- It is the responsibility of the author (s) to ensure that the articles comply with scientific and ethical rules.
- The author must provide assurance that the paper is original, has not been published elsewhere before, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in another language.
- Copyright laws and agreements must be followed. Copyrighted materials (e.g. tables, figures or large quotations) must be used with appropriate permission and attribution.
- The work of other authors, contributors or references should be used appropriately and cited in the references.
- All authors must have a direct academic and scientific contribution to the submitted paper. In this context, an “author” is someone who has made a significant contribution to the conceptualization and design of a published study, the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data, and who has served in writing the manuscript or reviewing it critically for content. Other conditions for becoming an author are to plan or execute and/or edit the paper. Funding, data collection, or general supervision of the research group alone do not provide the contributer to be one of the authors of the paper.
- All individuals nominated as authors must meet all of the listed criteria, and any individual who meets the above criteria may be accepted as authors.
- The order of authors' names should be a joint decision. All authors must indicate their author order in the signed Copyright Agreement Form.
- All individuals who do not meet the criteria for authorship but contributed to the study should be listed in the "acknowledgments / information" section. Examples of these include people who only provide technical support, help with writing, or just provide general support, or financial and material support.
- All authors must disclose any financial relationships, conflicts of interest, or competing interests that could potentially influence the results of the research or scientific evaluation.
- If an author detects a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her published manuscript, it is the author's responsibility to promptly contact and cooperate with the editor to correct or retract such inaccuracies. It is not possible to make any changes on the paper after the journal is published.
- The data used by the authors in the research should be real and authentic. Based on real data, an objective discussion should be presented in the paper.
Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools
- Authors should be careful when using artificial intelligence tools. In particular, documents, tables, graphics, pictures, etc. produced by artificial intelligence carry the risk of violating copyrights. In addition, it should not be ignored that such productions may constitute plagiarism. The reproduction, summarisation or creation of mixed forms of written texts, photographs, paintings, etc., artworks, graphics and paintings with artificial intelligence tools, whose author and source are known, are considered as a violation of intellectual property, copyrights and the plagiarism policy of the journal. Authors who use artificial intelligence tools in their study should clearly indicate in which parts of the work and in what ways they use these tools.
- Since submitted manuscripts are considered confidential documents, the editor(s) and referees should not upload all or any part of the manuscript to a generative AI tool, as it may violate the authors' privacy and property rights and data confidentiality, and if the manuscript contains personally identifiable information. The journal follows COPE's AI-Writing policies on the use of AI and the Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Generative AI in Scientific Research and Publication Activities of Higher Education Institutions.
- The publisher, editors and editorial board are not responsible for the views expressed by the authors and the scientific and legal content of the articles published in the journal. Authenticity, having the manuscript read by more readers and legal consequences related to errors are the responsibilities of the authors.
Editors and Reviewers
- Manuscripts are evaluated without prejudice and without any discrimination by the Editor(s).
- Editors ensures that the articles submitted for publication undergo fair double-blind peer review.
- Editors guarantee that all information regarding submitted articles will remain confidential until the article is published.
- Editors are responsible for the content and overall quality of the publication.
- If necessary, an error page is published or corrections are made.
- Chief editor does not allow conflict of interest among authors, editors and referees.
- He/she has full authority to appoint referees and is responsible for making the final decision regarding the articles to be published in the journal.
- JEP editors should have ethical duties and responsibilities in accordance with the “COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.
- If the editors determine or learn from a third party that a published paper contains a significant error or inaccuracy, they may take measures such as immediate correction of the article, withdrawal of the article, or requesting evidence from the authors regarding the accuracy of the article. Besides, if necessary, they may withdraw the paper from the journal.
- Reviewers should not have conflicts of interest with the authors, and/or the financial sponsors of the research.
- They must make an objective decision as a result of their evaluation.
- The reviewers must ensure that all information regarding the submitted manuscripts is kept confidential, and if they notice any copyright violations or plagiarism caused by authors, they must report it to the editor.
- If the referee does not feel qualified about the subject of the article or does not seem able to provide timely feedback, he/she should inform the editor of this situation and ask not to include him/her in the referee process.
- During the evaluation process, the editor clearly states that the articles transferred to the referees for review are the private property of the authors and that this is a privileged communication.
Referees and editorial board members cannot discuss articles with other people. - Care should be taken to keep the identity of the referees confidential.
- In some cases, by the decision of the editor and the comments of the relevant referees on the article can be sent to other referees who commented on the same article in order to inform the referees in detail.
- Manuscripts submitted to JEP are first subjected to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board in terms of compliance with the journal principles. Manuscripts that do not fall within the scope of the journal or do not comply with a scientific article format in terms of content and form requirements may be rejected or some changes may be requested before the referee process is initiated. As a result of the evaluation of the Editorial Board, the article is directed to the Field Editor. Articles submitted in accordance with JEP's publication rules are transferred to two referees for evaluation who are well-known in that field. JEP uses a blind referee system in the evaluation process. If one of the two referees gives a positive report and the other gives a negative report, the article is sent to the third referee or the Editorial Board reviews the referee reports and makes the final decision.
In works submitted to JEP, authors must take into account the criticism and suggestions of the referees and the Editorial Board. If there are points they disagree with regarding the referee's criticism, they have the right to object with their reasons. - In the JEP referee evaluation process, the editor completes the preliminary evaluation phase within 1 week. The evaluation period of the referees is 15 days, and if the author requests corrections, the correction period is also 15 days. The entire evaluation process of an article is expected to be completed within 20-40 days. However, due to the lack of timely response from the referees, reappointment of referees, etc., the referee evaluation process may take longer.
- Author(s) who submit articles to JEP are deemed to accept the referee evaluation conditions and process of the Journal.
- Rejected articles are not taken into the re-publication process.