically uploaded to the system at the Journal of Education and New Approaches.
The manuscripts
cannot be published anywhere else and cannot be presented as proceedings
without the permission of the editorial board.
All or a part of the article cannot be used anywhere without reference.
The authors in the article should build consensus on the order of names.
While submitting
your manuscript, you may use the sample template. Please click the link below
for sample article.
Sample ArticleTemplate
Files should be attached to the manuscripts
1) The articles are reviewed together with the report of plagiarism IThenticate,
Turnitin, etc. If the plagiarism report is not added, the editorial board has
the right to deny the manuscript by checking it IThenticate software whether it
covers plagiarism.
2) Copyright ReleaseForm
The copyright of the articles is released by filling and signing the form on the journal website. The Copyright Release Form should be downloaded, signed and uploaded to the system as a PDF. Manuscripts of the authors who do not submit this form cannot be published.
3) Ethics Committee Approval Report
For studies submitted to our journal, ethics committee approval must be obtained for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethical committee decision and must be uploaded to the journal system, provided that they are documented.
Assoc. Dr. Fuat Serkan SAY
Telephone: +90-5323860809 (Editor-in-chief)