Innovative approaches and modified criteria to improve a thermodynamic efficiency of trigeneration plants
Year 2024,
, 27 - 39, 31.03.2024
Andrii Radchenko
Mykola Radchenko
Serhiy Forduy
Oleksandr Rizun
Zielikov Oleksii
Viktor Khaldobin
Victor Sichko
Trigeneration plants (TGP) desired for combined production of electricity, heat and refrigeration are highly flexible to follow current loading. But their highest efficiency might be possible only when heat production coincides with its consumption, which is generally impossible in traditional TGP with applying the absorption lithium-bromide chiller (ACh) converting the heat, released from combustion engine in the form of hot water, into refrigeration. Usually, the excessive heat of hot water, not consumed by ACh, is removed to the atmosphere through emergency radiator. However, the well-known methods of TGP efficiency assessment do not consider those heat losses and give the overestimated magnitudes of efficiency for conventional TGP with ACh. The application of booster ejector chiller (ECh), as an example, for utilization of the residual waste heat, remained from ACh and evaluated about 25%, has been proposed to produce supplementary refrigeration for cooling cyclic air of driving combustion engine to increase its electrical efficiency by 3-4 %. In the case of using the supplementary refrigeration for technological or other needs the heat efficiency of TGP will increase to about 0.43 against 0.37 for typical TGP with ACh as example. The new modified criteria to assess a real efficiency of conventional TGP, based on ACh, are proposed which enable to reveal the way of its improvement through minimizing the heat waste. Such combined two-stage waste heat recovery system of TGP can be considered as the alternative to the use of back-up gas boiler to pick up the waste heat potential for conversion by ACh to meet increased refrigeration needs.
- [1] Kornienko, V, Radchenko, M, Radchenko, A, Koshlak, H, Radchenko, R. Enhancing the Fuel Efficiency of Cogeneration Plants by Fuel Oil Afterburning in Exhaust Gas before Boilers. Energies 2023, 16, 6743, DOI: 10.3390/en16 186743.
- [2] Kornienko V, Radchenko R, Stachel A, Andreev A, Pyrysunko M. Correlations for Pollution on Condensing Surfaces of Exhaust Gas Boilers with Water-fuel Emulsion Combustion. In: Tonkonogyi V, Ivanov V, Trojanowska J, Oborskyi G, Edl M, Kuric I, Pavlenko I, Dasic P, editors. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Selected Papers from the Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes (InterPartner-2019), Odessa, Ukraine, 10–13 September 2019. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 530–539, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-40724-7_54.
- [3] Radchenko, M, Yang, Z, Pavlenko, A, Radchenko, A, Radchenko, R, Koshlak, H, Bao, G. Increasing the efficiency of turbine inlet air cooling in climatic conditions of China through rational designing—Part 1: A case study for subtropical climate: general approaches and criteria. Energies 2023; 16: 6105, DOI: 10.3390/en16176105.
- [4] Serbin, S, Radchenko, M, Pavlenko, A, Burunsuz, K, Radchenko, A, Chen, D. Improving Ecological Efficiency of Gas Turbine Power System by Combusting Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixtures. Energies 2023; 16(9): 3618, DOI: 10.3390/en16093618.
- [5] Zhu, P, Yao, J, Qian, C, Yang, F, Porpatham, E, Zhang, Z, Wu, Z. High-efficiency conversion of natural gas fuel to power by an integrated system of SOFC, HCCI engine, and waste heat recovery: Thermodynamic and thermo-economic analyses. Fuel 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117883.
- [6] Radchenko M, Radchenko R, Kornienko V, Pyrysunko M. Semi-Empirical Correlations of Pollution Processes on the Condensation Surfaces of Exhaust Gas Boilers with Water-Fuel Emulsion Combustion. In: Ivanov V, Pavlenko I, Liaposhchenko O, Machado J, Edl M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II. DSMIE 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME). Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp.853-862, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22365-6_85.
