Son yıllarda, monolitik uygulamaların günümüzün hızlı değişimine beklenilen cevabı verememesinin sonucu olarak uygulama geliştirilmesi sırasında mikro servis mimarisi sıklıkla tercih edilir hale gelmiştir. Birçok monolitik uygulama mikro servis mimarisi kullanılarak daha küçük servislere bölünmeye başlanmıştır. Bu durum mikro servis mimarisi ile uygulama geliştirilmesi sırasında farklı yaklaşımların ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Model güdümlü geliştirme yaklaşımı da bunlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada, mikro servis mimari modeli ve model güdümlü mühendislik hakkında genel bilgiler paylaşıldıktan sonra mikro servis mimarisi kullanılarak restful web servislerinin geliştirilmesi sırasında yazılım geliştirme yaşam döngüsünde model güdümlü bir yaklaşım önerilmiştir. Ayrıca, yaklaşımın uygulanabilirliği ve faydaları örnek bir çalışma üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir.
Aleksandra Kwiecien, 2019. “10 companies that implemented the microservice architecture and paved the way for others” [Online], Available [Accessed:24-12-2020].
Branko Terzić, Vladimir Dimitrieski, Slavica Kordić, Gordana Milosavljević, Ivan Luković, 2017. “MicroBuilder: A Model-Driven Tool for the Specification of REST Microservice Architectures”.
Branko Terzić, Vladimir Dimitrieski, Slavica Kordić, Ivan Luković , 2018. “A Model-Driven Approach to Microservice Software Architecture Establishment”.Compliant Services”, IEEE International Conference on Web Services
Florian Haupt; Dimka Karastoyanova; Frank Leymann; Benjamin Schroth, 2014. “A Model-Driven Approach for REST
Nicolas Ferry, Marcos Almeida and Arnor Solberg, 2017. “The MODAClouds Model-Driven Development”.
Noureen, A.; Amjad, A.; Azam, 2016. “ F. Model Driven Architecture - Issues, Challenges and Future Directions”. J. Softw. ,11, 924–933, doi:10.17706/jsw.11.9.924-933.
Viet-Cuong Nguyen, 2015.” Model Driven Testing of Web Applications Using Domain Specific Language”,
Vitaliy Schreibmann and Peter Braun ,2015. “Model-driven Development of RESTful APIs”. WEBIST 2015-11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies.
X. Qafmolla, V. Nguyen, 2010. “Automation of Web Services Development Using Model-driven Techniques. In Institute of Electronics Engineers”, The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), pp. 190-194.
Year 2020,
Volume: 8 Issue: 5, 142 - 148, 29.12.2020
In recent years, microservice architecture has become frequently preferred as a result of monolithic applications not responding to the rapid change of today. Many monolithic applications started to be divided into smaller services using the microservice architecture, which caused different approaches to emerge during application development with the microservice architecture. Model-driven development approach is one of them. In this study, after sharing the general information about the microservice architecture model and model-driven engineering, a model-driven approach in the software development life cycle is proposed during the development of restful web services using microservice architecture. In addition, the applicability and benefits of the approach were evaluated through a sample study.
Aleksandra Kwiecien, 2019. “10 companies that implemented the microservice architecture and paved the way for others” [Online], Available [Accessed:24-12-2020].
Branko Terzić, Vladimir Dimitrieski, Slavica Kordić, Gordana Milosavljević, Ivan Luković, 2017. “MicroBuilder: A Model-Driven Tool for the Specification of REST Microservice Architectures”.
Branko Terzić, Vladimir Dimitrieski, Slavica Kordić, Ivan Luković , 2018. “A Model-Driven Approach to Microservice Software Architecture Establishment”.Compliant Services”, IEEE International Conference on Web Services
Florian Haupt; Dimka Karastoyanova; Frank Leymann; Benjamin Schroth, 2014. “A Model-Driven Approach for REST
Nicolas Ferry, Marcos Almeida and Arnor Solberg, 2017. “The MODAClouds Model-Driven Development”.
Noureen, A.; Amjad, A.; Azam, 2016. “ F. Model Driven Architecture - Issues, Challenges and Future Directions”. J. Softw. ,11, 924–933, doi:10.17706/jsw.11.9.924-933.
Viet-Cuong Nguyen, 2015.” Model Driven Testing of Web Applications Using Domain Specific Language”,
Vitaliy Schreibmann and Peter Braun ,2015. “Model-driven Development of RESTful APIs”. WEBIST 2015-11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies.
X. Qafmolla, V. Nguyen, 2010. “Automation of Web Services Development Using Model-driven Techniques. In Institute of Electronics Engineers”, The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), pp. 190-194.