JEP subjects the submitted articles to a detailed peer review process to evaluate their scientific quality and originality. The reviewers are expected to provide a rigorous and impartial evaluation.
The peer review process consists of the following stages:
Firstly, the Editorial Board makes a general evaluation of the submitted article. Articles that do not pass this stage are not accepted and are not sent for peer review.
Reasons for rejection of an article may be due to the following reasons:
1- Failure to comply with the template
2- Failure to provide the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.
3- The paper can be out of the scope of the journal.
4- Poor academic quality
In cases the decision of the Editorial Board is to reject the paper, the author(s) are informed.
Papers that successfully pass the evaluation of the Board of Editors are transferred to double-blind peer review. Articles are anonymously evaluated by at least two referees in the relevant field. If both referee reports are negative, the manuscript is rejected and the author(s) are informed.
If one referee report is positive and one referee report is negative, the manuscript is sent to a third referee for evaluation.
If corrections are requested by one or two referees, the author(s) are obliged to make the necessary revisions within 15 days and resubmit the article. Revised manuscripts are re-evaluated by the same referees.
If both referee reports are positive, the manuscript is sent back to the Editorial Board for a final decision. Accepted articles are queued according to their acceptance dates and published in the next issues. The decisions of the Editorial Board are irreversible.