- [7] Radchenko A, Radchenko M, Konovalov A, Zubarev A. Increasing electrical power output and fuel efficiency of gas engines in integrated energy system by absorption chiller scavenge air cooling on the base of monitoring data treatment. HTRSE-2018, 6 p. E3S Web of Conferences 70, 03011 (2018), HTRSE-2018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20187003011.
- [8] Radchenko M, Radchenko A, Mikielewicz D, Kosowski K, Kantor S, Kalinichenko I. Gas turbine intake air hybrid cooling systems and their rational designing. In: V International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Power Systems and Units (MPSU 2021). E3S Web of Conferences 2021; 323. 00030, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202132300030.
- [9] Radchenko, A, Scurtu, I-C, Radchenko, M, Forduy, S, Zubarev, A. Monitoring the efficiency of cooling air at the inlet of gas engine in integrated energy system. Thermal Science, Part A 2022; 26(1): 185–194, DOI:10.2298/TSCI200711344R.
- [10] Forduy S, Radchenko A, Kuczynski W, Zubarev A, Konovalov D. Enhancing the Fuel Efficiency of Gas Engines in Integrated Energy System by Chilling Cyclic Air. In: Tonkonogyi V, Ivanov V, Trojanowska J, Oborskyi G, Edl M, Kuric I, Pavlenko I, Dasic P, editors. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Selected Papers from the Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes (InterPartner-2019), Odessa, Ukraine, 10–13 September 2019. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 500–509, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-40724-7_51.
- [11] Freschi, F, Giaccone, L, Lazzeroni, P, Repetto, M. Economic and environmental analysis of a trigeneration system for food-industry: A case study. Appl. Energy 2013; 107: 157–172, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.02.037.
- [12] Marques, RP, Hacon, D, Tessarollo, A, Parise, JAR. Thermodynamic analysis of trigeneration systems taking into account refrigeration, heating and electricity load demands. Energy Build. 2010; 42, 2323–2330, DOI:10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.07.026.
- [13] Konovalov D, Kobalava H, Radchenko M, Scurtu I-C, Sviridov V: Determination of the Evaporation Chamber Optimal Length of a Low-Flow Aerothermopressor for Gas Turbines. In: Tonkonogyi, V. et al. (eds.) Advanced Manufacturing Processes II. InterPartner 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021, pp. 654-663.
- [14] Konovalov, D, Tolstorebrov, I, Eikevik, TM, Kobalava, H, Radchenko, M, Hafner, A, Radchenko, A. Recent Developments in Cooling Systems and Cooling Management for Electric Motors. Energies 2023; 16: 7006, DOI: 10.3390/en16197006.
- [15] Yang, Z, Radchenko, M. Radchenko, A, Mikielewicz, D, Radchenko, R. Gas turbine intake air hybrid cooling systems and a new approach to their rational designing. Energies 2022; 15: 1474, DOI:10.3390/en15041474.
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Year 2024,
, 27 - 39, 31.03.2024
Andrii Radchenko
Mykola Radchenko
Serhiy Forduy
Oleksandr Rizun
Zielikov Oleksii
Viktor Khaldobin
Victor Sichko
- [1] Kornienko, V, Radchenko, M, Radchenko, A, Koshlak, H, Radchenko, R. Enhancing the Fuel Efficiency of Cogeneration Plants by Fuel Oil Afterburning in Exhaust Gas before Boilers. Energies 2023, 16, 6743, DOI: 10.3390/en16 186743.
- [2] Kornienko V, Radchenko R, Stachel A, Andreev A, Pyrysunko M. Correlations for Pollution on Condensing Surfaces of Exhaust Gas Boilers with Water-fuel Emulsion Combustion. In: Tonkonogyi V, Ivanov V, Trojanowska J, Oborskyi G, Edl M, Kuric I, Pavlenko I, Dasic P, editors. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Selected Papers from the Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes (InterPartner-2019), Odessa, Ukraine, 10–13 September 2019. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 530–539, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-40724-7_54.
