Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 9/30/22

Year: 2022

  • Journal of Economics and Research (JER) covers current academic issues in the fields of Economics and Administrative Sciences. By publishing studies that are promising in the development of current academic issues, JER considers both bringing researchers who are interested in the same subject together and contributing to these issues as the main goal.

  • The fields that Journal of Economics and Research (JER) would consider for publishing are:
    – Economics
    – Business
    – Finance
    – Public Finance
    – Econometrics
    – Public Management and Political Science
    – International Relations
    – Labor Economics and Industrial Relations
  • Journal of Economics and Research (JER) is open for submissions at academic level not only from academicians but also from students, researchers and practioners who work at private companies and professional institutions.


1) The whole paper should be typed in Times New Roman font.
2) The title of the paper should be in Times New Roman, 14 font size, Bold, centered and all letters should be capitalized.
3) Names of the author(s) should be placed after the title with 1 ENTER gap (12 font size gap), aligned right, in Times New Roman font, font size 12, Bold, italic. The last name of the author(s) should be capitalized and only the initial letter of the name should be capitalized, all other letters should be in lowercase. If there is more than 1 author, each additional author’s name should be on a new line. Each author should have a superscript number (as a footnote reference). In the footnote should be the title of the author, University (institution), e-mail, ORCID iD information in Times New Roman font with font size 8.
4) Before the main text, title in Turkish and Öz (abstract) in Turkish, followed by the title in English and Abstract in English should be placed. Abstracts in Turkish and English, each, should have between 100-200 words. Abstracts should be in Times New Roman font with font size 10. If the language of the paper is other than Turkish, the Turkish abstract should be placed after the abstract in the language of the paper.
5) Papers should be typed by using Word 97-2003, on A4 paper size, with margins 2.5 cm from right, 3 cm from left, 2 cm from top and 2.3 cm from bottom, single-line spacing, justified, paragraphs are separated 6 pt before and after, should not exceed 20 pages.
6) There should not be more than one space between words, punctuation marks should be placed right after the word that is preceding them. There should be one space right after punctuation marks. The first line of each paragraph of text should be 1 cm indented from the left margin. There should not be any line jump between paragraphs.
7) “INTRODUCTION,” “CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION,” and “REFERENCES” headings should not be numbered, all letters should be capital, aligned left and bold.
8) Section headings: Main headings should be justified, all capitalized, bold and 12 font size.
9) Subheadings: Subheadings should be bold, left aligned, only first letters capitalized. After the subheading, there should be a new paragraph beginning.
10) Figures, tables and photos should be within margins and, if necessary, each should be placed on a separate page. Title of each should be typed in Times New Roman font with font size 12, bold, numbered (e.g., Table 1.), and named in Turkish or English, depending on the context. Numbers and titles should be placed above tables and below figures. Only the first letters of the title should be capitalized. If necessary, captions and abbreviations should be placed right below the figures, tables and photos with font size 8. The text size within the table or figure should be 10. In addition, references to tables and figures should be below them with font size 8.
11) References:
• In-text references should be placed right after the related texts, in parenthesis; last name of the author, publication year and page number should be given respectively (e.g., Smith, 2001: 28).
• In the case of more than one in-text reference, references should be in the same parenthesis, listed according to the alphabetic order, separated from each other by semi column (e.i., Smith, 2001: 120; Johns, 2018: 74).
• In the case of references with two authors, the word “and” should be placed between last names (e.i., Smith and Johns, 2008: 74); with more than two authors, “et al.” should come right after the last name of the first author (Smith et al., 2001: 425). If the name of the author is mentioned within the text, the year and page number in a parenthesis should be given (e.i., (1990:28)). Two references published by the same author in the same year may be shown by adding a letter next to right of the publication year (e.i., (Smith, 2003a: 25), (Smith, 2003b: 58).
• For an in-text reference that cannot be accessible, the reference that cites this inaccessible reference should be placed in the parenthesis, as well (e.g., Smith, 1911: 75, as cited in Johns, 1998: 25)
• To reference a hand-written (ancient, classical) work in the text, the abbreviation “hw” should come right after the name of the author or translator in a parenthesis and sheet number should be included. The full reference should be placed in the list of references (e.i., Ahmedî, [hw] 1410: 7b).
• To reference an archival document, in text citation should be in the format of the following: (BCA, Mühimme 15: 25). The full citation should be in the reference list.
• Direct quotations should be cited with quotation mark and the source should be given in parenthesis at the end. Direct quotations with fewer than or equal to 5 lines should be within the same paragraph and italic. Direct quotations with more than 5 lines should be placed in a free-standing block, on a new line, 1 cm indented from the left margin and italic. For indirect quotations, at the end of the indirect quotation, the source may be placed in a parenthesis.
• All the references cited in the text should be in the list of references at the end. Those references that are not cited in the text, regardless of their reference quality, should not be placed in the list of references. The list of references should be after the main text and listed according to the last names of authors. For those references that goes back to before the last name law was enacted, they are listed according to the names of the authors.
• The indentation for the list of references should be in the form of “hanging” by 1 cm.
ALL THE REFERENCES SHOULD BE IN APA (American Psychological Association) FORMAT.

Important note: You may download the paper template HERE. Uploading your paper according to the template is the prerequisite for the peer-review process to start.   

  • Names and e-mail addresses on the Journal of Economics and Research site will be used only for the stated purposes of the Journal of Economics and Research; They will not be made available for any other purpose or for the use of other persons. The author(s) are obliged to fill in, sign and send the Copyright Agreement, which is located in the Author's Guide section, to the Journal of Economics and Research. The similarity rate in the submitted papers should not exceed 20% according to the iThenticate program report.
  • JER is published twice a year (April and September) and does not charge authors any fees.
  • Papers that are submitted are subject to peer-review process. JER applies double-blind peer-review system. This way, neither party sees each other's identity. The article evaluation process is concluded between 1-5 months.
  • Ethics Committee Approval must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines, including Social Sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and ani must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines, including Social Sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals, requiring Ethical Committee Decision, according to the TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria, and this approval should be stated and documented in the paper.
  • JER includes academic studies in Turkish and English languages.
  • Ethics Committee Approval

Due to the publication activities it carries out, our journal does not charge any fees for its works and transactions such as article submission/process management/publication.