- [3] Radchenko, M, Yang, Z, Pavlenko, A, Radchenko, A, Radchenko, R, Koshlak, H, Bao, G. Increasing the efficiency of turbine inlet air cooling in climatic conditions of China through rational designing—Part 1: A case study for subtropical climate: general approaches and criteria. Energies 2023; 16: 6105, DOI: 10.3390/en16176105.
- [4] Serbin, S, Radchenko, M, Pavlenko, A, Burunsuz, K, Radchenko, A, Chen, D. Improving Ecological Efficiency of Gas Turbine Power System by Combusting Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixtures. Energies 2023; 16(9): 3618, DOI: 10.3390/en16093618.
- [5] Zhu, P, Yao, J, Qian, C, Yang, F, Porpatham, E, Zhang, Z, Wu, Z. High-efficiency conversion of natural gas fuel to power by an integrated system of SOFC, HCCI engine, and waste heat recovery: Thermodynamic and thermo-economic analyses. Fuel 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117883.
- [6] Radchenko M, Radchenko R, Kornienko V, Pyrysunko M. Semi-Empirical Correlations of Pollution Processes on the Condensation Surfaces of Exhaust Gas Boilers with Water-Fuel Emulsion Combustion. In: Ivanov V, Pavlenko I, Liaposhchenko O, Machado J, Edl M. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II. DSMIE 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME). Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp.853-862, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22365-6_85.
- [7] Radchenko A, Radchenko M, Konovalov A, Zubarev A. Increasing electrical power output and fuel efficiency of gas engines in integrated energy system by absorption chiller scavenge air cooling on the base of monitoring data treatment. HTRSE-2018, 6 p. E3S Web of Conferences 70, 03011 (2018), HTRSE-2018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20187003011.
- [8] Radchenko M, Radchenko A, Mikielewicz D, Kosowski K, Kantor S, Kalinichenko I. Gas turbine intake air hybrid cooling systems and their rational designing. In: V International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Power Systems and Units (MPSU 2021). E3S Web of Conferences 2021; 323. 00030, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202132300030.
- [9] Radchenko, A, Scurtu, I-C, Radchenko, M, Forduy, S, Zubarev, A. Monitoring the efficiency of cooling air at the inlet of gas engine in integrated energy system. Thermal Science, Part A 2022; 26(1): 185–194, DOI:10.2298/TSCI200711344R.
- [10] Forduy S, Radchenko A, Kuczynski W, Zubarev A, Konovalov D. Enhancing the Fuel Efficiency of Gas Engines in Integrated Energy System by Chilling Cyclic Air. In: Tonkonogyi V, Ivanov V, Trojanowska J, Oborskyi G, Edl M, Kuric I, Pavlenko I, Dasic P, editors. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Selected Papers from the Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes (InterPartner-2019), Odessa, Ukraine, 10–13 September 2019. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 500–509, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-40724-7_51.
- [11] Freschi, F, Giaccone, L, Lazzeroni, P, Repetto, M. Economic and environmental analysis of a trigeneration system for food-industry: A case study. Appl. Energy 2013; 107: 157–172, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.02.037.
- [12] Marques, RP, Hacon, D, Tessarollo, A, Parise, JAR. Thermodynamic analysis of trigeneration systems taking into account refrigeration, heating and electricity load demands. Energy Build. 2010; 42, 2323–2330, DOI:10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.07.026.
- [13] Konovalov D, Kobalava H, Radchenko M, Scurtu I-C, Sviridov V: Determination of the Evaporation Chamber Optimal Length of a Low-Flow Aerothermopressor for Gas Turbines. In: Tonkonogyi, V. et al. (eds.) Advanced Manufacturing Processes II. InterPartner 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021, pp. 654-663.
- [14] Konovalov, D, Tolstorebrov, I, Eikevik, TM, Kobalava, H, Radchenko, M, Hafner, A, Radchenko, A. Recent Developments in Cooling Systems and Cooling Management for Electric Motors. Energies 2023; 16: 7006, DOI: 10.3390/en16197006.
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